


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ated the Bin1 locus between Mep1b and Apc on chromosome 18.
2 osed as having de novo terminal deletions of chromosome 18.
3 a single gene or two tightly linked genes on chromosome 18.
4  have a terminal deletion of the long arm of chromosome 18.
5 map the gene to the proximal region of mouse chromosome 18.
6 inkage was detected for markers elsewhere on chromosome 18.
7 kage of bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) to chromosome 18.
8 fourth had two structurally normal copies of chromosome 18.
9 CGH frequently detected the relative loss of chromosome 18.
10 nning approximately 11 cM on the long arm of chromosome 18.
11 ptibility gene exists near the centromere of chromosome 18.
12 lose heterozygosity only on the short arm of chromosome 18.
13 enotyped for 13 polymorphic markers spanning chromosome 18.
14 rmined by the callipyge gene mapped to ovine chromosome 18.
15 nal brain nuclei in 28-month-old animals for chromosome 18.
16 the nucleus center with the exception of the chromosome 18.
17 s2 (Lung adenoma susceptibility 2) on distal chromosome 18.
18 fier, Mom7, to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 18.
19 nd linkage analysis localized Mom2 to distal chromosome 18.
20  fibroblast growth factor (Fgf-1.G) on mouse chromosome 18.
21 virus were mapped to the same site on distal chromosome 18.
22 e clusters (alpha, beta, and gamma) on mouse chromosome 18.
23  analysis has localized Mom2 to distal mouse chromosome 18.
24 eus than the similarly sized, but gene-poor, chromosome 18.
25 cessive shaker-with-syndactyly (sy) locus on chromosome 18.
26  The gene encoding TSLP was mapped to murine chromosome 18.
27 romosome 11 and a novel gene termed MALT1 on chromosome 18.
28 paced at approximately 6-cM intervals across chromosome 18.
29 synteny between human chromosome 2 and mouse chromosome 18.
30 man 5q CDR genes are distributed among three chromosomes, 18, 11, and 13.
31 igh concordance with a marker that mapped to chromosome 18 (19 cM).
32 s been reported to be linked with markers on chromosomes 18, 21, 16 and a region on the X chromosome
33 dization assay that simultaneously evaluates chromosomes 18, 21, X, and Y was applied to semen provid
34 mic hybridization, about one-third of marker chromosomes (18/49) had arisen from chromothripsis, wher
35 ed a maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.93 on chromosome 18, a two-point affected sib pair (ASP) LOD s
36 01 for copy number variation and SNPs): 6 on chromosome 18 and 1 on chromosome 10.
37 ines a break point in the synteny with mouse chromosome 18 and has been implicated by associated mark
38 consistent with previous linkage findings on chromosome 18 and suggest a new locus on chromosome 5 th
39 e was confined to a critical region on mouse chromosome 18 and then ascribed to a T to A transversion
40 rized by a chromosomal translocation between chromosome 18 and X, generating oncoproteins such as SYT
41 a specific chromosomal translocation between chromosome 18 and X.
42              Rab22b and rab30 were mapped to chromosomes 18 and 11, respectively.
43 ocated the position of recombination between chromosomes 18 and 11.
44  of z = 3 for chromosome 21 and z = 3.95 for chromosomes 18 and 13.
45                    Assays with paralogues on chromosomes 18 and 20 (18|20 PRT) and chromosomes 13 and
46 me 1, Swrl-2 on chromosome 14, and Swrl-3 on chromosome 18) and 2 NZB loci (Nba1 and Lbw2/Sbw2, both
47  in four regions in the mouse genome, two on chromosome 18, and one each on chromosomes 11 and 13.
48 omosome 18, two showed a loss of one copy of chromosome 18, and the fourth had two structurally norma
49 uman FEM1C maps to 5q22, mouse Fem1c maps to chromosome 18, and zebrafish fem1c maps to Linkage Group
50 d developmentally downregulated gene 4-like; chromosome 18), Ano6 (anocatmin 6; chromosome 15), and R
51                                              Chromosome 18 appears to have the lowest gene density of
52                 The mouse gene was mapped to chromosome 18, approximately 0.5 cM proximal to D18Mit12
53                                    Breaks in chromosome 18 are localized at the 3'-UTR of BCL2 gene o
54 es that span the translocation breakpoint on chromosome 18 as determined by FISH.
55 ked to genetic markers in the same region of chromosome 18 as that for FEO.
56 ridization analysis confirmed an amplicon on chromosome 18 as the site of TH-MYCN transgene integrati
57 , chromosome 12 at 48.7 cM (LOD = 1.99), and chromosome 18 at 28.1 cM (LOD = 1.00).
58 ently novel gene (designated KC6) located on chromosome 18 at p12.3.
59 al site of the human AQP4 gene was mapped to chromosome 18 at the junction of q11.2 and q12.1 by fluo
60 entromeres of human chromosome 18q and mouse chromosome 18 at the proximal end of a conserved linkage
61 nt cluster of two-point lod scores mapped to chromosome 18, at 18q21.2-q21.3.
62                          But the breakage on chromosome 18, at the Bcl-2 gene, occurs within a confin
63  also demonstrate that the position of mouse chromosome 18 but not 19 is dependent on such a stable n
64  DNA sequence was not detected on the normal chromosome 18, but was highly homologous with types of s
65 dization, and mouse ATQ1 was mapped to mouse chromosome 18 by single-strand conformation polymorphism
66 (microtubule-associated protein Tau)) and on chromosome 18 (CELF4 (CUGBP elav-like family member 4)).
67 n of exons 7 to 9, and 1 a large deletion of chromosome 18 comprising both DSC2 and desmoglein-2 gene
68 ether, these data indicate that genes within chromosome 18 control strain-dependent development of Va
69 ons, protein expression, and cytogenetics of chromosome 18 copy number in a collection of 44 colorect
70 between loci on chromosome 11 (D11Mit39) and chromosome 18 (D18Mit64).
71 rase chain reaction for sequences from human chromosome 18, D18S1259 (positive control), and from the
72                                        Human chromosome 18 differs from its homologues in the great a
73 nalyzed the position of recombination within chromosome 18 DNA in three examples of MALT lymphoma bea
74  in the nucleus center with the exception of chromosome 18, enriched center-toward inter-chromosomal
75 tion hybrid maps, using the example of mouse Chromosome 18, for which we have built a framework map o
76 5A8), functional smad-suppressing element on chromosome 18 (FUSSEL18), early B-cell factor 3 (EBF3),
77 mutations were found to occur on distinctive chromosome 18 haplotypes, consistent with being hotspot
78 igh-resolution radiation hybrid map of human chromosome 18 has been developed by testing DNA samples
79 nkage of manic depressive illness to loci on chromosome 18 has been reported and apparently replicate
80                             Several genes on chromosome 18 have been suggested as metabolic disease c
81  95% CI 0.59-1.29, p = 0.50) or rs6565887 on chromosome 18 (HR 0.88, CI 0.62-1.25, p = 0.48).
82 emonstration that it mapped to central mouse chromosome 18 in a conserved syntenic region with human
83  differs from our previously reported QTL on chromosome 18 in baboons.
84 to human chromosome 5q31 and Pkd2l2 to mouse chromosome 18 in band C.
85 c tumours, and apply it to the evaluation of chromosome 18 in colorectal cancers.
86 nalysis identified novel SNP associations on chromosome 18 in MYL12A (rs1662342, P = 4.9 x 10(-8)) an
87 eterozygosity (LOH) on the long arm of human chromosome 18 in prostate cancer to determine the locati
88 ence suggestive of a second locus, Emca2, on chromosome 18 in the (ACI x COP)F(2) population.
89 50-bp bcl-2 major breakpoint region (Mbr) on chromosome 18 is a fragile site, because it adopts a non
90 intergenic single-nucleotide polymorphism on chromosome 18 is associated with decreased pyroptosis an
91 rDNA repeats centromeric to the Apc locus on Chromosome 18 is increasingly disrupted.
92 eta-analysis the orthologous region (also on chromosome 18) is linked to diabetes in rodents (P = 9 x
93 ors performed an analysis of their published chromosome 18 linkage data on 28 families in which there
94  within 2 centimorgans of Satt288 on soybean chromosome 18 (linkage group G).
95 lysis, the Gata6 gene was localized to mouse chromosome 18, linked to the gene encoding transthyretin
96 d that these disorders are not linked to the chromosome 18 loci.
97 , we mapped the mutation in this strain to a chromosome 18 locus containing a single known gene encod
98                 Rather, introgression of the chromosome 18 locus into BALB/c disrupted Va14Ja18 NKT c
99                Linkage analysis identified a chromosome 18 locus predisposing to a number of adolesce
100  evidence for a locus common to most IGEs on chromosome 18 (lod score 4.4/5.2 multipoint/two-point) a
101 nomewide P = .0138) and the other located on chromosome 18 (LOD score, 3.29; genomewide P = .0159).
102 ted with methamphetamine sensitivity, (e.g., chromosome 18; LOD = 10.5) and non-drug-induced locomoto
103                                              Chromosome 18 LOH studies may be useful in identifying p
104 ts of linkage disequilibrium between several chromosome 18 markers and focal dystonia, both in sporad
105 lelic loss of sequences from the long arm of chromosome 18 may be a useful prognostic indicator in co
106 and this would explain why the breaks at the chromosome 18 MBR occur within the same time window as t
107 ative MALT lymphomas (60%) showed trisomy of chromosomes 18 (n = 12), 3 (n = 8), 7 (n = 2), and/or 11
108 r ear malformations and are located on mouse chromosome 18 near the ataxia locus ax.
109                                    Losses of chromosome 18 or 18q and chromosome 5 or 5q were common
110  three-color FISH (to the X and Y and either chromosome 18 or chromosome 21) to analyze >300,000 sper
111 erm in normal sperm and in sperm disomic for chromosomes 18 or 21, we used three-color FISH (to the X
112 hing our results from MII non-disjunction of chromosomes 18 or 21.
113                                    Increased chromosome 18 (P = .002) or 10 (P = .036) copy number wa
114 e 12 in PZP (P = 1.3 x 10(-6)), rs1421201 on chromosome 18 (P = 1.0 x 10(-5)), and rs2710833 on chrom
115 dence for significant linkage between BP and chromosome 18 pericentromeric markers in the sample as a
116 mpelling evidence for linkage between BP and chromosome 18 pericentromeric markers in this sample.
117  model analysis identified a novel recessive chromosome 18 QTL, Cia26, which was dependent on Cia7, w
118  spontaneously arising mutation Ter on mouse chromosome 18 (Refs 6,7) increases TGCT frequency on a 1
119 edigree member method in the pericentromeric chromosome 18 region disclosed statistically significant
120 s form a continuous linkage along the T31 RH Chromosome 18 (RH map length 1598 cR, genetic length 41
121    A novel PD susceptibility locus, RIT2, on chromosome 18 (rs12456492; p=5x10(-5) Discovery Sample;
122 ormed with two human 18q telomeric probes, a chromosome 18-specific alpha-satellite probe, and whole
123 ipolar disorder, we screened a genomic human chromosome 18-specific library and identified a 1.6 kb c
124 18-specific alpha-satellite probe, and whole chromosome 18-specific paint.
125 hybrids (RH) from a previously characterized chromosome 18-specific RH panel.
126                                A modifier on chromosome 18 specifically affects tumor latency but not
127 ntified a quantitative trait locus on baboon chromosome 18 that regulates HDL.
128 d a liver-specific lncRNA (RP11-484N16.1) on chromosome 18 that showed significantly elevated express
129 osome 21, four primer pairs for sequences on chromosome 18, three primer pairs for sequences on chrom
130 ingle major locus termed Odsm1 was mapped to chromosome 18, tightly linked to D18Mit189 and D18Mit210
131          Translocation of the BCL2 gene from chromosome 18 to chromosome 14 results in constitutive e
132 mas results in the fusion of the SYT gene on chromosome 18 to either of two closely related genes SSX
133    The translocation fuses the SYT gene from chromosome 18 to either of two highly homologous genes a
134 d in synovial sarcomas fuses the SYT gene on chromosome 18 to either of two similar genes, SSX1 or SS
135 1.2;q11.2), which juxtaposes the SYT gene on chromosome 18 to either the SSX1 or the SSX2 gene on chr
136 ocation results in fusion of the SYT gene on chromosome 18 to either the SSX1 or the SSX2 gene, two h
137  a number of genetic disorders stemming from chromosome 18 trisomy and aneuploidy.
138 18q21.1, one showed a loss of both copies of chromosome 18, two showed a loss of one copy of chromoso
139      We have mapped the myr 6 locus to mouse chromosome 18 using an interspecific backcross.
140                                              Chromosome 18 was chosen because a previous genome-scree
141 ll genetic region near the telomere of ovine chromosome 18 was previously shown to carry the mutation
142          The frequency of nondisjunction for chromosome 18 was significantly higher than that for chr
143 e the low density of protein-coding genes on chromosome 18, we find that the proportion of non-protei
144                  The evidence for linkage to chromosome 18 weakened when it was analyzed jointly with
145 solution comparative map of Bos taurus (BTA) chromosome 18 were constructed, composed of 103 markers
146 d in two cases that maternal duplications on chromosome 18 were the likely cause of the discordant re
147 l tumor suppressor genes on the short arm of chromosome 18 which may be involved in NSCLC, brain tumo
148 the recent cloning of the NPC1 gene on human chromosome 18, which is the major disease locus.
149 nished sequence and gene annotation of human chromosome 18, which will allow a better understanding o
150 marker loci, a major locus was identified on chromosome 18 with a lod score of 15.
151 d FVC were suggestively linked to regions on chromosome 18 with multipoint LOD scores of 2.4 for FEV1
152 DNA markers in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 18, with a parent-of-origin effect (linkage w
153 g quantitative trait locus was identified on chromosome 18, with weaker effects detectable on chromos

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