


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17).
2 " that occupies approximately 40 cM of mouse chromosome 17.
3  genes found on human chromosome 6 and mouse chromosome 17.
4  untranslated region of erbB-2 gene on human chromosome 17.
5 u-negative frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 17.
6 ound a major SJL-derived suppressor locus on Chromosome 17.
7 al chromosomal rearrangements occur on human chromosome 17.
8  by a gene located on the short arm of human chromosome 17.
9 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17.
10 f a segment of chromosome 16 translocated to chromosome 17.
11 provides evidence of linkage of psoriasis to chromosome 17.
12 t to a approximately 956-kb segment of mouse chromosome 17.
13 mutation was localized to a 182-kb region of chromosome 17.
14 coding galactokinase in humans was mapped to chromosome 17.
15 LG 13 and localized them to the short arm of chromosome 17.
16  by a locus on human chromosome 19 and mouse chromosome 17.
17 compared with the 10% genome-wide and 18% on chromosome 17.
18 ociated with a deletion within band p11.2 of chromosome 17.
19 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17.
20 and its gene was mapped at the distal end of chromosome 17.
21 ha resulted from an interstitial deletion on chromosome 17.
22  a family of 5 receptors clustered on murine chromosome 17.
23 ion was detected for the ABCG5ABCG8 locus on chromosome 17.
24 ociated alternates of exon 1 of this gene on chromosome 17.
25 21-22, while the mouse Znt6 was localized to chromosome 17.
26 encoded by two genes closely linked on human chromosome 17.
27 that has a high degree of synteny with human Chromosome 17.
28 ation was seen with two loci flanking p53 on chromosome 17.
29 nal clathrin heavy chain (CHC17), encoded on chromosome 17.
30 prises 1,282 amino acids and is localized on chromosome 17.
31 ed fragment localizes to the q11.2 region of chromosome 17.
32 varian cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1) on chromosome 17.
33 been mapped in mouse, and all are located on chromosome 17.
34 omplex region located at the proximal end of chromosome 17.
35  tumors with 17 markers from the long arm of chromosome 17.
36  by a 1.5 Mb duplication on the short arm of chromosome 17.
37 0, followed by a region of homology to mouse chromosome 17.
38 servation of synteny with sequences on human chromosome 17.
39 J mice carrying a 129/Sv-derived interval on chromosome 17.
40  spans 20 cM of the proximal region of mouse chromosome 17.
41 sides close by the H-2 complex (MHC gene) on chromosome 17.
42 European descent identifies a novel locus on chromosome 17.
43 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17.
44 ce for the involvement of the MAPT region on chromosome 17.
45 ne encoded by a cluster of eight paralogs on chromosome 17.
46 ur prior prostate cancer linkage evidence on chromosome 17.
47 with the major histocompatibility complex of chromosome 17.
48 ched contiguous genomic DNA sequences in rat chromosome 17.
49  E2C, which binds a unique sequence on human chromosome 17.
50 s infectivity controller 1 (vic1), mapped to chromosome 17.
51 6A4) and the integrin beta 3 gene (ITGB3) on chromosome 17.
52 ing two that are only 1.7 megabases apart on chromosome 17.
53  peak logarithm of odds ratio score on mouse chromosome 17 (10.9) was around marker D17Mit134 at 16.9
54 mapped the H-2Z1 transgene insertion site to chromosome 17, 100 and 460 kb away from Tbc1d5 and Satb1
55  protein p53, is located on the short arm of chromosome 17 (17p).
56 ocated in close proximity on the long arm of chromosome 17 (17q11-21).
57      On a whole-genome level (36,617 genes), chromosome 17 (19.2% in fetal, 16.5% in adult) contained
58 are located 7.8-8.8 Mb from the telomeres on chromosomes 17, 2, and 1, identified several orthologous
59      Three SNPs in the RANTES gene region on chromosome 17 (403A in the promoter, In1.1C in the first
60 s yielded suggestive evidence for linkage on chromosomes 17, 5, 11, 4, and 8 (listed in order by MLS)
61 r hUAT consists of 11 exons and is mapped to chromosome 17; a highly homologous gene, hUAT2, maps to
62 = 10%, platelets less than 50 x 10(9)/L, and chromosome 17 aberrations (median overall survival, 10,
63 = 10%, platelets less than 50 x 10(9)/L, and chromosome 17 aberrations defined AP in patients with MF
64 lities such as 11q deletion, trisomy 12, and chromosome 17 aberrations had a higher mean TNF-alpha le
65 ic phase, those who developed unfavorable or chromosome 17 abnormalities had median survivals of 18 a
66 ior rituximab exposure, and patients without chromosome 17 abnormalities.
67 lysis identified susceptibility intervals on chromosomes 17 (Alaa1) and 9 (Alaa2).
68 d oligonucleotide probes, specific for human chromosome 17 alpha satellite DNA sequence variants, tha
69 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 also were n847-positive.
70       These 5q deletions often co-occur with chromosome 17 alterations involving the deletion of NF1
71  the genetic contribution to this trait with chromosome 17 and 1 accounting for 28 and 24%, respectiv
72 rax infection, locus 1) for survival time on chromosome 17 and also identified a chromosome 11 locus
73 d SNPs in the region between 34 and 36 Mb on chromosome 17 and early wheezing phenotypes, doctor-diag
74 gous gene, hUAT2, maps to a nearby region of chromosome 17 and is also likely to be a urate transport
75 pendent microcell hybrids contained a normal chromosome 17 and no other human chromosome on a mouse t
76 ic therapy were analyzed for the presence of chromosome 17 and p53 genes by fluorescent in situ hybri
77     This identified a primary locus on mouse chromosome 17 and potential loci on chromosomes 1 and 4.
78 ped the hea gene near the fsn locus on mouse chromosome 17 and show that the mutants are allelic.
79  region orthologous to a segment of silkworm chromosome 17 and show that there is only one core seque
80           Comparative analysis between human chromosome 17 and the orthologous chimpanzee chromosome
81 abnormal small ring chromosomes derived from chromosome 17 and the X chromosome also missegregate mor
82 list map near known hybrid sterility loci on chromosome 17 and the X chromosome, allowing us to nomin
83 noic Acid Receptor(alpha) (RARalpha) gene on chromosome 17 and variable partner genes (X genes) on di
84 inoic acid receptor alpha (RARalpha) gene on chromosome 17 and variable partner genes (X genes) on di
85 inoic Acid Receptor alpha (RARalpha) gene on chromosome 17 and variable partner genes (X genes) on di
86 une diseases and identified the risk loci of chromosomes 17 and 1 as NLRP1 (NALP1) and FOXD3, respect
87 nd resistant B6 mice identified two loci, on Chromosomes 17 and 1, that accounted for the high suscep
88 th inferior prognosis, including deletion of chromosomes 17 and 13 (Delta13) and t(4;14)(p16.3;q32).
89 ildren with hyperdiploid ALL without gain of chromosomes 17 and 18 had a poor prognosis.
90 NT FINDINGS: DFSP carries a translocation of chromosomes 17 and 22 leading to juxtaposition of the co
91 ibrids contained karyotypically normal human chromosomes 17 and a small number of other human chromos
92               The nmf223 locus was mapped to chromosome 17, and a missense mutation was identified in
93 e cell count 150 x 10(9)/L or more, abnormal chromosome 17, and lactate dehydrogenase 2N or more.
94 , heterozygous deletions of the short arm of chromosome 17, and mutations in IDH1/IDH2 and DNMT3A gen
95 e was confined to a critical region on mouse chromosome 17, and then ascribed to a C-->A transversion
96  within 20 kb of each other in region q21 of chromosome 17, and TUBG1P is on chromosome 7.
97 associated with reduced gene copy number and chromosome 17 aneusomy as observed in tumors from BRCA1
98                               Concordance of chromosome 17 aneusomy between cancers and synchronous s
99          However, the clinical importance of chromosome 17 anomalies, in particular the effect on ERB
100                           Allele losses from chromosome 17 are common in sporadic ovarian tumors.
101                     Numerical aberrations of chromosome 17 are linked to breast-cancer initiation and
102 nomeric and higher-order alpha-satellites on chromosome 17 are phylogenetically distinct, consistent
103 nslocations involving the RAR alpha locus on chromosome 17 are the hallmark of acute promyelocytic le
104 tegrin gene within an asthma linkage peak on chromosome 17, as a candidate for susceptibility to asth
105 Here we report a finished sequence for human chromosome 17, as well as a structural comparison with t
106 amily with frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 17 associated with extensive tau pathology.
107 ch is located within a 1.4-Mb duplication on chromosome 17 associated with the most common form of Ch
108 Vs, CGRs and other structural aberrations of chromosome 17 at p13.3.
109 hat uncharacterized tryptase genes reside on chromosome 17 at the complex containing the three genes
110                                              Chromosome 17 at the p13.3 genomic region lacks extensiv
111 ficant linkage regions were also observed on chromosomes 17 at 86 cM (lod = 3.9) and 9 at 34 cM (lod
112    Ltbp-1 is a single copy gene that maps to chromosome 17, band E (1-3) and encompasses more than 21
113          Significant linkage was detected on chromosome 17 between single-nucleotide polymorphism mar
114                                          The chromosome 17 breakpoint maps approximately 932 kb upstr
115  A growing number of reports have implicated chromosome 17 breakpoints at a distance of up to 1 Mb fr
116  based on alpha-satellite (alphoid) DNA from chromosome 17 but not the Y chromosome regularly form HA
117            Allelic imbalance (AI) studies on chromosome 17 (C17) in Barrett's oesophageal adenocarcin
118 ch trio, the parent of origin of the deleted chromosome 17 carries at least one H2 chromosome.
119 n [defined as a ratio of HER-2/neu copies to chromosome 17 centromere (CEP17) copies > or = 2], 6 (15
120 ancer were analyzed by IHC and ISH; HER2 and chromosome 17 centromere (CEP17) counts were available i
121 R1-3 and Ki67 expression, and duplication of chromosome 17 centromere enumeration probe (Ch17CEP).
122  situ hybridization [ISH]-positive): HER2-to-chromosome 17 centromere ratio >/= 2.0, average HER2 cop
123 ween these two types, we have focused on the chromosome 17 centromeric region that has reached both h
124 stem, which includes Topo-IIalpha, HER2, and chromosome 17 (CEP17).
125     In view of the location of HER2/TOP2A on chromosome 17, Ch17CEP duplication might explain the inc
126                                          The chromosome 17/chromosome 10 breakpoint seems to have inv
127 volutionary conserved miR cluster located on chromosome 17 consisting of miR-99b, let-7e, and miR-125
128 d found a previously undescribed amplicon on chromosome 17 containing a novel overexpressed gene that
129 romosome 11 shows that this segment of mouse Chromosome 17 contains a group of three alpha-like pseud
130 These results show that a 140 kb fragment of chromosome 17 contains all elements necessary for the co
131                        The interval on mouse Chromosome 17 contains several orthologous genes potenti
132 ively and significantly correlated with mean chromosome 17 copy number (r = 0.1, P: = 0.007).
133  tumors with polysomic (p17) or normal (n17) chromosome 17 copy number also benefited from trastuzuma
134      The largest mean value and variance for chromosome 17 copy number was identified in SCCs (2.4 +/
135 r 2 [HER2] protein expression, HER2 gene and chromosome 17 copy number, hormone receptor status) and
136 ulvar SCCs, we investigated abnormalities in chromosome 17 copy number.
137  independent of HER2/centromere 17 ratio and chromosome 17 copy number.
138 etastatic disease; however, a correction for chromosome 17 copy-number is necessary to completely dis
139 chromosome 4 (KLHL2 (Kelch-like protein 2)), chromosome 17 (CRHR1 (corticotropin-releasing hormone re
140 mmon variants to autism within the region on chromosome 17 defined in Stone et al., a dense panel of
141 ity for Tas, a gene located in the region of Chromosome 17 deleted in T(hp) and T(Orl), (2) homozygos
142              Here, we have created synthetic chromosome 17-derived alpha-satellite arrays, based on t
143 tion, the most significant being a region on chromosome 17 distal to H2 (Eae5).
144 ion (FISH) for the alpha satellite region of chromosome 17, DNA content by image analysis, and Ki-67
145  a detailed RH and comparative map for horse chromosome 17 (ECA17).
146 we observed a LOD score of 3.46 elsewhere on chromosome 17 (empirical pointwise P = .00002, uncorrect
147  cluster, we observed a LOD score of 3.06 on chromosome 17 (empirical pointwise P = .0002) for Europe
148                      The mouse chromosome 16/chromosome 17 evolutionary breakpoint is between human g
149 uct revealed that mT4 is a new member of the chromosome 17 family of mouse tryptases.
150 t known previously to have illness linked to chromosome 17 for identified PGRN and MAPT mutations and
151                                   The QTL on chromosome 17 for radiation-induced lung fibrosis is wit
152 temporal dementia and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) and Alzheimer's disease (AD).
153 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) and Alzheimer's disease.
154 temporal dementia and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) form filamentous structures.
155 emporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) is a group of related disorders
156 temporal dementia and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) is an autosomal dominant neurode
157 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) is caused by mutations in the MA
158 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) through comprehensive neurobehav
159 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) unequivocally confirmed the cent
160 temporal dementia and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), an autosomal dominant condition
161 emporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), an autosomal dominant neurodege
162 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), and common variation in MAPT is
163 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), and tau aggregates are present
164 l dementia (FTD) with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), but those in exon 10 (E10) or t
165 emporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), characterized by neuronal patho
166 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), implying that tau abnormalities
167 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), in order to study the neuroprot
168 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), in which both RNA splicing and
169 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), thereby proving that tau dysfun
170 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), which has clinical and molecula
171 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), which is caused by mutations in
172 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), with filamentous tau aggregates
173 g hereditary FTD with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
174 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
175 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
176 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
177  in familial FTD with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
178 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
179 al dementia and Parkinsonism associated with chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
180 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
181 emporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17).
182 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome-17 (FTDP-17), directly implicate tau abnormal
183 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome-17 (FTDP-17; n = 2; MAPT p.P301L and IVS10 +
184 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP17) causes aberrant microtubule bindi
185 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP17).
186 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17, giving tau a central role in the pathogen
187               Patients with abnormalities of chromosome 17 had a median survival of only 5 months.
188  congenic mice in which the linked region on chromosome 17 had been transferred onto a B6.AKR or a C3
189                                  A region on chromosome 17 has recently been highlighted as linked to
190 of BTA19 and the sequence-based map of human chromosome 17 [Homo sapiens, (HSA) 17] were found to be
191 istorted transmission (TRD) of the t-bearing chromosome 17 homolog to their offspring.
192                                 Homo sapiens chromosome 17 (HSA17) has two juxtaposed HOR arrays, D17
193 ween porcine chromosome 12 (SSC12) and human chromosome 17 (HSA17) is completely conserved.
194 e two alpha satellite arrays of Homo sapiens Chromosome 17 (HSA17), D17Z1 and D17Z1-B, behave as cent
195  previous study found significant linkage to chromosome 17 in a HDDD family (HDDD2), but no mutation
196        msk maps to the proximal end of mouse chromosome 17 in a region that is syntenic with human ch
197       A tandem duplication event, located on chromosome 17 in a second mutant, was found to cosegrega
198                           The first locus on chromosome 17 in the major histocompatibility complex (M
199 ddition, we identified one genetic factor on chromosome 17 in the MHC region.
200 CYP39A1 locus) and in a syntenic position on chromosome 17 in the mouse (Cyp39a1 locus).
201 bridizes to a single DNA sequence present on chromosome 17 in the mouse genome.
202  it causes frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 17 in this pedigree by shifting tau transcrip
203 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17, in rTg4510 mice results in the formation
204                  Changes of specific loci on chromosome 17 including ERBB2 amplification, P53 loss, B
205  fully annotated a 65,871-bp region of mouse Chromosome 17 including the Hba-ps4 alpha-globin pseudog
206                                   A locus on chromosome 17, including the H-2 complex, was significan
207 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 is associated with either exonic or intron
208                                              Chromosome 17 is rich in protein-coding genes, having th
209                                              Chromosome 17 is unusual among the human chromosomes in
210 emporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17) is directly linked genetically to mutatio
211 at the shk mutation, previously localized to chromosome 17, is a quaking (qk) allele consisting of a
212                                 ASPL maps to chromosome 17, is ubiquitously expressed, and matches nu
213                           Recent advances in chromosome 17-linked dementias justify a rigorous search
214 nfirm and better define the influence of the chromosome 17-linked QTL on radiation sensitivity, we co
215                                          The chromosome 17-linked QTL was confirmed to influence the
216 argeting ERBB2 and other protein products of chromosome 17 loci.
217                                    The AKR/J chromosome 17 locus was not sufficient to increase HSC f
218 us (QTL) for RV weight was identified on rat chromosome 17 (lod score 6.5) that accounted for 22% of
219 29 mice, plus a suggestive modifier locus on chromosome 17 (LOD=3.7).
220 idence for quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosomes 17 (LOD = 4.2), 1 (LOD = 4.5), and 18 (LOD =
221 nkage of fasting insulin to the short arm of chromosome 17 (logarithm of odds [LOD] = 3.30; 54 cM bet
222                           TP53 mutations and chromosome 17 LOH with selection against wild-type TP53
223 s for asthma, suggesting that this region of chromosome 17 may harbor a "universal" lung injury gene.
224  rs393152 within the extended MAPT region on chromosome 17 (meta analysis P-value across five indepen
225 ant locus associated with gallstone score on chromosome 17, named Lith9 (susceptibility allele confer
226 h 17 SNPs (all between KANSL1 and LRRC37A on chromosome 17 near MAPT) in a meta-analysis of the stage
227 2361; chromosome 5, near marker D5S1505; and chromosome 17, near marker D17S1301.
228 ions, including Igfals (previously placed on chromosome 17), Nubp2 (a fully characterized gene), Jsap
229 bility complex (MHC) class I region on mouse chromosome 17 of strain 129/SvJ (H2bc).
230                     Analysis of the p arm of chromosome 17 of the focus-derived cell strains containi
231 d sequence data generated from re-sequencing chromosome 17 of the mouse strains A/J and CAST/EiJ with
232 t a model whereby a hot L1 source element on Chromosome 17 of the patient's genome evaded somatic rep
233                                    C17orf37 (chromosome 17 open reading frame 37), also known as C35/
234 ncoded by an uncharacterized gene (C17orf99; chromosome 17 open reading frame 99), that is expressed
235 r structurally similar HAC vectors, two with chromosome 17 or Y alphoid DNA (17alpha, Yalpha) and two
236 emporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 pathogenic mutations and develops a severe
237                          The initial scan of chromosome 17 performed on two large pedigrees provided
238  Having previously shown that duplication of chromosome 17 pericentromeric alpha satellite as measure
239  Normal vulvar skin controls did not exhibit chromosome 17 polysomy (cells with more than four FISH s
240 ng regarding the association of copy gain of chromosome 17 (polysomy 17) with strong ERBB2 protein ex
241 ies (frontotemporal dementia associated with chromosome 17) presenting with an atypical parkinsonian
242 0, but < 6.0; AC2013), use of an alternative chromosome 17 probe reassigned 212 (7.4% overall) patien
243 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17, progressive supranuclear palsy, and corti
244 ght cluster, in the proximal region of mouse chromosome 17, providing a thus far unique example of a
245      Confirmation of the gene underlying the chromosome 17 QTL may reveal new strategies for influenz
246 segmental haploidy in the mouse t complex on chromosome 17, radiation-induced deletion complexes cent
247 loci was used to calculate a revised HER2-to-chromosome-17 ratio by using the eusomic gene locus as t
248                             Abnormalities of chromosome 17, recognised over two decades ago to be imp
249 ere scored as amplified by using alternative chromosome 17 reference gene probes, and 13 (92.9%) of 1
250 s the hypothesis that the use of alternative chromosome 17 reference genes might more accurately asse
251  more,and defined the endpoints of the mouse chromosome 17 region.
252 ous deletion or duplication of band p11.2 of chromosome 17, respectively.
253 c into the second intron of the RARA gene on chromosome 17, resulting in a classic bcr3 PML-RARA fusi
254 onths later at relapse had loss of an entire chromosome 17, resulting in hemizygosity for the p53 loc
255 s of PMP22, as a 1.4 Mb duplication on human chromosome 17, resulting in three copies of PMP22, is th
256                                   The other (chromosome 17, rs1531554, OR = 0.68, P = 2.9 x 10(-8)) w
257                     Copy-number anomalies in chromosome 17 seem to be common in tumours that show dis
258                         To better define the chromosome 17 segment and the 16 to 17 transition, we us
259 e as few as 21 functional genes in the mouse chromosome 17 segment.
260 al dementia and parkinsonism associated with chromosome 17; several mutations causing this dementia l
261 al 50-Mb region of primarily the long arm of chromosome 17 showed LOH in 8 cases, whereas a less than
262 ucleus or a FISH ratio (HER2 gene signals to chromosome 17 signals) of more than 2.2; a negative resu
263  The close linkage of OVCA1 and p53 on human Chromosome 17 suggests that coordinated loss may be an i
264  revealed the existence of 4 SWR loci (H2 on chromosome 17, Swrl-1 on chromosome 1, Swrl-2 on chromos
265              The trac mutation maps to mouse chromosome 17, syntenic with human chromosome 2p21-22.
266               Previously a deletion in mouse chromosome 17, T(22H), was shown to behave like a t alle
267 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17," tau abnormalities are implicated directl
268 is a deletion of approximately 1 Mb on mouse chromosome 17 that alters the expression of the qk gene
269 of conserved synteny with a portion of mouse chromosome 17 that contains Fem1a.
270 wed to map belr1 to a 4-Mb interval on mouse chromosome 17 that contains the Trem2 gene.
271 pe is an ancestral version of proximal mouse chromosome 17 that has evolved mechanisms to persist as
272              We found an eQTL hotspot on rat chromosome 17 that is causally associated with multiple
273 inase A (PKA), is a tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 17 that is mutated in some CNC families.
274 neuropathy and results from a duplication on chromosome 17 that results in an extra copy and increase
275                At the proximal part of mouse chromosome 17 there are three well-defined genes affecti
276 l dementia with parkinsonism associated with chromosome 17, three unclassifiable tauopathy, and one a
277 s used as donor of the Ecogpt-carrying human chromosome 17 to 'tribrids' growing in suspension, made
278 DXZ1 (from the X chromosome) and D17Z1 (from chromosome 17), to generate human artificial chromosomes
279 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 transiently respond to levodopa therapy.
280 ird tribrid had a portion of the long arm of chromosome 17 translocated to mouse as its only human ge
281    Frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism chromosome 17 type (FTDP-17) is caused by mutations in M
282 e frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism--chromosome 17 type (FTDP-17).
283 nt frontotemporal dementia with Parkinsonism-chromosome 17 type (FTDP-17).
284 se frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism chromosome 17-type and by unknown mechanisms in other re
285 se frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism chromosome 17-type by several mechanisms.
286 emporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 was analyzed.
287                      A positive lod score on chromosome 17 was calculated.
288 e, integration of these sequences into human chromosome 17 was demonstrated by the construction of hu
289                                      Loss of chromosome 17 was identified 5% of all samples and was s
290    In a detailed reconstruction of events on chromosome 17, we found large unpaired inversions and de
291 an inducible Xist transgene located on mouse chromosome 17, we show that 24 h after synchronous induc
292                  This is a variant region of Chromosome 17 which exists as a polymorphism in wild mic
293 emporal dementias and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17), which are characterized by the formation
294                             A locus on mouse chromosome 17, which controls activation of recombinatio
295 age to chromosome 8, we find that a locus on chromosome 17, which encompasses the MHC locus, impacts
296 ffort to restrict the wide linkage region on chromosome 17 with a dense set of 31 markers using multi
297 ge analysis identified a candidate region on chromosome 17 with a maximum multipoint logarithm of odd
298 temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 with mutations in Tau (FTDP-17T).
299 alysis, we identified a 13-Mb locus on mouse chromosome 17 with significant linkage to the developmen
300 of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome 17 within a chemokine gene cluster associated

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