


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  on chromosome 12; and lod = 2.6 at 19 cM on chromosome 14).
2 ure as cbln1 but mapped to a different mouse chromosome (14).
3 the piebald deletion complex on distal mouse chromosome 14.
4  its normal localization on chromosome 11 to chromosome 14.
5 hat span a 15.7-18-cM region of distal mouse chromosome 14.
6  that PfNT1 is a single copy gene located on chromosome 14.
7 nt to the TCR alpha and delta genes on mouse chromosome 14.
8  centromere nu proximal Ptprg locus on mouse chromosome 14.
9 ene maps to the hairless (hr) locus on mouse chromosome 14.
10 ecessive allelic mutations that map to mouse Chromosome 14.
11 nkage group on human chromosome 13 and mouse chromosome 14.
12 ed 1001 novel sequence-tagged sites on human chromosome 14.
13 wing that a BCR of at least 400 kb exists on chromosome 14.
14 ase with an abnormality, which was a gain of chromosome 14.
15 ssed sequences were identified in the BCR on chromosome 14.
16  and atypical tumors were on the long arm of chromosome 14.
17 ccur within the same time window as those on chromosome 14.
18 ed, MT1-MMP (MMP-14), and mapped it to mouse chromosome 14.
19 mutations in the presenilin-1 (PS-1) gene on chromosome 14.
20 s to 6.7 cM for the probe at the telomere of chromosome 14.
21 tified mutations in the presenilin-1 gene on chromosome 14.
22 ll receptor (TCR) alpha/delta locus on mouse chromosome 14.
23 r linkage to the transglutaminase-1 locus on chromosome 14.
24 ly of serine proteases whose genes reside on chromosome 14.
25 P2Y7 gene was shown to be localized to human chromosome 14.
26 G) repeat sequence in a novel gene (MJD1) on chromosome 14.
27 pped using a panel to the proximal region of chromosome 14.
28 tectable by hybridization that do not map to chromosome 14.
29 apping deficiencies on the distal portion of chromosome 14.
30 ere identified in the mu heavy-chain gene on chromosome 14.
31 he bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and human chromosome 14.
32  and fine mapping of a region of interest on chromosome 14.
33 ated on distal mouse chromosome 12 and human chromosome 14.
34 romosome 7, as well as a suggestive locus on chromosome 14.
35 ished a unified nomenclature for the arms of chromosome 14.
36 n sys mice involves a deletion of 1.24 Mb of chromosome 14.
37 ary tumor susceptibility (mts), that maps to chromosome 14.
38 eiodinase, iodothyronine 3) cluster on human chromosome 14.
39 air open reading frame encoded by 5 exons on chromosome 14.
40 cated downstream of the Calpha gene on mouse chromosome 14.
41 e 2 (LOD=4.9), also produced a LOD of 2.4 on chromosome 14.
42 ranslated region were fused to sequence from chromosome 14.
43 neurexin-3 gene occupying almost 2% of human chromosome 14.
44  to seven other RNase A superfamily genes on chromosome 14.
45 minal P = 0.0003; empiric P = 0.0004) and on chromosome 14 (14q22) with an LOD score of 2.95 (nominal
46 y gene located in band 22 of the long arm of chromosome 14 (14q22).
47 on, and first intron, was localized on human chromosome 14 (14q22-23).
48 SH locus to the right arm of the D-subgenome chromosome 14 (14R) and the short arm (14sh), respective
49 m), hyperdiploid LPD was linked to 3 loci on chromosomes 14, 18, and 19 that are distinct from previo
50 urveyed the S/MARs in HeLa S3 cells on human chromosomes 14-18 by array comparative genomic hybridiza
51 type matrix attached regions (MARs) on human chromosomes 14-18 were identified as a function of expre
52 chromosome 8 (53%), chromosome 10 (33%), and chromosome 14 (33%) were observed.
53 ction in the BXD panel identified a locus on chromosome 14 (34.5-41.4 Mb), syntenic with the human 10
54 t the mf locus maps to the distal end of rat chromosome 14, a region syntenic to human 2p13-p16 and p
55  3, 4, and 11, and 1 new QTL for severity on chromosome 14; all showed a strong gender association.
56 f the plasmepsin 2 and plasmepsin 3 genes on chromosome 14 also associate with raised piperaquine IC5
57                               With regard to chromosome 14, analysis showed a single peak for linkage
58 ions in presenilin (PS)-1 and -2, located on chromosome 14 and 1 respectively, are the major associat
59 n two related genes, PS1 and PS2, located on chromosome 14 and 1, respectively.
60  gene resides on the central region of mouse chromosome 14 and is composed of 6 exons with the entire
61 s 630 kilobase pairs of genomic DNA in human chromosome 14 and is interrupted by 19 introns.
62 aled significant linkage to loci on proximal chromosome 14 and on chromosome 9; 129S6 alleles protect
63 le-copy gene encoding RNase k6 maps to human chromosome 14 and orthologous sequences were detected in
64    Rs12882548 is located in a gene desert on chromosome 14 and rs11652094 maps near MAP2K3.
65  position are highly conserved between mouse chromosome 14 and the orthologous region of human chromo
66 tween the heteromorphic satellite regions of chromosomes 14 and 15 and recombination.
67 d a cryptic reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 14 and 15 with the breakpoint being between
68 pecially for cases involving the acrocentric chromosomes 14 and 15, in which UPD is associated with a
69 ncer is the reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 14 and 18 (t(14;18)), which occurs in follic
70      In conclusion, an impact of two SNPs on chromosomes 14 and 18 on death-censored graft survival o
71 y population and identified the positions on chromosomes 14 and 18 where the vast majority of these t
72 genome scan revealed significant linkages on chromosomes 14 and 2.
73 gs of human chromosome 5 (HSA5), viz., horse chromosomes 14 and 21 (ECA14 and ECA21), were generated
74 o the human lymphoblastoid cell line data on chromosomes 14 and 22 further substantiates the superior
75 s for the middle to late elongation stage on chromosome 14, and 1 island on chromosome 15 for seconda
76 some 6, a locus for migraine without aura to chromosome 14, and a locus for migraine with aura on chr
77 mosome 17, Swrl-1 on chromosome 1, Swrl-2 on chromosome 14, and Swrl-3 on chromosome 18) and 2 NZB lo
78                         Another NZW locus on chromosome 14 appeared to be selectively linked with IgG
79  Mutations in the presenilin 1 (PS1) gene on chromosome 14 are a major cause of autosomal dominant, e
80  Mutations in the presenilin-1 (PS1) gene on chromosome 14 are causally linked to many cases of early
81     Missense mutations in PS-1, localized to chromosome 14, are pathogenic in the majority of familia
82                          Previously reported chromosome 14 arm locations were confirmed for four of t
83 ly using the recently developed HAPPY map of chromosome 14 as a framework.
84                             Linkage peaks on chromosome 14 at 123-124 cM were detected for type 2 dia
85  a subset of 25% of the families and CVD2 on chromosome 14 at 22 cM subsetting on high triglycerides
86 ves, there was significant linkage of OCD to chromosome 14 at marker C14S1937 (KAC(all)=3.7), whereas
87 e phenotype, there was suggestive linkage to chromosome 14 at marker D14S588 (Kong and Cox logarithm
88                    hREC2 is located on human chromosome 14 at q23-24.
89  the YY1 clone has localized the YY1 gene to chromosome 14 band q32.
90 rs; one of these also had the aforementioned chromosome 14 break.
91  hepatoma microcell hybrids containing human chromosome 14, but extinguished in rat fibroblast hybrid
92  approximately 120 kb on the long (q) arm of chromosome 14 by HAPPY mapping.
93                            Transfer of human chromosome 14 by microcell fusion from non-expressing fi
94 ylation of the imprinted DLK1-DIO3 region in chromosome 14 can also drive miR-432 overexpression.
95                             Furthermore some chromosomes (14%) carry only one copy of the duplicon, i
96 the recently identified presenilin 1 gene on chromosome 14 cause early onset familial Alzheimer disea
97 dentified imprinted gene or genes present on chromosome 14 causes congenital disorders.
98                                          The chromosome 14 cDNAs were expressed in multiple adult tis
99                        For a major region on chromosome 14 closely associated with fat content, the D
100                               The derivative chromosome 14 contains a DNA amplification.
101 te map reported previously, the VH region on chromosome 14 could be subdivided into four portions.
102 t locus (QTL) related to hyperinsulinemia on chromosome 14 (D14Mit55) with a peak logarithm of odds (
103 osome 8 (D8S593) and two adjacent markers on chromosome 14 (D14S749 and D14S605) also attained eviden
104                             Studies on human chromosome 14 deletions and maternal uniparental disomy
105                   The piebald locus on mouse chromosome 14 encodes the endothelin-B receptor (EDNRB),
106 nd bacterial artificial chromosome clones on chromosome 14, encompassing a t(12;14) breakpoint cluste
107 nservation of synteny with a region of human chromosome 14 extending from PAX9 at 14q12-q13 to IGHC a
108 rvived to age 65 or older versus none in the chromosome 14 families.
109 his finding suggests that each member of the chromosome 14 family of serine proteases evolved to degr
110 specific cytokines dictate expression of the chromosome 14 family of serine proteases in cells that p
111 strong evidence for association was found on chromosome 14 for Nematodirus average animal effect, chr
112          In this study, we transferred human chromosome 14 from fibroblasts to mouse macrophages and
113 d chromatin remodeling, we transferred human chromosome 14 from fibroblasts to rat hepatoma cell vari
114                  Microcell transfer of human chromosome 14 from fibroblasts to rat hepatoma cells res
115 more, we demonstrated that transfer of human chromosome 14 from non-expressing fibroblasts to rat hep
116 an be induced in vitro by transferring human chromosome 14 from non-expressing to expressing cells.
117 QTLs), Rf-1 (rat chromosome 1) and Rf-4 (rat chromosome 14), from the Fawn-hooded hypertensive rat on
118             It is concluded that, unlike the chromosome 14 gene, mutations in the chromosome 1 FAD ge
119 ults show epistatic interactions of genes on chromosomes 14 (GM) and 2 (KM) in influencing the outcom
120 13 (15%) patients with an abnormality of one chromosome 14 had masked (5 patients) or cryptic IGH tra
121                                 Four SNPs on chromosome 14 had the lowest P values (2.23E-06 to 6.67E
122 entered at the piebald locus on distal mouse chromosome 14 have defined a genomic region associated w
123 ion to graft loss was found for rs3811321 on chromosome 14 (hazard ratio [HR] 0.87, 95% CI 0.59-1.29,
124 FA15 that is syntenic with a region of human chromosome 14 (HSA14q11.2) containing the retinitis pigm
125 ng three instances of a shared breakpoint on chromosome 14 immediately adjacent to CIT1, which encode
126  with hyperinsulinemia/insulin resistance on chromosome 14 in a region similar to that seen in mice w
127 on among deletions generated around Ednrb on chromosome 14 in mice.
128 lysis of 6 cohorts, we identified a locus on chromosome 14 in the 3'-BCL11B gene desert that is assoc
129 ph node metastasis (P = .0002-.0016), and on chromosome 14 in the epithelium and progesterone-recepto
130 ne was mapped to the central region of mouse chromosome 14, in a region of homology with human chromo
131 hibited copy number loss of whole or partial chromosome 14, including 14D3, the map location of Rb1.
132 sity in mice and can be linked to a locus on chromosome 14, including genes linked to adipose develop
133                     Transfer of a derivative chromosome 14 inhibits differentiation.
134 e shown to contain TCRalpha signal ends from chromosome 14 inserted into the X-linked hypo xanthine-g
135                                 A NON QTL on chromosome 14 interacted epistatically with the NZO obes
136                                   Within the chromosome 14 interval are segments homologous to region
137 guished serpin alleles, we transferred human chromosome 14 into rat hepatoma cells or fibroblasts, re
138 k at the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus on chromosome 14 is an interruption of the normal V(D)J rec
139        The findings suggest that a region on chromosome 14 is linked with compulsive hoarding behavio
140 cated within a BCR on both chromosome 12 and chromosome 14, justifying the identification of expresse
141 cortex of 8 cases of (genetically confirmed) chromosome 14-linked Alzheimer's disease (AD) using the
142                                          The chromosome 14 locus and a peak on 7p at 29.5 cM were ide
143          Significant linkage was observed on chromosome 14 (LOD 3.9) at 14q23.2, and suggestive linka
144 M of chromosome 12 (lod = 2.3), and 14 cM of chromosome 14 (lod = 2.9).
145 dditional suggestive loci were identified on chromosomes 14 (LOD = 3.2) and 19 (LOD = 3.2), each acco
146            The translocation involving mouse chromosome 14 may prove especially valuable because tran
147            Last, eight miRNAs located in the chromosome 14 miRNA cluster (Dlk1-Gtl2 domain) were iden
148 otable: chromosome 11 (MLS = 2.98 at 82 cM), chromosome 14 (MLS = 2.74 at 58 cM), and chromosome 6 (M
149 ignificant than this, in particular those on chromosomes 14 (MLS 2.16), 5 (MLS 2.00), 12, close to al
150 ocations involving chromosome 12, often with chromosome 14 (more than 60%), and partial or complete t
151 e granzyme B and cathepsin G genes on murine chromosome 14; murine granzymes C, D, and F are also hig
152 is contrasts with a group of 7 families with chromosome 14 mutations in which the mean age of onset i
153 or four of the five translocations involving chromosome 14, namely NT1L-14L (2780), NT2R-14R (2B-1),
154 or locus controlling serum IL-6 was found on chromosome 14 near osteoclast differentiation factor Tnf
155 oined D to J(H) DNA ends at the IgH locus on chromosome 14, nicks AID-generated TG mismatches at meth
156 erved at numerous SNPs mapped to a region on chromosome 14 of >305,000 base pairs (minimal p = 4.74 x
157 xpressed on the opposite strand from POTE on chromosome 14 or 22.
158 s of chromosome 12, insertions of 12q15 into chromosome 14, or additional translocation partners.
159 ed the association of two candidate genes on chromosome 14, presenilin 1 (PS1) and alpha1-antichymotr
160                      All the tumors revealed chromosome 14 rearrangements precisely at the T-cell rec
161  in leukaemic T cells from A-T patients with chromosome 14 rearrangements.
162 with uniparental disomies of the orthologous chromosome 14 region in humans.
163                        One SNP (rs4903712 on chromosome 14) remained significant after correcting for
164 a and HIF1A to mouse chromosome 12 and human chromosome 14, respectively.
165 11 to the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene on chromosome 14, resulting in an overexpression of cyclin
166 ion at codon 139 in the presenilin 1 gene on chromosome 14 results in a methionine to valine substitu
167 ation of the BCL2 gene from chromosome 18 to chromosome 14 results in constitutive expression of the
168  two independent SNPs on chr6 and one SNP on chromosome 14: rs12203592 in IRF4 (P = 7.2 x 10(-14); P
169 ion of HMGA2, most often by translocation of chromosome 14 sequence 5' to this gene.
170  satellite III DNA, specifically between two chromosome 14-specific subfamilies, pTRS-47 and pTRS-63,
171 tion of a large breakpoint cluster region on chromosome 14 suggests that translocations in this regio
172 G anti-dsDNA antibodies; and an SWR locus on chromosome 14 (Swrl-2; peak at 30 cM), linked to IgG ant
173 e TRANCE was located to the portion of mouse chromosome 14 syntenic with human chromosome 13q14.
174 ty of mice from thymic lymphomas with clonal chromosome 14 (TCRalpha/delta) translocations.
175 s of B6C3 F2 TTA mice identified a region on Chromosome 14 that contains a major modifier of the neur
176 ted, highly conserved 4.3-Mb region on mouse chromosome 14 that contains four clusters of genes separ
177 ference has been mapped to a region on mouse chromosome 14 that contains the gene encoding PKCdelta.
178 n approximately 850 kilobase (kb) complex on chromosome 14 that does not readily undergo crossover ev
179  routinely contain a centromeric fragment of chromosome 14 that spans up to the 5' boundary of the Tc
180 ive for at least one of the three markers on chromosome 14 that we tested.
181 on, with complete syntenic homology to human chromosome 14, that contains no genes or loci known to b
182 ing the presence of imprinted genes on human chromosome 14, their identity has remained elusive.
183 9.8% sequence identity) that transposed from chromosome 14 to the most proximal pericentromeric regio
184   We now show that, in addition to the known chromosome 14 translocation, ATM-deficient mouse thymic
185 d mice to T lineage lymphomas with recurrent chromosome 14 translocations involving the T cell recept
186  11.5% of Atm(-/-) peripheral T cells showed chromosome 14 translocations, suggesting that rearrangem
187                                           On chromosome 14, TSHR genetic variants in intron 1 could c
188                     SIX1 was mapped to human chromosome 14 using a rodent/human somatic cell hybrid p
189  receptor alpha variable (AV) gene region on chromosome 14 was assembled.
190 gnal within the centromeric region of bovine chromosome 14 was associated with test day fat percentag
191                                    A copy of chromosome 14 was lost in 72%, and band 14E1 was deleted
192 f cattle breeds, such as the PLAG1 region on chromosome 14, were found to also affect birth weight in
193  the horse chromosome corresponding to human chromosome 14, where the human IGH locus is found.
194 (RAG) complex induces breaks at IgH locus of chromosome 14, whereas the mechanism of fragility at BCL
195  in the transfer of the entire Bcl10 gene to chromosome 14 wherein Bcl10 expression is inappropriatel
196 ardial infarction maps to a single region on chromosome 14 with a significant lod score of 3.9 (point
197 ic association of an enhancer element, H, on chromosome 14 with multiple OR gene promoters on differe
198 ve; more controls than cases) aggregating on chromosome 14 with P-values <10(-8).
199         Plac9 is present in a single copy on chromosome 14, with a syntenically equivalent human orth

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