


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 = 2.56 at PAH (phenylalanine hydroxylase) on chromosome 12).
2 ed with paternal uniparental disomy of mouse chromosome 12.
3  subsequently mapped to an 800-kb segment on chromosome 12.
4  141 segments are mapped to a 3 Mb region of chromosome 12.
5 n TGCTs with gain of the entire short arm of chromosome 12.
6 ment for an imprinted domain on distal mouse chromosome 12.
7  (EEG-1) that is located on the short arm of chromosome 12.
8 ch seven are located in a specific region on chromosome 12.
9 imprinted genes located 80 kb apart on mouse chromosome 12.
10 nd that are located at the Serpina1 locus on chromosome 12.
11 ch has been inserted into the J(H) region of chromosome 12.
12 a finished and fully contiguous sequence for chromosome 12.
13 ene, which is located adjacent to APOBEC1 on chromosome 12.
14 r pathways, map to a distal portion of mouse chromosome 12.
15 issected the modifier locus Tgfbm3, on mouse chromosome 12.
16  nearly complete bacterial clone coverage of chromosome 12.
17 onsists of 675 amino acids and maps to mouse chromosome 12.
18 responds to the locus of human rdh5 on human chromosome 12.
19 tructures following chromothripsis involving chromosome 12.
20 nd the structure of the EKI1 gene located on chromosome 12.
21  Pi-ta, which is linked to the centromere of chromosome 12.
22 onal SNP in exon XII of this gene located on chromosome 12.
23 tl2 is the only imprinted gene identified on chromosome 12.
24 ture, the most common of which is trisomy of chromosome 12.
25  active TAK in hybrid cells containing human chromosome 12.
26 ns is at the Ig H chain-containing region of chromosome 12.
27 s, as shown by our report of a second QTL on chromosome 12.
28 y generate a gene map of this segment of the chromosome 12.
29              Presence of linkage or locus on chromosome 12.
30 antisense strand of homeobox C gene locus in chromosome 12.
31 ithin a 475-kb multiple aberration region on chromosome 12.
32  IBD1, on chromosome 16, but not for IBD2 on chromosome 12.
33 ectopic Xist RNA completely coats transgenic chromosome 12.
34 ones are being used to sequence this part of chromosome 12.
35  genes simultaneously from chromosome 20 and chromosome 12.
36 me 13 is almost entirely conserved in bovine chromosome 12.
37 s which show linkage of the ORW phenotype to chromosome 12.
38 R analysis of a somatic cell hybrid panel to chromosome 12.
39 atic hybrid panel localized the hKID gene to chromosome 12.
40 er for the islet amyloid polypeptide gene on chromosome 12.
41 hromosomal abnormalities of the short arm of chromosome 12.
42 as previously described, but instead maps to chromosome 12.
43 ion factor gene from the distal arm of mouse chromosome 12.
44 elve cases showed LOH at one or more loci on chromosome 12.
45 second locus, designated ORW2, was mapped to chromosome 12.
46 FISH analysis with probes for TEL, AML1, and chromosome 12.
47 e 2, in contrast to hRAD52 which is found on chromosome 12.
48 tering have identified linkage to markers on chromosome 12.
49 deletion of the telomeric end of one copy of chromosome 12.
50 lases encoded within a small region of human chromosome 12.
51 t markers around the Pi-ta genomic region on chromosome 12.
52 f germ cells, may explain the association on chromosome 12.
53 ions as well as two individual loci on mouse chromosome 12.
54 ait locus affecting telomere length on human chromosome 12.
55 ses and in those with uniparental disomy for chromosome 12.
56  < 0.01) were present in the 44-cM region of chromosome 12.
57 12Mit7 marker in a 44-centimorgan portion of chromosome 12.
58 re all located within a 6-kilobase region of chromosome 12.
59 ression caused by a paracentric inversion of chromosome 12.
60 lary complex are located near 44 cM of mouse chromosome 12.
61 hin a 1 Mb imprinted domain on murine distal chromosome 12.
62 ion of one region on chromosome 1 and one on chromosome 12.
63 y expressed imprinted genes located on mouse chromosome 12.
64 72T>G, p.Ile458Leu [CCDS44874.1]) located on chromosome 12.
65 fying locus, Skts15, that overlaps Tgfbm3 on chromosome 12.
66 zheimer gene discovery primarily focusing on chromosomes 12, 10, and 9.
67 mstr1 through Smstr5 were localized to mouse chromosomes 12, 11, 15, 2, and 17, respectively.
68             We found evidence for linkage on chromosome 12 (125 cM, D12S2070, logarithm of odds [LOD]
69 he Darier disease gene to a 2-cM interval of chromosome 12, 12q23-24.1, between the polymorphic loci
70 P is encoded by the single-copy GLTP gene on chromosome 12 (12q24.11 locus), but regulation of GLTP g
71 y strong associations between aberrations of chromosomes 12, 13, 17 and risk of SCC (OR = 7.06, 6.91
72 i with suggestive linkage were mapped to the chromosomes 12, 15, and 19.
73 inkage was observed in four regions on three chromosomes (12, 19, and 20).
74 pped using radiation hybrid mapping to human chromosome 12, 2.9 cR distal to marker AFMB311WC5.
75 D) scores >2 for any retinopathy occurred on chromosomes 12 (4.47 at 13.2 cM), 15 (3.65 at 100.6), an
76 origin expression signature subtype, gain of chromosome 12 (45.4-53.8 Mbp) was found to be significan
77 3%), chromosome 6 (73%), chromosome 7 (80%), chromosome 12 (47%), and chromosome 15 (73%) and partial
78 STs from wheat homoeologous group 5 and rice chromosomes 12 (88 ESTs), 9 (72 ESTs), and 3 (84 ESTs).
79              The best admixture score was on chromosome 12 (90 cM; P = 0.0003).
80     Analysis of consomic mice confirmed that chromosome 12 A/J alleles accounted for the variance in
81 pyrimidinic endonuclease and the presence of chromosome 12 abnormalities.
82 ize influences the location estimate for the chromosome 12 AD gene.
83 calized the mouse Id2 and Id4 genes to mouse chromosome 12 and 13, respectively.
84              The relationship between LOH on chromosome 12 and additional chromosomal alterations occ
85                         Among these, four on chromosome 12 and additional two on chromosomes 11 and 1
86 esent evidence of linkage between markers on chromosome 12 and asthma using the BETA program for nonp
87  we tested a series of 18 genetic markers on chromosome 12 and carried out multipoint, nonparametric
88 breakpoints are located within a BCR on both chromosome 12 and chromosome 14, justifying the identifi
89  imprinting locus is located on mouse distal chromosome 12 and consists of multiple maternally expres
90 encoded by three distinct genes clustered on chromosome 12 and exhibit differential constitutive and
91  zebrafish has two gcsf genes, gcsf-chr12 in chromosome 12 and gcsf-chr19 in chromosome 19.
92 t the assignment of Hif1a and HIF1A to mouse chromosome 12 and human chromosome 14, respectively.
93  gene (Dlk1-Dio3) is located on distal mouse chromosome 12 and human chromosome 14.
94 pherocytosis modifier 1), localizes to mouse Chromosome 12 and is dominant.
95 ion between the alpha2-macroglobulin gene on chromosome 12 and late-onset Alzheimer's disease, wherea
96 ria and on two syntenic sequences from human chromosome 12 and mouse chromosome 6.
97 lved in psychiatric diseases on the q arm of chromosome 12 and provides strong evidence for the exist
98  is caused by an autosomal dominant locus on chromosome 12 and results from a developmental absence o
99 e for two regions with novel ALS/PDC loci on chromosome 12 and supportive evidence for the involvemen
100 his one cluster of imprinted genes on distal chromosome 12 and that these defects alone, and not the
101 morphisms, to identify a candidate region on chromosome 12 and then sequenced GUCY2C, encoding guanyl
102 tified one genome-wide significant region on chromosome 12 and three potential regions on chromosomes
103 to bovine chromosome 12 on caprine and ovine chromosomes 12 and 10, respectively, providing, most lik
104 o suggestive evidence that 2 loci located on chromosomes 12 and 13 influenced whipworm infection.
105                    A translocation involving chromosomes 12 and 14 [t(12;14)(q15;24.1)] is commonly s
106               In addition, allelic losses on chromosomes 12 and 14 were significantly associated with
107 L can be systematically integrated for mouse chromosomes 12 and 15, resulting in a significantly redu
108 ymphoma is caused by a translocation between chromosomes 12 and 15, we tested fibroblasts for DNA rep
109  according to genetic variation at 2 SNPs at chromosomes 12 and 15.
110 ey harbor recurrent translocations involving chromosomes 12 and 15.
111  this study was to replicate IBD linkages on chromosomes 12 and 16 in a large European cohort.
112 e data are consistent with linkage of IBD to chromosomes 12 and 16.
113 otyped using microsatellite markers spanning chromosomes 12 and 16.
114 arkers close to the keratin gene clusters on chromosomes 12 and 17 and have excluded linkage to these
115 B6/BALB cross identified regions from the B6 chromosomes 12 and 17 with positive linkage for IgG auto
116  in this intercross, and with SSLPs covering chromosomes 12 and 18.
117 p values of 4.1 x 10(-8) and 2.1 x 10(-8) on chromosomes 12 and 22, respectively.
118 with 220 and 115 BAC contigs for homeologous chromosomes 12 and 26, respectively, covering 73.49 Mb a
119 cant main effects on adiposity parameters on chromosomes 12 and 5.
120 -glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels (HNF1A on chromosome 12), and three loci for alkaline phosphatase
121 cent of the tumor cells had lost one copy of chromosome 12, and the most common breakpoint on chromos
122 160 cM on chromosome 9; lod = 2.5 at 7 cM on chromosome 12; and lod = 2.6 at 19 cM on chromosome 14).
123 has been localized to the proximal region of chromosome 12, approximately 21 cM from the centromere.
124 y for chromosome 12, in which both copies of chromosome 12 are either paternally or maternally derive
125                     Thus, imprinted genes on chromosome 12 are essential for viability, the regulatio
126 de significant SNP at the LOC338797 locus on chromosome 12 as trans-quantitative trait locus (QTL) (r
127  showed that loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 12 associates significantly with the inductio
128 rs7852872; P = 1.0 x 10(-7)); along with the chromosome 12 associations, these loci were also associa
129 f-odds (LOD) score for snout length on mouse chromosome 12 at 44 centimorgan (cM).
130 .84), chromosome 6 at 178.9 cM (LOD = 1.91), chromosome 12 at 48.7 cM (LOD = 1.99), and chromosome 18
131 calize human KCNJ8 to the short arm of human chromosome 12, at 12p12.
132  in the initial genomewide scan was 1.53, on chromosome 12, at 36 cM.
133 n MYCN gene was localized to the long arm of chromosome 12 band 12q24 which is the corresponding band
134                 hiwi maps to the long arm of chromosome 12, band 12q24.33, a genomic region that disp
135 ne was mapped to the central region of mouse chromosome 12 between D12Mit4 and D12Mit5, near fos and
136  for a second late-onset AD locus located on chromosome 12 between D12S373 and D12S390.
137                        DECTIN-1 gene maps to chromosome 12, between p13.2 and p12.3, close to the NK
138 ukemia (AML), two of whom were known to have chromosome 12 breakpoints within the ETV6 gene.
139  neurotensin has previously been assigned to chromosome 12 but no regional localization was available
140 hese loci were previously assigned to bovine chromosome 12 by analysis of a somatic cell hybrid panel
141 e gene, designated Epim, was assigned to rat chromosome 12 by somatic cell hybrid analysis and locali
142 generated a genetic map of the fld region on chromosome 12 by the analysis of F2 offspring from an in
143  included +15 (15 cases, 79%); loss of a sex chromosome (12 cases, 63%); +8 (10 cases, 53%); +10 (9 c
144 tations in the P450c1 alpha gene, located on chromosome 12, cause 1 alpha-hydroxylase deficiency, als
145 rental origin of the distal portion of mouse chromosome 12 causes alterations in the dosage of imprin
146 ntains the suppressor allele from the BALB/c chromosome 12 centromeric region (sbb2(a)) in an otherwi
147 sical map spanning a large portion of canine chromosome 12 (CFA12), in a region corresponding to huma
148  CpG sites within 2,020 CpG islands on human chromosome 12, chromosome 20, and 34 selected regions.
149 verity recessive locus was identified on rat chromosome 12 (Cia25), with a maximum effect observed on
150 o KLHDC5 and PTHLH, and in another region of chromosome 12 close to CHST11.
151 STN2, chromosome 6 between FILIP1 and SENP6, chromosome 12 close to KLHDC5 and PTHLH, and in another
152 stent amplification of cell lines containing chromosome 12 (concordance, 100%).
153 cant increase in the evidence for linkage on chromosome 12, conditional on the evidence for linkage a
154 between the chromosome 5 locus and region on chromosome 12 containing the MODY 3 gene (map position 1
155 entified associations with BMD in an area of chromosome 12 containing the Osterix (SP7) locus, a tran
156 el mutation to a critical region of 13 Mb on chromosome 12 containing the Six1, -4 and -6 genes.
157                                        Human chromosome 12 contains more than 1,400 coding genes and
158                                 The q arm of chromosome 12 contains one of the largest blocks of link
159 A 1 Mb imprinted domain identified on distal chromosome 12 contains three paternally expressed protei
160 opment of hyperinsulinemia and with a QTL on chromosome 12 (D12Mit231) related to hyperglycemia.
161                     Gain of the short arm of chromosome 12 detected in almost all adult GCTs appears
162 te that ATM deficiency leads to formation of chromosome 12 dicentrics via recombination-activating ge
163 d a conserved approximately 70-cM portion of chromosome 12 (e.g., AT6.1-12-8, -8-1, and -8-3), showed
164           The amnionless gene, Amn, on mouse chromosome 12 encodes a type I transmembrane protein tha
165  backcross analysis within a region of mouse chromosome 12 encompassing >30 cM that demonstrates cons
166  a pericentric inversion occurred in the HSA chromosome 12 equivalent in PTR and GGO, but was not see
167 nd one aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALDH2 on chromosome 12) exhibit functional polymorphisms.
168 osomes 1 and 17 for freezing to the context, Chromosome 12 for freezing to an altered context, and Ch
169                                              Chromosome 12 gave the strongest and most consistent res
170  WDLS and DDLS, but novel agents targeted at chromosome 12 gene products MDM2 and CDK4 have shown pro
171 loci, termed major (chromosome 3) and minor (chromosome 12), harbor the globin genes containing alpha
172 or or salivary proline-rich protein genes on chromosome 12 have alleles which affect its perception b
173 s no significant evidence for replication on chromosome 12 (IBD2).
174 /delta)p53(-/-) B lineage lymphomas harbored chromosome 12 (IgH)/15 (c-myc) translocations with hallm
175 retention of IgH sequences on the derivative chromosome 12, implying that breakpoints involve the IgH
176 analyzed the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of chromosome 12 in 100 primary ALL samples using 22 polymo
177 analyzed the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of chromosome 12 in 36 primary non-small cell lung cancer (
178 ped a susceptibility locus for stuttering to chromosome 12 in 46 highly inbred families ascertained i
179 ions in a gene, designated MODY3, located on chromosome 12 in band q24.
180 osome 11 (P = 8.6 x 10(-7)), and rs887304 on chromosome 12 in EFCAB4B (P = 7.7 x 10(-7)).
181 hromosome 1 (P = 2.2 x 10(-6)), rs6487679 on chromosome 12 in PZP (P = 1.3 x 10(-6)), rs1421201 on ch
182  paired DSBs separated by 1.2 kb to 27 Mb on chromosome 12 in the presence or absence of 53BP1.
183 d to plasma CRP levels, including several on chromosome 12 in the vicinity of the HNF1A gene.
184 s showed significant concurrence with LOH on chromosome 12 in VC-, NNK- and AFB1-induced tumors (P<0.
185 at D12Mit38 (a marker previously assigned to chromosome 12) in the area of the uncoupling protein 2/3
186 h-5B2 was genetically mapped in the mouse to chromosome 12, in a region of homologous synteny with hu
187 ation study, across the region of linkage on chromosome 12, in multiple case-control series totaling
188 ated conceptuses with uniparental disomy for chromosome 12, in which both copies of chromosome 12 are
189 volves the frequent inactivation of genes on chromosome 12, including a stability gene that evidently
190 ay profiling revealed 21 miRNAs clustered on chromosome 12, including miR-433 and miR-127, that were
191 APL mouse model at the orthologous region on chromosome 12, including the CTCF binding site located u
192 on leads to duplication of over 100 genes on chromosome 12, including the obesity candidate gene G pr
193 ta provide substantial evidence for a QTL on chromosome 12 influencing ICA IMT and for association of
194                   Non-parametric analysis of chromosome 12 inheritance data collected with the MODY3-
195  other than 12q15 or 14q23-24, inversions of chromosome 12, insertions of 12q15 into chromosome 14, o
196                  The distal portion of mouse chromosome 12 is imprinted.
197 s has shown that the distal portion of mouse chromosome 12 is imprinted; however, the developmental r
198      Our sequence-tagged site-content map of chromosome 12 is now integrated with the whole-genome fi
199       Our analyses suggest that, if Skts5 on chromosome 12 is representative of other regions in the
200 nced type strain B31 MI consists of a linear chromosome, 12 linear plasmids, and 9 circular plasmids.
201 te genes-KERA, LUM, DCN, EPYC-located in the chromosome 12 linkage support interval.
202 of 2 other affected members of a family with chromosome 12-linked congenital fibrosis of the extraocu
203 tio (OR)=0.9), an intergenic polymorphism on chromosome 12 located between RHEBL1 and DHH.
204 en together, these results indicate that the chromosome 12 locus acts independently of APOE to increa
205                          Fine mapping of the chromosome 12 locus confirmed significant linkage; the l
206 an enhancer-promoter element at an imprinted chromosome 12 locus in mice, thereby converting approxim
207  APOE-4 allele, suggesting that APOE and the chromosome 12 locus might have independent effects.
208 omosome 2 (LOD 4.13 at 229 cM) and FEV(1) on chromosome 12 (LOD 3.26 at 36 cM).
209 rved for postbronchodilator FEF(25-75%) with chromosome 12 (LOD 5.03 at 35 cM) and chromosomes 2 and
210 12 cM of chromosome 11 (lod = 2.3), 27 cM of chromosome 12 (lod = 2.3), and 14 cM of chromosome 14 (l
211  regions for linkage were also identified on chromosome 12 (LOD = 2.6, 1-LOD interval of 14.8 cM; and
212  for linkage in all subjects was observed at chromosomes 12 (LOD = 1.70) and 19 (LOD = 1.54) for mode
213 his family represents the first ADC locus on chromosome 12; major intrinsic protein of lens fiber (MI
214                         In a physical map of chromosome 12, MLF2 was found to reside on the yeast art
215  were identified, a histone H4 gene on human chromosome 12 (mouse chromosome 6) and the previously de
216                     Human SDR-O localizes on chromosome 12; mouse SDR-O localizes on chromosome 10 wi
217     Analysis of 14 markers spanning 24 cM on chromosome 12 narrowed the possible location to a 14 cM
218 1 near FANCF, chromosome 11 near ZBTB15, and chromosome 12 near SENP1.
219  significant regions were an 18-cM region on chromosome 12, near D12S1300 (P=.0159); a region on chro
220 ing markers, we found that a 14-cM region on chromosome 12, near D12S346 (located at 106.89 cM), show
221                              Allelic loss on chromosome 12 occurred at a frequency of 35% and 40% in
222 mosome 12, and the most common breakpoint on chromosome 12 occurred at band D3 (28%).
223 thin the type II cytokeratin gene cluster on chromosome 12 of humans and chromosome 15 of mice.
224        For example, translocations involving chromosome 12, often with chromosome 14 (more than 60%),
225 anned a conserved syntenic segment to bovine chromosome 12 on caprine and ovine chromosomes 12 and 10
226 mplex translocations or other alterations of chromosome 12, on which N-myc resides, or extrachromosom
227  were aberrantly spliced to cryptic sites in chromosome 12 or transcripts encompassing the full codin
228  1.50 (95% CI = 1.28-1.75), P = 10(-13)) and chromosome 12 (OR = 2.55 (95% CI = 2.05-3.19), P = 10(-3
229 highly significant interaction with Skts5 on chromosome 12 (P < 10(-16)), whereas additional signific
230 1 (chromosome 5, P = 8 x 10(-5)) and Tgfbm3 (chromosome 12, P = 6 x 10(-11)) were identified as loci
231                  Human SUR2 was localized to chromosome 12, p12.1 by fluorescent in situ hybridizatio
232 tional markers to the intervals flanking the chromosome 12 peak yielded an LOD score of 4.08 (P = 0.0
233           We confirmed that IBD is linked to chromosome 12 (peak GENEHUNTER-PLUS LOD* score 2.76 [P =
234                        Two-point results for chromosome 12 peaked at D12S303 (logarithm of odds [LOD]
235 n situ hybridization mapped the LHX5 gene to chromosome 12, position 12q24.31-24.32.
236 entify additional candidate-gene variants on chromosome 12 predisposing to atherosclerosis phenotypes
237 3 suggests that we have greatly narrowed the chromosome 12 region that contains an IBD locus.
238 ndependently confirmed linkage of IBD to the chromosome 12 region that we investigated.
239 he GD3/GT3ST gene was found to be located at chromosome 12, region p12.
240                                              Chromosome 12, region q21.2-24.12 (36.59 cM, MYP3 locus)
241 acterized by recurrent amplifications within chromosome 12, resulting in the overexpression of diseas
242  lines were established and the region(s) of chromosome 12 retained was determined by sequence tagged
243                We also identified a locus on chromosome 12 (rs2900333, OR=1.27, P=6.16x10(-10)) that
244 ntified one genome-wide significant locus on chromosome 12 (rs4622308) in a region harboring a previo
245                                  A marker on chromosome 12 segregated with tumor multiplicity in a BA
246                       Alignment of the human chromosome 12 sequence across vertebrates reveals the or
247 hat coamplify c-myc (chromosome 15) and IgH (chromosome 12) sequences.
248 ocus, skin tumor susceptibility 5 (Skts5) on chromosome 12, shows strong linkage in one cross.
249                                  On proximal chromosome 12 significant LOD scores were lineage-depend
250 fic sublibrary of 700 cosmids by screening a chromosome 12-specific cosmid library with a complex pro
251  insert bacterial chromosome libraries and a chromosome 12-specific cosmid library.
252 T6.1-12 hybrids, demonstrated a single human chromosome 12-specific signal.
253 o-FISH suggests that synteny between porcine chromosome 12 (SSC12) and human chromosome 17 (HSA17) is
254  by the approximately 70-cM portion of human chromosome 12 suppresses an early step in the metastatic
255 om found linkage of IBD to a 41-cM region of chromosome 12, surrounding D12S83.
256 ional analyses are necessary to identify the chromosome 12 susceptibility gene for AD and to follow u
257  identify such genes, a single copy of human chromosome 12, tagged with the neomycin resistance gene,
258 have analyzed haplotypes at the CD4 locus on chromosome 12 that consist of a short tandem-repeat poly
259 evious genome screens implicated a region of chromosome 12 that contains the genes that encode both a
260 but instead lead to a dramatic shortening of chromosome 12 that contains the large array of rDNA repe
261  for Alzheimer's disease (AD) in a region of chromosome 12 that has numerous independent reports of g
262 d RB1 (12%) loci, and more frequent gains of chromosome 12 that include CDK4 (29%).
263 trains, this trait was mapped to a region on chromosome 12 that overlaps Iddm30.
264 ) family of enzymes has identified a gene on chromosome 12 that we have termed PRMT8.
265 t provided consistent evidence of linkage on chromosome 12: the S(homoz) scoring function gave a nonp
266        The ACC-beta gene is located on human chromosome 12; the cDNA for this gene has just been clon
267 ound 161 cM from the tip of the short arm of chromosome 12; these results were confirmed using the GE
268       Additional genotyping was performed on chromosome 12 to a 5-cM level of resolution, and 16 addi
269  also determined that Tetep had an identical chromosome 12 to another landrace cultivar Tadukan from
270 ed epistatically with the NZO obesity QTL on chromosome 12 to increase adiposity.
271 racted epistatically with the obesity QTL on chromosome 12 to increase plasma glucose levels.
272 initiated IgH double-strand breaks (DSBs) on chromosome 12 to sequences downstream of c-myc on chromo
273                     Using sequence from rice chromosome 12, tools were compared with regard to time r
274 upper limb, the gene for which was mapped to chromosome 12 two years ago.
275  maternal or paternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 12 (UPD12), we found that Gtl2 is expressed f
276 agments were matched within three contigs of chromosome 12 using the bioinformatics tool, Virtual Gen
277 inkage map of human chromosome 13 and bovine chromosome 12 was constructed using eight polymorphic mi
278 hat the well-known polymorphism of orangutan chromosome 12 was due to the presence of an ENC.
279 s of Orai (also known as olf186-F), ORAI1 on chromosome 12 was found to be mutated in patients with s
280                                              Chromosome 12 was found to have weak main effects on all
281                                       LOH on chromosome 12 was observed in 45% of NNK-induced, 59% of
282 n phase 2 of the GENNID study, the region on chromosome 12 was replicated in samples from whites desc
283                                    A gain of chromosome 12 was seen occasionally.
284 -PLUS indicated that evidence for linkage to chromosome 12 was stronger in families with affected ind
285      Using 35 markers near the centromere of chromosome 12, we investigated 79 Caribbean Hispanic fam
286 d score was 3.91 with D19S903 [corrected] On chromosome 12, we sequenced all exons and the exon-intro
287 -12 clones containing overlapping regions of chromosome 12 were characterized cytogenetically and wer
288           A diploid DNA content and only two chromosomes 12 were found in new cardiomyocytes, indicat
289 sociations were also observed for markers on chromosome 12 which overlap with a locus implicated in p
290 rd largest of the parasite's 14 chromosomes, chromosome 12, which comprises about 10% of the 23-megab
291 region for late-onset Alzheimer's disease on chromosome 12, which contains the Low-Density Lipoprotei
292 re we present the finished sequence of human chromosome 12, which has been finished to high quality a
293  amn mutation, to the distal region of mouse chromosome 12, which has synteny with human chromosome 1
294 lysis demonstrated linkage of the disease to chromosome 12, which makes it genetically distinct from
295 or the previously published linkage of AD to chromosome 12, which we were unable to confirm in this s
296  plus 214 non-fiber unigenes were located to chromosome 12 while 207 fiber unigenes plus 183 non-fibe
297 YAC) pool screening to YAC contig WC 12.5 on chromosome 12 with an unambiguous hit to CHLC.ATA19H12 a
298 lts in the fusion of the TEL gene located on chromosome 12 with the AML1 gene located on the derivati
299 ; chromosome 6, with a LOD score of 4.2; and chromosome 12, with a LOD score of 3.9.
300 y who has a de novo pericentric inversion of chromosome 12, with breakpoints at p11.22 and q14.3, and

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