


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ol directly on major molecular parameters of cholesterol homeostasis.
2 ligomeric Abeta(42) (oAbeta(42)) in neuronal cholesterol homeostasis.
3 ors (LXRs) are nuclear receptors involved in cholesterol homeostasis.
4 tic circulation of bile acids, as well as in cholesterol homeostasis.
5 iption factors involved in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.
6 terol that serve a central role in mediating cholesterol homeostasis.
7 1, an enzyme involved in regulating cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
8 ression plays an important role in adipocyte cholesterol homeostasis.
9 iological regulator of both triglyceride and cholesterol homeostasis.
10 of bile acid signaling in regulating overall cholesterol homeostasis.
11  inflammatory responses by altering cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
12 al program, which includes genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis.
13  mechanism for how these oxysterols regulate cholesterol homeostasis.
14 iological set-point levels, thereby ensuring cholesterol homeostasis.
15 udies define DHR96 as a central regulator of cholesterol homeostasis.
16 o control an important regulatory pathway in cholesterol homeostasis.
17 y play a role in the oxysterol regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.
18 r (ASBT), a key membrane protein involved in cholesterol homeostasis.
19  may provide novel approaches for regulating cholesterol homeostasis.
20 feration through the maintenance of cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
21 o major pathways by which the body regulates cholesterol homeostasis.
22 ole in lipoprotein metabolism and macrophage cholesterol homeostasis.
23 ng in all three of these important routes of cholesterol homeostasis.
24  density lipoproteins and plays key roles in cholesterol homeostasis.
25 ceptor (LDLR) family and functions in plasma cholesterol homeostasis.
26  LDLR SNPs may alter splicing efficiency and cholesterol homeostasis.
27  in systemic and hepatic glucose, lipid, and cholesterol homeostasis.
28 scription factor SREBP2, master regulator of cholesterol homeostasis.
29 ceptor function in maintenance of whole body cholesterol homeostasis.
30  addition, bile acids play a crucial role in cholesterol homeostasis.
31 nterferes with its role in regulating plasma cholesterol homeostasis.
32  important role in maintaining bile acid and cholesterol homeostasis.
33 ions and represents a consequence of altered cholesterol homeostasis.
34 accumulation defects in cells with disrupted cholesterol homeostasis.
35  and over time causes disruption in cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
36 em for the maintenance of total body fat and cholesterol homeostasis.
37 R) signaling pathway regulates bile acid and cholesterol homeostasis.
38 ellular sterol trafficking and regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.
39 polipoprotein E (apoE) is a key regulator of cholesterol homeostasis.
40  is crucial for regulating genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis.
41 hile LXRalpha has its most marked effects on cholesterol homeostasis.
42         It plays important roles in cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
43  crucial roles in lipoprotein metabolism and cholesterol homeostasis.
44 st in part, through the regulation of plasma cholesterol homeostasis.
45 l and phytosterols and plays a major role in cholesterol homeostasis.
46 chanisms by which PPARs influence macrophage cholesterol homeostasis.
47 ile acids, which is critical for maintaining cholesterol homeostasis.
48 retroendocytic transporter for regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.
49 or (FXR), which is an important regulator of cholesterol homeostasis.
50 r importance to the regulation of whole body cholesterol homeostasis.
51 totoxic death as a result of changes in cell cholesterol homeostasis.
52  that contain sterol sensors are involved in cholesterol homeostasis.
53  in transcytosis, and in regulating cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
54  mechanisms regulate this critical aspect of cholesterol homeostasis.
55 od from the standpoint of its involvement in cholesterol homeostasis.
56 ion of SCAP, INSIG-1 plays a central role in cholesterol homeostasis.
57 in membrane integrity rather than to control cholesterol homeostasis.
58 implicated in the control of lipogenesis and cholesterol homeostasis.
59 n to play an important role in bile acid and cholesterol homeostasis.
60 ritical role in the maintenance of mammalian cholesterol homeostasis.
61 gesting that it plays a role in keratinocyte cholesterol homeostasis.
62 ity resulting from adverse effects on tissue cholesterol homeostasis.
63 ting ABCA1 transporter activity and cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
64 n the enterohepatic bile acid metabolism and cholesterol homeostasis.
65 argeted at this transcriptional regulator of cholesterol homeostasis.
66 nscytosis, as well as in regulating cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
67 B mouse model for glucose lowering and lipid/cholesterol homeostasis.
68 cavenger receptor class B type I on cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
69 important for our understanding of mammalian cholesterol homeostasis.
70  in regulation of bile acid biosynthesis and cholesterol homeostasis.
71 l might be important in maintaining cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
72  an important role in mechanisms of cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
73 reductase, another key gene of intracellular cholesterol homeostasis.
74  development of mechanisms for intracellular cholesterol homeostasis.
75 iptional regulators of cellular and systemic cholesterol homeostasis.
76 ne expression associated with the control of cholesterol homeostasis.
77 , as well as phosphoinositide signalling and cholesterol homeostasis.
78 ular Loop1-Loop7 binding, a central event in cholesterol homeostasis.
79 e diet to characterize the role in lipid and cholesterol homeostasis.
80 fflux from cells and regulates intracellular cholesterol homeostasis.
81 plays an important role in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.
82 iptional repressor to regulate bile acid and cholesterol homeostasis.
83 cells, is involved in maintaining organismal cholesterol homeostasis.
84 oth the enteroviral life cycle and host cell cholesterol homeostasis.
85 f the unfolded protein response, and altered cholesterol homeostasis.
86 ngs related to the impact of SLU pathways in cholesterol homeostasis.
87 oplasmic reticulum is essential for cellular cholesterol homeostasis.
88 rption of bile acids and plays a key role in cholesterol homeostasis.
89 mportance of hepatic LXRalpha for whole body cholesterol homeostasis.
90  engulfment of apoptotic cells [8-13] and to cholesterol homeostasis [14].
91 levels in cell cultures requires normal cell cholesterol homeostasis; 2) HA degradation may contribut
92                         They are crucial for cholesterol homeostasis, a major lipid constituent of my
93 rmacologic approaches in an attempt to alter cholesterol homeostasis across the CNS.
94 ed LDL/cholesterol and altered intracellular cholesterol homeostasis also causes chromosomal instabil
95 rosclerosis, we have asked whether disrupted cholesterol homeostasis alters HA accumulation in low de
96     This assay provides a new tool to assess cholesterol homeostasis among tissues in humans.
97  These findings reveal Nrf1 as a guardian of cholesterol homeostasis and a core component of adaptive
98 ts a mechanistic link between apoE-regulated cholesterol homeostasis and Abeta degradation.
99 ings identify ABCG1 as a novel integrator of cholesterol homeostasis and adaptive immune programs.
100 ernative splicing as a modulator of cellular cholesterol homeostasis and as an underlying mechanism o
101                  However, its role in plasma cholesterol homeostasis and atherosclerosis has not been
102 ase (ACAT) is an enzyme involved in cellular cholesterol homeostasis and atherosclerosis.
103 he critical role of beta-cell ABCA1 in islet cholesterol homeostasis and beta-cell function and highl
104                 LXRs play a critical role in cholesterol homeostasis and bile acid metabolism.
105 n the tumour, and illustrates a link between cholesterol homeostasis and cancer.
106 phan nuclear receptor (NR5A2) that regulates cholesterol homeostasis and cell plasticity in endoderma
107 y lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) is crucial for cholesterol homeostasis and deficiency in LDLR functions
108 et al. here identify effects of Wolbachia on cholesterol homeostasis and dengue virus replication in
109 rogenitor cells (OPCs), Lrp1 is required for cholesterol homeostasis and differentiation into mature
110 ation-defective RID-alpha mutant deregulates cholesterol homeostasis and elicits lysosomal storage ab
111 CAT1 deficiency led to marked alterations in cholesterol homeostasis and extensive deposition of unes
112 lators of lipid metabolism genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis and fatty acid oxidation.
113 e Tangier disease characterized by defective cholesterol homeostasis and high density lipoprotein (HD
114 ors or LXRs are key modulators of macrophage cholesterol homeostasis and immune responses.
115 mechanism by which perturbation of beta-cell cholesterol homeostasis and impaired insulin secretion i
116  regulating both macrophage inflammation and cholesterol homeostasis and implicate IL-19 as a link be
117 ase (ACAT) plays important roles in cellular cholesterol homeostasis and in the early stages of ather
118 icates coordinated and reciprocal control of cholesterol homeostasis and inflammatory pathways.
119  with OSBP, thereby disrupting intracellular cholesterol homeostasis and inhibiting viral entry.
120 ay also be important in regulating beta-cell cholesterol homeostasis and insulin secretion.
121 s an important role in controlling lipid and cholesterol homeostasis and is a potential target for th
122  in high density lipoprotein (HDL) regulates cholesterol homeostasis and is protective against athero
123 for participation of small noncoding RNAs in cholesterol homeostasis and is the first to implicate a
124 preclinical data, focusing on alterations in cholesterol homeostasis and its consequent effect on pat
125  role of microbiota in regulating whole-body cholesterol homeostasis and its response to a cholestero
126     We conclude that PP2A activity regulates cholesterol homeostasis and LDL-C uptake.
127 able insights into the mechanisms regulating cholesterol homeostasis and LDLR trafficking.
128                    Despite central roles for cholesterol homeostasis and lipid metabolism, their func
129 iption factors that induce genes controlling cholesterol homeostasis and lipogenesis.
130 s; however, a potential link between altered cholesterol homeostasis and platelet production has not
131 a and beta are transcriptional regulators of cholesterol homeostasis and potential targets for the de
132 These results reveal a new facet of cellular cholesterol homeostasis and provide a potential explanat
133 ing how SHP interacts with LRH-1 to regulate cholesterol homeostasis and provide new insights into ho
134  obesity is associated with abnormal hepatic cholesterol homeostasis and resistance to leptin action.
135 lications for our understanding of mammalian cholesterol homeostasis and suggest new opportunities fo
136 concert with the SREBP host genes to control cholesterol homeostasis and suggest that miR-33 may repr
137 development of atherosclerosis by regulating cholesterol homeostasis and suppressing inflammatory gen
138 ificance of hepatic CPR-dependent enzymes in cholesterol homeostasis and systemic drug clearance, and
139 ion in caveolae via actions on both membrane cholesterol homeostasis and the level of activation of t
140  have been implicated in regulating cellular cholesterol homeostasis and therefore play critical role
141  Cyp7a1 plays a critical role in maintaining cholesterol homeostasis and underscores the importance o
142 , type I (SR-BI) in the modulation of global cholesterol homeostasis and vascular cell function, and
143 rter ABCG1 has an essential role in cellular cholesterol homeostasis, and dysregulation has been asso
144 oxidation of fatty acids, fatty acid uptake, cholesterol homeostasis, and lipogenesis.
145 ng their own biosynthesis, lipid absorption, cholesterol homeostasis, and local mucosal defenses in t
146  participate in intestinal lipid metabolism, cholesterol homeostasis, and physiology.
147 ous biochemical processes such as secretion, cholesterol homeostasis, and regulation of chromatin str
148 ear receptors that are central regulators of cholesterol homeostasis, and synthetic LXR agonists have
149 trol of growth signaling pathways, lipid and cholesterol homeostasis, and the breakdown of xenobiotic
150  targets the Golgi complex and disrupts cell cholesterol homeostasis, and this action of Abeta-(1-42)
151 lipoproteins, how it helps maintain cellular cholesterol homeostasis, and, finally, how it is catabol
152 ctions, including autophagosome degradation, cholesterol homeostasis, antigen presentation, and cell
153 of Wwox involve multiple pathways, including cholesterol homeostasis, ApoA-I/ABCA1 pathway, and fatty
154 tion of lipofuscin bisretinoids and abnormal cholesterol homeostasis are implicated in macular degene
155       Our genetic screen therefore points to cholesterol homeostasis as a potential target for the tr
156 eptor agonists, which regulate intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, augment PKA agonist- or high ph
157 erferes with normal human cell life, such as cholesterol homeostasis, blood coagulation, EGFR binding
158 ole for Aup1 in maintenance of intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, but they also highlight the clo
159 ts demonstrate that changes in intracellular cholesterol homeostasis by ABCG1 profoundly impact iNKT
160  that selected dietary plant sterols disrupt cholesterol homeostasis by affecting two critical regula
161 n receptor (LDLR) plays a key role in plasma cholesterol homeostasis by binding and internalizing lip
162 or is a key protein for maintaining cellular cholesterol homeostasis by binding cholesterol-rich lipo
163 a plays a critical role in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis by controlling the expression of
164 ma apolipoprotein E maintains overall plasma cholesterol homeostasis by facilitating efficient hepati
165  RXR heterodimers serve as key regulators of cholesterol homeostasis by governing reverse cholesterol
166 plasmic reticulum that play crucial roles in cholesterol homeostasis by inhibiting excessive choleste
167 he gallbladder may have a role in regulating cholesterol homeostasis by modulating the physical forms
168  and pro-oxidative factor, alters macrophage cholesterol homeostasis by repressing ABCA1 to promote f
169 the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that controls cholesterol homeostasis by transporting sterol regulator
170 tion that MDCKII cells respond to changes in cholesterol homeostasis by up-regulating a pathway for c
171      Moreover, drug-induced perturbations of cholesterol homeostasis cause mitochondrial DNA disorgan
172                             Impaired hepatic cholesterol homeostasis causes intracellular free choles
173 n localization with such varied processes as cholesterol homeostasis, cell signalling and cytokinesis
174 f CETP biosynthesis in cells alters cellular cholesterol homeostasis, demonstrating an intracellular
175 tion, the extent to which it impacts hepatic cholesterol homeostasis depends on cholesterol intake.
176 ancy outcome, with possible implications for cholesterol homeostasis during human pregnancy.
177 R-125a-5p have been implicated in regulating cholesterol homeostasis, fatty acid metabolism and lipog
178 l in cancer, with several demonstrating that cholesterol homeostasis genes can modulate development.
179  differential expression of inflammatory and cholesterol homeostasis genes in the macrophage subpopul
180                   Daidzein also elevated the cholesterol homeostasis genes in the poststroke brain wi
181                                              Cholesterol homeostasis genes that require LXR for expre
182 odeling, we found that daidzein enhanced the cholesterol homeostasis genetic program, including Lxr a
183 ant roles in the regulation of bile acid and cholesterol homeostasis, glucose metabolism, and insulin
184                                Altered brain cholesterol homeostasis has been implicated in Huntingto
185                                    Disrupted cholesterol homeostasis has been reported in Alzheimer d
186 s (LXRs), one cellular mechanism to regulate cholesterol homeostasis, has been found to alter Abeta l
187    Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a key ligand for cholesterol homeostasis, has been shown to interact with
188           Apolipoprotein E, a key ligand for cholesterol homeostasis, has been shown to interact with
189                  Their beneficial effects on cholesterol homeostasis have made these transporters imp
190 l stress (eg, mild dehydration) impact renal cholesterol homeostasis have not been addressed.
191                                       Intact cholesterol homeostasis helps to maintain hematopoietic
192 d its apolipoproteins in regulating cellular cholesterol homeostasis, highlighting recent advances on
193             Whether mTOR is also affected by cholesterol homeostasis, however, has remained unknown.
194  the products of which control bile acid and cholesterol homeostasis; however, the role of DRIP205 in
195 Three new studies have wide implications for cholesterol homeostasis, identifying a novel mechanism b
196 get of oAbeta(42), directly linking Abeta to cholesterol homeostasis impairment.
197 rovided evidence for the alteration of brain cholesterol homeostasis in 129.Mecp2-null mice, an exper
198  CETP expression levels contribute to normal cholesterol homeostasis in adipocytic cells.
199 ion in the developing pancreas and maintains cholesterol homeostasis in adults.
200                                              Cholesterol homeostasis in animal cells is achieved by r
201 loping brain may be due to the disruption of cholesterol homeostasis in astrocytes.
202 Although ethanol has been reported to affect cholesterol homeostasis in biological membranes, the mol
203 direct evidence of a role for maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis in bone health.
204 ypes suggested a potential role of disrupted cholesterol homeostasis in cancer development but additi
205            In this report, we have evaluated cholesterol homeostasis in Cav1 knock-out mice.
206 -apoE interactions may contribute to overall cholesterol homeostasis in cells and tissues that expres
207 ke-induced behavioral deficits via enhancing cholesterol homeostasis in chronic stroke, and this occu
208 n-2 and -1 genes, respectively, and regulate cholesterol homeostasis in concert with their host genes
209                                  It restores cholesterol homeostasis in cultured NPC1 mutant fibrobla
210 hanism of bile acid signaling in maintaining cholesterol homeostasis in Cyp7a1-tg mice.
211  tractable tool to explore the complexity of cholesterol homeostasis in eukaryotic cells and to devel
212 xpression of NRs and other genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis in freshly isolated and cultured
213 tical role for pancreatic beta cell-specific cholesterol homeostasis in insulin secretion as well as
214 pha and LXRbeta) are important regulators of cholesterol homeostasis in liver and macrophages.
215 the function of Insig proteins in regulating cholesterol homeostasis in mammalian cells.
216                                              Cholesterol homeostasis in mammals involves pathways for
217 SORT1 may be beneficial in improving hepatic cholesterol homeostasis in metabolic and inflammatory li
218 BP-dependent gene regulation governing lipid/cholesterol homeostasis in metazoans in response to fast
219 ptor protein expression, and restored plasma cholesterol homeostasis in mice lacking a functional liv
220                     We have now investigated cholesterol homeostasis in NPC1-deficient cells of the b
221             However, 0.1 and 1 mm CD altered cholesterol homeostasis in opposite directions.
222 ent of lipoproteins that plays a key role in cholesterol homeostasis in plasma and in brain.
223 ivity and support the importance of cellular cholesterol homeostasis in regulating beta-cell insulin
224 ced block on cholesterol efflux and restores cholesterol homeostasis in RPE cells.
225 ma levels of 24S-OHC as a biomarker of brain cholesterol homeostasis in RTT.
226 and ABCG8 (G5G8-/- mice) profoundly perturbs cholesterol homeostasis in the adrenal gland.
227                                              Cholesterol homeostasis in the body is controlled mainly
228 holesterol absorption and the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis in the body.
229 ry results, with ACAT1 being responsible for cholesterol homeostasis in the brain, skin, adrenal, and
230 gest that, in addition to the involvement in cholesterol homeostasis in the brain, this enzyme may pa
231          However, complete understandings of cholesterol homeostasis in the cell remains elusive, par
232 anizing principle for signaling pathways and cholesterol homeostasis in the cell, relatively little i
233  an essential role in maintaining peripheral cholesterol homeostasis in the context of hypercholester
234 sm suggests that TTF-1 may be a modulator of cholesterol homeostasis in the lung.
235 hat peroxisomes are critical for maintaining cholesterol homeostasis in the neonatal mouse.
236 ng cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) regulates cholesterol homeostasis in thymocytes and peripheral CD4
237    SR-BI-apoE interactions may contribute to cholesterol homeostasis in tissues and cells expressing
238 he first report that cowpea peptides inhibit cholesterol homeostasis in vitro in two distinct routes,
239 s to beta-cell function by maintaining islet cholesterol homeostasis in vivo.
240 n ileal FGF15/19 to hepatocyte FGFR4 axis in cholesterol homeostasis, in metabolic homeostasis in viv
241  the integration of mitochondria in cellular cholesterol homeostasis, in which ATAD3 plays a critical
242 lic disorders associated with aberrant lipid/cholesterol homeostasis, including metabolic syndrome an
243 s of CYP27A1 led to dysregulation of retinal cholesterol homeostasis, including unexpected upregulati
244  role of the intestine in the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis increasingly is recognized.
245  lesion stability, the marked alterations in cholesterol homeostasis indicate that selectively inhibi
246 eport validation of Usf1 as a causal gene of cholesterol homeostasis, insulin sensitivity and body co
247 d the potential of therapeutically targeting cholesterol homeostasis is a controversial area in the c
248 atients and mice models of AD suggested that cholesterol homeostasis is altered in neurons that accum
249                  Thus, proper control of LDL-cholesterol homeostasis is critical for organismal healt
250                                     Cellular cholesterol homeostasis is important for normal beta-cel
251                                     Cellular cholesterol homeostasis is maintained by Scap, an endopl
252                                              Cholesterol homeostasis is maintained through concerted
253    In light of our findings we postulate how cholesterol homeostasis is maintained within the cell an
254                                              Cholesterol homeostasis is mediated by Scap, a polytopic
255                       This demonstrates that cholesterol homeostasis is modified in BPDCN and can be
256 the role of NPC1L1 in maintaining whole body cholesterol homeostasis is not known.
257 ossible mechanism for HD neurotoxicity where cholesterol homeostasis is perturbed.
258 olesterol is present in the plasma membrane, cholesterol homeostasis is principally regulated through
259                                              Cholesterol homeostasis is regulated by a family of tran
260                                              Cholesterol homeostasis is required to maintain normal c
261 erol synthesis and uptake are repressed, and cholesterol homeostasis is restored.
262  of seminiferous epithelium, and disorder of cholesterol homeostasis, is uniformly accelerated upon i
263 a blocks cholesterol trafficking and changes cholesterol homeostasis leading to neurodegeneration and
264  a number of biological processes, including cholesterol homeostasis, lipid metabolism, and keratinoc
265                                      Because cholesterol homeostasis may have an essential role in ce
266 ctions related to nucleoid and mitochondrial cholesterol homeostasis, modified the distribution of ch
267 perfamily whose members function in cellular cholesterol homeostasis (Niemann-Pick C1) and Hedgehog s
268 ite the significance of this interaction for cholesterol homeostasis, no structure of either ARH or t
269 uclear liver X receptor (LXR) helps maintain cholesterol homeostasis, not only through promotion of c
270         As a sensor regulating intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, nuclear receptor LXR-alpha was
271  These results suggested that intrapulmonary cholesterol homeostasis, other than systematic cholester
272 regulatory mechanism contributes to maintain cholesterol homeostasis preventing excessive cholesterol
273 ovel, cell cycle mechanism by which aberrant cholesterol homeostasis promotes neurodegeneration and a
274                                     Cellular cholesterol homeostasis regulates endoproteolytic genera
275 d by STARD4 is an important component of the cholesterol homeostasis regulatory machinery.
276 ntified a dysregulation of genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis, some of them being liver X rece
277 leviates mitochondrial dysfunction, aberrant cholesterol homeostasis, striatal atrophy, impaired dopa
278 idence support the notion that alteration of cholesterol homeostasis strongly predisposes to Alzheime
279 decrease in ubiquinone levels and changes in cholesterol homeostasis suggest that mevalonate pathway
280 t this drug can exert paradoxical effects on cholesterol homeostasis that are independent of PPAR gam
281       Here, I offer personal perspectives on cholesterol homeostasis that reflect my belief that cert
282  receptors are involved in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis, the combination of higher chole
283  Treatment with 5-AzaC disturbed subcellular cholesterol homeostasis, thereby impeding activation of
284    In contrast, wild-type animals maintained cholesterol homeostasis through basal expression of gene
285  of gene products that control intracellular cholesterol homeostasis through catabolism and transport
286  HIV-1 transcription in T cells is linked to cholesterol homeostasis through control of TFII-I expres
287 he low-density lipoprotein receptor mediates cholesterol homeostasis through endocytosis of lipoprote
288 through which the biological clock regulates cholesterol homeostasis through its regulation of non-rh
289                          Oxysterols regulate cholesterol homeostasis through liver X receptor (LXR; c
290 olecules that play a major role in mediating cholesterol homeostasis through mechanisms which have no
291  post-transcriptional mechanisms that assure cholesterol homeostasis through their sterol-induced bin
292          Thus, IFITM3 disrupts intracellular cholesterol homeostasis to block viral entry, further un
293 olecular basis for the link between Arf6 and cholesterol homeostasis using an inducible knockout (KO)
294                  Rexinoids affect intestinal cholesterol homeostasis via two receptors: retinoic acid
295 farnesoid X-receptor (FXR; NR1H4) for normal cholesterol homeostasis, we evaluated the major pathways
296 ons contribute to the regulation of cellular cholesterol homeostasis, we synthesized the enantiomer o
297 ith 0.1 to 10 mm CD after which survival and cholesterol homeostasis were monitored.
298 renatal growth and nutrition influence adult cholesterol homeostasis, whether prenatal growth modifie
299 inding protein (OSBP) regulate intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, which is required for many viru
300 nistically link the regulation of macrophage cholesterol homeostasis with defective efferocytosis.

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