


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f the anesthetic used (isofluorance or alpha-chloralose).
2 in an animal that is anesthetized with alpha-chloralose.
3 ction (SCT) in cats anaesthetized with alpha-chloralose.
4 limb muscle of cats anaesthetized with alpha-chloralose.
5 d with thiopentone sodium (500 mg, I.V.) and chloralose (100 mg kg-1, LV.) and artificially ventilate
6 e, desflurane, sevoflurane, halothane, alpha-chloralose, 2,2,2-trichloroethanol [TCE], and chloral hy
7 th a mixture of urethane (650 mg kg(-1)) and chloralose (50 mg kg(-1)) i.v., blood pressure and heart
8               Cats were anaesthetized (alpha-chloralose 60 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), and prepared fo
9  and anesthesia was either switched to alpha-chloralose (60 mg/kg bolus, 30 mg/kg/h; n=10) or was mai
10 ior sagittal sinus was isolated in the alpha-chloralose (60 mg/kg i.p. and 20 mg/kg i.v. injection su
11           Cats were anaesthetized with alpha-chloralose (60 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), paralysed (gal
12           Cats were anaesthetised with alpha-chloralose (60 mg/kg, ip; supplements 20 mg/kg iv) after
13 trol and vigabatrin-treated rats under alpha-chloralose/70% nitrous oxide anesthesia, with total GAD
14           Dogs were anaesthetized with alpha-chloralose, a cardiopulmonary bypass was established, an
15 were conducted in 11 female cats under alpha-chloralose anaesthesia when the bladder was infused with
16 ring cortical spreading depression and alpha-chloralose anaesthesia.
17          Studies were conducted in the alpha-chloralose anaesthetised cat to examine bulk carotid and
18 l in agar upon the cortical surface of alpha-chloralose anaesthetised cats.
19                                     In alpha-chloralose anaesthetised female Sprague-Dawley rats, mea
20 piride, at 2 Tesla in the brain of the alpha-chloralose anaesthetised rat.
21        Experiments were carried out in alpha-chloralose anaesthetized cats to determine if these card
22 ix gamma-motoneurones of hindlimb muscles in chloralose anaesthetized cats to re-assess the coupling
23 rded under isovolumetric conditions in alpha-chloralose anaesthetized cats.
24                                           In chloralose anaesthetized dogs, a perfusion circuit allow
25 baroreflex control of LSNA and RSNA in alpha-chloralose anaesthetized female rats, but only during pr
26                                     In alpha-chloralose anaesthetized, artificially ventilated dogs,
27                                  In urethane-chloralose anaesthetized, neuromuscularly blocked, artif
28                                  In urethane-chloralose anaesthetized, neuromuscularly blocked, venti
29 ry and skeletal muscle receptors in thirteen chloralose-anaesthetized cats.
30                                           In chloralose-anaesthetized dogs, a cardiopulmonary bypass
31                                           In chloralose-anaesthetized female rats, nanoinjection of N
32 ings from 206 upper limb motoneurones in ten chloralose-anaesthetized macaque monkeys.
33                                  In urethane-chloralose-anaesthetized rats, bilateral inhibition of t
34  These experiments were carried out on alpha-chloralose-anaesthetized, artificially ventilated and at
35                                           In chloralose-anaesthetized, artificially ventilated dogs,
36          Experiments were performed in alpha-chloralose-anaesthetized, paralysed and artificially ven
37 ned in relation to phrenic nerve activity in chloralose-anaesthetized, ventilated, neuromuscularly bl
38                                           In chloralose-anaesthetized, ventilated, vagotomized rats,
39                 Dogs were anaesthetised with chloralose and a cardiopulmonary bypass established.
40    Mongrel cats were anesthetized with alpha-chloralose and heart rate, arterial pressure, and thorac
41 irty-three cats were anesthetized with alpha-chloralose and the esophagus was stimulated by slow ball
42                                     In alpha-chloralose and urethane anesthetized rats, microinjectio
43 r in the dog anaesthetized with a mixture of chloralose and urethane.
44 d in the cat anaesthetized with a mixture of chloralose and urethane.
45 ay of shock, the animals were sedated (alpha-chloralose) and 50 mL/kg of arterial blood was removed o
46         Mice were anesthetized (urethane and chloralose) and equipped with a cranial window.
47      Adult cats were anesthetized with alpha-chloralose, and in each case, the experimental intervent
48         Animals were anesthetized with alpha-chloralose, and received one of four stimulus protocols:
49 h electrical forepaw stimulation under alpha-chloralose anesthesia using laser Doppler (LD) measureme
50                                  After alpha-chloralose anesthesia, blood gases and vital signs were
51 ies of focal ischemia in the rat under alpha-chloralose anesthesia.
52 activated and remain functional during alpha-chloralose-anesthesia.
53 l segments (S1-S2) in neurologically intact, chloralose anesthetized adult male cats.
54 osed cranial windows were implanted in alpha-chloralose anesthetized piglets 4 days following cortica
55 mble during forepaw stimulation in the alpha-chloralose anesthetized rat.
56                Experiments were performed on chloralose anesthetized, artificially ventilated and par
57 ympathetic nerve activity (CSNA) in urethane-chloralose anesthetized, artificially-ventilated rats.
58       In six decerebrated and in eight alpha-chloralose anesthetized, paralyzed and mechanically vent
59 carbachol-induced muscle atonia in the alpha-chloralose-anesthetized animal.
60 otal infarct volumes are larger in the alpha-chloralose-anesthetized animals, while the functional ou
61 PIFTs) is also significantly longer in alpha-chloralose-anesthetized animals.
62 f non-convulsive seizures (NCS) in the alpha-chloralose-anesthetized animals.
63 as injected directly into the rostral NTS of chloralose-anesthetized cats to determine whether blood
64 ly at 16 recording sites in area A2 of alpha-chloralose-anesthetized cats.
65 t tract, the dorsal acoustic stria (DAS), in chloralose-anesthetized cats.
66  or the antimigraine compound sumatriptan in chloralose-anesthetized cats.
67             Experiments were performed in 14 chloralose-anesthetized dogs with sinoaortic denervation
68                                              Chloralose-anesthetized piglets equipped with a closed c
69                                 In the alpha-chloralose-anesthetized preparation, stimulation of the
70 ponents were investigated at 11.7 T in alpha-chloralose-anesthetized rats and combined with electroph
71 receptor (MC3/4R) agonist, MTII, in urethane-chloralose-anesthetized rats and the effects on O(2) con
72                                     In alpha-chloralose-anesthetized rats, changes in the blood oxyge
73                                           In chloralose-anesthetized rats, we individually filled 20
74 te fMRI measurements were conducted in alpha-chloralose-anesthetized rats.
75 atosensory stimulation was measured in alpha-chloralose-anesthetized rats.
76  cell column (IML) were recorded in urethane/chloralose-anesthetized rats.
77 ing electrophysiological characterization in chloralose-anesthetized rats.
78 erve activity (SNA) was recorded in urethane-chloralose-anesthetized, artificially ventilated rats th
79 VLM or of muscimol into the CVLM of urethane/chloralose-anesthetized, artificially-ventilated rats.
80                                  In urethane/chloralose-anesthetized, paralyzed, artificially ventila
81                                           In chloralose-anesthetized, spinally intact and spinally tr
82                                   Nine alpha-chloralose-anesthetized, splenectomized dogs were subjec
83 t in animals under anesthesia, usually alpha-chloralose because of its lesser effects on cardiovascul
84 ibited by TTX and anaesthetics such as alpha-chloralose but not by the intracellular application of l
85 etermined in the rat anesthetized with alpha-chloralose by independent and concurrent (17)O NMR measu
86                          Halothane and alpha-chloralose established baseline states of high and low e
87                                   With alpha-chloralose, forepaw stimulation induced strong and repro
88 reas the larger carbon tetraiodide and alpha-chloralose inhibit.
89 Accordingly, in cats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose, intracellular records were obtained from mas
90                  This study shows that alpha-chloralose is a safe anesthetic for ischemia studies and
91                                        alpha-Chloralose is widely used as an anesthetic in studies of
92 e primary somatosensory cortex (SI) in alpha-chloralose/Nembutal, or halothane (in N2O/O2) anesthetiz
93 s exhibited visceral inputs than under alpha-chloralose/Nembutal.
94     In 14 adult male cats anaesthetized with chloralose, one cerebral hemisphere was exposed and the
95 scious rats and rats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose the effects of vibrissal stimulation on lCMR(
96    Open-chest swine, anesthetized with alpha-chloralose, underwent 10 mins of nonperfused VF followed
97                                              Chloralose-urethane anaesthesia and surgery caused a ris
98  these findings it can be concluded that (a) chloralose-urethane anaesthesia and surgery had a stimul
99                                           In chloralose-urethane anaesthetised rats, reduction of RPP
100 Ss in Purkinje cells of the uvula-nodulus in chloralose-urethane-anesthetized rabbits.
101 he animals were fasted and anesthetized with chloralose/urethane.
102              In rats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose, we measured SEPs by signal-averaging field p

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