


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  often face alternatives that we are free to choose between.
2 emory, honeybees (Apis mellifera) learned to choose between 2 colors on the basis of immediately prec
3                  During training, mice could choose between a 20- or 100-mul drop of milk delivered a
4 ineage, then at a later stage they must also choose between a CD4+ or CD8+ fate before they can pass
5  from a public goods game where subjects can choose between a community with and without second-order
6 ts indicate that Tbx6 is needed for cells to choose between a mesodermal and a neuronal differentiati
7               We have trained two monkeys to choose between a pair of coloured targets after viewing
8 ilistic selection task that required mice to choose between a small certain reward and a larger uncer
9 g (risky decision-making task) in which rats choose between a small, "safe" reward and a large reward
10               In discrete trials, rats could choose between a solution of polycose and an equally cal
11 accounts for the ability of neurotrophins to choose between a survival-versus-death pathway.
12  into amyloid fibrils, but we were unable to choose between a trimeric or hexameric arrangement of ri
13                                  If a monkey chooses between A and B, neurons in the OFC encode the v
14                                              Choosing between a class of drug or particular strategy
15 ces given the preference-sensitive nature of choosing between a conduit and continent diversion.
16 put, storing its features in working memory, choosing between a set of options dictated by controlled
17                                      Animals chose between a "safe" lever, which guaranteed delivery
18  trained mice on a T-maze task in which they chose between a high-cost, high-reward arm (HR), which i
19                                 Here, humans chose between a small, immediate monetary reward and a l
20 ed on sound principles, but require users to choose between accuracy and speed.
21 dial agranular area, spared rats' ability to choose between actions based on either the value or the
22    In goal-directed decision-making, animals choose between actions that are associated with differen
23 the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), which requires choosing between advantageous and disadvantageous option
24 ion that may help to instruct lymphocytes to choose between alternate fates in response to antigenic
25  Understanding how stem and progenitor cells choose between alternative cell fates is a major challen
26  neuroepithelial cells of the developing CNS choose between alternative cell fates to generate cell d
27 ke value judgments; and (iii) the ability to choose between alternative courses of action.
28  Cell-fate determination requires that cells choose between alternative developmental pathways.
29                                           We choose between alternative models using model selection
30                                 Participants choose between alternative rapidly presented streams of
31 els and a variety of statistical methods for choosing between alternative models.
32                                         Rats chose between alternatives in which one arm contained hi
33              Although we cannot conclusively choose between Amborella vs. Amborella + Nymphaeales as
34  game in which they used a computer mouse to choose between amounts of money at various delays.
35 ifferentiation that explains how angioblasts choose between an arterial and venous fate.
36 trophysiological procedure duration and help choosing between an endocardial or epicardial approach.
37 iments, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) always chose between an option delivering food both to themselv
38 , tiptop can act as a regulatory switch that chooses between antennal and leg identity.
39  assigned to bracing or observation, and 126 chose between bracing and observation.
40  gambling game that required participants to choose between cards that were unpredictably associated
41  and used it to compare how the same subject chose between classical economic lotteries and the same
42 to assess the relative reduction in IND from choosing between CO2(f) and CH4 control measures and to
43                The program allow the user to choose between combinations of existing methods and can
44 k requirement, pigeons (Columba livia) could choose between completing the response requirement (at a
45 atients should likely be counseled regarding choosing between conduit and continent urinary diversion
46 ns and thus represents a novel mechanism for choosing between conflicting behaviors during feeding.
47 dications, patients were given the option to choose between conventional therapy (group 1) and multim
48 discrete prisoner's dilemma, in which actors choose between cooperation and defection, there has been
49 soner's Dilemma, where in each round players choose between cooperation and defection.
50 ch, in each round of a repeated game, people choose between cooperation, defection and costly punishm
51 , a nucleus that encodes RPEs, while monkeys chose between cues that provided different chances to vi
52                                              Choosing between dabigatran etexilate 110 mg BID and dab
53 ave impelled research-oriented physicians to choose between delivery of health care and performance o
54     Within certain bounds, investigators can choose between designs with more subjects and fewer mark
55                                    How cells choose between developmental pathways remains a fundamen
56                             Many animals can choose between different developmental fates to maximize
57                              When allowed to choose between different macronutrients, most animals di
58                      It also allows users to choose between different methods for setting B-factors a
59 ctions, as this enables users to compare and choose between different prediction methods and provides
60 use requires speakers to vary word order and choose between different ways of expressing the same mea
61 f between ischaemic and bleeding events when choosing between different anticoagulant regimens.
62  scent are equally important to hawkmoths in choosing between different flowers.
63                                           In choosing between different rewards expected after unequa
64 e stages of thymic development, T cells must chose between different fates, dictated by their TCR spe
65 ns in the orbitofrontal cortex while monkeys chose between different juice types.
66                  In the experiments, monkeys chose between different juices and their choice patterns
67                  In the experiments, monkeys chose between different juices offered in variables amou
68                                      Monkeys chose between different juices.
69 gnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) participants chose between different stimuli that were probabilistica
70                                Animals could choose between differently colored, sand-filled boxes, w
71 e ventral tegmental area in rats learning to choose between differently delayed and sized rewards.
72             The ability of human subjects to choose between disparate kinds of rewards suggests that
73  newborn sympathetic neurons distinguish and choose between distinct vascular trajectories to innerva
74            I then provide guidance on how to choose between dynamic networks and the "standard" appro
75 splant professionals and patients that, when choosing between EC-MPS and MMF, they are choosing betwe
76                              The decision to choose between either is broadly based on age and type o
77 plore-exploit dilemma occurs anytime we must choose between exploring unknown options for information
78 t that high-level cognitive decisions (e.g., choosing between financial options) are suboptimal.
79 en choosing between EC-MPS and MMF, they are choosing between formulations that give equivalent mycop
80                      In these tasks, animals chose between four options associated with different mag
81                                   Humans can choose between fundamentally different options, such as
82 anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) of macaques choosing between gambles presented asynchronously.
83 cells (ESCs) leave the pluripotent state and choose between germ layer fates.
84 eir first injectable therapy, clinicians can choose between glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor
85                                    How do we choose between goods that have different subjective valu
86 eletal muscle, but the genes responsible for choosing between growth versus differentiation are large
87 ce becomes a more important consideration in choosing between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
88 yoff, and a binary choice task that involved choosing between high reward/high effort and low reward/
89 eriment with questions that asked parents to choose between hypothetical primary care practices with
90 gs, investigators and sponsors struggle with choosing between ideal clinical trial designs and more p
91 sumes that domestic chicks are unbiased when choosing between identical stimuli presented to their le
92  to disregard future benefits and costs when choosing between immediate and delayed gratification.
93 also performed a decision task in which they chose between immediate food rewards and delayed monetar
94 ctions in the circulation currently requires choosing between in vivo models, which are difficult to
95 onal mechanisms by which dorsal interneurons choose between ipsilateral and contralateral projection
96 nich cyclization was precisely controlled by choosing between kinetic or thermodynamic conditions.
97 Cell, suggest that the ability of T cells to choose between launching a productive immune response, f
98                    Participants could freely choose between left and right hand actions.
99                                     Asked to choose between legalization of physician-assisted suicid
100                          Patients often must choose between long-term immunosuppressant therapy or to
101 or task that is mathematically equivalent to choosing between lotteries and used it to compare how th
102 r way into the lymphatic system and how they choose between lymphatic and blood vessels for migration
103  their bacterial hosts temperate phages must chose between lysogenic and lytic developmental strategi
104 th a series of 30 trials in which they could choose between making 20 button presses for $1 or 100 bu
105  mates in a lekking mammal in which a female chooses between males for the sole purpose of mating.
106                            Bacillus subtilis chooses between matrix production and spore formation, w
107  in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans choose between mitotic and meiotic division, and between
108 aboratory, female Gambusia holbrooki readily chose between models of males and demonstrated significa
109 ach data set, providing a principled way for choosing between motif variants found in the literature
110 ions where both options are desirable (e.g., choosing between mousse au chocolat or creme caramel che
111 exploration-exploitation' dilemma, a gambler choosing between multiple slot machines balances the des
112 inely have to reach a consensus decision and choose between mutually exclusive actions in order to co
113                     These data can assist in choosing between MVR and alternative palliative strategi
114  Drosophila, cells in each proneural cluster choose between neural and epidermal cell fates.
115 scriminator for patients and clinicians when choosing between non-biologic systemic therapies, etaner
116                                   How a cell chooses between nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) and hom
117 ients and families gave informed consent and chose between nonoperative management and urgent appende
118 AC, for whom CTA could be avoided, and helps choosing between observation and IVI in patients with in
119  learned a reverse-reward task in which they chose between one and four food items.
120 lic goods games, some simple strategies that choose between only two possible actions can resist inva
121 and more about what they are purchasing, and choose between options claiming the same or similar prop
122 ics, because measurement forces a system to 'choose' between possible outcomes in a fundamentally unp
123 sed to the conflict resulting from having to choose between predictably rewarding familiar options (e
124                 Across three studies, people chose between products that varied in personal value.
125 and progenitors in the developing brain must choose between proliferation with renewal and differenti
126 ictions about how mouse 3T3-L1 preadipocytes choose between proliferation, differentiation or quiesce
127 with BRCA1 or BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) mutations must choose between prophylactic surgeries and screening to m
128 arch for chlordecone-respiring organisms and choosing between reductive versus oxidative remediation
129 ficiently severe that patients are forced to choose between relief of pain or itch.
130  of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans must choose between reproductive development and dauer diapau
131                                    Rats then chose between responding on the collect lever, which del
132  signals regarding probability and loss when choosing between response options associated with uncert
133  a pair of animals, in which each individual chooses between resting or foraging during a series of c
134                                      Monkeys chose between rewards that differed in amount, risk, and
135   In two different experiments, participants chose between risky and safe options.
136 sues, we recorded from the OFC while monkeys chose between risky outcomes.
137 ruited to particular RNA substrates and then chooses between RNA processing and degradation modes rem
138 xperiment (n = 25,189) in which participants chose between safe and risky options.
139 e activity of amygdala neurons while monkeys chose between saving liquid reward with interest and spe
140  which pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells choose between self-renewal and differentiation appears
141                                 Participants chose between selfish and generous alternatives, yieldin
142                       The ascomycetous fungi choose between sexual and asexual reproduction; it is on
143 llustrates the tension confronting providers choosing between similar agents that markedly differ in
144  feeling most positive and most anxious when choosing between similarly high-valued products.
145                           For example, after choosing between similarly valued alternatives, people r
146 aker previously broadcast complex calls when choosing between simple calls broadcast after a delay.
147 scribes the major clinical considerations in choosing between single-modality or combination treatmen
148                             Thirsty subjects choose between small volumes of drinks delivered at prec
149 robabilistic discounting" task in which they chose between small certain and large uncertain rewards.
150 ounting task in which well trained male rats chose between small/certain or large/risky rewards, with
151                                              Choosing between smaller, assured rewards or larger, unc
152  capillary feeder assay, we allowed flies to choose between sources of sugars that varied in their ra
153                                     Subjects chose between stimuli that elicit filling-in, and percep
154                                              Choosing between strategies to control HIV transmission
155               We provide some guidelines for choosing between strategies, for the detection of genes
156 epwise unfolding, but also explain how FANCJ chooses between supporting DNA repair versus promoting D
157  extent of disease should accounted for when choosing between surgery and PCI, because patients with
158                     Activated CD8(+) T cells choose between terminal effector cell (TEC) or memory pr
159 riment, honeybees learned no less readily to choose between the 2 colors on the basis of sample stimu
160 me our knowledge is not sufficient for us to choose between the different estimates of, for example,
161 d by two fungal pathogens as a key signal to choose between the expression of environmental or virule
162           We find that it is not possible to choose between the models based on fits to the data alon
163 ated their deliberation and prompted them to choose between the two alternatives.
164 van der Waals contacts included, was used to choose between the two possible orientations for each of
165               In a second step, participants choose between the two rewards selected in the first ste
166 most substances it is not known how the cell chooses between the refolding and proteolytic pathways.
167 ce is less clear on the clinical grounds for choosing between the 2 devices.
168 midronate and zoledronic acid will depend on choosing between the higher drug cost of zoledronic acid
169                                         Rats chose between the two goal arms of a T maze, one contain
170        The value of the cutoff frequency was chosen between the average pumping frequency and the low
171  preference test that allowed the infants to choose between their mother and another familiar adult f
172 -administration sessions and then allowed to choose between them in a two-lever choice test session o
173 NA-seq, but no consensus exists as to how to choose between them.
174 mulatta) assign to different goods when they choose between them.
175 t sources would help physicians and patients choose between them.
176  which means that the auditory system has to choose between them.
177 d-to-head randomized controlled trials makes choosing between them difficult for patients, clinicians
178 ng models to arrive at rational criteria for choosing between them.
179 agined those events, both before, and after, choosing between them.
180 ort magnitudes of two options and repeatedly chose between them.
181                                    How cells choose between these alternatives to join physiologic DS
182  A stepwise methodology is also described to choose between these complimentary technologies to obtai
183                                When asked to choose between these options, 62% of the patients would
184 documentation needed for the nephrologist to choose between these strategies.
185                                   How a cell chooses between these two important DNA repair pathways
186 r of RADseq loci are important criteria when choosing between these methods.
187     In the Monty Hall dilemma, an individual chooses between three options, only one of which will de
188 nt may provide a more complete framework for choosing between treatment alternatives.
189 ta-analysis helps physicians and patients in choosing between treatment options depending on whether
190  as they provide the strongest evidence when choosing between treatment options for patients with car
191 on making between patient and physician when choosing between treatments.
192 nown to exist only in games in which players choose between two alternative actions such as "cooperat
193  interconnected cells of each germ-line cyst choose between two alternative fates.
194 yeast the transcribing RNA polymerase II can choose between two distinct termination mechanisms but k
195 c accidents, but they will sometimes have to choose between two evils, such as running over pedestria
196                             Our aims were to choose between two high doses of CoQ10 for ALS, and to d
197 uing choice phase, the animal was allowed to choose between two objects identical to the sample phase
198 preference was tested by allowing animals to choose between two odors (peppermint and vanilla), untra
199  task in which participants were required to choose between two options for a subsequent flanker task
200 brate development, the cells of the ectoderm choose between two possible fates: neural and epidermal.
201                In a first step, participants choose between two potential upcoming choices, each asso
202 s, and experts in medical decision making to choose between two screening tests for a population at l
203       Twelve capuchins tested in pairs could choose between two tokens, with one being "prosocial" in
204 d challenge' to evaluate their potential to 'choose' between two alternative cell fate endpoints: car
205 typic variation is progenitor cells variably choosing between two alternative fates during developmen
206                                        After choosing between two alternatives, people perceive the c
207 of decision making: (1) decision form (i.e., choosing between two objects to gain the greater reward
208  optimal decision-making: greater difficulty choosing between two options in the presence of a third
209                                         When choosing between two options, correlates of their value
210 llness, preference-sensitive decision making-choosing between two or more reasonable treatment option
211  of choosing the larger delayed rewards when choosing between two real monetary rewards, (iii) reduce
212 ctional magnetic resonance imaging, subjects chose between two choices of equal expected value: a 'Su
213  findings of a paradigm in which chimpanzees chose between two differently colored tokens: one "selfi
214                           In this task, rats chose between two fluid wells that produced varying magn
215 = 31) who performed a PIT task in which they chose between two instrumental responses in pursuit of b
216 ky decision-making task (RDT), in which they chose between two levers, one that delivered a small saf
217                          In this assay, mice chose between two sippers, one of which dispensed water
218  female cichlid fish (Astatotilapia burtoni) chose between two socially equivalent males and then saw
219                       On each trial, monkeys chose between two stimuli that were associated with diff
220 rget in a visual gambling task in which they chose between two targets offering the same mean reward
221                               One individual chose between two tokens that, with their partner's coop
222 k two discrete choice experiments where they chose between unrestricted CT colonography that examined
223  Implementing countries must therefore often choose between using a standardized regimen despite high
224                            The task involved choosing between using a body part (i.e. crows: beak; hu
225 : they prefer to lay eggs on dark sites when choosing between UV-illuminated and dark sites.
226 tion against carriage and a clinical tool to choose between vaccine candidates.
227                            Users are free to choose between various methods of image processing, back
228                           There is little to choose between various QT dispersion indices, as well as
229 tivity of single striatal neurons in monkeys choosing between visual social information at the potent

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