


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd that they function in four subpathways of cholesterol metabolism.
2 c activity of TTF-1 and the role of TTF-1 in cholesterol metabolism.
3  inhibition of enhanced renal fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism.
4 ) to plasma HDLs, suggesting a major role in cholesterol metabolism.
5  research on apoE has focused on its role in cholesterol metabolism.
6 ing of the molecular links between SORT1 and cholesterol metabolism.
7 lipidemias and in the regulation of cellular cholesterol metabolism.
8 95 loci that associate with control of lipid/cholesterol metabolism.
9 e, revealing a relationship between CB1R and cholesterol metabolism.
10 sociated with multiple indicators of altered cholesterol metabolism.
11 e effective than ezetimibe alone in altering cholesterol metabolism.
12 une and inflammatory responses as well as on cholesterol metabolism.
13                The liver plays a key role in cholesterol metabolism.
14 ome, an X-linked dominant disorder of distal cholesterol metabolism.
15 e properties independent of their effects on cholesterol metabolism.
16 irulence of M. tuberculosis, is required for cholesterol metabolism.
17 and, thus, methylmalonyl CoA increasing upon cholesterol metabolism.
18 fects of 3 phytosterol intakes on whole-body cholesterol metabolism.
19 tionally suggest a role of sEH in regulating cholesterol metabolism.
20 ant feeding may program long-term changes in cholesterol metabolism.
21  a number of genes regulating fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism.
22 and plays a central role in phospholipid and cholesterol metabolism.
23 s dissociation of HDL apolipoprotein and HDL cholesterol metabolism.
24 d LXR reporter activity, suggesting roles in cholesterol metabolism.
25 ne protease family with an important role in cholesterol metabolism.
26 n and evaluated plasma, hepatic, and biliary cholesterol metabolism.
27 ess, they likely serve distinct functions in cholesterol metabolism.
28 ppears to play an important role in cellular cholesterol metabolism.
29 lation of bile salts and plays a key role in cholesterol metabolism.
30 egulates bile acid synthesis, transport, and cholesterol metabolism.
31  between a Swi/Snf complex and regulation of cholesterol metabolism.
32 isin serine protease with a putative role in cholesterol metabolism.
33 gulation of genes involved in fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism.
34 rfamily and function as master regulators of cholesterol metabolism.
35 flammation independently of their effects on cholesterol metabolism.
36 otein (LDL) receptor plays a pivotal role in cholesterol metabolism.
37 or better management of whole body lipid and cholesterol metabolism.
38 effects may at least in part reflect altered cholesterol metabolism.
39 explain the species difference in bile acids/cholesterol metabolism.
40 ion of the bile acid pool and alterations in cholesterol metabolism.
41 anscriptional regulator of bile acid and HDL-cholesterol metabolism.
42 criptional regulators of glucose, lipid, and cholesterol metabolism.
43  regulating oxysterol levels, which regulate cholesterol metabolism.
44 ng evidence that LXR plays a central role in cholesterol metabolism.
45 s into the physiology and pathophysiology of cholesterol metabolism.
46 (+) T cells can be potentiated by modulating cholesterol metabolism.
47 ces in understanding the cellular control of cholesterol metabolism.
48  phenotypes associated with abnormalities of cholesterol metabolism.
49 ink altered functions of GalRs with abnormal cholesterol metabolism.
50 ption factors that activate genes regulating cholesterol metabolism.
51 s a link between inflammation and macrophage cholesterol metabolism.
52 not induce malformations by interfering with cholesterol metabolism.
53 inese hamster ovary cell mutants involved in cholesterol metabolism.
54  on CXCR4 chemokine receptor, autophagy, and cholesterol metabolism.
55  analysis predicted that HNF-1beta regulates cholesterol metabolism.
56 criptional network that regulates intrarenal cholesterol metabolism.
57 ation, protein translation, cell growth, and cholesterol metabolism.
58 rfering RNA knockdown, of enzymes regulating cholesterol metabolism.
59     Bile acids are important end products of cholesterol metabolism.
60 lular matrix, endocrine system, immunity and cholesterol metabolism.
61 ) to plasma HDLs, suggesting a major role in cholesterol metabolism.
62  DNL, inhibition of fatty acid oxidation and cholesterol metabolism.
63 d in HCC, influencing its ability to harness cholesterol metabolism.
64 esterol absorbers with intact homeostasis of cholesterol metabolism.
65  effective insecticides targeting the insect cholesterol metabolism.
66 t inactivation of ABCA1 and dysregulation of cholesterol metabolism.
67  risk factors for tooth loss and measures of cholesterol metabolism.
68 control of multiple genes in lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism.
69  cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) and cholesterol metabolism.
70 controls multiple mechanisms associated with cholesterol metabolism.
71 lation of genes implicated in fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism.
72 eceptor (LXR), both of which control hepatic cholesterol metabolism.
73 code enzymes or carrier proteins involved in cholesterol metabolism, 3 participate in fatty acid meta
74 f LC-PUFA biosynthesis (elovl and fads2) and cholesterol metabolism (abca1) are regulated by Lxr and
75 ed in lipid metabolism (Ppargamma, Angptl4), cholesterol metabolism (Abcg5/8), gastrointestinal homeo
76 se results indicate that bilirubin regulates cholesterol metabolism, adipokines and PPARgamma levels,
77  of BAs in improving insulin sensitivity and cholesterol metabolism after BPD.
78                        Lipid homeostasis and cholesterol metabolism also are regulated by the nuclear
79  Brazil has a metabolic effect on endogenous cholesterol metabolism and a protector effect on develop
80 uctions in Npc1 protein, as well as abnormal cholesterol metabolism and altered glycolipid expression
81 pidemiological studies suggest links between cholesterol metabolism and Alzheimer's disease (AD), wit
82 ing the important role of apoE in macrophage cholesterol metabolism and atherogenesis.
83   However, the precise role of BAT in plasma cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis development r
84 onsiderable interest in defining its role in cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis.
85 og 1 (LRH-1; NR5A2) is a potent regulator of cholesterol metabolism and bile acid homeostasis.
86 ablated from the germline exhibited elevated cholesterol metabolism and bile acid synthesis coinciden
87 argets in cardiovascular disease, regulating cholesterol metabolism and bile acid transport and metab
88 chemicals, arachidonic acid and eicosanoids; cholesterol metabolism and bile-acid biosynthesis; stero
89  and viral pathogens may modulate macrophage cholesterol metabolism and cardiovascular disease.
90 c role of the CNS in the control of systemic cholesterol metabolism and circulating plasma lipids lev
91 a specific pathway involved in regulation of cholesterol metabolism and clearance.
92 of allelic variation in regulating lipid and cholesterol metabolism and could potentially provide a p
93 ptors (LXR) alpha and beta are regulators of cholesterol metabolism and determinants of atheroscleros
94 may offer a novel and safe means of managing cholesterol metabolism and diet induced dyslipidaemia, a
95 o pathogenic bacteria, and are essential for cholesterol metabolism and embryonic development in huma
96 cesses whereas ATF4 uniquely associates with cholesterol metabolism and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) st
97 roles of NRs in cholangiocyte physiology and cholesterol metabolism and flux.
98 gulate numerous biological processes such as cholesterol metabolism and hepatocyte signaling pathways
99  This review focuses on how the link between cholesterol metabolism and higher-order brain function w
100 ion and progression of AD has been linked to cholesterol metabolism and inflammation, processes that
101  pulmonary homeostasis, balancing both lipid/cholesterol metabolism and inflammatory responses.
102  metabolism is understood, its role in brain cholesterol metabolism and its impact on AD development
103 ion suggests roles for PLTP in both cellular cholesterol metabolism and lipoprotein retention on extr
104 al study, in which we examined parameters of cholesterol metabolism and liver function values in seru
105  HSL is involved in regulating intracellular cholesterol metabolism and making unesterified cholester
106                The dual problem of perturbed cholesterol metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction cou
107 mechanistic connection between AIBP-mediated cholesterol metabolism and Notch signaling, implicating
108 he molecular mechanisms that connect altered cholesterol metabolism and other risk factors to the dev
109 s critical for the neuroendocrine control of cholesterol metabolism and plasma lipid levels.
110 anced the effects of ezetimibe on whole-body cholesterol metabolism and plasma low-density lipoprotei
111                  CYP125A1 is a key enzyme in cholesterol metabolism and plays a crucial role in circu
112 t liver-specific microRNA (miRNA), regulates cholesterol metabolism and promotes hepatitis C virus (H
113 e clarify the relationship between disrupted cholesterol metabolism and reduced SHH signalling in SLO
114 in conserved in several proteins involved in cholesterol metabolism and signaling.
115 ort a role for SUGP1 as a novel regulator of cholesterol metabolism and suggest that it contributes t
116 tes migration, the inflammatory response and cholesterol metabolism and suggest that targeting Akt2 i
117    Our study reveals that miR-146a regulates cholesterol metabolism and tempers chronic inflammatory
118 TPase and demonstrate a relationship between cholesterol metabolism and TGFbeta signaling.
119 tudies have suggested a relationship between cholesterol metabolism and TGFbeta signaling.
120 e that FXR is a critical regulator of normal cholesterol metabolism and that genetic changes affectin
121 c Nnmt expression in vivo alters glucose and cholesterol metabolism and that the metabolic effects of
122 enes and activation of genes associated with cholesterol metabolism and the p53 pathway in CDK19 knoc
123  suggests the occurrence of changes in brain cholesterol metabolism and the potential utility of usin
124 ies have focused on three general areas: HDL-cholesterol metabolism and the reverse cholesterol trans
125 d offers a potential link between disordered cholesterol metabolism and the synapse loss seen in neur
126 pression of genes linked to neuroprotection, cholesterol metabolism and tissue remodeling.
127 oci in genes that have putative functions in cholesterol metabolism and transport, and sulfonylation
128 pha and LXR beta) as important regulators of cholesterol metabolism and transport.
129                     Variants associated with cholesterol metabolism and type 1 diabetes showed simila
130 ipid metabolism and plays a profound role in cholesterol metabolism and weight gain in the host.
131 atocytes and adipocytes via enhanced hepatic cholesterol metabolism and white fat browning.
132 s into ABCA1-mediated regulation of cellular cholesterol metabolism and will facilitate the identific
133              Inflammation, oxidative damage, cholesterol metabolism and/or impaired function of retin
134 tone group was characterized by deteriorated cholesterol metabolism, and accumulation of cholestanol,
135               As EPHX2 is known to influence cholesterol metabolism, and AN is often associated with
136 gulation, signal transduction, bile acid and cholesterol metabolism, and control of apoptosis.
137            A number of key genes involved in cholesterol metabolism are known to undergo functionally
138                                 Retinoid and cholesterol metabolism are linked in stellate cells by t
139 er, indicate that (1) changes in glucose and cholesterol metabolism are minor, especially with the sm
140 wever, mechanisms linking innate immunity to cholesterol metabolism are poorly defined.
141 fects of different intakes of phytosterol on cholesterol metabolism are uncertain.
142 l- and LDL-cholesterol, and with AT-specific cholesterol metabolism-associated lipids [arachidonoyl c
143 he role of RA in important processes such as cholesterol metabolism, bile acid secretion, and oncogen
144 he role of T3 in important processes such as cholesterol metabolism, bile acid secretion, oncogenesis
145 ved in oxidative stress response basally and cholesterol metabolism both basally and under stress.
146  LXR signaling not only regulates macrophage cholesterol metabolism but also impacts antimicrobial re
147 RM, has ER agonist properties in bone and on cholesterol metabolism but full antagonist properties in
148 eveal a critical role for miR-122 in fat and cholesterol metabolism but suggest that other metabolic
149 e of LCLs for the study of statin effects on cholesterol metabolism, but suggest that drug effects on
150 rter A1 (ABCA1) plays a critical role in HDL cholesterol metabolism, but the mechanism by which it tr
151 Plg in the regulation of gene expression and cholesterol metabolism by macrophages and identify Plg-m
152 e protein SAA plays an important role in HDL cholesterol metabolism by promoting cellular cholesterol
153 AT activation and highlight the relevance of cholesterol metabolism by the host for diet-induced chan
154 brain is directly involved in the control of cholesterol metabolism by the liver.
155 gs point to a potential regulatory affect on cholesterol metabolism by v-Jun, as a result of altered
156 this study augments our understanding of how cholesterol metabolism can modulate a neuroprotective me
157 ons in mammals, including neuronal survival, cholesterol metabolism, cell differentiation and tumor d
158 does not cause the acute increase in adrenal cholesterol metabolism, changes in the turnover or distr
159 ucial component of the complex regulation of cholesterol metabolism, cholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase
160 nt insulin secretion, glucose metabolism and cholesterol metabolism, compared to the high-fat control
161 autoimmunity; however, how the regulation of cholesterol metabolism contributes to autoimmunity is un
162 ors (LXRs) are transcriptional regulators of cholesterol metabolism, controlling cholesterol flow int
163 dy, we tested the hypothesis that hepatic ER cholesterol metabolism differentially regulates ER stres
164    We report alterations in sphingolipid and cholesterol metabolism during normal brain aging and in
165 ion to classic transcriptional regulation of cholesterol metabolism (e.g. by SREBP and LXR), members
166 ned dietary and pharmacological treatment on cholesterol metabolism emphasizes the potential importan
167 s of 2 nuclear hormone receptors involved in cholesterol metabolism, establishing a plausible mechani
168 ed immune response, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol metabolism, extracellular matrix, and angiog
169 terol regulation of another gene involved in cholesterol metabolism, farnesyl diphosphate synthase.
170 athways, such as fatty acid, eicosanoid, and cholesterol metabolism; fibrinolytic regulation; cell gr
171        Hepatitis C virus (HCV) subverts host cholesterol metabolism for key processes in its lifecycl
172 ndings demonstrate the importance of retinal cholesterol metabolism for maintenance of the normal ret
173                        The mechanism whereby cholesterol metabolism functionally impacts neurodegener
174 , these data suggest that alterations of the cholesterol metabolism gene network represent a molecula
175 that alterations in a network of coexpressed cholesterol metabolism genes are a signature feature of
176 to maintain the expression of fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism genes under hypoxic conditions.
177   As expected, TO-901317 upregulated several cholesterol metabolism genes, but it also decreased expr
178 in cholesterol content and the expression of cholesterol metabolism genes.
179                                              Cholesterol metabolism has been implicated in prostate c
180                                              Cholesterol metabolism has been implicated in the pathog
181 ase (ACAT) enzymes in intestinal and hepatic cholesterol metabolism has been unclear.
182 for the study of intracellular regulation of cholesterol metabolism has blossomed in recent years.
183  controls cell proliferation; disruptions in cholesterol metabolism have been associated with the dev
184      Recent discoveries in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism have documented a two step proteo
185  metabolic consequences of a leaking BBB for cholesterol metabolism have not been studied previously.
186 uding regulation of high density lipoprotein cholesterol metabolism, hepatic cholesterol catabolism,
187 A implicated in regulation of fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism, hepatitis C infection, and hepat
188 te and high doses favorably alter whole-body cholesterol metabolism in a dose-dependent manner.
189 ggests that both HIV and ART affect monocyte cholesterol metabolism in a pattern consistent with accu
190                       TSHB mRNA is linked to cholesterol metabolism in adipose tissue.
191         Higher levels of apoE and associated cholesterol metabolism in APOE2 carriers might contribut
192 under stress, we propose that suppression of cholesterol metabolism in cancer cells should elicit syn
193        Here, we report a significant role of cholesterol metabolism in cancer metastasis.
194 nity, Ito et al. (2016) show that defects in cholesterol metabolism in CD11c(+) immune cells result i
195 d the effects of individual plant sterols on cholesterol metabolism in cultured adrenal cells.
196 apeutic in improving host glucose, lipid and cholesterol metabolism in diet induced obese rodents.
197 s known to be a major pathway of lipoprotein cholesterol metabolism in experimental animals and human
198  little is known about mechanisms regulating cholesterol metabolism in fat cells.
199 tigate the relationship between TSH mRNA and cholesterol metabolism in human adipose tissue (AT).
200 ne factor that is modulated in parallel with cholesterol metabolism in human AT.
201          These results have implications for cholesterol metabolism in human macrophages and its pote
202 evels in plasma from atopic patients (AP) on cholesterol metabolism in human macrophages as compared
203 ations highlights a role for the gene in LDL cholesterol metabolism in humans and shows the usefulnes
204 ation studies (GWAS) as a novel regulator of cholesterol metabolism in humans.
205 ha is directly involved in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism in macrophages and plays an impor
206 aimed to identify novel miRNAs that regulate cholesterol metabolism in macrophages stimulated with LX
207 macrophage inflammation/chemotaxis and lipid/cholesterol metabolism in MAKO/LDLRKO mice.
208 hat ACAT2 deficiency has profound effects on cholesterol metabolism in mice fed a cholesterol-rich di
209 f intestinal SIRT1 in systemic bile acid and cholesterol metabolism in mice.
210 pothesis that inhibition of ACAT may improve cholesterol metabolism in NS.
211 ed to date with in vivo efficacy on bone and cholesterol metabolism in OVX rats at doses as low as 0.
212 isorder previously characterized by abnormal cholesterol metabolism in peripheral tissues.
213 ide direct evidence that A2E causes aberrant cholesterol metabolism in RPE cells which could likely c
214  can functionally regulate genes involved in cholesterol metabolism in skeletal muscle.
215 at one of the initial reactions of anaerobic cholesterol metabolism in the beta-proteobacterium Stero
216 he blood-brain barrier (BBB) is critical for cholesterol metabolism in the brain, preventing uptake o
217  plays a central role in regulating apoE and cholesterol metabolism in the CNS via LRP1 and establish
218 eostasis, we evaluated the major pathways of cholesterol metabolism in the FXR-deficient (-/-) mouse
219 t serum desmosterol is a marker of disturbed cholesterol metabolism in the liver.
220 direct evidence of a pivotal role of altered cholesterol metabolism in the pathogenesis of motor-neur
221                   Recent results implicating cholesterol metabolism in the pathophysiology of Alzheim
222 ata indicate an independent role for APOE in cholesterol metabolism in the periphery relative to the
223  We report abnormalities in sphingolipid and cholesterol metabolism in the spinal cords of ALS patien
224 um mineral, we examined the role of cellular cholesterol metabolism in vascular cell mineralization.
225  modulate HMGCR and contribute to control of cholesterol metabolism in whole animals is unknown.
226 iously implicated in Alzheimer's disease and cholesterol metabolism, in integrating cellular response
227 iency has profound effects on murine hepatic cholesterol metabolism, including hypersensitivity to di
228 R-BI) shows a variety of effects on cellular cholesterol metabolism, including increased selective up
229  for a number of well-known relationships in cholesterol metabolism, including the epidemiological re
230 ing cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1)-mediated cholesterol metabolism, increase reverse cholesterol tra
231 ation of all PA strains was blocked by three cholesterol metabolism inhibitors (P < 0.01).
232 aluated by pretreatment of hTCEpi cells with cholesterol metabolism inhibitors.
233 singly, GBA2 deficiency leaves bile acid and cholesterol metabolism intact, instead causing lipid acc
234           The net result of these changes in cholesterol metabolism is a 46% increase in plasma membr
235 physiological function, yet dysregulation of cholesterol metabolism is associated with diseases such
236 ude that the proposed central role of SHP in cholesterol metabolism is based on a two-step mechanism
237 r, the results suggest that up-regulation of cholesterol metabolism is essential for matrix mineraliz
238                           Aberrant lipid and cholesterol metabolism is involved in prostate cancer de
239             Yet whether these play a role in cholesterol metabolism is largely unknown.
240                                    Impact on cholesterol metabolism is not limited to the infected ce
241                                        Brain cholesterol metabolism is of interest because several li
242 me in interaction between pathogens and host cholesterol metabolism is pathogens targeting lipid raft
243                                              Cholesterol metabolism is subject to complex transcripti
244                  A connection between AD and cholesterol metabolism is suggested by the finding that
245                        An important event in cholesterol metabolism is the efflux of cellular cholest
246                                              Cholesterol metabolism is tightly regulated at the cellu
247                                              Cholesterol metabolism is tissue specific, and its signi
248 gh much of the biology of APOE in peripheral cholesterol metabolism is understood, its role in brain
249 ntribution of individual cell types to brain cholesterol metabolism is unknown.
250 ions as a bile acid (BA) sensor coordinating cholesterol metabolism, lipid homeostasis, and absorptio
251                                              Cholesterol metabolism may be involved in pediatric gall
252  These data indicate that the LPS effects on cholesterol metabolism may contribute to the proatheroge
253 ion therapies targeting different aspects of cholesterol metabolism may produce additional benefits.
254                      The cellular control of cholesterol metabolism mediated by lipoproteins was firs
255 ction, and that pharmaceuticals that inhibit cholesterol metabolism might be valuable in therapy of A
256 raises the possibility that abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism might underlie some cases of huma
257 ys involved in lesion development, including cholesterol metabolism, mitochondrial oxidative phosphor
258 Advances in cholesterol biology suggest that cholesterol metabolism modulates beta-amyloid production
259  is cholesterol-rich, and inhibition of host cholesterol metabolism negatively impacts PV biogenesis
260            The results suggest that abnormal cholesterol metabolism occurs in neurons in the brain du
261               Here, we examined the roles in cholesterol metabolism of two other cytochrome P450 enzy
262 ffects of apolipoprotein E (APOE) levels and cholesterol metabolism on disease development.
263 ts recent findings on the impact of aberrant cholesterol metabolism on platelet biogenesis and activi
264 es or other small molecules to components of cholesterol metabolism or regulation.
265 rofiling unravelled novel roles for GSTO1 in cholesterol metabolism, oxidative and endoplasmic stress
266 tabolism, the thyroid hormone pathway, lipid/cholesterol metabolism, oxidative stress, immune respons
267 s been implicated in a variety of endogenous cholesterol metabolism pathways including the following
268            Given an essential role that host cholesterol metabolism plays in pathogen development, ta
269  binding protein (SREBP), a key regulator of cholesterol metabolism proteins such as PCSK9, HMG-CoA r
270 diverse cancers, including those involved in cholesterol metabolism, providing correlative support fo
271 ol concentration and decreased expression of cholesterol metabolism related genes Abcg5, Abcg8, Abcg1
272 e targets for pharmaceutical intervention in cholesterol metabolism-related disease processes.
273 n of the master transcriptional regulator of cholesterol metabolism, SREBP-2, almost as effectively a
274 lular functions, including the regulation of cholesterol metabolism, steroidogenesis, and apoptosis.
275 egulated expression of genes associated with cholesterol metabolism, such as cholesterol-25-hydroxyla
276 portance of SREBF2 and miR-33a in regulating cholesterol metabolism suggests that TTF-1 may be a modu
277   Liver X receptors (LXRs) are regulators of cholesterol metabolism that also modulate immune respons
278 e fadA5 mutant is a consequence of disrupted cholesterol metabolism that is essential only in the per
279 icted by current models of the regulation of cholesterol metabolism, the response to Shh-N in AY-9944
280              By enhancing the SREBP-mediated cholesterol metabolism, this unique mechanism may contri
281  the role of microRNA (miRNAs) in regulating cholesterol metabolism through ABC transporters.
282 ere that pathogens interfere with macrophage cholesterol metabolism through inhibition of the LXR sig
283 ze SAA and, further, that SAA influences HDL cholesterol metabolism through its inhibitory effects on
284 xa, from prions to protozoa, target cellular cholesterol metabolism to advance their own development
285        Many of these viruses manipulate host cholesterol metabolism to facilitate their replication.
286 ential for biological processes ranging from cholesterol metabolism to host defense, the in vivo impo
287 has led to promising new therapies targeting cholesterol metabolism, triglyceride production, hepatic
288        This study sheds light into microbial cholesterol metabolism under anoxic conditions.
289                            miR-144 regulates cholesterol metabolism via suppressing ABCA1 expression
290 esent study, the impact of SR-BI on cellular cholesterol metabolism was determined by examining SR-BI
291                          A role for PCSK9 in cholesterol metabolism was proposed from the expression
292  gain molecular insight into this pathway of cholesterol metabolism, we used expression cloning to is
293 arkers of cholesterol absorption and hepatic cholesterol metabolism were assessed together with globa
294 ortantly, 4 of 6 genes associated with lipid/cholesterol metabolism were significantly dysregulated b
295                            Genes involved in cholesterol metabolism were similarly regulated between
296 s function is very elegantly demonstrated in cholesterol metabolism where miRNAs reducing cellular ch
297  stress, resulting in perturbed ceramide and cholesterol metabolism which, in turn, triggers a neurod
298  physiological link between ASBT and hepatic cholesterol metabolism, which led to the clinical invest
299 nection between prion infection and cellular cholesterol metabolism, which plays an important role in
300 ockdown on the PPARalpha-LXRalpha pathway of cholesterol metabolism with MK886 (a selective inhibitor

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