


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es in terms of caring for patients with this chief complaint.
2 as primary care treatable, we identified the chief complaint.
3 andinka, and Soninke) presented with various chief complaints.
4 on rehabilitation were asked, "What are your chief complaints about your vision?" before their appoin
5 ormality, renal insufficiency, arrival mode, chief complaint, admission diagnosis, and abnormal vital
6  the Dental Program, and resolution of their chief complaint (all p < 0.04).
7          By the end of the study period, top chief complaints among those undergoing CT included head
8      By the end of the study period, the top chief complaints among those who underwent CT were abdom
9 pathologic migration was determined from the chief complaint and patient awareness o tooth movement i
10  that require identifying and copying (e.g., chief complaints and diagnoses), and data that require a
11 , and less likely to enroll into care with a chief complaint (AOR, 0.08; 95% CI, .05-.12).
12 Disease Control and Prevention, incorporates chief complaints but not data from the whole encounter n
13                   To determine whether these chief complaints correspond to nonemergency ED visits, w
14 92.9% versus 70.3% for surveillance with the chief complaint field (difference, 22.6%; P < 0.001).
15 the whole encounter note was superior to the chief complaint field alone.
16  true case of influenza was 2.3 by using the chief complaint field model.
17 ore accurate than a model that uses only the chief complaint field.
18  visits associated with CT for all evaluated chief complaints increased-most substantially among thos
19 olics Anonymous meeting location, having the chief complaint of bizarre behavior (i.e., grossly inapp
20 ce of highly active anti-retroviral therapy, chief complaint of fever, low serum sodium and low hemog
21 with a diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis and a chief complaint of gingival enlargement affecting mastic
22  man presented to an outside facility with a chief complaint of headache and pain behind his right ey
23  with metastatic melanoma presented with the chief complaint of pulmonary infiltrates.
24 cal Care Survey, 1989-1999, by adults with a chief complaint of sore throat.
25 e, patient (proband X, [Px]) reported with a chief complaint of tooth mobility and gingival enlargeme
26  A 72-year-old white female presented with a chief complaint of tooth mobility in the right posterior
27   A 61-year-old white man presented with the chief complaint of wanting to replace his posterior mand
28         A survey of the literature regarding chief complaints of periodontal patients support these h
29 d, she was admitted to our hospital with the chief complaints of vomiting and diarrhea.
30                                          Her chief complaint pertained to the unesthetic appearance o
31 acteristics, and disposition associated with chief complaints related to nonemergency ED visits.
32 eatable ED discharge diagnoses were the same chief complaints reported for 88.7% (95% CI, 88.1%-89.4%
33 s and our modification of the algorithm, the chief complaints reported for these ED visits with prima
34                      Eye symptoms may be the chief complaint, so MC should be considered in any patie
35 t incorporate other clinical factors such as chief complaint that may inform necessity for ED care.
36 amined all ED visits with this same group of chief complaints to ascertain the ED course, final dispo
37                                          The chief complaint was vomiting after intake of cow' milk f
38                              The most common chief complaints were gastroenterological (17%) and abno
39                                          The chief complaints were poor feeding and weight loss.
40                                The top three chief complaints were related to pain, respiratory distr

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