


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ces misshapen or fused sensory organs in the chick.
2 al ganglion cells project their axons in the chick.
3  using experimental embryology in ovo in the chick.
4 ontogeny of the anterior tongue cartilage in chick.
5  two cell types hodologically defined in the chick.
6 ion and cell cycle analyses in the embryonic chick.
7  more, and parents preferentially feed those chicks.
8  mass recession occurred in 73% of all study chicks.
9 lection at 1, 3, and 9 days postinfection in chicks.
10 neration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in chicks.
11 ntroduced this mutant pool into day-of-hatch chicks.
12  to a potential predator attack than control chicks.
13 d apply it to posthatch zebra finch songbird chicks.
14 r of species studied, parents ignore begging chicks.
15 e infections and complementation analysis in chicks.
16 in turn leads to mimicry in parasite eggs or chicks [1-7].
17 almost 20%) among common tern Sterna hirundo chicks, a well-studied species long-established as growi
18 nsgenic mouse, Tg(COL2A1-ACAN), that has the chick ACAN coding sequence driven by the mouse COL2A1 pr
19             Maternal FO consumption enriched chick adipose tissue in EPA and DHA and reduced adiposit
20                                Expression of chick aggrecan in the rescue embryos notably increased C
21           Conversely Lmx1a (or cLmx1b in the chick) allows sensory organ segregation by antagonizing
22                                   Use of the chick also allowed us to merge histological, immunochemi
23 r the hormonal environment of the developing chick and analyzed macrophages cultured from male, femal
24 ell migration at three progressive stages in chick and identify and establish hierarchical relationsh
25 nd epicardial progenitor cell development in chick and in mouse coronary vascular formation.
26                                  Using frog, chick and mice, we analyzed the regulation of Prdm12 and
27 n- and loss-of-function manipulations in the chick and mouse embryo show that Neurog3 switches ventra
28        Through experiments conducted in both chick and mouse embryos we have developed a model explai
29 stablishment of corneal avascularity in both chick and mouse embryos.
30 il factors and Zeb2 fulfil a similar role in chick and mouse in directly repressing ectodermal cadher
31                                   Using both chick and mouse models, we shed light on the mechanism r
32 al actin cable and adherens-junctions within chick and mouse neuroepithelial cells.
33 nd their comparison with counterparts in the chick and mouse pretectum.
34 indlimb motor axon guidance, suggesting that chick and mouse PTPRO have different substrate specifici
35                   Here, we show that in both chick and mouse the cerebellar Atoh1 precursor pool is p
36                   This mechanism operates in chick and mouse, is dependent on actin-myosin contractio
37 buted throughout the epithelium, in both the chick and mouse.
38 gand vary dynamically across the PSM of both chick and mouse.
39 n tyrosine phosphatases has diverged between chick and mouse.
40 ression patterns evolved differently between chick and mouse.
41                                          The chick and quail animal models have yielded most of the i
42 of the morphogen Sonic hedgehog (SHH) in the chick and zebra finch, two species that differ in size d
43 e conflicting theories have been reported in chick and zebrafish.
44 ayed start of breeding with lighter eggs and chicks and lower breeding success the following breeding
45 ith that of sternal cartilage development in chicks and mice.
46                     Corticosterone-implanted chicks and their siblings were faster in responding to a
47 ed for Salmonella to colonize and persist in chicks and were not previously associated with this abil
48  cycle during segmentation in the zebrafish, chick, and mouse, and provide in vivo measurements of en
49 on to form multinucleated myotubes in mouse, chick, and zebrafish.
50 tructed and evaluated in vitro, in 1-day-old chicks, and in 2-week-old chickens.
51 ously known to be needed during infection in chicks, and one of these (STM1297) suggests an important
52 building nests, incubating eggs, feeding the chicks, and protecting them from predators.
53 water colony, being detected among 34-38% of chicks annually.
54 re of the radioactive Mr 27,000 band by anti-chick apolipoprotein A-I antibodies confirmed its identi
55 tic birds [2,3,7], which might also occur in chick appearances when arms races escalate.
56 is claim unjustifiably assumes that domestic chicks are unbiased when choosing between identical stim
57                                    Using the chick as a model, we found a precise and dynamic express
58 vidual mixed lineage progenitor cells in the chick as these cells offer a window into the cell fate d
59  Chronic activity-deprivation paradigms in a chick auditory nucleus lead to a lengthening of the AIS
60 g along the developing tonotopic axis of the chick basilar papilla (BP) identified a gradient of Bmp7
61 y, however the UAV detected up to 52.4% more chicks because chicks were camouflaged and invisible to
62                     In our first experiment, chicks begged significantly longer in response to the od
63  of neural differentiation in the elongating chick body axis to provide the first analysis of transcr
64 hypothalamus, pons, and medulla of posthatch chick brains, but not in some areas that are among the m
65 bryo corresponds to Snail2/P-cadherin in the chick, but both Snail factors and Zeb2 fulfil a similar
66 which favours rejection of parasitic eggs or chicks by host parents, and in turn leads to mimicry in
67                          This indicates that chicks can extract the common proportional value shared
68           A new study shows that some cuckoo chicks can help deter nest predators, potentially improv
69                           We treat embryonic chick cardiac cells with a potassium channel blocker, wh
70                                  In isolated chick cardiomyocytes and sections from canine heart, we
71 ptC show decreased commensal colonization of chick ceca and reduced colonization of BALB/cByJ mice co
72 lion cells, our transcriptomes of developing chick cells also contained representation from multiple
73 n NE and bacterial dynamics and functions in chicks challenged with C. perfringens.
74 s primarily based on investigations in quail-chick chimeras involving fate mapping of neural crest ce
75 nd scarring was explored in HDFs, zebrafish, chick chorioallantoic membrane assay (CAM), and a porcin
76 wn to inhibit angiogenesis in vivo using the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay by the inhibition o
77 ation and neuroblastoma tumour growth in the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay.
78 o culture of newborn condylar cartilage on a chick chorioallantoic membrane showed that after 5 d the
79               By contrast, hair cells in the chick cochlea and the zebrafish lateral line are able to
80                                          The chick cochlear nucleus, nucleus magnocellularis (NM), ex
81                                    Using rat-chick coelomic grafts, neural tube cultures, and gut exp
82              Deltaape1 was also impaired for chick colonization and adhesion, invasion, intracellular
83 so showed significantly reduced fitness in a chick colonization model.
84 uni in low temperatures and favors swimming, chick colonization, and cell adhesion/invasion.
85 oral expression of semaphorin 6B (Sema6B) in chick commissural neurons suggested a receptor role in a
86 eatments to remove polySia substrates during chick cornea development, and in vitro, using neuronal e
87 P) antagonist we detected by analysis of the chick cranial mesoderm.
88  Here, we examined these questions using the chick cranial neural crest (NC).
89  crest cells is one component of EMT and, in chick cranial neural crest cells, involves cadherin-6B (
90       In this study, we observed a defect in chick cranial skeleton, especially parietal bone develop
91                In both years, the commercial chick crumb acted as a control treatment, whilst those w
92 to two groups and reared with (i) commercial chick crumb or (ii) crumb plus a combination of 1% mealw
93  three groups and reared with (i) commercial chick crumb, (ii) crumb plus 1% live mealworm or (iii) c
94  the regulation of muscle progenitors during chick development has not been investigated.
95 spatially distinct subpopulations within the chick dorsal neural tube.
96                                          The chick early B-cell factor 1 (cEbf1) is a member of EBF f
97 able of targeted migration in the developing chick embryo and extensive colonization of the adult mou
98 effects of sildenafil on the fetus using the chick embryo and hypothesised that sildenafil also prote
99                                      In vivo chick embryo angiogenesis assay again confirms the antia
100                              Here, using the chick embryo as a model, we show that, at the junction,
101 Blocking spontaneous network activity in the chick embryo by infusing lidocaine in vivo triggers syna
102 cumulated in different tumor xenografts in a chick embryo CAM model.
103 current, INa, based on 30 year old data from chick embryo cell aggregates).
104                                  We used the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay to tes
105 tly reduced HepG2 tumor growth in a modified chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay, assoc
106 sent study we tested the hypothesis that the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) can be used
107 of mouse aortic rings and neoangiogenesis in chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane.
108                              Here, using the chick embryo close to hatching, a well-accepted model fo
109                Under appropriate conditions, chick embryo corneal fibroblasts can produce an extracel
110  lines and in vivo in the neural tube of the chick embryo including developing motor neurones.
111                                    Using the chick embryo model, here we show that sildenafil treatme
112                                       In the chick embryo model, structural malformations induced by
113 o maintain their ability to metastasize in a chick embryo model.
114 epted animal models of metastasis, mouse and chick embryo models, both the overexpression and knock-o
115  intrinsically disordered phosphoprotein, in chick embryo skeletal development, and using circular di
116 hat synaptic upscaling could be triggered in chick embryo spinal motoneurons by complete blockade of
117                               We show in the chick embryo that Sdf1 expression is tightly coordinated
118    Heart development before septation in the chick embryo was studied under two hyperglycemic conditi
119 spensions and ventricular tissue from day 16 chick embryo were collected and analyzed for comparison
120                    Here, we show that in the chick embryo, E-cadherin is weakly expressed in the epib
121                                           In chick embryo, Ebp1 was expressed in the dermomyotome, an
122 tect against fetal growth restriction in the chick embryo, supporting the idea that the protective ef
123                                       In the chick embryo, the earliest known factor is cVg1 (homolog
124                                     In early chick embryo, we found that inducing high glucose levels
125                                    Using the chick embryo, we uncover novel genes in the gene regulat
126 n of the foregut and heart tube in the early chick embryo.
127 ntiation and following ectopic expression in chick embryonic otic epithelium.
128 ression of alternative codon-derived DPRs in chick embryonic spinal cord confirmed in vitro data, rev
129 aggregation both in vitro and in vivo in the chick embryonic spinal cord.
130  was created to accomplish culture of 10 day chick embryonic ventricular cardiomyocytes subject to 4
131                                       Day 10 chick embryonic ventricular CM (3.5 x 10(4) cell cluster
132 le of cEbf1 was first detailed in somites of chick embryos (from HH8 to HH28).
133                                              Chick embryos (n = 11 per group) were incubated in normo
134 growth factor (FGF)-ERK signaling pathway in chick embryos in vitro and in vivo demonstrated that blo
135                       Zebrafish, Xenopus and chick embryos largely show consistent requirements for s
136                       MicroRNA inhibition in chick embryos leads to increased BAF60a or BAF60b levels
137 head of frog or the cephalic neural crest of chick embryos show that Cubn is required during early so
138  Inhibition of Ssdp1/2 activity in mouse and chick embryos suppresses the generation of motor neurons
139              Here, we combine experiments on chick embryos with computational modeling to explore a n
140  in vitro (cultured dorsal spinal neurons of chick embryos) and in vivo (developing chick spinal comm
141                                  Finally, in chick embryos, blocking the Wnt5a function in the caudal
142 nsplanted into the neural tube of developing chick embryos, iPSCMNs selectively targeted muscles norm
143                                           In chick embryos, Pax7 is an early marker, and necessary co
144                                           In chick embryos, skeletal muscle formation is initiated by
145       Here we describe a new approach, using chick embryos, to discover organizers based on a common
146  of the cranial versus trunk neural crest in chick embryos, we identified and characterized regulator
147                                        Using chick embryos, we show that the hypoxic cellular respons
148  required for NC delamination in Xenopus and chick embryos, whereas they do not affect the motile pro
149 ysed in reporter gene assays in cells and in chick embryos.
150 hicken mu-chain (VLR(PE)Tmu) into developing chick embryos.
151 nvironment during early developing stages of chick embryos.
152 ts engraft and adopt a metastatic program in chick embryos.
153 tor expression in the neural plate border of chick embryos.
154 m quails that are grafted into the coelom of chick embryos.
155 rived tongue mesenchyme in mouse, but not in chick, embryos during early tongue morphogenesis.
156 gani et al. presented evidence that domestic chicks employ a "mental number line." I argue that the h
157 ound August and that the rapid growth of the chicks enabled them to reach a robust size before the au
158  target gene expression in mouse embryos and chick ex vivo assays.
159 lization of polySia in embryonic day (E)5-14 chick eyefronts and E9 trigeminal ganglia were identifie
160 is were markedly up-regulated in choroids of chick eyes during the recovery from induced myopia, and
161 ish and carrion), analysis of delta(15) N in chick feathers identified a three-guild community struct
162                      However, delta(15) N in chick feathers, which reflected trophic (level) speciali
163 ds decreased bone ossification in developing chick femora (6%) and tibiae (11%).
164  hosts or foster parents to rear the foreign chicks for them.
165 spiracles (ems)] RGCs in mouse neocortex and chick forebrain and found evidence for both sequential a
166 he robustness of this technique in mouse and chick forebrain development, and show evidence that CLoN
167 nts of active motors and clutches: embryonic chick forebrain neurons (ECFNs; optimum approximately 1
168 ous delayed population in any sectors of the chick forebrain.
169                                              Chicks from both maternal diet groups were fed the same
170                                              Chicks from cross-fostered eggs responded significantly
171 ies, with the majority of mutations found in chicks from the Hamilton Harbour site closest to industr
172           Here we trained 4-day-old domestic chicks (Gallus gallus) to respond to stimuli depicting m
173                        On high-LCPUFA diets, chicks grew faster, were in better condition, and had gr
174 and recorded their foraging behaviour during chick guarding.
175  normal chicks, the highly myopic-astigmatic chicks had significantly higher expression of all three
176 reduced rainfall - but the mean body mass of chicks has not changed.
177                             In Experiment 2, chicks identified a specific proportion (2:1) from eithe
178            Biotinylated rabbit polyclonal to chick IgY (rIgPxcIgY) and phosphorylthioate-modified oli
179 uantity and quality of food for Tree Swallow chicks in a full factorial design.
180 en exposed artificial prey to naive domestic chicks in a laboratory setting following a 2 x 3 design
181 alternative to the culling of 1-day-old male chicks in laying hen production.
182        In predictable and good environments, chicks in worse condition beg more, and parents preferen
183 dynamically expressed during early stages of chick inner ear formation.
184 with this prediction, analysis of developing chick inner ear revealed that ligand-producing hair cell
185                            A nest of begging chicks invites an intuitive explanation: needy chicks wa
186         Using serum-free primary cultures of chick lens epithelial cells (DCDMLs), we investigated ho
187                    For example, in mouse and chick Lhx3 plays a pivotal role in the development of bo
188 ycle clock in polarizing region cells of the chick limb bud times the duration of Sonic hedgehog (Shh
189 nations of MafB, cFos and cJun in developing chick limb buds control the number of apoptotic cells, a
190  Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing in chick limb buds identified potential target genes and re
191 ecifically expressed in apoptotic regions of chick limb buds, and MafB/cFos heterodimers repressed ap
192 amine the linkage between these processes in chick limb cartilage.
193                                 In contrast, chick mandibular ganglion neurons are located rostrally
194                                 Firstly, (i) chick mass was negatively associated with extremely rece
195 ntial toxicity of PCB enantiomers to newborn chicks may be different from that of adults.
196  integrin beta-1 (CA*beta1) in the embryonic chick mesencephalon, enhances neurogenesis and increases
197                                       In the chick, Miz1 is expressed throughout the neural plate and
198 ates from this second clade were tested in a chick model of infection and exhibited a reduced coloniz
199 scular junctions (NMJs) when cocultured with chick myofibers for several weeks.
200 CKS is known to be phosphorylated by Cdk5 in chick neural cells while Grin1 has not been reported to
201 sses the generation of motor neurons in both chick neural tube and mouse embryonic stem cells, sugges
202 nant-negative Ptch1 mutant in the developing chick neural tube had no effect on Shh-mediated patterni
203 d loss-of-function studies in mouse NPCs and chick neural tube show that Prox1 is sufficient and nece
204                  In the developing mouse and chick neural tube, hindbrain serotonergic neurons and sp
205   Using high-resolution live-cell imaging in chick neural tube, we uncover a form of cell subdivision
206 mains of neural progenitors in the mouse and chick neural tube.
207 essary for planar spindle orientation in the chick neuroepithelium.
208                           By cross-fostering chicks of different age between nests, we successfully p
209 nd lower basal metabolic rates compared with chicks on both low LCPUFA diets.
210 we show that in the developing zebrafish and chick optic vesicle, in which cdon and ptc1 are expresse
211                                  Finally, no chick or adult was recaptured away from its natal site a
212  we found that overexpression of Ntn1 in the chick otic vesicle prevented canal fusion by inhibiting
213 f signaling pathway regulators to developing chick otocysts, we show that BMP signaling regulates the
214        Premature misexpression of NeuroD1 in chick partially recapitulates the amphibian condition by
215  wheat, spelt and rye) and four gluten-free (chick pea, lupin, buckwheat, amaranth) flours were used
216 nd antioxidant properties were determined in chick-pea, green and red lentils and sweet chestnut flou
217  migrant-migrant pairs, and fledged 0.7 more chicks per year on average.
218 r broods 6 days earlier and fledged 0.2 more chicks per year than migrant males and females on averag
219 position was more important for Tree Swallow chick performance than food quantity.
220 ation defect of cNCCs, resulting in abnormal chick pharyngeal arch development.
221    The resulting Ran-SPION-rIgPxcIgY carries chick polyclonal to microtubule-associated protein 2 (MA
222                                              Chicks preferentially retained LCPUFA in brain and muscl
223                                              Chick premigratory cranial neural crest cells reduce Cad
224 gulation of Tbx5 expression in the embryonic chick proepicardial organ and proepicardial-specific del
225                Overexpression of Tbx5 in the chick proepicardial organ impaired coronary blood vessel
226  forced expression of GATA family members in chick PSM explants blocks induction of hedgehog-dependen
227                                  Here, using chick/quail chimeric grafting and subsequent identificat
228 ificant changes in the locations of suitable chick-rearing habitats over the period of 1982-2010.
229 re changes in habitat suitability during the chick-rearing period based on historic satellite observa
230 competition between these species during the chick-rearing period by comparing their foraging behavio
231 longed or shortened by approximately 25% the chick-rearing period of 42 breeding pairs.
232                    Yet, the possibility that chicks recognise parental odour at hatching has been com
233 uption of ZBP1 function in vivo in mouse and chick resulted in commissural axon guidance errors.
234 nduce complete regeneration of the embryonic chick retina from stem/progenitor cells present in the e
235 omes from individual cells isolated from the chick retina throughout retinogenesis.
236 s with electrophysiology and in vitro CSD in chick retina with intrinsic optical imaging, we addresse
237                                       In the chick retina, we find that GCR is expressed by progenito
238 dulator selective for NR2A, at 3 muM, in the chick retina.
239 ing influences the formation of MGPCs in the chick retina.
240 glia-derived progenitor cells (MGPCs) in the chick retina.
241 nes, RGC axons from goldfish, zebrafish, and chick retinal explants avoided rat M1-4 but freely cross
242 pocampal neurons and goldfish, zebrafish and chick retinal explants.
243                           A subpopulation of chick retinal projection neurons becomes tetraploid duri
244                       Thus, the paradigmatic chick retinotectal projection, due to its neighborhood p
245 compared with available experimental data on chick's duodenum and can be applied to other intestinal
246                              Again, at test, chicks selectively responded to the previously reinforce
247 e dense material, and docked mitochondria in chick sensory and Aplysia bag cell neurons growing rapid
248 ear of the growth cone and along the axon of chick sensory neurons.
249           Here we show that in the embryonic chick, Shh is expressed transiently in prechordal mesode
250 Here, we present evidence of polymorphism in chick skin coloration in a cuckoo-host system: the fan-t
251 ly, the number and tightness of loops in the chick small intestine can be increased or decreased dire
252             Next, focusing on the developing chick small intestine, we determined that Bmp2 expressed
253 ns of chick embryos) and in vivo (developing chick spinal commissural axons and rat callosal axons) f
254                   Here, using the developing chick spinal cord and the mouse visual system to ectopic
255  proliferation via repression of NFIA during chick spinal cord development.
256               Using dorsal patterning of the chick spinal cord we found that Daam2 promotes Wnt signa
257 ing interneuron generation in the developing chick spinal cord, we demonstrated that they correlate t
258  branching of sensory axons growing into the chick spinal cord.
259 and not EphB receptor signaling in mouse and chick spinal motor axons.
260 tions ( summation operatorOCs) in Great skua chicks (Stercorarius skua) in Shetland by food supplemen
261 le and liver from Hamilton Harbour cormorant chicks suggests that these cormorants are exposed to and
262 cant influence of maternal wintering area on chicks' summation operatorOCs.
263 xpression of Lin28B and Let-7a in developing chick sympathetic ganglia.
264                                 Here, we use chick sympathetic neuroblasts to examine the normal func
265 by MYCN/ALK cooperation, we used cultures of chick sympathetic neuroblasts.
266 d suppressed AS differentiation in mouse and chick systems.
267                Here we show that Zebra Finch chicks (Taeniopygia guttata) are capable of identifying
268 ior-posterior and medial-lateral axes of the chick tectum using microarray based transcriptional prof
269                             Here we compared chick tendon fibroblasts (CTFs) at three stages of embry
270                                   We show in chick that two different tissues, namely the lateral hea
271 eg more, and preferentially feed the biggest chicks that beg less.
272 parents in some species even neglect smaller chicks that beg more, and preferentially feed the bigges
273 change prior to fledging for 313 common tern chicks that successfully fledged from two discrete popul
274                                              Chicks that were provisioned at higher rates were more l
275 nly apparent for individuals who had fledged chicks the year before.
276                                           In chick, the driver of cluster pattern is tensile force fr
277                              Thus, unlike in chick, the murine villus patterning system is independen
278            We found that, compared to normal chicks, the highly myopic-astigmatic chicks had signific
279 s after the onset of incubation, and newborn chick tissues.
280 CBs 95, 132, and 149 occurred in the newborn chick tissues.
281                          All birds cared for chicks until normal fledging age, resulting in birds wit
282 we performed gain-of-function studies in the chick using in ovo electroporation, and loss-of-function
283      Rugani et al. tested 3-day-old domestic chicks using an innovative experimental setup and demons
284  of visual stimuli in newly hatched domestic chicks using filial imprinting, suggesting that statisti
285 y mRNA-Seq) of hair cell regeneration in the chick utricle.
286 icks invites an intuitive explanation: needy chicks want to be fed and parents want to feed them.
287 te enantioselectivity for PCB 135 in newborn chicks was observed.
288                                    Using the chick, we show that isolated EMT events and ingression o
289                            In this study, in chicks, we revise the neurochemical identity of the isth
290                                              Chicks were assigned to a Control diet and BEOs diet (Co
291 UAV detected up to 52.4% more chicks because chicks were camouflaged and invisible to ground observer
292                                              Chicks were weighed every 5 days and plasma summation op
293 e, our results strongly suggest that, in the chick, whereas the feedback from the SLu to the TeO is i
294  1 pellet (110 mg) produced heavier eggs and chicks, whereas males exposed to 1 pellet presented an i
295 showed summation operatorOCs 50% higher than chicks whose mothers wintered in Africa.
296                                Nevertheless, chicks whose mothers wintered in Europe showed summation
297 nt of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling in the chick wing bud specifies cells with three antero-posteri
298  protein-expressing cells from early to late chick wing buds, we demonstrate that distal mesenchyme c
299 ion of Shh signalling at a specific stage of chick wing development results in a pattern of four digi
300                                        Prior chick work indicated that digit phalanges and their asso

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