


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 inding, but binding is sensitive to membrane cholesterol depletion.
2  general, activation of SREBPs occurs during cholesterol depletion.
3      The suppression was fully reversible by cholesterol depletion.
4 when fully solubilized and were resistant to cholesterol depletion.
5 ut was unaffected by caveolin-1 knockdown or cholesterol depletion.
6 )P2] to the plasma membrane is reduced after cholesterol depletion.
7 nger facilitative effect on the current than cholesterol depletion.
8 t/PKB in response to EGF are not affected by cholesterol depletion.
9  by cholesterol feeding but was increased by cholesterol depletion.
10 ased by dietary cholesterol and decreased by cholesterol depletion.
11 -beta in the absence of Dab2 is disrupted by cholesterol depletion.
12 SREBP-2 LDLR promoter binding in response to cholesterol depletion.
13 ctivation and current facilitation following cholesterol depletion.
14  (2) human prostate cells exposed acutely to cholesterol depletion.
15 -cholesterol diet, and facilitated following cholesterol depletion.
16 liminated by the Tyr(4)(5)(8) mutation or by cholesterol depletion.
17 ects that are difficult to ascribe solely to cholesterol depletion.
18 ndent endocytosis, which is not sensitive to cholesterol depletion.
19  dense regions of the sucrose gradient after cholesterol depletion.
20 f inhibition by AME is distinct from that by cholesterol depletion.
21 y disrupting the integrity of lipid rafts by cholesterol depletion.
22 secretion, with normal secretion restored by cholesterol depletion.
23                               Concomitantly, cholesterol depletion abolished ouabain-induced recruitm
24                                              Cholesterol depletion abolished prostaglandin E1-stimula
25 on demonstrated that inhibition of Cav-1 and cholesterol depletion abrogated C5b-9 exo-vesiculation,
26              Immunofluorescence reveals that cholesterol depletion abrogates sarcomeric organization,
27 for SREBP/Sp1 regulation whereby lipoprotein cholesterol depletion activates caveolin-1 transcription
28         Transient anchorage was abolished by cholesterol depletion, addition of the Src family kinase
29                        Finally, we show that cholesterol depletion affects a raft subpool and blocks
30                                              Cholesterol depletion, after Fas ligand activation of ap
31  with anti-transferrin receptor antibody and cholesterol depletion agents completely abolished endoge
32                                 In contrast, cholesterol depletion allowed random transport of the 2A
33                                              Cholesterol depletion also blocked insulin-dependent pho
34                                              Cholesterol depletion also changed the density and speci
35                                              Cholesterol depletion also enhances in vivo EGF receptor
36                                              Cholesterol depletion also increases membrane tension, C
37                                Mild membrane cholesterol depletion also inhibited constitutive endocy
38                                              Cholesterol depletion also inhibited S100B-induced effec
39                                              Cholesterol depletion also inhibits EGF internalization
40                               Statin-induced cholesterol depletion also modestly activated the epider
41                                              Cholesterol depletion also resulted in the collapse of t
42                                              Cholesterol depletion also significantly attenuated GnRH
43 testine and liver largely reflect a state of cholesterol depletion and a decrease in intestinal sensi
44 ively monitor the change in lipid phase upon cholesterol depletion and apoptosis.
45 y we examined the effects of target membrane cholesterol depletion and cytoskeletal changes on human
46 r rendered cells resistant to the effects of cholesterol depletion and decreased the basal level of p
47 lustering of MHC I molecules by two methods, cholesterol depletion and direct cross-linking of a dime
48 olipids in caveolae/lipid rafts, followed by cholesterol depletion and displacement of important sign
49  between DiO-C16 and DiI-C16 is sensitive to cholesterol depletion and disruption of liquid order (Lo
50  detergent resistant, but are insensitive to cholesterol depletion and do not require the transmembra
51 ll isolation, but isolation was inhibited by cholesterol depletion and enhanced by cholesterol loadin
52 ignaling pathways as a direct consequence of cholesterol depletion and identify the EGFR-PLD2-Ras-MAP
53                                              Cholesterol depletion and magnetic immunoisolation studi
54  induction of apoptosis resulted in cellular cholesterol depletion and markedly reduced the incidence
55               In contrast, we confirmed that cholesterol depletion and raft disruption strongly inhib
56                                              Cholesterol depletion and repletion with methyl-beta-cyc
57                We also provide evidence that cholesterol depletion and SREBP activation are signals f
58 ed pO(2) led to alteration of lipid rafts by cholesterol depletion and structural changes and was ass
59 studies suggest a novel role for endothelial cholesterol depletion and subsequent SREBP activation in
60 f Vav1 phosphorylation that was sensitive to cholesterol depletion and to inhibition of actin polymer
61 horylation of Vav1 that was not sensitive to cholesterol depletion and to inhibition of actin polymer
62 sis of affected skin showed evidence of both cholesterol depletion and toxic metabolic accumulation.
63                                 Responses to cholesterol depletion are often taken as evidence of a r
64 lso protected the red cells against lysis by cholesterol depletion as if substituting for the extract
65  specialized membrane microdomains that upon cholesterol depletion become disrupted and release the c
66 tion of dendriplexes was strongly reduced by cholesterol depletion before transfection.
67                             Correspondingly, cholesterol depletion blocked effector translocation int
68 ularly important because their disruption by cholesterol depletion blocks the ability of BDNF to rend
69                                         With cholesterol depletion, both ligand binding and signaling
70 own InsP3R2 or inducing its dysfunction with cholesterol depletion, Bsep redistributed intracellularl
71 nted by Clostridium difficile toxin B and by cholesterol depletion, but was unaffected by inhibition
72                                   Therefore, cholesterol depletion by beta-cyclodextrin abrogates bot
73                            Here we show that cholesterol depletion by beta-cyclodextrin disrupts cave
74                                              Cholesterol depletion by beta-cyclodextrin results in th
75 o lysosomal degradation of neogenin and that cholesterol depletion by filipin blocks both HJV endocyt
76                                         Even cholesterol depletion by itself stimulated Erk activatio
77                               We showed that cholesterol depletion by methyl beta-cyclodextrin or fil
78 is study, we have investigated the effect of cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (Mbeta
79                                              Cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin induce
80 eduction in insulin secretion was rescued by cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin or mev
81 ol since dominant-negative dynamin (K44A) or cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin preven
82                                              Cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin preven
83 gradients, and were partially extracted upon cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, indic
84 udged by horseradish peroxidase uptake after cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin.
85                                              Cholesterol depletion caused a decrease in the diffusion
86 , whereas in the alpha C418W mutant the same cholesterol depletion caused a dramatic gain-in-function
87  data show that disruption of lipid rafts by cholesterol depletion caused an enhancement of virus par
88  Ultrastructural studies indicate that acute cholesterol depletion causes accumulation of flat-coated
89                                              Cholesterol depletion causes dispersion of syntaxin 3 bu
90                                              Cholesterol depletion causes morphology changes of domai
91  due to multiple effects of MbetaCD-mediated cholesterol depletion causing disruption of lipid rafts,
92                                     However, cholesterol depletion completely ablated the regulation
93                                              Cholesterol depletion completely prevented FXI binding t
94 l-cell fusion induced by MHV was retarded by cholesterol depletion, consistent with the association o
95                                              Cholesterol depletion, decreased caveolin, and increased
96 ane systems or by biochemical fractionation (cholesterol depletion, decreased temperature, and choles
97 sterol-enriched membrane rafts, and cellular cholesterol depletion decreases Abeta formation.
98                               Interestingly, cholesterol depletion did not prevent initial activation
99 re increased in intestines of animals on the cholesterol depletion diet but minimally suppressed if a
100 nd increased in intestines of animals on the cholesterol-depletion diet.
101                                              Cholesterol depletion diminished the cell membrane mean
102                                 As a result, cholesterol depletion diminishes Akt activity in both re
103  its inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation, cholesterol depletion disrupts the interactions of aggre
104                                     However, cholesterol depletion does not alter the magnitude of ch
105                                Unexpectedly, cholesterol depletion does not visibly alter the distrib
106 CNGA2-expressing HEK 293 cells revealed that cholesterol depletion dramatically reduced the apparent
107                                 In contrast, cholesterol depletion exacerbated apoptotic death in a K
108 plexes were shifted to a higher density upon cholesterol depletion from intact cells or cell lysate.
109                                              Cholesterol depletion from the apical membrane leads to
110                             We conclude that cholesterol depletion from the plasma membrane by MbetaC
111                             We conclude that cholesterol depletion from the plasma membrane by MbetaC
112                                     Moderate cholesterol depletion from the viral membrane sped fusio
113  Abeta production depending on the extent of cholesterol depletion, generating controversy.
114                   We also show that although cholesterol depletion had no apparent effect on the inte
115  lipid rafts exclusion at the iNKIS, whereas cholesterol depletion had no effect on actin disruption
116                                              Cholesterol depletion had no effect on the induction of
117 duction in glutamate uptake, suggesting that cholesterol depletion has a direct effect on the functio
118                                 In contrast, cholesterol depletion has no effect on E-selectin-depend
119 processing is not clearly understood because cholesterol depletion has pleiotropic effects on Golgi m
120 2+) signals in SkHep1 cells, suggesting that cholesterol depletion has similar effects among polarize
121                                 No effect of cholesterol depletion, however, was seen on viral bindin
122 ion in response to 25-hydroxycholesterol and cholesterol depletion, impairs CERT Golgi localization,
123 roclustering was measured after 27% membrane cholesterol depletion in a cell line expressing WT integ
124                                 We show that cholesterol depletion in cells does not inhibit the form
125                                              Cholesterol depletion in MDCK cells greatly restricted A
126 s as well as cellular proliferation, whereas cholesterol depletion in the cell membrane abrogated Akt
127 GAb uptake was attenuated following membrane cholesterol depletion in vitro and ex vivo, indicating t
128  using GT1-7 hypothalamic cells subjected to cholesterol depletion in vitro using three independent m
129 anced proliferation of prostate cells, while cholesterol depletion increased ATF3 levels and inhibite
130                              We suggest that cholesterol depletion increases the stiffness of the mem
131 m mobilization was only partially reduced by cholesterol depletion, indicating that this treatment di
132 equent virus internalization is sensitive to cholesterol depletion, indicating the involvement of a c
133  reduction in the outward current was due to cholesterol depletion induced by MCD rather than a direc
134                         Interestingly, acute cholesterol depletion induced with methyl-beta-cyclodext
135            Disruption of lipid rafts through cholesterol depletion inhibited PI3K localization to mem
136  in cholesterol-containing microdomains, and cholesterol depletion inhibits the stability of these cl
137 d diffusion coefficients were measured after cholesterol depletion, irrespective of the integrins bei
138 ndependent of protein expression levels, and cholesterol depletion is commonly used to test the raft-
139       These results support a model in which cholesterol depletion is coupled through PIP(2) to enhan
140 r control conditions but can be activated by cholesterol depletion, knockdown of caveolin-1 expressio
141                                              Cholesterol depletion, known to decrease lipid bilayer s
142 Similar findings were obtained upon chemical cholesterol depletion, leading directly to syntaxin-1 cl
143 th methyl-beta-cyclodextrin resulting in 75% cholesterol depletion leads to commensurate decreases in
144                                              Cholesterol depletion led to almost complete confinement
145 tural integrity and function of LR caused by cholesterol depletion likely inhibited the initial stage
146 eta-cyclodextrin depletion, whereas envelope cholesterol depletion markedly affected influenza virus
147             This result indicates that after cholesterol depletion molecules in the more ordered doma
148  integrin association was not disrupted upon cholesterol depletion, occurred in high density sucrose
149                                              Cholesterol depletion of alpha T3-1 cells using methyl-b
150 rol on membrane stiffness of lipid bilayers, cholesterol depletion of bovine aortic endothelial cells
151                                              Cholesterol depletion of infected cells drastically alte
152            This impairment was reversed with cholesterol depletion of isolated endosomes or with high
153 ages and endothelial cells seem to occur via cholesterol depletion of LRs.
154                                 Furthermore, cholesterol depletion of macrophages with methyl-beta-cy
155           This localization was supported by cholesterol depletion of membranes, which ablated STAT5
156                                              Cholesterol depletion of native intestinal plasma membra
157 cholesterol for H-Ras activation was probed; cholesterol depletion of rafts using methyl-betacyclodex
158                          Here we report that cholesterol depletion of serum-starved COS-1 cells with
159 ma ligands, but was decreased in response to cholesterol depletion of the membrane.
160  the Reelin signaling cascade is impaired by cholesterol depletion of the plasma membrane.
161                                              Cholesterol depletion of virus did not affect the abilit
162 ent of all lipoproteins was attenuated, with cholesterol depletion of VLDL and enrichment of HDL.
163 asma membrane PI(4,5)P2 mimic the effects of cholesterol depletion on actin organization and on later
164 igating functional and structural effects of cholesterol depletion on Lyn/FcepsilonRI interactions.
165                      However, the effects of cholesterol depletion on protein and lipid diffusion in
166                 There was a marked effect of cholesterol depletion on the cell-surface distribution a
167                                         Upon cholesterol depletion, only 12% of the AChR-containing v
168                            Most importantly, cholesterol depletion or blocking cholesterol synthesis
169 phorylation are inhibited by either membrane cholesterol depletion or overexpression of RGS1 in proge
170  moreover, it was only slightly inhibited by cholesterol depletion or SFK inhibition and depended com
171 atin myotoxicity may be due to intracellular cholesterol depletion, or interference with oxidative ph
172 lpain 2 is recruited to lipid rafts and that cholesterol depletion perturbs calpain 2 localization, s
173                                        Using cholesterol depletion, pharmacological inhibitors, RNA i
174                                              Cholesterol depletion postinfection did not affect WNV g
175                               In response to cholesterol depletion, PP2A directly interacted with SRE
176  red cells against the hemolysis elicited by cholesterol depletion, presumably by substituting for th
177                 Disruption of lipid rafts by cholesterol depletion prevented the TNF-alpha-dependent
178                                          For cholesterol depletion, rat salivary epithelial A5 cells
179 monstrated that disruption of lipid rafts by cholesterol-depletion reagent blocked the agonist-induce
180                                              Cholesterol depletion redistributed the BK channels to n
181                               Although acute cholesterol depletion reduced sphingolipid domain abunda
182                                              Cholesterol depletions reduced plaque development 2- to
183                       AIBP- and HDL-mediated cholesterol depletion reduces lipid rafts, interferes wi
184 tion of squared displacements confirmed that cholesterol depletion reduces prestin confinement.
185 ational order is also seen to be affected by cholesterol depletion, reflecting the strong interplay b
186                                              Cholesterol depletion resulted in dissociation of CPE fr
187 ilar to disruptions of actin polymerization, cholesterol depletion results in an increase in the fiss
188                             Mechanistically, cholesterol depletion results in displacement of KLF11 f
189 ity-independent mechanism, whereas overnight cholesterol depletion slightly increased both protein an
190                                              Cholesterol depletion studies showed that the TF associa
191 utilization of rafts in Th1 and Th2 cells by cholesterol depletion studies, which alters calcium sign
192 esponses of mu- and delta-opioid agonists to cholesterol depletion suggest that mu-opioid receptors a
193   In addition, its relative insensitivity to cholesterol depletion suggests that the interactions of
194 cytes led to enhanced channel activity while cholesterol depletion suppressed I(K,ACh).
195 showed an increased kinetic sensitivity in a cholesterol depletion test, demonstrating that palmitoyl
196 EV11-207R is significantly less sensitive to cholesterol depletion than infection by EV11-207, confir
197    Desialylated PrP(C) was less sensitive to cholesterol depletion than PrP(C) and was not released f
198                                              Cholesterol depletion to disrupt LRs abolished LTB(4)-in
199              We propose a mechanism in which cholesterol depletion triggers a signaling cascade, culm
200  independent of cholesterol concentration as cholesterol depletion using cyclodextrins did not alter
201                                        After cholesterol depletion using cyclodextrins, Golgi and api
202                                      In vivo cholesterol depletion using lovastatin resulted in the l
203 resistant membranes that can be disrupted by cholesterol depletion using methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MC
204 Complementary functional studies showed that cholesterol depletion using methyl-beta-cyclodextrin inh
205 perature dependence of membrane order and by cholesterol depletion using methyl-beta-cyclodextrin.
206 chain after disruption of the lipid rafts by cholesterol depletion using methyl-betacyclodextrin.
207                           We show that acute cholesterol depletion, using beta-methyl-cyclodextrin, s
208 al integrity of lipid rafts was disrupted by cholesterol depletion utilizing methyl-beta-cyclodextrin
209                                              Cholesterol depletion was also observed to extract a poo
210                      ABCA1 overexpression or cholesterol depletion was sufficient to reduce albuminur
211 -CoA synthase mRNAs, in response to cellular cholesterol depletion, was prevented when cells expresse
212                             Using controlled cholesterol depletion, we found that a cholesterol-depen
213 ) or 4% cholestyramine and 0.15% lovastatin (cholesterol-depletion) were fed to hamsters for 2 weeks.
214                                 By contrast, cholesterol depletion, which impairs lipid raft formatio
215                                              Cholesterol depletion with beta-cyclodextrin causes a si
216    Dispersion of lipid rafts on the cells by cholesterol depletion with beta-cyclodextrin resulted in
217 uch as digitonin and acetone/methanol, while cholesterol depletion with beta-methyl-cyclodextrin and
218 fect was significantly decreased by membrane cholesterol depletion with beta-methyl-cyclodextrin, the
219                                    A minimal cholesterol depletion with beta-methylcyclodextrin atten
220                                Nevertheless, cholesterol depletion with cyclodextrin augments agonist
221 A1 deficiency and was partially prevented by cholesterol depletion with cyclodextrin.
222 ssociated CH-2 complex that was sensitive to cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (Mbe
223                                              Cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin did
224                           Raft disruption by cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin elim
225                                     Membrane cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin mimi
226                                              Cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin slow
227                                 We find that cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin subs
228                                              Cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, fil
229 g pattern, but the pattern was eliminated by cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin.
230 t similar rates in the two lines, even after cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin.
231                                  Conversely, cholesterol-depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin or f

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