


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 7 colocalized with one allele of Wsb1/Nf1 on chromosome 11.
2 capture sequencing of the linked interval on chromosome 11.
3 b T-helper 2 (T(H)2) cytokine locus on mouse chromosome 11.
4  of 45 coding exons spanning 108 kb on mouse chromosome 11.
5 mapping entirely to the distal half of mouse chromosome 11.
6 us of chromosome 7 and the Wsb1-Nf1 locus of chromosome 11.
7 atory regions of the T(H)2 cytokine locus on chromosome 11.
8 a cell) that contains a single copy of human chromosome 11.
9 apped to the Ovum mutant (Om) locus on mouse chromosome 11.
10 r diabetes-resistant C57L (NOD.LC11) loci on chromosome 11.
11 KCNJ11) are adjacent to one another on human chromosome 11.
12 (Dup mutant) of the syntenic region on mouse chromosome 11.
13 tment and TNF-alpha levels was identified on chromosome 11.
14 stinct regions spanning approximately 40% of chromosome 11.
15 cated either loss or retention of the entire chromosome 11.
16 exons within a human genomic DNA fragment on chromosome 11.
17 linking to the EVR1 locus on the long arm of chromosome 11.
18 ets found at the functional mouse cluster on Chromosome 11.
19 lated gain involving the entire short arm of chromosome 11.
20 pe 2B (DA2B), the most common of the DAs, to chromosome 11.
21 lian fashion as a recessive gene residing on chromosome 11.
22 ific backcross panel places it at 63.0 cM on chromosome 11.
23 ecessive mouse mutations, 88 of which are on chromosome 11.
24 lysin genes in a repetitive region on cattle chromosome 11.
25 e family located on a small segment of mouse chromosome 11.
26 aled that 9 of 11 (82%) of CIS had losses on chromosome 11.
27 n that uses a balancer chromosome, inversion chromosome 11.
28 iously described H2a.X gene located on human chromosome 11.
29 on interval and its syntenic region on mouse chromosome 11.
30 d a tumor suppressor gene to the long arm of chromosome 11.
31 type, called Ltxs1, has been mapped to mouse chromosome 11.
32 ML, and apparent preferential methylation on chromosome 11.
33 ion, resulting in paternal disomy of part of chromosome 11.
34 ne Tbx21 gene, and its localization to mouse chromosome 11.
35 BQLN3 gene was mapped to the 11p15 region of chromosome 11.
36 (Csfgm or Csf2), are tightly linked on mouse chromosome 11.
37 metastasis suppressor genes encoded on human chromosome 11.
38  use of 22 STRP markers in a 55-cM region of chromosome 11.
39 nd NRH2 and NRH3 are less than 48kb apart on chromosome 11.
40 on ratio distortion at the Om locus on mouse chromosome 11.
41  been physically mapped within 1 Mb of mouse chromosome 11.
42 1 has been mapped near the p53 gene on mouse chromosome 11.
43 d is located in the syntenic region of mouse chromosome 11.
44 ther gene, Boymaw (also termed DISC1FP1), on chromosome 11.
45  and have mapped it as a single-copy gene on chromosome 11.
46 s repeat may mediate recombination events on chromosome 11.
47 which, assuming synteny, is located on avian chromosome 11.
48 ed by a terminal deletion of the long arm of chromosome 11.
49  Trp53 are both closely located on the mouse chromosome 11.
50  using a panel of microsatellite markers for chromosome 11.
51 ybrid hamster cells (A(L)N) containing human chromosome 11.
52 4 patients demonstrated UPD for the whole of chromosome 11.
53 f BWS cases have uniparental disomy (UPD) of chromosome 11.
54 lso exhibited a copy number loss of proximal chromosome 11 (11A-B), a region orthologous to human 17p
55         MPc3 maps to the distal arm of mouse chromosome 11 (11E2), a region that contains other known
56 ivity with the SPON1 variant at rs2618516 on chromosome 11 (11p15.2) reached connectome-wide, genome-
57 by the fatty acid desaturase (FADS) cluster (chromosome 11, 11q12.2-q13) and certain genetic variants
58 assification have led to linkage to sites on chromosomes 11, 13 and 16 and identification of the firs
59                                Other loci on chromosomes 11, 14, and 16 were suggestive of linkage to
60 24/31) as being orthologous to three B. mori chromosomes (11, 23 and 24, respectively).
61 ies of mice with regional deletions on mouse chromosome 11 (33-80 cM) that can subsequently be subjec
62  and STAT5b are encoded by adjacent genes on chromosome 11 (60.5 cM).
63 at3) gene and a 500-kb region spanning mouse chromosome 11, 60.5 cM containing three Stat genes (m-St
64 nine of 15 tumors exhibited a gain of distal chromosome 11, a region that is orthologous to human chr
65              Abca13 has been mapped to mouse chromosome 11.a2, revealing the human orthologue highly
66 ice carrying a duplication [Dp(11)17] in one chromosome 11 along with a null allele of Rai1 in the ot
67 leles at the Ovum mutant (Om) locus on mouse chromosome 11 among the offspring of (C57BL/6 x DDK) F(1
68 ghlighted a putative susceptibility locus on chromosome 11, among the later-onset families, with a LO
69                                              Chromosome 11 amplicons distal to Erbb2 arise in a model
70 mong the various models, including recurrent chromosome 11 amplifications and chromosome 4 deletions,
71 on results in the fusion of the API2 gene on chromosome 11 and a novel gene termed MALT1 on chromosom
72 egion near the CC16 coding gene (SCGB1A1) on chromosome 11 and another locus approximately 25 Mb away
73                Thus, the breakpoints on both chromosome 11 and chromosome 22 are clustered in multipl
74 t tandem-repeat-polymorphism markers on both chromosome 11 and chromosome 22.
75 gene: It spans at least 35 kilobases (kb) on chromosome 11 and contains five exons and four introns.
76                     We identified one QTL on chromosome 11 and found some evidence for another QTL on
77    PSMA/GCPII is located on the short arm of chromosome 11 and functions as both a folate hydrolase a
78 nnegan and defolliculated has been mapped to chromosome 11 and here we show that both mice harbor mut
79 lustered in 150-kb syntenic regions on mouse chromosome 11 and human chromosome 5q31.
80 c segment is syntenically conserved on mouse chromosome 11 and is bounded by the mouse homologs of th
81 o the interstitial deletion of band p11.2 of chromosome 11 and is characterized by multiple exostoses
82              The murine Rad51l2 gene maps to chromosome 11 and is located in the syntenic region of h
83                         RAINB1 is present on chromosome 11 and is spread over 38 exons, resulting in
84 Mouse Hus1 was mapped to the proximal end of chromosome 11 and is therefore a candidate gene for the
85  dearth of genes in the breakpoint region of chromosome 11 and it is therefore unlikely that the expr
86 tFL samples included gains of 3q27.3-q28 and chromosome 11 and losses of 9p21.3 and 15q.
87 oth LTRs of the endogenous MTV-3 provirus on chromosome 11 and proceed at least 10 kb into the juxtap
88 urase genes reside in reverse orientation on chromosome 11 and that they are separated by <11,000 bas
89 re contained within a 140-kb region of mouse chromosome 11 and their expression is controlled by a lo
90 rid clones containing a single copy of human chromosome 11 and which were treated with 5-aza-2'-deoxy
91        Interestingly, the short arms of rice chromosomes 11 and 12 (and independently their homologs
92 ication of gene clusters as observed on rice chromosomes 11 and 12 and arabidopsis chromosome 5.
93  to the internally duplicated region on rice chromosomes 11 and 12 and suggested that this duplicatio
94           Based on detailed analysis of rice chromosomes 11 and 12 and their homologs in seven grass
95  8% of japonica paralogs produced 5-7 MYA on chromosomes 11 and 12 have been affected by gene convers
96 ce is exceptional regarding the evolution of chromosomes 11 and 12, inasmuch as in other species the
97 imilarity between the short arm ends of rice chromosomes 11 and 12.
98 at the distal ends of the short arms of rice chromosomes 11 and 12.
99  cells, single-copy GLTP genes were found in chromosomes 11 and 12.
100  reciprocal chromosome translocation between chromosomes 11 and 13 in two accessions of wild soybean.
101 subset of survivors that has lost fibroblast chromosomes 11 and 14 (tumor suppressor loci for this sy
102  four on chromosome 12 and additional two on chromosomes 11 and 15 were associated with flowering tim
103  associated with flowering time, and four on chromosomes 11 and 16 were associated with seed size.
104 mapping these regions (with the exception of chromosomes 11 and 17), most linkage peaks remained simi
105 male affected identified the same signals on chromosomes 11 and 17, as well as three other regions on
106 ess Scale genome scan identified two loci on chromosomes 11 and 17, with the highest score on chromos
107 an 16p13.3 switches in synteny between mouse Chromosomes 11 and 17.
108 will harbor a balanced translocation between chromosomes 11 and 18.
109 amilies), and fine mapping of the regions of chromosomes 11 and 20.
110 est the hypothesis that spatial proximity of chromosomes 11 and 22 in meiotic prophase oocytes and sp
111  have been mapped to specific Alu repeats on chromosomes 11 and 22, indicating that this event is due
112  events between similar AT-rich sequences on chromosomes 11 and 22, resulting in deletions and loss o
113 thin palindromic AT-rich repeats (PATRRs) on chromosomes 11 and 22, suggesting that hairpin/cruciform
114 strand breaks in AT-rich palindromes on both chromosomes 11 and 22.
115 gation event resulting in partial trisomy of chromosomes 11 and 22.
116 that leads to the fusion of DOC4 and HGL, on chromosomes 11 and 8, respectively.
117 chromosome 2, whereas IL-18 and IL-33 lie on chromosomes 11 and 9, respectively.
118 on ratio distortion at loci on two different chromosomes, 11 and X.
119 ing behaviour, including a variant in NCAM1 (chromosome 11) and a variant on chromosome 2 (between TE
120 ss-of-function mutations in the MEN1 gene on chromosome 11, and endocrine tumors arising in these pat
121 hown that it maps near the mouse CD7 gene on chromosome 11, and established that the mouse K12 protei
122 egrin gene encoding alpha E, localized it to chromosome 11, and generated integrin alpha E-deficient
123 ses had a gain involving the entire p-arm of chromosome 11, and one case showed a gain of chromosome
124       Eleven IRs from Chromosome X, one from Chromosome 11, and seven already described from Chromoso
125 t susceptibility to astrocytoma is linked to chromosome 11, and that the modifier gene(s) responsible
126 ese 23 carriers were tested with probes from chromosome 11, and, in each, the breakpoint was localize
127 ea locus on 14q; 10) the SCA type 5 locus on chromosome 11; and 11) the chromosome 19 region that con
128 ions from distal 1q (with orthology to mouse chromosome 11) appear to have a different history.
129 e translocated Cdkn1c, Slc22a1l and Tssc3 on chromosome 11 are affected, consistent with the hypothes
130 e X and show that it, and the Aanat locus on chromosome 11, are significantly associated with pineal
131  This approach uncovered a modifier locus on chromosome 11 associated with sarcolemmal membrane damag
132 leukemia, carry deletions of the long arm of chromosome 11 at 11q22-23.
133 bridization and radiation hybrid analysis to chromosome 11 at band p15.5, a region implicated in Beck
134 one or more tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) on chromosome 11 at q13 and q22-24 regions.
135                         Further, a sequenced chromosome 11 BAC clone, spanning the t(11;22) breakpoin
136 an approximate size of 20 kb and a second on chromosome 11 band 15.5-p15.4 that is the same size as t
137                                        Human chromosome-11 band-q23 translocations disrupting the MLL
138 age analysis reveals that elf3 maps to mouse chromosome 11 between D11Bir6 and D11Xrf477, a different
139 ) on mouse chromosome 4 (around 58.2 cM) and chromosome 11 (between 20-36 cM) that influence CARTta a
140 tail but little was known about genes in the chromosome 11 breakpoint region.
141 clone contig encompassing 2.51 Mb around the chromosome 11 breakpoint, which was constructed computat
142  phenotype, called Ltxs1, has been mapped to chromosome 11, but the responsible gene has not been ide
143 Although Par1 was previously mapped to mouse chromosome 11 by conventional linkage analyses, its cand
144 e mutation was mapped to the proximal end of chromosome 11 by genome-wide linkage analysis.
145 rint contig build) that maps proximal to the chromosome 11 centromere, a feature that interestingly c
146        Microcell-mediated transfer of normal chromosome 11 (chr 11) to a clonal derivative of the ova
147 ovel spontaneous mouse mutation that maps to chromosome 11 close to the type I keratin locus.
148 hat the distortion maps to a single locus on chromosome 11, closely linked to Om, and that gene conve
149 ound minimal evidence of association for all chromosome 11 cluster SNPs (P >/= .01); a similar compar
150                                 Deletions in chromosome 11 consistent with CIN were verified in 80% o
151       A 2.3-centimorgan (cM) segment of rice chromosome 11 consisting of 340 kb of DNA sequence aroun
152                                      Idd4 on chromosome 11 consists of two subloci, Idd4.1 and Idd4.2
153 ocus on the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) chromosome 11 contained 15 putative genes.
154                            A novel region on chromosome 11 containing olfactory receptor genes OR51B5
155      Both mutants were mapped to a region on chromosome 11 containing the peripheral myelin protein 2
156 e found a genomic signature for selection on chromosome 11 containing two closely linked loci.
157 artificial chromosome (BAC) clone mapping to chromosome 11, containing a region homologous to the hum
158  responsible, differential display comparing chromosome 11-containing (neo11/ 435) and parental, meta
159  Wnt3 demonstrates that this region of mouse chromosome 11 contains a large number of essential genes
160 obovoid and elongated shape, whereas sov2 on chromosome 11 controlled mainly elongated fruit shape.
161 sequenced 12 V. monoica bacterial artificial chromosomes, 11 corresponding to the papaya X-specific r
162 tic interaction was detected between loci on chromosome 11 (D11Mit39) and chromosome 18 (D18Mit64).
163                              For example, on chromosome 11, decay occurred over 0.8 cM for processing
164      Selected tumors with localized gains of chromosome 11 delineate a 15-Mb region orthologous to hu
165 c lines carrying various segments of central chromosome 11 derived from LT-resistant DBA/2 mice on th
166 (LOD = 1.6) for a QTL for type 2 diabetes on chromosome 11 detected by Hanson and colleagues.
167 the fusion of DISC1 with a disrupted gene on chromosome 11 (DISC1FP1/Boymaw).
168     Thus chromosome loss or deletions within chromosome 11 do not account for the LOH observed by Sou
169 l DDK alleles in the central region of mouse chromosome 11 due to meiotic drive at the second meiotic
170 horses, the CXCL16 gene is located on equine chromosome 11 (ECA11) and encodes a glycosylated, type I
171  susceptible phenotype in a region of equine chromosome 11 (ECA11), positions 49572804 to 49643932.
172 opic endogenous retrovirus (eERV) located on chromosome 11 (Emv30) in the NOD genome, multiple de nov
173 single effector locus at a 1.5-Mbp region on chromosome 11 encoding a cluster of three p47 GTPases (I
174  among CTCF/cohesin sites over 2 Mb on human chromosome 11 encompassing the beta-globin locus and fla
175 rlapping deletions (SROs) were identified on chromosome 11 flanked by the markers D11S1338/D11S907 (1
176             We also obtained a unique QTL on chromosome 11 for collateral remodeling after middle cer
177 a portion of the orthologous region on mouse chromosome 11 for its tumorigenic potential using segmen
178 0)-GGFbeta3 MPNST cells (including universal chromosome 11 gains) and focal gains and losses affectin
179  provide further evidence of association for chromosome 11 gene cluster SNPs with substance dependenc
180 ent, respectively, of Il4 and Il13, adjacent chromosome 11 genes encoding the canonical T(H)2 cytokin
181 s versus heterozygous for B6 markers of this chromosome 11 genetic locus were, respectively, highly s
182                                        Human chromosome 11 has a VL30 retroelement, and a VL30 EST wa
183 LIPOPROTEIN (APO)A1/C3/A4/A5 gene cluster on chromosome 11 has been hypothesized to be a modifier of
184 gements encompassing up to three quarters of chromosome 11 have been constructed in mouse embryonic s
185                 Thus, the PATRRs from normal chromosomes 11 have been analyzed in detail.
186 m the normal allele but not from the deleted chromosome 11 homolog.
187 long with a null allele of Rai1 in the other chromosome 11 homologue [Dp(11)17/Rai1(-) mice] in order
188 tween 123.5 and 129.5 cM genetic distance on chromosome 11, identifying the site of a potential TSG i
189                 The nob3 phenotype mapped to chromosome 11 in a region containing the metabotropic gl
190  the creation of a BAC clone contig on mouse chromosome 11 in a region showing conservation of synten
191                         The distal region of chromosome 11 in B6 mice harbors a previously unrecogniz
192 some 7 in bands p12--p13 and Pkd1l1 to mouse chromosome 11 in band A2 by fluorescence in situ hybridi
193 4 introns, is single-copy, and is located on chromosome 11 in mice and 17 in humans, close to HER-2/n
194 t benzene induces a high frequency of LOH on chromosome 11 in p53+/- mice, likely mediated by aberran
195    The human MBP and MBPH genes localized to chromosome 11 in the centromere to 11q12 region.
196 1B (osteoprotegerin) gene, and rs3736228, on chromosome 11 in the LRP5 (lipoprotein-receptor-related
197  loss of heterozygosity/allelic imbalance on chromosome 11 in the stroma and tumor grade (P = .0013),
198  loss of heterozygosity/allelic imbalance on chromosome 11 in the stroma associated with tumor grade
199                             A major locus on chromosome 11 in tight linkage with the marker D11Mit48
200 to assemble a complete physical map of mouse chromosome 11 in which selection of clones containing sp
201 loss of the p53 gene, which resides on mouse chromosome 11, in four comparative genomic hybridization
202 stive linkage to a cluster of genes on mouse chromosome 11, including the genes for IL-4 and IL-13.
203                                        Thus, chromosome 11 is implicated but the breakpoints themselv
204 eviously using D11Mit markers, 36-40% of the chromosome 11 is now assembled into contigs, and these c
205  reported Trp53-Wnt3 balancer, most of mouse chromosome 11 is now available in balancer stocks.
206 restricted to female offspring while that on chromosome 11 is present in offspring of both sexes.
207                                       Equine chromosome 11 is shown to have an evolutionary new centr
208 trated that this region at the distal end of chromosome 11 is weakly linked to phenotypic markers of
209 eckstrin and the localization of the gene to chromosome 11, its expression in a nonhematopoetic cell
210 ericans, the variant in a hypothetical gene (chromosome 11; LOC387761) was significantly associated w
211                               Linkage to the chromosome 11 locus (D11Mit39) was confirmed in RA-treat
212 m pennellii introgression lines identified a chromosome 11 locus containing a cluster of BAHD acyltra
213                           We conclude that a chromosome 11 locus derived from 129Sl/SvImJ essentially
214  time on chromosome 17 and also identified a chromosome 11 locus for lung pathogen burden.
215 e analysis revealed significant linkage to a chromosome 11 locus near D11Mit39 with a maximum LOD sco
216 there was evidence at GATA117D01 (140 cM) on chromosome 11 (LOD = 2.21).
217 , 7 cM of chromosome 9 (lod = 2.8), 12 cM of chromosome 11 (lod = 2.3), 27 cM of chromosome 12 (lod =
218 OD score for log(TG/HDL-C) = 1.8 at 140 cM], chromosome 11 [LOD score for log(TG/HDL-C) = 1.1 at 125
219                          The second locus on chromosome 11, LOD = 5.6, named Blmpf2, is significant i
220 f the young (MODY2) homology region of mouse chromosome 11 (logarithm of odds 6.0).
221 wide significant quantitative trait locus on chromosome 11 (logarithm of the odds = 7.4) to a missens
222                  Our next largest MLS is for chromosome 11 (MLS = 1.75 at 84.0 cM), followed by chrom
223 es, three results were particularly notable: chromosome 11 (MLS = 2.98 at 82 cM), chromosome 14 (MLS
224 ait difference has been mapped to a locus on chromosome 11 named Ltxs1.
225 e included SNPs on chromosome 3 near ZNF659, chromosome 11 near FANCF, chromosome 11 near ZBTB15, and
226  introns spanning roughly 4.5 kb and maps to chromosome 11 near the centromere.
227           The mouse Sebox gene was mapped to chromosome 11 near the Evi 2 locus.
228                                     Locus on chromosome 11 near the Stat3 and Stat5 genes controlled
229 ome 3 near ZNF659, chromosome 11 near FANCF, chromosome 11 near ZBTB15, and chromosome 12 near SENP1.
230                                    Losses on chromosome 11 occurred in only one of the 46 uremia-asso
231           Allelic loss at the MMP-1 locus on chromosome 11 occurs in many tumors including melanoma,
232                     Jinx was mapped to mouse chromosome 11 on a total of 246 meioses and confined to
233                   A single gene localized to chromosome 11 on the mouse genome encodes Pes1.
234 tein 24 (ARHGAP24), angiopoietin 4 (ANGPT4), chromosome 11 open reading frame (C11orf30/EMSY), and ex
235 articipant identified the novel ME3 locus on chromosome 11 (P = 2.18 x 10(-8)) at genome-wide signifi
236  in COL13A1 (P = 2.0 x 10(-7)), rs6591182 on chromosome 11 (P = 8.6 x 10(-7)), and rs887304 on chromo
237 ociations at several loci, including OR4C12 (chromosome 11; P = 6.7 x 10(-7)) and ENO1 and RERE (chro
238                     Moreover, loci on either chromosome 11 (Pdcc2) or 9 (Pdcc3) modified the effect o
239 d that PHYA1 gene is located in A-sub-genome chromosome 11, PHYB gene is in A-sub-genome chromosome 1
240 r DNA from these mice reveals duplication of chromosome 11, potentially revealing regions of interest
241 d by a proximal deletion in the short arm of chromosome 11 (Potocki-Shaffer syndrome).
242  associated with allelic losses of the mouse chromosome 11 Prkar1a locus, an increase in total type I
243                                          The chromosome 11 QTL co-localizes with eae6b, and with Il12
244 e also present results from fine mapping the chromosome 11 QTL with use of SNP-association analysis w
245 roduction of a normal, neomycin-tagged human chromosome 11 reduces the metastatic capacity of MDA-MB-
246 breakpoints on chromosome 22 and a region of chromosome 11, refining the boundaries of many previousl
247            A number of genes located in this chromosome 11 region are discussed as potential candidat
248 Siberians have previously highlighted a 3 Mb chromosome 11 region containing 79 protein-coding genes
249  microsatellite and SNP markers identified a chromosome 11 region of 129 origin in C57BL/6J.129-YPOS
250               Csn3 (Cops3) maps to the mouse chromosome 11 region syntenic to the common deletion int
251 female individuals, chromosome 1: rs2764450, chromosome 11: rs11215217; 7772 male individuals, chromo
252 752 and rs10500641 near UBQLNL and OR52H1 on chromosome 11, rs2773080 and rs3922812 in or near RALGPS
253 ssociation at a nonsynonymous SNP in BDNF on chromosome 11 (rs6265[C], odds ratio (OR) = 1.06, 95% co
254 esional tissue with a probe for the p-arm of chromosome 11 showed 6-10 p-arm signals per nucleus in t
255                                  A region in chromosome 11 showed evidence of linkage in four familie
256 aining either the maternal or paternal human chromosome 11 showed that BORIS preferentially binds to
257 n loci at human Chromosome 16p13.3 and mouse Chromosome 11 shows that this segment of mouse Chromosom
258 Analysis of cervical cancer cell lines using chromosome 11 specific probes showed deletion and transl
259 s been shown to result in the fusion between chromosome 11 specific sequence and the switch gamma4 re
260 in MO7e cells was not random but tethered to chromosome 11, specifically to the globin LCR.
261 ps to the distal end of the short arm of pig chromosome 11 (SSC11).
262 ci, and 5 of these 30 (17%) are localized to chromosome 11, suggesting a trend toward overrepresentat
263 rom 11p15.5 frequently extends away from the chromosome 11 territory.
264                   Kos1 is localized on mouse chromosome 11 that corresponds to human chromosome 17p13
265 ps to the imprinted region of proximal mouse chromosome 11 that demonstrates prenatal growth failure
266 fy a region of interest on the p-terminus of chromosome 11 that included gel-forming mucin genes.
267 es the Ppu020 and Faeder loci on a region of chromosome 11 that includes the Melanocortin-1 receptor
268 stive QTL near D11mit236 (20 cM, LOD 2.4) on chromosome 11 that influenced atherosclerotic lesion siz
269  Trp53 (also known as p53) and Wnt3 on mouse chromosome 11 that is recessive lethal and dominantly ma
270 n [Dp(11)17] of the syntenic region on mouse chromosome 11 that spans the genomic interval commonly d
271                                           On chromosome 11 the translocation occurs within a short, p
272 parison with the finished sequence for mouse chromosome 11, the first finished mouse chromosome.
273                                   Located on chromosome 11, the transgene is transcriptionally silent
274  tumor suppressor gene(s) on the long arm of chromosome 11 through suppression of tumorigenicity assa
275 /+ backcross progeny, and three other QTL on chromosomes 11 (Tmc1m2), 12 (Tmc1m3), and 5 (Tmc1m4) in
276 translocated from its normal localization on chromosome 11 to chromosome 14.
277              Remarkably, two other unrelated chromosome 11 translocations discovered from the literat
278 ty (LOH) studies have implicated one or more chromosome 11 tumor-suppressor gene(s) in the developmen
279         The gene was localized to band B5 on Chromosome 11 using fluorescence in-situ hybridization (
280 haracterized loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 11 using seven microsatellite markers in 27 b
281 b YAC contig covering the distal long arm of chromosome 11 was assembled.
282 ance of DDK alleles at the Om locus on mouse chromosome 11 was correlated with the X chromosome inact
283  88.4 kb from the homologous region on mouse chromosome 11, we have determined the genomic and mRNA s
284 nd ABCC8 genes and microsatellite markers on chromosome 11 were analyzed in DNA samples from the pati
285 annel subunits and microsatellite markers on chromosome 11 were analyzed in DNA samples from the pati
286 titative trait loci (QTL), eae6 and eae7, on chromosome 11 were identified by classical marker-specif
287 sis indicated that cells lacking one copy of chromosome 11 were present in all five mammary tumors an
288 analysis with double markers (MADM) to mouse chromosome 11 where Lis1, Ndel1, and 14-3-3varepsilon (e
289 ted a single linkage at the telomeric end of chromosome 11, where the Pdi gene itself resides (logari
290 on-recombining haplotypes of an inversion on chromosome 11, which contains 125 predicted genes.
291 and the ANO1 gene, lying 68 Mb away on human chromosome 11, which encodes a Ca(2+)-dependent chloride
292 ng between chromosome 22 and (in most cases) chromosome 11, which generates an aberrant transcription
293 al imbalance was partial or complete loss of chromosome 11, which harbors the p53 gene and is thus th
294 ing from telomeric segmental paternal UPD of chromosome 11, which unmasks a recessively acting gain-o
295 m response thresholds with a locus on distal chromosome 11, which we designate ahl8.
296 argeted deletion of a 450-kb region on mouse chromosome 11, which, based on computational analysis of
297 med previous findings of the FADS cluster on chromosome 11 with LA and arachidonic acid, and further
298 terminal deletion of part of the long arm of chromosome 11, with breakpoints in 11q23.3-11q24.2.
299 rt here a defective gene (Stat5b) located on chromosome 11 within a previously mapped T1D susceptibil
300 mosomes 11 and 17, with the highest score on chromosome 11 (z=3.22).

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