


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  gp130 genes on human chromosome 5 and mouse chromosome 13.
2  region that contains other genes from human chromosome 13.
3 osome 14 and the orthologous region of human chromosome 13.
4 essive inheritance of a single gene on mouse chromosome 13.
5 of 11 probes spanning the entire long arm of chromosome 13.
6 rranged in a closely linked direct repeat on chromosome 13.
7 romosome 5p15.3, which is syntenic to murine chromosome 13.
8 gene has been characterized and localized to Chromosome 13.
9 alysed had an allele loss on the long arm of chromosome 13.
10 parum sodium-hydrogen exchanger (pfnhe-1) on chromosome 13.
11 cus of the mouse mH2A1 gene and mapped it to chromosome 13.
12  is encoded by a novel gene, BRI, located on chromosome 13.
13             The mouse Gng4 gene is mapped to chromosome 13.
14  12, and 15 and at two separate locations on chromosome 13.
15  a candidate amplicon target gene located on chromosome 13.
16 ose from a transgene insertional mutation on chromosome 13.
17  patients with deletions and duplications of chromosome 13.
18 ately 3.6 cM interval in the middle of mouse chromosome 13.
19              The most common region lost was chromosome 13.
20 ependent histone genes found on Mus musculus chromosome 13.
21  or 19p and complete or partial deletions of chromosome 13.
22 present in the histone gene cluster on mouse chromosome 13.
23 romosome 5, with a second GRK6-like locus on chromosome 13.
24  contig of the Lyst critical region on mouse Chromosome 13.
25  maps to human chromosome 5q23-q31 and mouse chromosome 13.
26 s localized Bft to the central part of mouse chromosome 13.
27 ion of GRK6, and localizes this homologue to chromosome 13.
28 itative trait in mice and found it linked to chromosome 13.
29 type revealed the loss of one entire copy of chromosome 13.
30 mology between human chromosome 5q and mouse chromosome 13.
31 a region (q23) known to be syntenic to mouse chromosome 13.
32 nd particularly any such disorders linked to chromosome 13.
33 specific backcross analysis to the middle of chromosome 13.
34  to the vicinity of the pearl locus on mouse chromosome 13.
35 s that maps to a 2.2-centimorgan interval on chromosome 13.
36 he plasmid was integrated at the telomere of chromosome 13.
37 hromosome 4, Mf3 to Chromosome 9, and Mf4 to Chromosome 13.
38 e segment of the bg-critical region on mouse chromosome 13.
39  small disease-associated set of variants on chromosome 13.
40  analysis, we mapped the rd11 locus to mouse chromosome 13.
41 oat pattern locus to a presumptive region on chromosome 13.
42 of individuals with late-onset FCD linked to chromosome 13.
43 enic cluster of microRNAs (miRNA) located on chromosome 13.
44 pression of a cluster of six miRNAs on human chromosome 13.
45        Both genes were genetically mapped to chromosome 13.
46 ode of inheritance was mapped to centromeric chromosome 13.
47 was found 15 kb downstream of Scarf on mouse chromosome 13.
48 is 643 amino acid long protein is located on chromosome 13 (13q 14.11).
49 s and loss of heterozygosity in a segment of chromosome 13 (13q14) in cases of B-cell chronic lymphoc
50 ion between BRCA2 and RB1 in the q14 band of chromosome 13 (13q14) in human cancers, including prosta
51               hSPRY2 maps to the long arm of chromosome 13 (13q31.1), where loss of heterozygosity (L
52               Linkage evidence suggests that chromosome 13 (13q32-33) contains susceptibility genes f
53 e-arm rearrangements between the acrocentric chromosomes 13-15, 21, and 22.
54 loidy status indicated an increased level of chromosome 13, 18, 21 and 22 disomy, up to 7 x (2.7 - 15
55                                              Chromosomes 13, 18, 19 and 20 were shown to harbor genom
56         NIPT for fetal aneuploidy screening (chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y).
57 ositive for 1 or more aneuploidies involving chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, or Y.
58  analysis confirmed their locations on mouse chromosomes 13, 4 and 3, respectively, within regions di
59 om the YACs and probes for markers mapped to chromosome 13, 511 were assembled in contigs that were e
60 candidate genes for the mnd locus from human chromosomes 13,8, and 19, and we are mapping these genes
61 hich likely corresponds to portions of human chromosomes 13,8, or 19; we note that the chromosome 13
62 ing YAC clones containing histone genes from chromosome 13, a contig of approximately 2 Mb has been d
63 e nucleotide transhydrogenase (Nnt) on mouse chromosome 13, a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial protein i
64                                              Chromosome 13 abnormalities (Delta13) have been associat
65                                Patients with chromosome 13 abnormalities (n = 55) responded equally w
66                                      Whereas chromosome 13 abnormalities were absent in plasma cells
67 dard chemotherapy, and 55 patients (23%) had chromosome 13 abnormalities.
68                      Twenty-one patients had chromosome 13 abnormality.
69 ic analysis of these tumors showed recurring chromosome 13 alterations via chromosomal loss or transl
70                      LNX2 overexpression and chromosome 13 amplification therefore constitutively act
71 mors, we identify recurrent amplification of chromosome 13, an alteration highly restricted to colore
72 lications of partial or complete deletion of chromosome 13 and 11q abnormalities, we now observed tha
73                          Data showed SNPs on chromosome 13 and 14 had different frequency and trend i
74 in regions of strong selection signatures on chromosome 13 and 14, as described in Southeast Asia (SE
75           A comparative linkage map of human chromosome 13 and bovine chromosome 12 was constructed u
76 cant differences in the fetal DNA ratios for chromosome 13 and chromosome 21, indicative of trisomy 2
77 ned to support the physical mapping of human chromosome 13 and expanded to support several gene-ident
78 3 ortholog map to syntenic regions of murine chromosome 13 and human chromosome 9q22, respectively.
79                         Human RGC-32 maps to chromosome 13 and is expressed in most tissues.
80 that constitute a new linkage group on human chromosome 13 and mouse chromosome 14.
81 copy gene, CDYL (CDY-like), located on human chromosome 13 and mouse chromosome 6.
82 report the mapping of such a region to mouse chromosome 13 and to the critical interval for Lgn1, a m
83 nce of at least one tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 13 and two tumor suppressor genes on chromoso
84 es of CCL28 and of CCR10, which map to mouse chromosomes 13 and 11, respectively.
85 ome (YAC) clones containing regions of mouse chromosomes 13 and 14.
86                     The genomic locations on chromosomes 13 and 21 overlap with QTLs associated with
87 ites confirmed that the copy number of fetal chromosomes 13 and 21 was established correctly for 58 o
88                   The mean ratios of SNPs on chromosomes 13 and 21 were compared to test for potentia
89  plasmid constructs as gene control regions (chromosomes 13 and 8, respectively).
90 osome 14, in a region of homology with human chromosomes 13 and 8p21.
91                                     Data for chromosomes 13 and 9 support a role for RB1 in the patho
92 ues on chromosomes 18 and 20 (18|20 PRT) and chromosomes 13 and X (13|X PRT) were tested using archiv
93 ytes may be the source of the nonrecombinant chromosomes 13 and X suggested, by genetic studies, to b
94 tions that lacked foci were not observed for chromosomes 13 and X.
95 some 18, three primer pairs for sequences on chromosome 13, and one primer pair to identify the sex c
96 h t(4;14), t(14;16), del(17) (p13.1), and/or chromosome 13 anomalies (primarily monosomy 13) had poor
97 16) had poor survival, whereas patients with chromosome 13 anomalies had intermediate survival: inter
98 32), t(14;16)(q32;q23), del(17) (p13.1), and chromosome 13 anomalies.
99                              The two SNPs on chromosome 13 are in a region of the genome that appears
100 djacent to the breakpoints on the derivative chromosome 13 are remarkable for their resemblance to re
101 at mutations in the BRI2 isoform, located on chromosome 13, are associated with dementia in humans.
102 ufficiency of RB1 and other genes mapping to chromosome 13, as well as activation of IGF1R, appears t
103 LOD=2.46), chromosome 7 at 29 cM (LOD=2.50), chromosome 13 at 108 cm (LOD=2.10), and chromosome 15 at
104              Loss of chromosomal material on chromosome 13 at cytoband 13q14 is the most frequent gen
105 D = 2.22, P = 0.00070) and a third region on chromosome 13 (at 26 cM, D13S894; LOD = 2.50, P = 0.0003
106 we have mapped the p58 gene (PRKRI) to human chromosome 13 band q32.
107                    The RK locus, assigned to chromosome 13 band q34, is composed of seven exons that
108     We identified additional copies on human chromosomes 13 (BCL8B), 22 (BCL8C), 2 (BCL8D), and 10 (B
109 us with a maximum lod score of 5.07 on mouse chromosome 13 between D13mit36 and D13mit76.
110 localized by radiation hybrid mapping to rat chromosome 13 between d13rat49 and d13rat76.
111 r suppressor gene located on the long arm of chromosome 13, between the retinoblastoma (RB) and D13S2
112 eakpoints fell within YAC 899e2 and that the chromosome 13 breakpoints are clustered in a region flan
113                         The positions of the chromosome 13 breakpoints in each somatic cell hybrid ha
114 e chromosomes in one case and the derivative chromosome 13 breakpoints in two other cases.
115 sistance phenotype, Lgn1, has been mapped to chromosome 13, but the responsible gene has not been ide
116 plexes have been linked to a single locus on chromosome 13 (Bxs6) in the BXSB model, to which linkage
117 es have been placed onto the physical map of chromosome 13, by means of FISH mapping with cosmid prob
118 togenetic abnormalities (CAs), especially of chromosome 13 (CA 13), confer a grave prognosis in multi
119                   The genomic locus on mouse chromosome 13 called Regulator of sex-limitation (Rsl) a
120 terval of 0.6 Mb between 73.6 and 78.6 Mb on chromosome 13 cannot be excluded in this study.
121      To localize a minimal deleted region of chromosome 13, clonotypic plasma cells from 50 consecuti
122                         Coat pattern maps to chromosome 13, close to the candidate locus Agouti.
123               Here we map rsl to a region on Chromosome 13 comprised exclusively of KRAB (Kruppel-ass
124            The mapping of a new MVP locus to chromosome 13 confirms the observed genetic heterogeneit
125 vals: D13S292-cdx3GA1 and cdx3GA1-D13S289 on chromosome 13, consistent with the results of FISH analy
126 osome 5q11.2-q13.3 and its ortholog on mouse chromosome 13 contain candidate genes for an inherited h
127 ed by LOH studies to have lost the region of chromosome 13 containing BRCA2 were examined for alterat
128 lated with enhanced drug efflux; transfer of chromosome 13 containing the amplified MRP4 gene conferr
129 ontains 55 histone genes, and Hist1 on mouse chromosome 13 contains 51 histone genes.
130  Two major quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosomes 13 (Crgn1) and 16 (Crgn2) with logarithm of
131                                 Deletions in chromosome 13 [del(13q14)] partially account for the los
132                                              Chromosome 13 deletion and elevated beta2-microglobulin,
133 ranslocations such as the t(4;14), t(14;16), chromosome 13 deletion by conventional cytogenetics and
134 ients with cytogenetic abnormalities such as chromosome 13 deletion, advanced bone disease, extramedu
135 with sex, race, performance status, isotype, chromosome 13 deletion, number or type of previous thera
136 or prognostic genetic and clinical subtypes (chromosome 13 deletion, t(4;14), t(14;16) and PCLI > 1%,
137  abnormalities, particularly the presence of chromosome 13 deletion, which is a grave prognostic indi
138 atients with karyotype abnormalities lacking chromosome 13 deletion.
139 8, structural and numerical abnormalities of chromosome 13, deletion of Y chromosome, and complex cyt
140             The high incidence and extent of chromosome 13 deletions require the correlation of speci
141                                              Chromosome 13 dementias, familial British dementia (FBD)
142 ci have been identified to date which map to chromosomes 13 (DFNB1), 11 (DFNB2), 17 (DFNB3), 7 (DFNB4
143 bled a high-resolution physical map of human chromosome 13 DNA (approximately 114 Mb) from hybridizat
144    The BRCA2 gene, which is located on human chromosome 13, encodes a very large protein of only poor
145 esolution genetic map of the pearl region of chromosome 13 establishes the order of multiple markers,
146                                          The chromosome 13 findings were corroborated by multipoint f
147 as measured by insulitis), 3) a new locus on chromosome 13 for disease progression in response to env
148 6J mice with a QTL from the distal region of chromosome 13 from DBA/2J were able to survive for as lo
149 y for erythrocyte invasion was identified on chromosome 13 from the Plasmodium falciparum genome sequ
150 ssed genes mapping to localized amplicons on chromosome 13, gains of which occur often in colorectal
151 ex families with PD, one marker (D13S779) on chromosome 13 gave a logarithm of odds score of more tha
152  contributed by a novel and widely expressed chromosome-13 gene (ZNF198), are fused to the FGFR1 tyro
153 r sequencing, and assist in the discovery of chromosome 13 genes associated with hereditary diseases.
154 enetic analyses suggest that the q21 band of chromosome 13 harbors a tumor suppressor gene(s) involve
155   A recessive lethal insertional mutation on chromosome 13 has been identified in a transgenic mouse
156            The histone gene cluster on mouse chromosome 13 has been isolated and characterized.
157 terozygosity (LOH) involving the long arm of chromosome 13 has been reported to occur in as many as o
158 ng a defined set of rearrangements involving chromosome 13 has been used to assign 35 novel gene tran
159                                              Chromosome 13 has one of the lowest gene densities (6.5
160                            Mice trisomic for chromosome 13 have also been shown to display segmental
161    Aberrations in the structure or number of chromosome 13 have been identified in a variety of human
162 zygous or homozygous deletions at band 14 on chromosome 13 in a variety of neoplasms suggests the pre
163 terozygosity and subchromosomal copy loss on chromosome 13 in DNA from fluorescence-activated cell so
164 e results confirm the importance of Crgn1 on chromosome 13 in EAG susceptibility, mediated partly thr
165 al analysis shows that NRP/B is localized to chromosome 13 in mouse and chromosome 5q12-13 in human.S
166 tissue mass, and bone mineral content and on chromosome 13 in the same region as lean tissue mass, bo
167                           The second copy of chromosome 13 in this carcinoma was structurally normal.
168 ndicate that the GRK6-hybridizing species on chromosome 13 is a transcriptionally inactive processed
169 ing results indicate that the q arm of human chromosome 13 is almost entirely conserved in bovine chr
170                          Linkage of mass1 to chromosome 13 is an important step in identifying the ge
171 though cytogenetic and molecular deletion of chromosome 13 is associated with poor prognosis, a MM tu
172                  A candidate gene from human chromosome 13 is LAMP1, which encodes lysosomal membrane
173 s indicated that the bg gene region of mouse chromosome 13 is likely homologous to the distal portion
174 of alleles of an autosomal recessive gene on chromosome 13 is necessary and sufficient to cause such
175                                              Chromosome 13 is the largest acrocentric human chromosom
176 ne spans 13 kilobase pairs and is located on chromosome 13 just 2.8 kilobase pairs 5' to the Factor X
177  in a kelch protein encoded on P. falciparum chromosome 13 (K13) have been associated with resistance
178 n of the P. falciparum kelch protein gene on chromosome 13 (kelch13), were detected throughout mainla
179 esent in three copies in the mouse genome on chromosomes 13 (KIFC4A), 10 (KIFC4B), and 17 (KIFC4C).
180         We have shown that the breakpoint on chromosome 13 lies within a 300- to 500-kb region define
181 nesis of HNSCCs and that the observed LOH of chromosome 13 loci is due to other, as yet, unidentified
182  major quantitative trait locus (QTL) on rat chromosome 13 (LOD = 3.9) linked to the percentage of gl
183 d genomewide significance, including QTLs on chromosomes 13 (logarithm of the odds ratio [LOD] score,
184                        This region of murine chromosome 13 may be syntenic to a portion of human chro
185 ecifically undertake mutation studies of the chromosome 13 member of this family and have identified
186 uding regions of multiple supporting SNPs on chromosomes 13 (minimum p = 7.5 x 10(-7)) and 14 (p = 4.
187 tions involving immunoglobulin (Ig) loci and chromosome 13 monosomy (Delta 13) are frequent cytogenet
188 associated with a shortened survival such as chromosome 13 monosomy, hypodiploidy, and others.
189 cology Group [ECOG]) for IgH translocations, chromosome 13 monosomy/deletions (Delta13), and ploidy b
190 nsposed into the centromeric region of the Y chromosome >13 MYA, providing a unique opportunity to co
191                  A second locus was found on chromosome 13, named Gvh2, which had additive but protec
192 ies, and glomerulonephritis; an NZB locus on chromosome 13 (Nba6; peak at 28 cM), linked to IgG anti-
193 he male GCT phenotype has been identified on chromosome 13 near D13Mit188.
194    The 26.4-Mb disease interval contains the chromosome 13 nucleolus organizer (RNR1), the centromere
195 use variant suggested that jal maps to mouse Chromosome 13, our preliminary mapping analysis did not
196                                   FISH using chromosome 13 PAC clones indicated that the t(8;13) is n
197 an chromosomes 13,8, or 19; we note that the chromosome 13 portion maps close to a region thought to
198 t, was confirmed by simultaneous FISH with 2 chromosome 13 probes.
199 tate adenocarcinoma displayed instability of chromosome 13, proliferated abnormally in Matrigel, and
200 n translocations studied, one showed UPD for chromosome 13, providing a risk estimate of 0.6%.
201                   The AS3 gene is located on chromosome 13 q12.3, in close proximity to the BRCA2 gen
202    Genome-wide analysis of SNPs identified a chromosome 13 region that associates with raised piperaq
203 l cloning of the translocation breakpoint on chromosome 13 resulted in the mapping of the breakpoint
204 ulin-like family peptide receptor 2 ( RXP2) (chromosome 13, rs60249166, odds ratio [OR] = 0.65, P = 3
205                                           On chromosome 13, SLITRK6 is a neurodevelopmental gene most
206 d a processed pseudogene, psiSp3, located on Chromosome 13, spanning approximately 4.0 kb.
207  of 10,789 cosmids initially selected from a chromosome 13-specific cosmid library (16,896 colonies)
208 ween the cosmids, which were selected from a chromosome 13-specific cosmid library using inter-Alu PC
209 ffecting growth rate to 30 kg was located on chromosome 13 such that the Large White allele increased
210 ne commonly deleted region was identified on chromosome 13 that centred around 13q13, and two commonl
211 is region is homologous to the area of mouse chromosome 13 that encodes the sodium-dependent amino ac
212 d PAP-A2, MIM 602085) to a 28-cM interval on chromosome 13 that includes DACH.
213 led, annotated map of a 4-Mb region of human chromosome 13 that includes the BRCA2 locus.
214 us on chromosome 2 and a suggestive locus on chromosome 13 that increases photoreceptor loss were ide
215 new gene locus, hdf (heart defect), on mouse chromosome 13 that may be required for mechanisms that i
216 m Thailand, identifying a selective sweep on chromosome 13 that shows strong association (P = 10(-6)
217      Exon trapping of a PAC that spanned the chromosome 13 translocation breakpoints led to the ident
218 ar CCR was 52% among 112 CR patients without chromosome 13 (triangle up13) abnormalities and with bet
219 ities and/or complete or partial deletion of chromosome 13 ("unfavorable karyotype") became a dominan
220 nd QTL_13_2) for aphid resistance on soybean chromosome 13 using 184 recombinant inbred lines from a
221 ybrid analysis mapped the GPC6 gene to human chromosome 13 very near the GPC5 gene, a member of the g
222                            Another signal on chromosome 13 was observed at D13S285 (LOD = 1.86), wher
223 or gene-poor regions, such as those found in chromosome 13 was observed for full-length insertions.
224                        The linkage of IgA on chromosome 13 was to a marker previously linked to IgE r
225 opy of the patched gene (Ptc), which lies on chromosome 13, was deleted in all tested XRCC4/p53-defic
226 with hemizygous deletions of the long arm of chromosome 13, we have defined a discrete region in band
227 ts in the vicinity of the renin locus on rat chromosome 13, we transferred this chromosome segment fr
228 sinin resistance, and extended haplotypes on chromosome 13 were examined to determine whether mutatio
229 chromosome 3 (Bxs5), and another interval on chromosome 13 which were associated with various aspects
230 ysis of 95.5 megabases (Mb) of sequence from chromosome 13, which contains 633 genes and 296 pseudoge
231 lanocytes acquired a substantial deletion in chromosome 13, which encodes the Rb1 tumor suppressor ge
232 Cs, 52% were located in one 15.5-Mb locus on chromosome 13, which encompassed the Bhmt gene and defin
233 inkage analysis uncovered a B10 locus on mid-chromosome 13, which enhanced nephritis and was strongly
234 eficient MBs harbor clonal translocations of chromosome 13, which frequently involve chromosome 6 as
235 ate a molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 13 with an emphasis on the proximal region in
236 rmal/tumor B-CLL samples for allelic loss on chromosome 13 with nine microsatellite markers located b
237 wo genes (one on chromosome 1 and another on chromosome 13) with clear, significant effects on suscep
238 n toward locations on the distal long arm of chromosome 13, with no localizations noted in the 13q22-
239 within the subtelomeric region of one end of chromosome 13, would result in a preferential switch in
240                                              Chromosome 13 yielded a maximum multipoint LOD score of

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