


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 transient increase in the phosphorylation of choline kinase.
2  the predicted amino acid level with the rat choline kinase.
3  efforts selectively targeting P. falciparum choline kinase.
4 esidues are located at the catalytic core of choline kinase.
5 e the mechanism of catalysis by this enzyme, choline kinase A-2 from Caenorhabditis elegans was analy
6 e high degree of structural similarity among choline kinase A-2, aminoglycoside phosphotransferases,
7 ata on the homologous Caenorhabditis elegans choline kinase, a model of the ternary ADP.phosphocholin
8  phosphocholine levels (measured by MRS) and choline kinase activities (r2 = 0.95, P = 0.0008) follow
9 s encoded all of the ethanolamine kinase and choline kinase activities in S. cerevisiae.
10            Phosphatidylinositol synthase and choline kinase activities were not affected by respirato
11 ocholine levels were found to correlate with choline kinase activities.
12 so commonly increased both p70 S6 kinase and choline kinase activities.
13                                ADP inhibited choline kinase activity (IC50 = 0.32 mM) in a positive c
14 ells was primarily attributable to increased choline kinase activity and increased catabolism mediate
15                            The regulation of choline kinase activity by ATP and ADP may be physiologi
16             In addition, enzymatic assays of choline kinase activity in cells were done.
17                          EKI1 has negligible choline kinase activity in vitro and does not influence
18 inc-depleted cells translated into increased choline kinase activity in vitro and in vivo, and an inc
19 the protein kinase A-mediated stimulation in choline kinase activity involved an increase in the appa
20                                      Maximum choline kinase activity was dependent on Mg2+ ions (10 m
21 ither reaction, an unexpected enhancement of choline kinase activity was observed specifically with t
22 se A resulted in a stimulation (1.9-fold) in choline kinase activity whereas alkaline phosphatase tre
23 choline kinase resulted in a 60% decrease in choline kinase activity.
24 rylation was accompanied by a stimulation in choline kinase activity.
25 d enhanced the stimulatory effect of zinc on choline kinase activity.
26 ne kinase, and it was also poor inhibitor of choline kinase activity.
27 effectively inhibited only the GmCK2-encoded choline kinase activity.
28 herichia coli demonstrated that each encodes choline kinase activity.
29 was accompanied by a 1.6-fold stimulation of choline kinase activity.
30 cki1Delta eki1Delta double mutant that lacks choline kinase activity.
31         The EKI1 gene product also exhibited choline kinase activity.
32 n, but rather due to increased expression of choline kinase alpha (CHKA) and an activated deacylation
33  new mechanism of EGFR-c-Src synergy through choline kinase alpha (CHKA).
34 ymes involved in lipid metabolism, including choline kinase alpha (ChoK(alpha)), fatty acid synthase
35                                              Choline kinase alpha (ChoKalpha) is an enzyme involved i
36                                        Human choline kinase alpha (CKalpha) is a validated drug targe
37 ynthesis and correlated with an induction of choline kinase alpha expression.
38 -3-phosphate acyltransferase GPAM along with choline kinase-alpha (CHKA), the enzymes that catabolize
39                                              Choline kinase-alpha (ChoKalpha) is a metabolic enzyme t
40                                              Choline kinase-alpha activity is required for the downst
41 7) that inhibited purified recombinant human choline kinase-alpha activity, reduced the steady-state
42     Together, these results further validate choline kinase-alpha as a molecular target for the devel
43                                              Choline kinase-alpha expression and activity are increas
44 ilitate the identification of new classes of choline kinase-alpha inhibitors.
45 r small molecules that may interact with the choline kinase-alpha substrate binding domain, we identi
46                               The product of choline kinase-alpha, phosphocholine, serves as an essen
47  providing a method to observe the action of choline kinase, an important target for novel cancer the
48                  The enzymatic activities of choline kinase and choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferas
49                       The activities of both choline kinase and choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferas
50 esis pathway combining conserved prokaryotic choline kinase and CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransfera
51 dicted to encode a fusion protein containing choline kinase and CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransfera
52 A gene was cloned, and recombinant LicCA had choline kinase and CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransfera
53 ng a cki1Delta eki1Delta mutant defective in choline kinase and ethanolamine kinase, we examined the
54                            This gene encodes choline kinase and is also involved in phase variation o
55 s were consistent with the overexpression of choline kinase and phospholipase C detected in the micro
56                                              Choline kinase and phospholipase C were significantly ov
57 lamine was a poor substrate for the purified choline kinase, and it was also poor inhibitor of cholin
58 ined in a protein kinase A sequence motif in choline kinase are target sites for protein kinase A.
59                                        Using choline kinase as a substrate, protein kinase C activity
60 f thermotolerance, and At1g74320 encodes for choline kinase (AtCK2) that catalyzes the first reaction
61       In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, choline kinase (ATP:choline phosphotransferase, EC 2.7.1
62                             The CKI1-encoded choline kinase (ATP:choline phosphotransferase, EC 2.7.1
63 n is a 1.6-kb intragenic deletion within the choline kinase beta (Chkb) gene, resulting in a complete
64                                Inhibition of choline kinase by MN58b resulted in altered phospholipid
65 tation did not affect the phosphorylation of choline kinase by protein kinase A, the S30A (protein ki
66    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CKI1-encoded choline kinase catalyzes the committed step in phosphati
67                                              Choline kinase catalyzes the committed step in the synth
68 t Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the CKI1-encoded choline kinase catalyzes the committed step in the synth
69                                              Choline kinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of choline
70                 CHKB is one of two mammalian choline kinase (CHK) enzymes (alpha and beta) that catal
71 ip between hypoxia, choline metabolites, and choline kinase (Chk) in a human prostate cancer model.
72                       Effective silencing of choline kinase (chk), the enzyme that converts choline t
73                                              Choline kinase (Chk), the enzyme that converts choline t
74                                              Choline kinases (ChKs) could also be critical in the ear
75 oline (trimethyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium) and choline kinase (CK) activity in neoplasms have motivated
76  stoichiometry (0.44 mol of phosphate/mol of choline kinase) consistent with one phosphorylation site
77   The functional importance of RNAi-mediated choline kinase down-regulation on choline phospholipid m
78  choline, other potential substrates for the choline kinase enzyme include ethanolamine, monomethylet
79 eptide maps of the wild type and S30A mutant choline kinase enzymes phosphorylated by protein kinase
80                                              Choline kinase exhibited saturation kinetics with respec
81                                       Native choline kinase existed in oligomeric structures of dimer
82 t small interfering RNA (siRNA) silencing of choline kinase expression in transformed HeLa cells comp
83 se results strongly support the targeting of choline kinase in breast cancer cells with RNAi and show
84 essed normally, but the specific activity of choline kinase in cells expressing the S30A, S85A, and S
85 he purified enzyme and were used to identify choline kinase in insect cells and in S. cerevisiae.
86                  Crystal structures of human choline kinase in its apo, ADP and phosphocholine-bound
87 erference (RNAi)-mediated down-regulation of choline kinase in nonmalignant and malignant human breas
88 e the existence of separate ethanolamine and choline kinases in mammals and show that ethanolamine ki
89 naling and partially rescues HeLa cells from choline kinase inhibition.
90 inase substrate choline (250 microM) and the choline kinase inhibitor hemicholinium-3 (2 mM) enhanced
91                                          The choline kinase inhibitor hemicholinium-3 inhibits approx
92 veals a mode of action for two P. falciparum choline kinase inhibitors both in vitro and in vivo.
93 ning tumor response following treatment with choline kinase inhibitors.
94 In this work we examined the hypothesis that choline kinase is also phosphorylated by protein kinase
95                      These results show that choline kinase is encoded by a small, multigene family i
96                                              Choline kinase is overexpressed in breast cancer cells a
97     The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CKI-encoded choline kinase is phosphorylated on a serine residue and
98                                              Choline kinase is upregulated in prostate cancer, result
99                                 Both soybean choline kinase isoforms demonstrated negligible ethanola
100 ndent and dependent on the concentrations of choline kinase (K(m) = 27 microg/ml) and ATP (K(m) = 15
101 lted in the derepression of the CKI1-encoded choline kinase (Kennedy pathway enzyme) but decreased th
102 he concentrations of ATP (Km 2.1 microM) and choline kinase (Km 0.12 microM).
103 olamine kinase activity of the P. falciparum choline kinase, leading to a severe decrease in the phos
104                               A third unique choline kinase-like cDNA, GmCK3, was also identified but
105 nd yeast choline kinases was used to isolate choline kinase-like cDNAs from soybean (Glycine max L.).
106 e N-terminal amino acid sequence of purified choline kinase matched perfectly with the deduced sequen
107 f, and Asp-301 and Glu-303, in the signature choline kinase motif.
108   The full-length LicA polypeptide resembles choline kinases of eucaryotes, suggesting that the pathw
109    In vitro, protein kinase A phosphorylated choline kinase on a serine residue with a stoichiometry
110 orted the conclusion that phosphorylation of choline kinase on Ser(30) and Ser(85) by protein kinase
111 owth factor treatment, but the activities of choline kinase or choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase
112  control, but it did not alter activities of choline kinase or cholinephosphotransferase.
113                                              Choline kinase phosphorylates choline to phosphocholine
114                In support of the role of the choline kinase product phosphocholine in the mediation o
115 er(30) and Ser(85), respectively, within the choline kinase protein were substrates for protein kinas
116                            RNAi knockdown of choline kinase reduced proliferation, as detected by pro
117 e/ethanolamine-binding site of P. falciparum choline kinase, reflecting different types of inhibition
118                                              Choline kinase, responsible for the phosphorylation of c
119 ty whereas alkaline phosphatase treatment of choline kinase resulted in a 60% decrease in choline kin
120            A Ser25 to Ala (S25A) mutation in choline kinase resulted in a 60% decrease in protein kin
121 58b is a novel anticancer drug that inhibits choline kinase, resulting in inhibition of phosphocholin
122      Hemicholinium-3 (HC-3), an inhibitor of choline kinase, strongly inhibited UV-induced AP-1 activ
123 itogenic Ca2+ effects, cotreatments with the choline kinase substrate choline (250 microM) and the ch
124                      The turnover number per choline kinase subunit was 153 s-1.
125 se) consistent with one phosphorylation site/choline kinase subunit.
126                                            A choline kinase synthetic peptide (SQRRHSLTRQ) containing
127 dylcholine (PtdCho), is initiated by a novel choline kinase (TgCK).
128  subunit molecular mass (73 kDa) of purified choline kinase was in good agreement with the predicted
129 ere were consistent with the conclusion that choline kinase was regulated by protein kinase A phospho
130 yed sequence homology to mammalian and yeast choline kinases was used to isolate choline kinase-like
131 to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CKI1-encoded choline kinase, which also exhibits ethanolamine kinase
132 ares its regulatory region with heat-induced choline kinase, which has a possible role in heat signal
133                           Phosphorylation of choline kinase with protein kinase A resulted in a stimu
134                                              Choline kinase with Ser(30) to Ala (S30A) and Ser(85) to

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