


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1        The third composition consisted of no cholesterol sulfate.
2 nd fatty acids (15%) with varying amounts of cholesterol sulfate (0-15%) and cholesterol (15-30%).
3 third component of the migratory pheromone), cholesterol sulfate (6), and squalamine (8)] and model c
4                                              Cholesterol sulfate, a liver X receptor (LXR) antagonist
5 change in spatial distribution of the sterol cholesterol sulfate, a membrane stabilizing lipid.
6                           Here, we show that cholesterol sulfate, a molecule present in relatively hi
7                                              Cholesterol sulfate, a SC membrane lipid, is synthesized
8 ion in cholesterol, we assessed here whether cholesterol sulfate accumulation and/or cholesterol defi
9         Together, these results suggest that cholesterol sulfate accumulation rather than cholesterol
10 d further suggesting a cellular location for cholesterol sulfate action.
11 ide, and steroid sulfatase, which desulfates cholesterol sulfate, also increased with air exposure.
12    In agreement, topical skin application of cholesterol sulfate, an activator of PKCeta, significant
13 olesterol sulfate and 25% cholesterol or 15% cholesterol sulfate and 15% cholesterol.
14 e lipid interaction than LUVs with either 5% cholesterol sulfate and 25% cholesterol or 15% cholester
15               We found that the LUVs with no cholesterol sulfate and 30% cholesterol exhibited a more
16 rongly inhibit it (coprostanol, androstenol, cholesterol sulfate, and 4-cholestenone).
17 er, with only one of two leaflets containing cholesterol sulfate, and stabilization of the external l
18                                              Cholesterol sulfate appears to combine the advantages of
19 studies of Adx binding to substrate-free and cholesterol-sulfate-bound CYP46A1 revealed changes in th
20  amide proton exchange in substrate-free and cholesterol-sulfate-bound P450.
21               Doping DMPC/DHPC bicelles with cholesterol sulfate broadens the temperature range over
22 yosis display not only a 10-fold increase in cholesterol sulfate, but also a 50% reduction in cholest
23                         Mincle activation by cholesterol sulfate causes the secretion of a range of p
24  precursors, plant sterols, some oxysterols, cholesterol sulfate, cholesterol acetate, and 5-alpha-ch
25 es with this being the area with the highest cholesterol sulfate content suggesting that the physiolo
26 is study was to examine changes in levels of cholesterol sulfate (CS) and activity of its biosyntheti
27                            Here we show that cholesterol sulfate (CS), a naturally occurring analog o
28 ol% sterol when cholesterol is replaced with cholesterol sulfate (CS).
29 ulfoconjugation of cholesterol to synthesize cholesterol sulfate (CS).
30 sequence of SSase deficiency, its substrate, cholesterol sulfate (CSO4), accumulates in the epidermis
31  These studies suggest that induction of the cholesterol sulfate cycle enzymes during SC ontogenesis
32                              Cholesterol and cholesterol sulfate have been suggested to be RORalpha l
33                       The inclusion of 5-15% cholesterol sulfate helps to prevent the collapse of fus
34                         Additionally, 88% of cholesterol sulfate in NHEK was membrane-associated furt
35                              The presence of cholesterol sulfate in prostate tissues might serve as a
36                                Additionally, cholesterol sulfate is a constituent of human platelets,
37                                              Cholesterol sulfate is a highly amphipathic molecule tha
38                                              Cholesterol sulfate is a multifunctional sterol metaboli
39 nt suggesting that the physiologic action of cholesterol sulfate is likely carried out in this region
40                Recent evidence suggests that cholesterol sulfate may be an important second messenger
41         Profiles obtained from lamellae with cholesterol sulfate partially substituted for cholestero
42                                 Yet, topical cholesterol sulfate produced both a barrier abnormality
43 that was reflected in enzymatic activity and cholesterol sulfate production.
44 e for the synthesis of glucosylceramides and cholesterol sulfate, respectively, were accelerated furt
45 nflammatory mediators, and s.c. injection of cholesterol sulfate results in a Mincle-mediated inducti
46                                              Cholesterol sulfate, the most important sterol sulfate i
47               Finally, addition of exogenous cholesterol sulfate to explants in vitro did not acceler
48           Despite the apparent importance of cholesterol sulfate-to-cholesterol processing for normal
49 esults demonstrate both a potential role for cholesterol sulfate-to-cholesterol processing in normal
50                                              Cholesterol sulfate was identified as a differentiating

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