


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e agents (azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, or chlorambucil).
2 less intense regimens like obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil.
3 lt in a major clinical benefit compared with chlorambucil.
4 ing first-line therapy with fludarabine with chlorambucil.
5 ng agents temozolomide (TMZ), carmustine and chlorambucil.
6  cyclophosphamide, or fludarabine, than with chlorambucil.
7 abine plus cyclophosphamide, fludarabine, or chlorambucil.
8 icity induced by fludarabine, cladribine, or chlorambucil.
9 lorambucil, fludarabine, or fludarabine plus chlorambucil.
10 lorambucil, fludarabine, or fludarabine plus chlorambucil.
11 remission and progression-free survival than chlorambucil.
12 t does not respond to initial treatment with chlorambucil.
13 is pH dependent for both mechlorethamine and chlorambucil.
14 from the cytotoxicity of a nitrogen mustard, chlorambucil.
15 ely 4-fold resistance to the anticancer drug chlorambucil.
16 e run were conjugated at one or both ends to chlorambucil.
17 tuzumab plus chlorambucil, or rituximab plus chlorambucil.
18 ior to rituximab when each was combined with chlorambucil.
19 osphonium derivative of the nitrogen mustard chlorambucil.
20 tected CLL cells from apoptosis induction by chlorambucil.
21 ravenously, every 28 days, for 6 courses) or chlorambucil (0.4 mg/kg body weight [BW] with an increas
22 different anticancer drugs (caffeic acid and chlorambucil, 1 equiv each).
23 receive immediate systemic therapy with oral chlorambucil 10 mg per day continuously.
24 omly assigned patients (1:1) to receive oral chlorambucil (10 mg/m(2)) on days 1-7 of a 28 day treatm
25  cycle one, and 500 mg/m(2) thereafter) plus chlorambucil (10 mg/m(2)/d all cycles; day 1 through 7)
26 phamide (36%) than with fludarabine (10%) or chlorambucil (10%; p<0.00005).
27 tinum (2.4 mg/kg), carboplatinum (50 mg/kg), chlorambucil (12 mg/kg), BCNU (13.2 mg/kg), or TBI (80 c
28 sphamide (5%) than with fludarabine (11%) or chlorambucil (12%).
29 ne (36%) compared with patients treated with chlorambucil (17.8%; P < .001).
30 meter per day for 5 days every 28 days) plus chlorambucil (20 mg per square meter every 28 days).
31 tients, 33 of whom received prednisolone and chlorambucil, 37 ciclosporin, and 38 supportive therapy
32 s cyclophosphamide (196) for six courses, or chlorambucil (387) for 12 courses.
33 travenously daily for 5 days every 28 days), chlorambucil (40 mg per square meter, given orally every
34 two groups (median overall survival for oral chlorambucil 5.9 [range 0-17.8] years and for observatio
35 h stable disease continued to be given daily chlorambucil 6 mg/m(2) PO for 14 consecutive days every
36       This is a first example of repurposing chlorambucil, a drug not used in breast and pancreatic c
37 lete response (CR), six additional cycles of chlorambucil alone could be administered.
38  with single-agent fludarabine compared with chlorambucil alone or the combination of both agents had
39 ab in MALT Lymphoma) was launched to compare chlorambucil alone versus chlorambucil plus rituximab in
40 group (109 [50%] patients; vs 98 [43%] given chlorambucil alone), with neutropenia being the most com
41  obinutuzumab-chlorambucil, as compared with chlorambucil alone, prolonged overall survival (hazard r
42 r clinical outcomes than does treatment with chlorambucil alone, while also being tolerable for patie
43 cantly higher for fludarabine alone than for chlorambucil alone.
44 rambucil plus ofatumumab and 226 patients to chlorambucil alone.
45 inutuzumab-chlorambucil vs. 11.1 months with chlorambucil alone; hazard ratio for progression or deat
46  rituximab-chlorambucil vs. 11.1 months with chlorambucil alone; hazard ratio, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.34 to
47 ival in the other two groups (56 months with chlorambucil and 55 months with combined treatment).
48 ts of outcome after chemoimmunotherapy using chlorambucil and anti-CD20 treatment.
49 tor increased their sensitivity to acrolein, chlorambucil and cisplatin between 1.9-fold and 3.1-fold
50 Leukemia 4 (UK LRF CCL4) trial that compared chlorambucil and fludarabine with and without cyclophosp
51  intensive CIT, the combination treatment of chlorambucil and obinutuzumab or ofatumumab is an option
52 f 142 patients treated with fludarabine plus chlorambucil and one (0.5%) of 188 receiving fludarabine
53 d during apoptosis induced with fludarabine, chlorambucil and prednisolone.
54 tance to the cytotoxic drugs fludarabine and chlorambucil and to the novel p53-elevating agent nutlin
55                   These results suggest that chlorambucil and/or an antimetabolite should be administ
56 bine plus cyclophosphamide, bendamustine, or chlorambucil) and anti-CD20 antibody (rituximab, ofatumu
57 (chlorambucil, rituximab, and rituximab plus chlorambucil), and was confirmed in the validation set.
58 ine significantly improved PFS compared with chlorambucil, and in patients with WM, it improved OS.
59 iven luciferase activity by cisplatin, BCNU, chlorambucil, and melphalan and also induced endogenous
60            For the mustards mechlorethamine, chlorambucil, and melphalan, both sites of monoalkylatio
61 apeutic option; however, response rates with chlorambucil are low, and more effective treatments are
62 ent failure was significantly shorter in the chlorambucil arm (11 vs 18 months; P = .004), but no dif
63 he fludarabine arm versus 69.8 months in the chlorambucil arm (95% CI, 61.6 to 79.8 months; P = .014)
64 versus 38.6% (95% CI, 32.0% to 45.7%) in the chlorambucil arm (P = .07).
65 cies were significantly more frequent in the chlorambucil arm with 6-year cumulative incidence rate o
66 ved in the fludarabine arm compared with the chlorambucil arm: PFS, 36.3 versus 27.1 months (P = .012
67 onths in the fludarabine vs 64 months in the chlorambucil arm; P = .15).
68 cisplatin were cross-resistant to melphalan, chlorambucil, arsenite, and cadmium.
69 lsulfate micellar system, in the presence of chlorambucil as a model template (anticancer drug).
70                These data support the use of chlorambucil as an acceptable treatment for many older p
71 ven had received oral cyclophosphamide and 1 chlorambucil as their main immunosuppressive drug.
72                  Treatment with obinutuzumab-chlorambucil, as compared with chlorambucil alone, prolo
73  with obinutuzumab-chlorambucil or rituximab-chlorambucil, as compared with chlorambucil monotherapy,
74                  Treatment with obinutuzumab-chlorambucil, as compared with rituximab-chlorambucil, r
75 rds (namely, mechlorethamine, melphalan, and chlorambucil), at least in the mouse embryonic stem cell
76 icancer activities of a 63-member library of chlorambucil-based neoglycosides.
77 AFC content) in animals given carboplatinum, chlorambucil, BCNU, and TBI, but not in animals treated
78 G-CSF administration in animals treated with chlorambucil, BCNU, or TBI.
79                  The reaction specificity of chlorambucil-bearing ODNs suggests that they may have ge
80                                      Whereas chlorambucil, busulfan, and radiophosphorus (32P) have b
81 binutuzumab-chlorambucil than with rituximab-chlorambucil, but the risk of infection was not increase
82    Interaction effects of fludarabine versus chlorambucil by age group (PFS, P = .046; OS, P = .006)
83 7 of a 28 day treatment course or to receive chlorambucil by this schedule plus intravenous ofatumuma
84  cell line (human ovarian carcinoma line) to chlorambucil (CBL).
85 In this study MT was incubated in vitro with chlorambucil (CHB) under conditions where only 1:1 coval
86  of the anticancer drugs melphalan (MLP) and chlorambucil (CHB).
87                        This study uses a TFO-chlorambucil (chl) conjugate capable of forming site-spe
88                         The nitrogen mustard Chlorambucil (Chl) generates covalent adducts with doubl
89 , which combines the DNA crosslinking moiety chlorambucil (Chl) with a sequence-selective hairpin pyr
90                                            A chlorambucil (CHL)-induced mutation of the jcpk (juvenil
91 rease in tumor growth delay by the weak acid chlorambucil (CHL).
92 nthracyclines induced greatest resistance to chlorambucil, cisplatin, carboplatin, and cladribine.
93 1, a 3-arm phase 3 trial comparing frontline chlorambucil (Clb) vs Clb plus rituximab (Clb-R) or Clb
94 risons), which were in turn better than with chlorambucil (complete response rate 7%, overall respons
95                            Hairpin polyamide-chlorambucil conjugates containing an alpha-diaminobutyr
96 tigate whether the addition of ofatumumab to chlorambucil could lead to better clinical outcomes than
97 uced by treating patients with prednisolone, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, anthracycline, or fludar
98 l, showing that the observed protection from chlorambucil cytotoxicity was absolutely dependent upon
99     Conclusion Rituximab in combination with chlorambucil demonstrated superior efficacy in mucosa-as
100                                              Chlorambucil did not benefit from conjugation.
101  B-CLL cells whereas the cross-linking agent chlorambucil elicited both of these effects.
102 ples from the LRF CLL4 trial, which compared chlorambucil, fludarabine, and FC, were screened by TaqM
103                            Regimens included chlorambucil, fludarabine, fludarabine plus rituximab (F
104 ed intergroup study comparing treatment with chlorambucil, fludarabine, or fludarabine plus chlorambu
105     Patients were randomized to therapy with chlorambucil, fludarabine, or fludarabine plus chlorambu
106                   Patients were treated with chlorambucil for a median of 14.0 weeks (mean, 14.5 week
107 d, anti-CD20 antibody recently approved with chlorambucil for the initial therapy of chronic lymphocy
108 y, whereas both values were 14 months in the chlorambucil group (P<0.001 for both comparisons).
109 r groove, it is inaccessible to the tethered chlorambucil group of the ODN during the search for homo
110  significantly lower in the prednisolone and chlorambucil group than in the supportive care group (19
111 oups but were higher in the prednisolone and chlorambucil group than in the supportive care only grou
112 signment of patients to the fludarabine-plus-chlorambucil group was stopped when a planned interim an
113       Patients treated with fludarabine plus chlorambucil had more infections than those receiving ei
114                       Immunosuppression with chlorambucil has not been effective, but the study desig
115 (ODNs) bearing the reactive nitrogen mustard chlorambucil have been used as sequence-directed affinit
116  anticancer activity/selectivity of the drug chlorambucil, herein we report the synthesis and antican
117 mission after treatment with fludarabine and chlorambucil in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukem
118                             Superiority over chlorambucil in previously untreated patients with chron
119 red the efficacy of fludarabine with that of chlorambucil in the primary treatment of chronic lymphoc
120 d with that of rituximab, each combined with chlorambucil, in patients with previously untreated CLL
121                               Treatment with chlorambucil induced a 10-fold sensitivity to steroids;
122                       Here we describe a new chlorambucil-induced deletion allele, lstAlb, that uncov
123 ion, 6 months' therapy with prednisolone and chlorambucil is the treatment approach best supported by
124                    Addition of ofatumumab to chlorambucil led to clinically important improvements wi
125 ow-up of 7.4 years, addition of rituximab to chlorambucil led to significantly better EFS (hazard rat
126 suggesting that the addition of rituximab to chlorambucil may improve efficacy with no unexpected adv
127                                            R-chlorambucil may improve outcome for patients who are in
128 er drugs cisplatin, etoposide, mitoxantrone, chlorambucil, melphalan, and carmustine [1,3-bis(2-chlor
129              ODNs conjugated with either two chlorambucil moieties or a novel tetrafunctional mustard
130 domly assigned (1:1 ratio) to receive either chlorambucil monotherapy (6 mg/m(2)/d orally on weeks 1
131                         For this population, chlorambucil monotherapy is an appropriate therapeutic o
132  or rituximab-chlorambucil, as compared with chlorambucil monotherapy, increased response rates and p
133 orably with previously published results for chlorambucil monotherapy, suggesting that the addition o
134 earance of 30 to 69 ml per minute to receive chlorambucil, obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil, or rituxim
135 a site containing all four bases and bearing chlorambucil on an interior base was shown to efficientl
136  months (10.6-13.8) in the group assigned to chlorambucil only (hazard ratio 0.57, 95% CI 0.45-0.72;
137 single agents, such as the established drugs chlorambucil or cyclophosphamide, or the newer purine an
138                        Patients treated with chlorambucil or fludarabine were more than twice as like
139 ty-seven patients were randomized to receive chlorambucil or fludarabine, alone or with cyclophospham
140 n provided greater survival benefit than did chlorambucil or fludarabine.
141 after FC (odds ratio 0.27; P = .004) but not chlorambucil or fludarabine.
142 phoma) who were randomly assigned to receive chlorambucil or fludarabine.
143                  Treatment with obinutuzumab-chlorambucil or rituximab-chlorambucil, as compared with
144  analogue, bendamustine, anti-CD20 antibody, chlorambucil, or alemtuzumab as first-line or second-lin
145  either rituximab, gemcitabine, fludarabine, chlorambucil, or cytarabine.
146 one or in combination with alpha-interferon, chlorambucil, or interleukin-2 (IL-2).
147 e to receive chlorambucil, obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil, or rituximab plus chlorambucil.
148 hs of alternating cycles of prednisolone and chlorambucil, or supportive treatment plus 12 months of
149 nd more herpesvirus infections compared with chlorambucil (P =.008 and P =.004, respectively).
150 ere more frequent with fludarabine than with chlorambucil (P=0.08), although, overall, toxic effects
151 ) after single-agent therapy (fludarabine or chlorambucil) (P = .001), but the presence of only seven
152  (19 months with fludarabine, 18 months with chlorambucil; P = .7).
153 FS and OS was improved with fludarabine over chlorambucil (PFS: hazard ratio [HR] = 0.6, 95% CI, 0.5
154 , 2011, we randomly assigned 221 patients to chlorambucil plus ofatumumab and 226 patients to chloram
155  (95% CI 19.0-25.2) in the group assigned to chlorambucil plus ofatumumab compared with 13.1 months (
156 eater adverse events were more common in the chlorambucil plus ofatumumab group (109 [50%] patients;
157                                              Chlorambucil plus ofatumumab is therefore an important t
158 nts were reported in 22 (10%) patients given chlorambucil plus ofatumumab.
159 aunched to compare chlorambucil alone versus chlorambucil plus rituximab in patients not previously g
160 udy (Randomized Trial of Chlorambucil Versus Chlorambucil Plus Rituximab Versus Rituximab in MALT Lym
161 d to assess how the addition of rituximab to chlorambucil (R-chlorambucil) would affect safety and ef
162 of triplex formation relative to the rate of chlorambucil reaction.
163                                              Chlorambucil remains the standard of care in many countr
164 t was shown that in MCF7 cells resistance to chlorambucil requires both intact MRP1-dependent efflux
165    Combination therapy with fludarabine plus chlorambucil resulted in significantly more infections t
166 mab-chlorambucil, as compared with rituximab-chlorambucil, resulted in prolongation of progression-fr
167 yamine-based chemoselective glycosylation of chlorambucil revealed sugar- and linker-dependent partit
168 nongastric lymphomas, in each treatment arm (chlorambucil, rituximab, and rituximab plus chlorambucil
169 vely; trend over dose categories, P =.04) or chlorambucil (RRs = 3.8 and 8.4 for duration < 10 months
170  17 to 18, and 21 to 22) or a combination of chlorambucil (same schedule as above) and rituximab (375
171 of MRP1 alone failed to confer resistance to chlorambucil, showing that the observed protection from
172 utropenia were more common with obinutuzumab-chlorambucil than with rituximab-chlorambucil, but the r
173 e SO may be a lifelong condition and because chlorambucil therapy may offer long-term, drug-free remi
174                        Short-term, high-dose chlorambucil therapy provides sustained periods of drug-
175 hs; range, 48-441 months) from initiation of chlorambucil therapy.
176    The randomized WM1 study (Trial Comparing Chlorambucil to Fludarabine in Patients With Advanced Wa
177  one (0.5%) of 188 receiving fludarabine; no chlorambucil-treated patients developed t-MDS or t-AML (
178 ons and herpesvirus infections compared with chlorambucil-treated patients.
179 m was to compare administration of immediate chlorambucil treatment with a policy of delaying chloram
180 rambucil treatment with a policy of delaying chlorambucil until clinical progression necessitated its
181      The IELSG-19 study (Randomized Trial of Chlorambucil Versus Chlorambucil Plus Rituximab Versus R
182                                  Analysis of chlorambucil versus the combination arm was performed an
183 pecified before randomization as alternating chlorambucil, vinblastine, procarbazine, and prednisolon
184 improved side-effect profile, the regimen of chlorambucil, vinblastine, procarbazine, and prednisone
185 free survival, 26.7 months with obinutuzumab-chlorambucil vs. 11.1 months with chlorambucil alone; ha
186 .24; P<0.001; and 16.3 months with rituximab-chlorambucil vs. 11.1 months with chlorambucil alone; ha
187 total cumulative dose of cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil was 118 gm and 6.5 gm, respectively, over a
188                                    In arm A, chlorambucil was given daily 6 mg/m(2) orally (PO) for 6
189 g oligonucleotide with a terminally appended chlorambucil was shown to label a target guanine residue
190 ponding values for 181 patients treated with chlorambucil were 4 percent and 33 percent (P< 0.001 for
191  Previously, combinations of fludarabine and chlorambucil were abandoned because of increased toxicit
192      Early studies combining fludarabine and chlorambucil were abandoned owing to increased toxicity
193 rge cumulative doses of cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil were associated with the development of MDS
194 s with SO treated with short-term, high-dose chlorambucil were identified.
195         The nitrogen mustards, melphalan and chlorambucil, were both conjugated to 2, and the biologi
196  A total of 100 patients were treated with R-chlorambucil, with a median follow-up of 30 months.
197 the addition of rituximab to chlorambucil (R-chlorambucil) would affect safety and efficacy in patien

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