


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f the missing bricks for the wall, exists in chlamydiae.
2 sglycosylation reactions occur in pathogenic Chlamydiae.
3 tion required live, transcriptionally active chlamydiae.
4 pholipase D (PLD) enzyme family varies among chlamydiae.
5 orate developmental regulation mechanisms in chlamydiae.
6 the site of attachment of surface-associated chlamydiae.
7 nsfer of genes between the rodent-associated Chlamydiae.
8 n of active disease were positive for ocular chlamydiae.
9 e 1 (Th1) response, which effectively clears chlamydiae.
10 nduced artificially with known quantities of chlamydiae.
11 n of the host ERK-cPLA2 signaling pathway by chlamydiae.
12 e of the cycle and in the infectious form of chlamydiae.
13 er infection, even in the presence of viable chlamydiae.
14 ndent on the size of the inoculating dose of chlamydiae.
15 centrations sufficient to kill intracellular chlamydiae.
16 d features related to the complex biology of chlamydiae.
17 t AHNAK is transiently recruited by invading chlamydiae.
18 ing that these genes are conserved among the chlamydiae.
19 osely homologous to those of hsp10s of other chlamydiae.
20 d were also less susceptible to infection by chlamydiae.
21 rescein-1, succinimidyl ester) conjugated to chlamydiae.
22 ectly examined the pH of vesicles containing chlamydiae.
23 t time the presence of PG in a member of the Chlamydiae.
24 ity to survive and are proficient killers of chlamydiae.
25 ce biochemical and physiological analyses of chlamydiae.
26  did not impact development of intracellular chlamydiae.
27 ired for optimal growth of the intracellular chlamydiae.
28 f multivesicular bodies to the intracellular chlamydiae.
29 ensis is a novel organism closely related to chlamydiae.
30                                              Chlamydiae, a diverse group of obligate intracellular pa
31          As obligate intracellular bacteria, chlamydiae actively modify their vacuole to exploit host
32              Modifying the ratio of phage to chlamydiae altered the course of infection and affected
33 e and characterized by decreased shedding of chlamydiae and an infection of shorter duration.
34 e shed approximately 3 logs fewer infectious chlamydiae and are protected from genital tract inflamma
35 is and C. pneumoniae MOMP exposure on intact chlamydiae and immunogenic properties might be because t
36  shown to inhibit intracellular infection by chlamydiae and mycobacteria in macrophages.
37 of the GT and may influence the clearance of chlamydiae and the development of tubal pathology.
38 dual deletion mutants were used to transform chlamydiae and the transformants were characterized phen
39  molecular and cellular interactions between chlamydiae and their host and large-scale prospective im
40 ry infection, shed high levels of infectious chlamydiae, and did not resolve the infection until 3 to
41 d spondyloarthritis continue to suggest that chlamydiae, and perhaps other pathogens function in the
42 karyotic cells that were similar to those of chlamydiae, and the microspheres were competitively inhi
43  have included numerous species of bacteria, chlamydiae, and viruses.
44                                              Chlamydiae appeared to exit the cell either (i) through
45  the response was dependent upon the dose of chlamydiae applied.
46         These pathobiotype differences among chlamydiae are also mirrored in their early interactions
47                                              Chlamydiae are bacterial parasites that carry out a dist
48              Overall, our findings show that chlamydiae are capable of the induction of interferon an
49                                              Chlamydiae are important pathogens and symbionts with un
50 s, reminiscent of effects seen in vitro when chlamydiae are incubated with gamma interferon.
51                                              Chlamydiae are intracellular bacteria that develop withi
52 nlike other intracellular bacteria, however, chlamydiae are metabolically inactive extracellularly an
53                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that enco
54                                          The chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that occu
55                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that repl
56                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that repl
57                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that repl
58                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen
59                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen
60                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen
61                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen
62                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular gram-negative bact
63                                          The chlamydiae are obligate intracellular parasites that dev
64                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular parasites which mu
65                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular pathogens that can
66                                              Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular pathogens that eff
67                                          The chlamydiae are obligate intracellular pathogens that occ
68                                          The Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular pathogens that rep
69                                  Endocytosed chlamydiae are trafficked to the Golgi region and begin
70                                              Chlamydiae are widespread Gram-negative pathogens of hum
71 dritic cells (DC) pulsed ex vivo with killed chlamydiae as a novel approach to vaccination against ch
72   The enhanced production of this antigen by chlamydiae as a result of iron limitation is of particul
73  type III secretion systems of environmental chlamydiae at macromolecular resolution and find support
74 accompanied by dispersal of the chromatin as chlamydiae become transcriptionally active, although the
75 l cells, indicating that the MOMP and intact chlamydiae bind the same host receptor.
76 assays, IncA was detectable in intracellular chlamydiae but not within the inclusion membrane.
77  followed by conjunctival sampling to detect chlamydiae by commercial polymerase chain reaction.
78 nvestigated in the preferred target cells of chlamydiae, cervical epithelial cells, nor in vaginally
79 , as follows: Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chlamydiae, Chloroflexi, Euryarchaeota, Firmicutes, Fuso
80                                              Chlamydiae colonize the gastrointestinal tracts of both
81                                              Chlamydiae comprise important pathogenic and symbiotic b
82 rowth and late differentiation, suggest that chlamydiae contained in small non-fusogenic inclusions w
83           The survival of macrophage-adapted chlamydiae correlates with the multiplicity of infection
84 ports an evolutionary relationship among the chlamydiae, cyanobacteria, and plants and strengthens th
85                             Discoveries that chlamydiae deploy an array of anti-host proteins have pl
86 or purify peptidoglycan (PG) from pathogenic Chlamydiae despite genetic and biochemical evidence and
87                  Not all women infected with chlamydiae develop upper genital tract disease, but the
88                                              Chlamydiae dissociate themselves from the endocytic path
89                                     However, chlamydiae do not produce arginine, so they must import
90                                        Thus, chlamydiae do not reside within highly acidic vesicles a
91             Further, we show that strains of chlamydiae encoding the pzPLD, but not a strain lacking
92 ctions have been proposed as a means whereby chlamydiae evade immune resolution of infection.
93  is a safe niche for chlamydial replication, chlamydiae exploit a number of host cell processes, incl
94                                              Chlamydiae express a type III secretion system (T3SS) th
95 e three tests permit ready identification of chlamydiae for diagnostic and epidemiologic study.
96 titively inhibited the infectivity of viable chlamydiae for epithelial cells, indicating that the MOM
97 were also shown to reduce the infectivity of chlamydiae for epithelial cells.
98 l models has been the use of varied doses of chlamydiae for infection in different laboratories.
99 uctive chlamydial growth, thereby protecting chlamydiae from bactericidal attack.
100 tion, although very effective in eradicating chlamydiae from genital tissue and preventing upper geni
101  found that Th2-MoPn was unable to eradicate chlamydiae from the genital tract (GT) when it was trans
102 te that the immune system is unable to clear chlamydiae from the gut, so they can remain indefinitely
103 and late T3S inactivation upon detachment of chlamydiae from the inclusion membrane are crucial for c
104 ly NOS2(-/-) mice shed low numbers of viable chlamydiae from the lower genital tract after immunosupp
105 f the treatments affected shedding of viable chlamydiae from the lower urogenital tract, but the admi
106 posed to Desferal: (i) inclusions containing chlamydiae greatly delayed in maturation, (ii) substanti
107                                              Chlamydiae growing in target mucosal human epithelial ce
108 achomatis, to which a protein in extracts of chlamydiae harvested at 23 h after infection binds.
109 he existence of a peptidoglycan cell wall in chlamydiae has been debated for several years.
110          Fortunately, sexual transmission of chlamydiae has been described for the guinea pig model o
111       The existence of peptidoglycan (PG) in chlamydiae has long been debated.
112                    It has been proposed that chlamydiae have a cytotoxic activity that contributes to
113 g dyes, here we show that some environmental chlamydiae have cell wall sacculi consisting of a novel
114         As obligate intracellular pathogens, chlamydiae have evolved sophisticated, yet undefined, me
115 in chlamydia-infected cells, suggesting that chlamydiae have evolved specific mechanisms for modifyin
116 s and recent advances that have revealed how chlamydiae have maintained conserved aspects of T3S whil
117 however efforts to purify PG from pathogenic Chlamydiae have remained unsuccessful.
118     The data presented here demonstrate that chlamydiae have the ability to convert a regulatory mole
119                            We show here that chlamydiae have the ability to interfere with the NF-kap
120                                              Chlamydiae have to replicate within a cytoplasmic vacuol
121                            For this purpose, chlamydiae hijack certain signaling pathways that preven
122 r set of host proteins as did endocytosis of chlamydiae; however, unlike viable chlamydial organisms,
123 atory infiltrate vs effective elimination of chlamydiae in a macrophage-dominated response.
124 he presence or absence of antibodies against chlamydiae in all sheep and bovine sera.
125 rom culture isolates or for the detection of chlamydiae in clinical samples.
126 ggests a potential role for gastrointestinal chlamydiae in genital tract pathogenicity.
127 r simultaneous detection of three species of chlamydiae in human and avian specimens.
128 cular genetic analyses regarding the role of chlamydiae in induction of inflammatory arthritis have i
129 ors of peptidoglycan synthesis or culture of chlamydiae in medium lacking tryptophan leads to the for
130 he presence or absence of antibodies against chlamydiae in only 78 and 4.9% of sheep and bovine sera,
131  of the inability of researchers to quantify chlamydiae in semen.
132  delayed the appearance of the peak level of chlamydiae in the animal and decreased the pathological
133 ingly, we detected greater numbers of viable chlamydiae in the oviducts at lower inoculating doses, a
134 nown about the interaction of the phage with chlamydiae in their natural animal host.
135 primary peritoneal neutrophils (PPNs) killed chlamydiae in vitro in an antibody-dependent manner.
136 last several years, four different phages of chlamydiae, in addition to a phage associated with Chlam
137 eterinarians, that in virtually all hosts of chlamydiae, including mammals and birds, chlamydiae resi
138     Our findings reveal a mechanism by which chlamydiae induce localized cytoskeletal changes by the
139                                          How chlamydiae induce this process is unknown.
140  Cytotoxin gene transcripts were detected in chlamydiae-infected cells, and a protein with the expect
141  which showed no cross-reactivity with other chlamydiae infecting humans.
142 l differentiation of the replicating form of chlamydiae into the infectious form until sufficient rou
143 vitro is defined as viable but noncultivable chlamydiae involving morphologically enlarged, aberrant,
144        The ability to genetically manipulate chlamydiae is a major advancement that will enhance our
145 ta suggest that the inflammatory response to chlamydiae is initiated and sustained by actively infect
146                             Cell division in Chlamydiae is poorly understood as apparent homologs to
147 ht on how the construction of a cell wall in chlamydiae is taking shape and why the wall is being bui
148                                     Although chlamydiae lack many biosynthetic capabilities, they ret
149 t during reductive evolution, the pathogenic chlamydiae lost individual nucleotide transporters, in c
150 properties of Npt1Ct and its conservation in chlamydiae make it a potential target for the developmen
151 ed, a clearer picture of the extent to which Chlamydiae manipulate mammalian cellular processes is be
152 nown about the molecular mechanisms by which Chlamydiae manipulate the mammalian host because they ar
153 s, suggesting that ligation of TLR4 by whole chlamydiae may down-modulate signaling by other TLRs.
154 first evidence that obligately intracellular chlamydiae may encounter acidic conditions.
155 condary chlamydial lung infection eliminated chlamydiae more effectively and generated a lung cytokin
156 hlamydophila genomes shows that, as in other chlamydiae, most of the genome diversity is restricted t
157                      Under these conditions, chlamydiae must successfully compete with the host cell
158           However, some groupings (e.g., the chlamydiae, mycoplasmas, and green sulfur bacteria) are
159  multivesicular bodies and the intracellular chlamydiae, neutralization with small interfering RNAs a
160                                              Chlamydiae obtained eukaryotic host cell cholesterol bot
161           Protegrin-mediated inactivation of chlamydiae occurred rapidly, was relatively independent
162 owed by repeat tests with probes to identify chlamydiae or gonococci.
163 an-intermediate' organisms that includes the Chlamydiae, Orientia tsutsugamushi, Wolbachia and Anapla
164 Furthermore, because GrgA is present only in chlamydiae, our findings highlight how nonconserved regi
165  developmental stages of three environmental chlamydiae: Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Protochlamydia
166 logy varies dramatically among the different chlamydiae, particularly within the species Chlamydia ps
167  no compelling evidence from gene trees that Chlamydiae played any role in establishing the primary p
168  the C. trachomatis genome has revealed that chlamydiae possess genes that may encode a type III secr
169           Electron micrographs indicate that chlamydiae possess needle filaments, and yet database se
170   Because of the dearth of genetic tools for chlamydiae, previous studies examining secreted proteins
171                                              Chlamydiae primarily infect epithelial cells, and the in
172                                              Chlamydiae produce large amounts of heat shock protein 6
173  abbreviated genital infection with virulent chlamydiae promotes anamnestic antibody and T cell respo
174 -d-erythro-sphingos ine as a vital stain for chlamydiae proved to be a sensitive method for identifyi
175 le approaches to the genetic manipulation of chlamydiae raises the possibility of explosive progress
176                     On removal of IFN-gamma, chlamydiae rapidly reentered the normal developmental cy
177 ificant increase (P < 0.05) in the amount of chlamydiae recovered from the vaginas of mice that had r
178                                   Therefore, chlamydiae recruit key regulators of membrane traffickin
179                                          The chlamydiae remain viable and return to normal growth kin
180                                     Although chlamydiae remained viable and metabolically active, the
181 underlying the intracellular parasitology of Chlamydiae remains poorly understood.
182                                              Chlamydiae replicate intracellularly within a vacuole th
183                                              Chlamydiae replicate intracellularly within a vacuole th
184                                              Chlamydiae replicate within a nonacidified vacuole, term
185 mance liquid chromatography, suggesting that chlamydiae require a minimum concentration of each amino
186  of chlamydiae, including mammals and birds, chlamydiae reside in the gastrointestinal tract for long
187                                          For chlamydiae, residence in the synovium in patients with a
188                                        Given Chlamydiae's extended coevolution with eukaryotic cells,
189 paratus provides support for the notion that chlamydiae secrete proteins via a type III mechanism.
190 results show that DC efficiently phagocytose chlamydiae, secrete IL-12 p40, and present chlamydial an
191                     Genomes of all sequenced chlamydiae show the presence of two genes encoding lipoi
192 osis of ruminant infections with abortigenic chlamydiae, since they are more sensitive than the CFT,
193                                              Chlamydiae sp. are obligate intracellular pathogens that
194                               The ability of chlamydiae specifically to bind heparan sulphate or hepa
195 sulfuromonadales, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Chlamydiae, Spirochaeta, and Chloroflexi and two archaea
196 ct immunofluorescence of cells infected with chlamydiae stained with an antibody to the trans-Golgi n
197 c1 on gene expression patterns requires that chlamydiae strictly control Hc1 activity.
198 an and the absence of an FtsZ homolog within chlamydiae suggest an unusual mechanism for the division
199  not further compromise host defense against chlamydiae, suggesting that compensatory mechanisms are
200 he difficulty of growing large quantities of chlamydiae suitable for biochemical fractionation, littl
201 and plants and strengthens the argument that chlamydiae synthesize a cell wall despite the inability
202         These studies revealed two fates for chlamydiae taken onto the lamellipodial surface: 1) some
203 OMs were partially protected, shedding fewer chlamydiae than did control mice.
204    Proteins present in the outer membrane of chlamydiae that are involved in mucosal epithelial cell
205 hyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis to generate chlamydiae that contained less then one mutation per gen
206                                              Chlamydiae that have been internalized by Fc-mediated en
207 cells are artificially infected with certain chlamydiae that have not been adapted to the host specie
208   Thus, among women with similar exposure to chlamydiae, the serologic response to Hsp10 exhibited a
209 C. burnetii resemble that of Rickettsiae and Chlamydiae, their genome architectures differ considerab
210  are located in a single locus; however, for chlamydiae these genes are scattered throughout the geno
211 uggest that the derivative compounds inhibit chlamydiae through a T3SS-independent mechanism.
212 istence is an alternative life cycle used by chlamydiae to avoid the host immune response.
213 nts of the vaginal microbial flora, allowing chlamydiae to escape IFN-gamma-mediated eradication and
214 o provide a pathogenic mechanism that allows chlamydiae to establish themselves in a site that is not
215 contribute to its ability to bind and bridge chlamydiae to eukaryotic cells.
216 ligand that mediates infectivity by bridging chlamydiae to eukaryotic cells.
217 dary inclusions via IncA-laden fibers allows chlamydiae to generate an expanded intracellular niche i
218 l ancestry, but we detect no strong case for Chlamydiae to host transfer under the best-fitting model
219  provide the basis for the susceptibility of chlamydiae to PG inhibitors.
220         Our findings provide a mechanism for chlamydiae to sense changes in tryptophan levels and to
221                              The adhesion of Chlamydiae to the eukaryotic host cell is a pivotal step
222 t least one of these products is secreted by chlamydiae to the inclusion membrane.
223  obviate the need for transport induction by chlamydiae under conditions favoring the growth of infec
224                                              Chlamydiae undergo a biphasic developmental cycle charac
225    Interestingly, one of the strategies that chlamydiae use for these purposes is the induction of li
226                            Unconventionally, Chlamydiae use ROS to their advantage by activating casp
227     From within this protective environment, chlamydiae usurp numerous functions of the host cell to
228 lex developmental cycle, it is possible that chlamydiae utilize a different complement of proteins to
229                   When we isolated HrcA from chlamydiae, we only detected the full-length protein, bu
230                                              Chlamydiae were detected by one or more procedures in 22
231 aces of an ancient link to parasites such as Chlamydiae were found in the genomes of C. paradoxa and
232                             Large numbers of chlamydiae were found in vaginal secretions of progester
233          After internalization, these latter chlamydiae were found within intracellular inclusions, w
234 aken onto the lamellipodial surface: 1) some chlamydiae were moved in a random fashion on the cell su
235                         Viable gonococci and chlamydiae were recovered for an average of 8 to 10 days
236 ed into the culture medium, whereas 2) other chlamydiae were translocated across the lamellipodium in
237                                              Chlamydiae, which are obligate intracellular bacteria, r
238  relationship between planctomycetes and the chlamydiae, which has previously been postulated on the
239                                 Treatment of chlamydiae with inhibitors of peptidoglycan synthesis or
240                  Many of the interactions of chlamydiae with the host cell are dependent upon bacteri
241                Moreover, the relationship of chlamydiae with the host cell, in particular its energy
242 tes that they might also be used to identify chlamydiae without culture or isolation.
243 understanding of antimicrobial resistance in chlamydiae would benefit from the development of standar

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