


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mechanistically linked to increased platelet cholesterol content.
2 lipidemia associated with increased platelet cholesterol content.
3 are sensitive to alterations in the membrane cholesterol content.
4 yperreactivity induced by increased platelet cholesterol content.
5 e in membranes with physiologically relevant cholesterol content.
6 at particle uptake has on the cell's overall cholesterol content.
7 -Gal A was less effective in normalizing the cholesterol content.
8 ol and increased hepatic free fatty acid and cholesterol content.
9 nificant increases in renal triglyceride and cholesterol content.
10 wed decreased extractability with increasing cholesterol content.
11 ect correlation with increased cellular free cholesterol content.
12 sponse that correlates with vesicle membrane cholesterol content.
13 (brown, not white) due to a 91% reduction in cholesterol content.
14 nifest the functional importance of membrane cholesterol content.
15 lesterol molecules vary as a function of the cholesterol content.
16 erol efflux consequently decreasing cellular cholesterol content.
17 r membranes, in particular those with a high cholesterol content.
18 tic cholesterol levels to changes in dietary cholesterol content.
19  shown to be affected by changes in cellular cholesterol content.
20  low in plant sterols and moderate to low in cholesterol content.
21  heightened in response to increases in cell cholesterol content.
22 sterol domains despite significantly reduced cholesterol content.
23 ain and is retarded by an elevated endosomal cholesterol content.
24 ule injury first lowers, then raises, tubule cholesterol content.
25 udied as a function of lipid phase state and cholesterol content.
26 , whose activity has been linked to membrane cholesterol content.
27 reased in abundance as a function of bilayer cholesterol content.
28 idylcholine transfer with an increase in the cholesterol content.
29 rescence, irrespective of headgroup size and cholesterol content.
30 , which is the retinal layer with the lowest cholesterol content.
31 et, many people avoid it because of its high cholesterol content.
32  is very low in total fat, yet it has a high cholesterol content.
33 r responses to these agents are regulated by cholesterol content.
34 ses changes in glioma cells that have higher cholesterol content.
35  C toward lower temperatures with increasing cholesterol content.
36 e A reductase, and increased plasma membrane cholesterol content.
37 elis-Menten kinetics independent of membrane cholesterol content.
38 es for changes in polarity versus changes in cholesterol content.
39 changes in membrane fluidity from changes in cholesterol content.
40 ngial expansion, kidney weight, and cortical cholesterol content.
41 nctions some of which are independent of its cholesterol content.
42  cholesterol efflux and increase in cellular cholesterol content.
43 protein abundance and renal triglyceride and cholesterol contents.
44 differences in surface monolayer protein and cholesterol contents.
45 f total surface area, P=.89) and analysis of cholesterol content (236+/-203 nmol/mg, 9.1+/-7.8 microg
46                    He had exceptionally high cholesterol content (760 mg/dL; to convert to millimoles
47  subjects revealed double the normal hepatic cholesterol content, a markedly deficient rate of bile a
48                             However, at high cholesterol content, a switch toward the C-terminus is o
49                        Direct measurement of cholesterol content after beta-methyl-cyclodextrin treat
50                          The plasma membrane cholesterol content also was altered by various biochemi
51                                              Cholesterol content alters cell membrane stiffness, and
52 f9 insect cells that typically have very low cholesterol content and a different phospholipid profile
53 timibe is a novel approach to reduce biliary cholesterol content and a promising strategy for prevent
54 ified in a sucrose gradient and measured for cholesterol content and cholesterol/phospholipid mole ra
55                                 The membrane cholesterol content and cholesterol/phospholipid mole ra
56 in octapeptide-induced contraction, membrane cholesterol content and cholesterol/phospholipid ratio,
57 the cell membrane appears to be regulated by cholesterol content and cytoskeleton integrity.
58 e delivery, significantly augments adipocyte cholesterol content and enhances fatty acid uptake.
59 e in membranes with physiologically relevant cholesterol content and in membranes without cholesterol
60 hat ATRA-mediated decrease in total cellular cholesterol content and increase in lysosomal acidificat
61 ration and hydrophobicity but decreases with cholesterol content and lower temperature.
62 urons tolerate only slight alteration in the cholesterol content and plasma membrane tension.
63                                Aortic tissue cholesterol content and platelet aggregation were also m
64 om lysosomes leads to a decrease of parasite cholesterol content and proliferation.
65 on was associated with a reduction in aortic cholesterol content and reduced platelet aggregability a
66 terol homeostasis, the combination of higher cholesterol content and reduced receptor activation asso
67  cholesterol restored granule morphology and cholesterol content and rescued insulin secretion in ABC
68  maintained elevated Src and plasma membrane cholesterol content and showed increased phosphorylation
69 B-100 dual transgenic mice and increased HDL cholesterol content and size comparable to torcetrapib (
70 s, accompanied with decreased pulmonary free cholesterol content and suppressed tumor cell proliferat
71                                     Both the cholesterol content and the cholesterol/phospholipid rat
72 -deficient mice with such a robust change in cholesterol content and the expression of cholesterol me
73 ating cholesterol in SCID mice increased the cholesterol content and the extent of protein tyrosine p
74 Cs - are composed of a high sphingolipid and cholesterol content and the protein caveolin-1 (Cav-1).
75 fferent properties such as water content and cholesterol content and thus perform a more comprehensiv
76 size is associated with a linear increase in cholesterol content and with accumulation of amorphous c
77 lation of HA depends on cellular or membrane cholesterol content and, potentially, intact cholesterol
78 onditions of pH, temperature, lipid content, cholesterol content, and buffer dimethylsulfoxide concen
79  decreased bile acid pool, increased hepatic cholesterol content, and lowered serum cholesterol in mi
80 investigate the influence of electrostatics, cholesterol content, and peptide palmitoylation, we also
81 th cholesterol or variations in unesterified cholesterol content appear to have little effect on the
82 erimental data we find that measures of cell cholesterol content are important in differentiating bet
83 of up to 25 and 60% reduction in chylomicron cholesterol content are seen with a 10-mg dose.
84 s, the parameter tau depends linearly on the cholesterol content at 310 K and allows us to determine
85 c variation, as large as 50%, with liposomal cholesterol content at the theoretically predicted C(r),
86 fied, CE droplets accumulate and microdomain cholesterol content becomes poorly regulated.
87  hypothesized that the natural difference in cholesterol content between erythrocytes and leukocytes
88 utants p.E297G and p.R432T increased at high cholesterol content but did not reach the capacity of no
89 pools was unaffected by raising the cellular cholesterol content, but the size of the fast pool incre
90 s occurs through the maintenance of caveolae cholesterol content by cholesterol ester uptake from HDL
91 membrane, 8 mm in diameter, were assayed for cholesterol content by enzymatic fluorometry (n = 10, >7
92                After increasing the membrane cholesterol content by treatment of water-soluble choles
93 P, an antivascular drug, to demonstrate that cholesterol content can actually modulate the release an
94 otoxicity generated by lowering the membrane cholesterol content can be reversed by AbetaP calcium ch
95 hat these functions may be related; membrane cholesterol content can regulate receptor-mediated signa
96 of the membrane that do not change the total cholesterol content, can significantly affect how choles
97 among known organellar membranes in terms of cholesterol content, cholesterol dynamics, and response
98 s found to decrease by six times for 50 mol% cholesterol content compared with cholesterol-free lipos
99 A1(-A/-A) mice had a 2-fold increase in free cholesterol content compared with wild-type mice and fai
100                           Increasing the SUV cholesterol content, concomitant with the presence of ne
101 t, saturated fat, protein, carbohydrate, and cholesterol content, consistent with former American Hea
102                                 GUVs of high cholesterol content containing the breakdown products of
103 A-I)-containing particles, and adrenal gland cholesterol content decreased by 42% and 72%, respective
104 ity directly depends on canalicular membrane cholesterol content, decreased BSEP presence in rafts ma
105 under ischemic conditions astrocyte membrane cholesterol content decreases, which could increase AQP4
106  have different phospholipid composition and cholesterol content, displaying a profile of fluidity th
107                    Manipulations of membrane cholesterol content dramatically altered the diffusion p
108 L) did not substantially increase macrophage cholesterol content during in-vitro incubations, investi
109 be dramatically affected by changes in their cholesterol content during the development of atheroscle
110 sed mice to excrete up to 60% of their total cholesterol content each day.
111 of sPLA2 shows an alternating variation with cholesterol content, exhibiting a minimum at the critica
112 drating the head groups and as a function of cholesterol content for a fixed hydration level.
113 le for development-associated differences in cholesterol content for the differential responses of th
114              The dynamics are independent of cholesterol content from 10 to 35%.
115  the ultrastructure of the MVB by perturbing cholesterol content genetically through the use of a del
116  cells, we found that changes in the overall cholesterol content have a limited effect on the average
117                          Changes in membrane cholesterol content have potent effects on cell signalli
118 is that DRMs of vastly different protein and cholesterol contents have been isolated from erythrocyte
119                                Regardless of cholesterol content, high fat diets induced mineralizati
120 xamine how lipid phase, packing density, and cholesterol content impact SERM-membrane interactions.
121 ic activity of sPLA2 is found to change with cholesterol content in an alternating manner.
122             However, CsA treatment decreased cholesterol content in caveolae and displaced eNOS from
123           These data suggest that decreasing cholesterol content in caveolae by CsA is a potentially
124 ndothelial dysfunction is related to reduced cholesterol content in caveolae.
125 tivation in endothelial cells via decreasing cholesterol content in caveolae.
126 reatment with TO901317 resulted in increased cholesterol content in Dhcr7(-/-) embryos.
127 eta-(1-42) would differentially modify Golgi cholesterol content in DINTC1 astrocytes and that the ef
128                                              Cholesterol content in each well was measured using a fl
129 ance, fatty acid content and composition and cholesterol content in egg yolk has been evaluated durin
130 ll be very useful for the quality control of cholesterol content in food matrices and can be easily a
131 stone dissolution in mice and reduce biliary cholesterol content in human beings.
132 eased cholesteryl ester levels and decreased cholesterol content in MA-10 cells.
133                                   Given that cholesterol content in plasma membranes varies with cell
134 zymatic product of CYP27A1, reduced cellular cholesterol content in prostate cancer cell lines by inh
135 nsfer by PLTP decreases with increasing free cholesterol content in rHDL and with decreasing HDL size
136                                   Increasing cholesterol content in target vesicles increased lipid-
137 rich domains is constant, independent of the cholesterol content in the bilayer.
138 otaxis to an SDF-1 gradient was dependent on cholesterol content in the cell membrane and on the inco
139 be nonhorizontal, indicating a difference in cholesterol content in the coexisting phases.
140 that aged Abeta-(1-42) significantly reduced cholesterol content in the Golgi complex.
141  mitochondria with a significantly increased cholesterol content in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
142 he water permeability of AQP4 depends on the cholesterol content in the lipid bilayer, but it was not
143 embrane surface independently of the overall cholesterol content in the membrane.
144                                   Increasing cholesterol content in the membranes resulted in a reduc
145 ddition of linseed oil did not influence the cholesterol content in yolks (P=0.5200) while the only f
146 tion rates could be observed with increasing cholesterol contents in the vesicle membranes.
147                    First, the total cellular cholesterol content increase was 2-3-fold and 3-5-fold i
148            However, high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol content increased by 14.4% in the HFD rats t
149 ce also exhibited higher plasma LDL and VLDL cholesterol content, increased circulating apolipoprotei
150  repulsive to attractive to repulsive as the cholesterol content increases.
151 xpression attenuated the increase in hepatic cholesterol content induced by consumption of a high cho
152  correlation between atherosclerosis, plasma cholesterol content, inflammation, and alpha1-AT rate of
153 holesterol synthesis inhibitor, lowered raft cholesterol content, inhibited Akt1 serine-threonine kin
154  also disrupted LRs, reduced plasma membrane cholesterol content, inhibited NADPH oxidase 4 transloca
155                              The increase in cholesterol content is associated with 1) increased expr
156 ty reaches a local minimum when the membrane cholesterol content is at or near the critical cholester
157                               Since membrane cholesterol content is disturbed in the development of c
158                        Increasing macrophage cholesterol content is sufficient to trigger IL-1beta re
159 d in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where cholesterol content is very low.
160 because gPr80gag-negative M-MuLV has a lower cholesterol content, is less sensitive to inhibition of
161     Instead by considering the intracellular cholesterol content it is found that internalisation of
162 counterstained with filipin, an indicator of cholesterol content, MNV NS3 displayed a greater associa
163                     Hence, changing membrane cholesterol content modulates BSEP and MRP2 transport ki
164 ity consistent with the increase in membrane cholesterol content observed after 4 h of DCA treatment
165                   Fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of caveolae/lipid rafts before and a
166 tion that was preceded by an increase in the cholesterol content of cell membranes and increased acti
167  synthase inhibitor squalestatin reduced the cholesterol content of cells and prevented the accumulat
168 ression analysis of the relation between the cholesterol content of each DGUC fraction as the depende
169 sphocholine (POPC)), and the average GM1 and cholesterol content of each ND were determined.
170                          Moves to reduce the cholesterol content of formula feeds below those of brea
171 henotypic differences in either the relative cholesterol content of gallbladder bile, bile acid pool
172 significant reduction in the lesion area and cholesterol content of high-fat, high-cholesterol diet-i
173  suggested that endo-CHOL contributes to the cholesterol content of late endosomes and controls its m
174 and size of LDL particles in addition to the cholesterol content of LDL.
175 s study, we tested whether alteration of the cholesterol content of lipid rafts in prostate cancer (P
176 asma membrane, likely through regulating the cholesterol content of lipid rafts.
177 ly lower, but no significant decrease in the cholesterol content of major lipoprotein fractions was m
178  goal of this experiment was to diminish the cholesterol content of Manchego, the most popular Spanis
179 ompares favourably with the fat, energy, and cholesterol content of many other meats and poultry.
180 ctions as a molecular machine to control the cholesterol content of membranes in mammalian cells.
181                                    While the cholesterol content of most tissues is normal in PEX2(-/
182                                   Increasing cholesterol content of PS liposomes also suppresses Abet
183 lity of RBC cholesterol was unrelated to the cholesterol content of RBCs or plasma, but was associate
184  Treatment with glucosamine-PI increased the cholesterol content of ScGT1 cell membranes and reduced
185 ibute significantly to the saturated fat and cholesterol content of the American diet.
186                                     When the cholesterol content of the diet was raised to 1.0%, hepa
187  in apoAI-Tg mice, independent of the fat or cholesterol content of the diet.
188 terol transfer was greatly influenced by the cholesterol content of the donor vesicles.
189                                          The cholesterol content of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) an
190                            However, the high cholesterol content of the envelope (ca. 40 to 50 mol%)
191  reduces the phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) and cholesterol content of the inner plasma membrane.
192 est hydrophobic characteristics; and (4) the cholesterol content of the membrane bilayer.
193 ted with low fluidity, low polarity, or high cholesterol content of the membranes, and a low GP is th
194 lts in increased chemotaxis dependent on the cholesterol content of the plasma membrane and receptor
195                    Doubling the unesterified cholesterol content of the plasma membrane by incubation
196    In addition, results indicate that as the cholesterol content of the plasma membrane is increased,
197                            The effect of the cholesterol content of the plasma membrane on the intrac
198 n TCR reorganization and is sensitive to the cholesterol content of the T cell membrane.
199 ly overlooked therapeutic consideration: the cholesterol content of the treated cell determines which
200                                 Although the cholesterol content of the treated cells increased after
201 ains, two properties that depend on the high cholesterol content of the viral membrane.
202 inhibited by EGTA, and is independent of the cholesterol content of these membranes.
203  Aortic lesions in D-HL swine had double the cholesterol content of those in N-HL swine, and incorpor
204                   This implies that elevated cholesterol content of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein par
205 es in lipid composition, particularly in the cholesterol content of very-low-density lipoproteinparti
206 n inducing a 3-5-fold increase in macrophage cholesterol content of which >60% is esterified.
207 gressively broadens and is not detectable at cholesterol contents of >40 mol%.
208                                          The cholesterol contents of major tissues were not altered.
209                Cell-type-specific effects of cholesterol content on function of human Pgp were detect
210   The influence of calcium and disc membrane cholesterol content on fusion between ROS membrane speci
211                               The affects of cholesterol content on fusion were investigated by incre
212       We also examined the effect of varying cholesterol content on the cold Triton X-100 solubility
213 d a detailed study of the effect of membrane cholesterol content on the initial hydrolytic activity o
214 etion of ABCA1 and ABCG1 causes an increased cholesterol content on the inner leaflet of the PM, asso
215 d in vitro, but it had no effect on cellular cholesterol content or efflux.
216          We find that alteration of membrane cholesterol content or perturbation of lipid rafts regul
217 SCVD and all-cause mortality, and that their cholesterol content or remnant cholesterol likewise are
218              Partial restoration of membrane cholesterol content partially restored shear-induced pla
219  to approximately 2 x 10(-9) cm(2)/s in high-cholesterol-content phases, to approximately 2 x 10(-10)
220 he flip-flop rate is independent of membrane cholesterol content, phospholipid acyl saturation, and l
221                                     Cellular cholesterol content reflects a balance of lipid influx b
222 ld, respectively, whereas plasma and hepatic cholesterol content remained unchanged.
223 ophilic BS eliminated or increased vesicular cholesterol content, respectively.
224 ell CD36 receptors and by depleting caveolae cholesterol content, resulting in the disruption of eNOS
225            Temperature variation at constant cholesterol content revealed three of the eight combinat
226                                         High cholesterol content shifted E17betaG to Michaelis-Menten
227  indicate that a reduction in neuron-derived cholesterol content, similar to that observed in diabeti
228 thods produced 20-31% reductions in cellular cholesterol content, similar to the decrease in choleste
229  on oligomer size is independent of membrane cholesterol content, so one interpretation of the data i
230            As a regulator of plasma membrane cholesterol content, SR-B1 promotes the uptake of lipid
231 nduction of hepatic Abcg5/g8 and gallbladder cholesterol content, suggesting a role of FXR in the reg
232 minished and eventually disappeared over 15% cholesterol content, suggesting that the cholesterol ric
233 rs are reported as a function of the bilayer cholesterol content, temperature, and incubation time.
234 ces in mineral content, fatty acid profiles, cholesterol content, texture parameters and sensory acce
235 nes made from the same cells showed a higher cholesterol content than nondetergent lipid rafts but we
236 via small vesicles having lower GP and lower cholesterol content than the surface membrane.
237 abolism is a 46% increase in plasma membrane cholesterol content, the implications of which are discu
238 pecimens were analyzed for the percentage of cholesterol content, the percentage of calcium bilirubin
239 urrent studies show that cells control their cholesterol content through receptor-ligand interactions
240 ne transcription by increasing intracellular cholesterol content through the hydrolysis of cellular s
241 adrenocortical cells increases mitochondrial cholesterol content under conditions in which StAR is in
242 d by increasing and decreasing disc membrane cholesterol content using well established lipid exchang
243                      In particular, membrane cholesterol content varies with aging and consequently w
244 ne out of four types of phospholipids plus a cholesterol content varying from 0 to 50 mol %.
245                                     Cellular cholesterol content was altered by incubating cells with
246                  The activity variation with cholesterol content was correlated well with the area of
247      Liver TG content was unchanged, whereas cholesterol content was decreased.
248                      The increase in biliary cholesterol content was dependent on expression of G5 an
249                                     Cellular cholesterol content was depleted by exposing the cells t
250                                        Liver cholesterol content was elevated in Sr-bI ko only (P < 0
251 l diets, whole liver and isolated hepatocyte cholesterol content was higher in the apoE knockout mice
252 efold in livers of the -/- mice, and hepatic cholesterol content was increased by 50%.
253 ore IAF and were more insulin resistant, the cholesterol content was increased in VLDL, intermediate-
254 e of lipid polarity, membrane curvature, and cholesterol content was investigated.
255 e mass spectroscopy revealed that esterified cholesterol content was markedly reduced.
256 the labeling studies; a decrease in cellular cholesterol content was observed in the 8-Br-cAMP-treate
257                               Total and free cholesterol content was significantly higher in 25 RA CH
258                                     Lysosome cholesterol content was significantly lower after treatm
259 =0.5200) while the only factor affecting the cholesterol content was the hens age (P<0.0001).
260                        The highest losses of cholesterol content were found during thermal processing
261            Intracellular triacylglycerol and cholesterol contents were also decreased.
262 esis rate and the aortic free and esterified cholesterol contents were also higher in the LDLR:(-/-)A
263 nical properties of the cells with different cholesterol contents were compared by measuring the degr
264 and acetate increase the total intracellular cholesterol content, which is attenuated with lovastatin
265                         We hypothesized that cholesterol content will modulate the recruitment of mon
266 tent at 310 K and allows us to determine the cholesterol content with an accuracy of at least 5%.
267                                     Elevated cholesterol content within pancreatic beta-cells has bee
268 d at 4 degrees C vs. 60 degrees C; increased cholesterol content yielded more PDH and SSHH at 60 degr

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