


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e deoxycholic acid > chenodeoxycholic acid > cholic acid > hyodeoxycholic acid > ursodeoxycholic acid
2 treatments with cholesterol (-41%, P < .05), cholic acid (-72%, P < .005), and deoxycholic acid (-62%
3    Some mice were placed on diets containing cholic acid (1%) or cholestyramine (2%) or high-fat diet
4 were fed a control diet or control diet plus cholic acid (1%) or ursodeoxycholic acid (1%) for 10 day
5 igs by PET/CT using the tracers derived from cholic acid (3alpha-OH, 7alpha-OH, 12alpha-OH), ursodeox
6  acid composition changed from predominantly cholic acid (57%) in wild-type to chenodeoxycholic acid
7 ther DCA or UCA, and intact rabbits fed 0.5% cholic acid (CA) (enlarged endogenous bile acid pool) we
8 (CYP8b1) is required for the biosynthesis of cholic acid (CA) and hence helps determine the ratio of
9 gene (Cyp8b1) results in complete absence of cholic acid (CA) and its derivatives.
10 rmer approach to describe the interaction of cholic acid (CA) and phenol (PhOH) with ceria NPs with a
11 -PXR double null or FPXR-null) mice fed a 1% cholic acid (CA) diet.
12  mice were fed a diet supplemented with 0.5% cholic acid (CA) for 21 days.
13                                  The role of cholic acid (CA) in cholesterol absorption in humans rem
14  [14C]chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), and [14C]cholic acid (CA) in cultured human fibroblasts was nonsa
15 diates is believed to determine the ratio of cholic acid (CA) to chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) biosynt
16 e therefore measured the kinetics of DCA and cholic acid (CA) using stable isotopes, serum sampling,
17                    Total biliary bile acids, cholic acid (CA), and CA/chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) ra
18 e uptake and efflux, respectively, of CGamF, cholic acid (CA), glycoCA (GCA), tauroCA, and taurolitho
19 ning diet for bile acid depletion, or a 0.2% cholic acid (CA)-containing diet for 1 week before treat
20  (HF) diets are frequently supplemented with cholic acid (CA).
21 om AGS patients had greater chenodeoxycholic/cholic acid (CDCA/CA), bile salt, cholesterol and phosph
22 ne supplemented with 1% cholesterol and 0.5% cholic acid (ECD).
23 dels of liver injury (bile duct ligation, 1% cholic acid [CA] fed, and the Mdr2(-/-) mouse).
24 .8% of the bile acids in duodenal bile, with cholic acid accounting for 82.4% +/- 5.5% of the total.
25           Lysophosphatidylcholine (20:4) and cholic acid also contributed significantly to the differ
26  lithogenic diet (LD; 1.0% cholesterol, 0.5% cholic acid and 17% triglycerides), as well as distal in
27 evere effects of a diet containing both 0.5% cholic acid and 2% cholesterol.
28 baseline revealed predominantly unconjugated cholic acid and absence of the usual glycine and taurine
29 nied by increased hepatic taurine-conjugated cholic acid and beta-muricholic acid as well as hepatic
30                  In contrast, treatment with cholic acid and BM 15.766 further inhibited delta 7-redu
31 l cholestatic parameters, taurine species of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid correlated with se
32                                   Conjugated cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid were synthesized i
33 fold and fourfold increases in the uptake of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid, respectively, ove
34  primary products of bile acid biosynthesis, cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid, were capable of m
35 alpha-hydroxylase catalyzes the synthesis of cholic acid and controls the ratio of cholic acid over c
36 n was achieved using a combined treatment of cholic acid and distilled water.
37 ifically, conjugates have been prepared from cholic acid and spermine in which the hydrophilic face o
38 icity associated with a diet containing 0.5% cholic acid and the much more severe effects of a diet c
39 ylase (12 alpha-hydroxylase) is required for cholic acid biosynthesis.
40     MnhF mediates the efflux of radiolabeled cholic acid both in S. aureus and when heterologously ex
41 gamma-lyase was decreased when mice were fed cholic acid but increased when they were placed on diets
42 rol or triglyceride levels in these mice; 1% cholic acid caused a redistribution of cholesterol from
43                  A BA overload, feeding 0.5% cholic acid chow for 6 days, resulted in adaptive respon
44  undertaken to determine the extent to which cholic acid conjugates of insulin were absorbed from the
45                                 Unconjugated cholic acid continued to be present in high concentratio
46                         Mice challenged with cholic acid developed hypercholanemia and a hepatic gene
47                                 KO mice on a cholic acid diet had higher hepatic and serum bile acid
48 bile acid levels by feeding mice with a 0.2% cholic acid diet strongly promoted N-nitrosodiethylamine
49 ice (Ghr(-/-)) fed with a diet containing 1% cholic acid displayed an increase in hepatocyte ROS prod
50 lar overall affinity, but the derivatives of cholic acid displayed much higher Hill coefficients, a m
51     Hepatic expression of G9a-DN in mice fed cholic acid disrupted bile acid homeostasis, resulting i
52 stration of epiallopregnanolone sulfate with cholic acid exacerbated the hypercholanemia and resulted
53 e triglycerides and raise HDL in cholesterol/cholic acid fed rats.
54                                              Cholic acid feeding resulted in greatly increased propor
55                                              Cholic acid feeding reverses hepatomegaly and hypertrigl
56 e in 55%, P < 0.01; and liver radiation plus cholic acid followed by cell transplantation was most ef
57 57BL/6J-db/db mice and their lean mates with cholic acid for 12 weeks.
58 andard chow or a diet supplemented with 0.5% cholic acid for 2 weeks.
59 trate that mice fed a diet supplemented with cholic acid have reduced fertility subsequent to testicu
60 ession was repressed by a diet containing 1% cholic acid in male mice but was induced by the same die
61 mulated in a dose-response manner by dietary cholic acid in rats.
62 decreased by 80% and selectively enriched in cholic acid in the Slc10a2-/- mice.
63 e causes a structural change in A22 and that cholic acid inhibits this change.
64  (HET), and wildtype (WT) mice a cholesterol/cholic acid lithogenic diet (LD) for up to 56 days and d
65 dle' for binding of nucleic acids, while the cholic acid moieties are likely to interact with the lip
66 ies of novel cationic amphiphiles containing cholic acid moieties linked via alkylamino side chains.
67  a derivative (amphiphile 5) containing four cholic acid moieties.
68                         In contrast, neither cholic acid nor conjugated bile acids affected the level
69                     Long-term treatment with cholic acid normalized liver enzymes and prevented progr
70 ced on standard diets, diets containing 0.5% cholic acid or 1.25% cholesterol, or lithogenic diets.
71 tly attenuated both in vitro when exposed to cholic acid or bile, and in vivo in the gallbladders and
72 1(-/-) mice are fed a diet containing either cholic acid or chenodeoxycholic acid, expression of CYP7
73 ed AOM-induced neurological decline, whereas cholic acid or deoxycholic acid feeding worsened AOM-ind
74               Thus, only cholesterol and not cholic acid or lovastatin could reduce elevated plasma 7
75 sis of cholic acid and controls the ratio of cholic acid over chenodeoxycholic acid in the bile.
76                                              Cholic acid plus chenodeoxycholic acid levels measured b
77 healthy animals in which liver radiation and cholic acid produced hepatic steatosis and loss of injur
78                         A diet containing 1% cholic acid reduced the expression of the human gene in
79 ats preconditioned with liver radiation plus cholic acid resulted in less hepatic copper, indicating
80 vity increased 66% (P < 0.05) with increased cholic acid synthesis (P < 0.01).
81 a-hydroxylase activity 54%, mRNA levels 86%, cholic acid synthesis 38%, and hepatic LDL receptor-medi
82 12alpha-hydroxylase (CYP8B1) is required for cholic acid synthesis and plays a critical role in intes
83               Bile acid depletion stimulated cholic acid synthesis by up-regulating cholesterol 7alph
84                                              Cholic acid synthesis decreased at 24 hours but returned
85 ted elevated cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase, cholic acid synthesis, and hepatic LDL receptor binding
86 droxylase), the specific enzyme required for cholic acid synthesis.
87 e/CYP8b1 is the specific enzyme required for cholic acid synthesis.
88 al bile drainage for 5 days, which maximized cholic acid synthesis.
89 bile acid to approximately 80% and decreased cholic acid to 3% of the total biliary bile acids, the r
90 levels of this enzyme determine the ratio of cholic acid to chenodeoxycholic acid and thus the hydrop
91 levels of this enzyme determine the ratio of cholic acid to chenodeoxycholic acid and thus the hydrop
92 in the early period, whereas the addition of cholic acid to chow prevented deaths in the later period
93                   The hydroxyl at the C-3 of cholic acid was converted to an amino group, and the res
94 logy revealed only minor pathology, although cholic acid was elevated in the serum of mutant mice, an
95     A DNA that binds either Cibacron blue or cholic acid was isolated and partially characterized.
96                                         [14C]Cholic acid was taken up in similar amounts by strain DH
97 roup, and the resulting amino-functionalized cholic acid was used as a monomer to prepare amide-linke
98 ort oligos that bind either Cibacron blue or cholic acid were enriched from random oligonucleotide po
99   The complexes of cyclohexylacetic acid and cholic acid with beta-cyclodextrin were studied by NMR d
100 lational level by free or taurine-conjugated cholic acid within the small intestine.
101 on limits of approximately 40 femtomole (for cholic acid) and identification through CEC/MS/MS.
102 r high-fat diet with FXR agonists (GW4064 or cholic acid) for 1 week; 2) C57BLKS/J-db/db mice and the
103                           Since a bile acid (cholic acid) is required for the diet induced changes in
104 while bile from gallstone subjects contained cholic acid, 45%; chenodeoxycholic acid, 43%; deoxycholi
105 inous xanthomatosis (CTX) subjects contained cholic acid, 85%; chenodeoxycholic acid, 7%; deoxycholic
106           Simulated annealing and docking of cholic acid, a natural substrate, onto the protein surfa
107 ogenic diet (containing 1% cholesterol, 0.5% cholic acid, and 15% dairy fat), small-intestinal transi
108 fed the Paigen diet (1.25% cholesterol, 0.5% cholic acid, and 15% fat) without or with ezetimibe (7 m
109 in their gallbladders, bile more enriched in cholic acid, and a 13% decrease in plasma cholesterol le
110 ted free cholesterol, cholesterol esters and cholic acid, and associated changes to metabolism of sph
111 herogenic (Ath) diet containing cholesterol, cholic acid, and fat, but the effect of these components
112                                 Cholesterol, cholic acid, and lovastatin, alone or in combinations, w
113                 We show that MdrT can export cholic acid, and that DeltamdrT bacteria are significant
114 c carboxylic compounds, arachidonic acid and cholic acid, but not by their non-carboxylic analogues.
115 nine physiologically relevant derivatives of cholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, and deoxycholic acid
116 ted with increased 12alpha-hydroxylated BAs (cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, and their conjugated form
117 ding oleic acid, 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, dioctylsulfosuccinic acid
118     No significant changes were detected for cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, or chenodeoxycholic acid.
119  molecular umbrella conjugates, derived from cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, spermidine, lysine, and 5
120 n rats treated with cholesterol, sitosterol, cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, cho
121 the terminal amino groups of spermidine with cholic acid, followed by condensation with bis(3-O-[N-1,
122  steroidal bis-(N-phenyl)ureas, derived from cholic acid, form crystals in the P6(1) space group with
123                     After liver radiation or cholic acid, hepatic lipid peroxidation levels increased
124  series of molecular umbrellas, derived from cholic acid, L-lysine, spermidine, and Cascade Blue, to
125 of these amphiphiles, which are derived from cholic acid, lysine, and p-phenylenediamine, can produce
126 holestanoic acid, the 27-carbon precursor of cholic acid, must be activated to its CoA derivative bef
127 t of animals with the hydrophobic bile salt, cholic acid, or liver radiation before cell transplantat
128 is enzyme to activate the primary bile acid, cholic acid, to its CoA derivative.
129 r PET of the endogenous glycine conjugate of cholic acid, we report here a radiosynthesis of N-(11)C-
130 re strikingly sensitive to a diet containing cholic acid, which results in toxic accumulation of hepa
131 purified to homogeneity using 2', 5'-ADP and cholic acid-agarose affinity chromatography.
132 or-knockout mice (Ldlr+/-) fed a cholesterol/cholic acid-containing diet also had increased aortic le
133 educed only 20%, indicating that the smaller cholic acid-enriched bile acid pool was sufficient to fa
134           After bile duct ligation or upon a cholic acid-enriched diet, TGR5 KO mice exhibited more s
135       Transporter protein and mRNA levels in cholic acid-fed rats increased approximately threefold a
136 rocholate uptake into membrane vesicles from cholic acid-fed rats increased twofold above uptake into
137 nullizygous mice and was further elevated by cholic acid.
138 to bind Cibacron blue columns and elute with cholic acid.
139 all molecules, such as (-)-santonin and beta-cholic acid.
140 h fat, high cholesterol diet containing 0.5% cholic acid.
141 d serum contained predominantly unconjugated cholic acid.
142 by the binary combination of cholesterol and cholic acid.
143 tion of glycine followed by conjugation with cholic acid.
144 d specifically induced by the bile component cholic acid.
145 repress the mdrT promoter in the presence of cholic acid.
146 dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonic acid, and cholic acid.
147 enic diet containing 1% cholesterol and 0.5% cholic acid.
148 iating detergents such as octyl glucoside or cholic acid.
149 acids before PEBD consisted predominantly of cholic acid.
150 the use of spermidine, spermine, lysine, and cholic acid.
151         The diffusion coefficient of the 1:1 cholic acid/beta-cyclodextrin complex, K(a) = 5900 +/- 8
152 ar polyethylene glycol (PEG) block dendritic cholic acids (CA) copolymers (telodendrimers), for the t
153 /g and comprised mainly chenodeoxycholic and cholic acids.
154  of HepaRG cells with high concentrations of cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids induced a delayed oxid
155 of bile acid synthesis capable of generating cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids.
156 g, representing 2%-4% of the bile acid pool; cholic and delta 22-beta-muricholic acids were the major
157 investigate the effects of chenodeoxycholic, cholic, and deoxycholic acid in unconjugated (CDCA, CA,
158 e (mean +/- SD) for 98 patients at entry for cholic (CA), chenodeoxycholic (CDCA), deoxycholic (DCA),
159 (11)C-methyl-taurine conjugates derived from cholic, chenodeoxycholic, deoxycholic, ursodeoxycholic,
160  of a lysine conjugated bile acid, which was cholic or ursodeoxycholic.
161 s; and the glycine and taurine conjugates of cholic, ursodeoxycholic, chenodeoxycholic, deoxycholic,
162 he carboxylic group of a bile acid which was cholic, ursodeoxycholic, or cholylglycine; and 2) nitrob

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