


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ns close to IFNG (chromosome 3) and the MHC (chromosome 20).
2 ransglutaminase-2 and transglutaminase-3, on chromosome 20.
3 terspecific F(2) population, now known to be chromosome 20.
4 f 3 S100A genes on chromosome 1 and SLPI1 on chromosome 20.
5 o a region of increased number of alleles on chromosome 20.
6  genes that now map to the long arm of human chromosome 20.
7 pped to overlapping loci on the short arm of chromosome 20.
8 9 highly polymorphic loci on the long arm of chromosome 20.
9 tion is conserved at the human NNAT locus on chromosome 20.
10 ll line (passage 10) as well as a trisomy of chromosome 20.
11  critical region and spaced over the rest of chromosome 20.
12 ween type 2 diabetes and any other region on chromosome 20.
13  disorders characterized by abnormalities of chromosome 20.
14 t least two diabetes-susceptibility genes on chromosome 20.
15 ther failed or had shown no abnormalities of chromosome 20.
16 lls was attributable to additional copies of chromosome 20.
17 ybrid panel, neuronatin gene was assigned to chromosome-20.
18 r changes were identified, including gain of chromosomes 20, 13, and 8q and smaller regions of amplif
19 egion of linkage has thus been identified on chromosome 20 (20p12).
20 rmed Parkinson's disease on the short arm of chromosome 20 (20pter-p12) and identify TMEM230 as the d
21 f DNA sequences derived from the long arm of chromosome 20 (20q) has been commonly observed by both c
22 kage region for OA of the first CMC joint on chromosome 20 (4 cM; LOD score 3.74).
23 CEPH) pedigree data across a 10-Mb region of chromosome 20, a comparison of population recombination
24 al specimens by obtaining new information on chromosome 20 aberrations in breast cancer.
25 crosis/fibrosis after treatment, and gain of chromosome 20, all indicators of resistance to chemother
26 rit susceptibility genes simultaneously from chromosome 20 and chromosome 12.
27 lved in cardiac development-MYH7B/miR499A on chromosome 20 and CTSK, CTSS and ARNT on chromosome 1.
28  the recently discovered BBS6 gene (MKKS) on chromosome 20 and for potential assignment of the disord
29 tive neoplasms (MPN) affects the long arm of chromosome 20 and has been predicted to harbor a tumor s
30 haly and periventricular heterotopia maps to chromosome 20 and is caused by mutations in the gene ADP
31 h kindred, we identified a linkage region on chromosome 20 and selected candidate genes for screening
32 detected by Southern blot hybridization from chromosome 20 and, indeed, from the remainder of the gen
33            And, using deletion constructs of chromosome-20 and fluorescence in situ hybridization, ne
34 ON 1), the strongest linkage results were on chromosomes 20 and 11.
35 phic loci that map to the long arms of human chromosomes 20 and 12 in regions containing the MODY1 an
36 replicate single-nucleotide polymorphisms on chromosome 20 (and putatively on the THBD gene for throm
37 in 2,020 CpG islands on human chromosome 12, chromosome 20, and 34 selected regions.
38  angle glaucoma (POAG) to a 4-Mb interval on chromosome 20, and identified a Gly661Arg variant in ADA
39  2, a region of syntenic homology with human chromosome 20, and in a region containing a number of ge
40 genes have been previously mapped to buffalo chromosome 20, and sequence detail is limited, so 65 mar
41 econd family member is predicted to exist on chromosome 20 approximately 4 kb downstream from Eppin's
42 ther genes (SNAI1 and KRML) mapping to human chromosome 20 are also duplicated in Fugu.
43                  We demonstrate that SNPs on chromosome 20 are cis-eQTLs for thrombomodulin (THBD), a
44 t type 2 diabetes located on the long arm of chromosome 20 around marker D20S196.
45 osomes were identified for CKIIalpha: one on chromosome 20 band 13 with an approximate size of 20 kb
46 n KRML gene within a genomic contig on human chromosome 20, bands q11.2-q13.1.
47                The human gene (POFUT1) is on chromosome 20 between PLAGL2 and KIF3B, near the centrom
48 and 14 restriction site polymorphisms) and Y-chromosome (20 biallelic polymorphisms and 5 short tande
49  new maps of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) chromosome 20 by both dissociation curve analysis and co
50  been localized to a 9-centimorgan region of chromosome 20 by homozygosity mapping.
51               The finished sequence of human chromosome 20 comprises 59,187,298 base pairs (bp) and r
52 es) in the "MODY1 region" of the long arm of chromosome 20 contributes to the development of NIDDM, w
53 ome data set of 30 million reads and a human Chromosome 20 data set of 1.7 million reads.
54                A deletion of the long arm of chromosome 20, del(20q), is a recurring abnormality in m
55 mut) patients had an increased prevalence of chromosome 20 deletions and ASXL1 mutations.
56 didymal protease inhibitor), a gene on human chromosome 20 expressing three mRNAs encoding two isofor
57 syntenic relationships between LG8 and human chromosome 20, extended existing synteny between LG7 and
58 ed their disease gene to a 21.6-cM region of chromosome 20 flanked by markers D20S888 and D20S102.
59 as cloned during a search on the long arm of chromosome 20 for genes whose expression and copy number
60    The human L3MBTL gene lies in a region of chromosome 20 frequently deleted in patients with myeloi
61                 Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 20 have been reported in a wide range of myel
62                  Linkage to the short arm of chromosome 20 in a genome screen was followed by positiv
63             The human OTOR gene localizes to chromosome 20 in bands p11.23-p12.1 and more precisely t
64 ation rates ( rho ) along a 10-Mb stretch of chromosome 20 in four population samples, comprising Eas
65  revealed 1 overlapping homozygous region on chromosome 20 in the consanguineous families.
66 e-restricted imprinting of a gene cluster on chromosome 20 in the region commonly deleted in chronic
67 fied a major susceptibility factor, Cia1, on chromosome 20 in the vicinity of the rat major histocomp
68 mmon markers across a 10 Mb segment of human chromosome 20 in three samples (UK Caucasian, CEPH Cauca
69 ition on chromosome 2 at 8.5 cM, the MLS for chromosome 20 increases to 5.50 at 69.0 cM (P=.0014).
70  element on chromosome 7 and possibly one on chromosome 20 influence susceptibility to diabetic nephr
71                    Nonparametric analysis of chromosome 20 inheritance data collected with the MODY1-
72      An acquired deletion of the long arm of chromosome 20 is a recurrent abnormality in myeloprolife
73  erythematosus (SLE) susceptibility genes on chromosome 20 is suggested by the observation of genetic
74 tion of coding DNA without high entropy, and chromosome 20 is the opposite with a low frequency of co
75 ignificantly improved the LOD scores at both chromosome 20 locations (20p12 LOD = 5.06 and 20q13 LOD
76  score for log(TG/HDL-C) = 1.1 at 75 cM] and chromosome 20 [LOD score for log(TG/HDL-C) = 1.7 at 35 c
77 ucokinase gene markers GCK1 and GCK2 and the chromosome 20 marker D20S197.
78 uble minute chromosomes (DMs) that contained chromosome 20 material in cell lines with 20q13.2 amplif
79 LOD] = 2.08), chromosome 9q (MaxLOD = 2.00), chromosome 20 (MaxLOD = 1.82), and chromosome 21 (MaxLOD
80  the genes that are mutated in MODY on human chromosomes 20 (MODY1), 7 (MODY2) and 12 (MODY3), with M
81 nal, with a Z score of 2.05, was observed on chromosome 20 near marker D20S195, and another on 20p ne
82 2) and D9S302 (two-point LOD = 1.28); and on chromosome 20, near D20S115 (multipoint LOD = 1.83) and
83                              FISH with whole chromosome 20 paint showed expanded chromosome regions (
84 e l3mbtl1 gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 20 (q12), within a region commonly deleted in
85                  Deletion of the long arm of chromosome 20 represents the most common chromosomal abn
86             Genotyping of additional STRs on chromosome 20 resulted in improved evidence for linkage
87 eplicated single-nucleotide polymorphisms on chromosome 20 (rs2144940, rs2567617, and rs1998081) that
88 , we identified a new melanoma risk locus on chromosome 20 (rs910873 and rs1885120), with replication
89                                              Chromosome 20 showed our strongest initial evidence for
90 region syntenic with a large region of human chromosome 20, showing linkage to percent body fat (like
91 jacent genes found within a 300 kb region of chromosome 20, suggesting that they may be under transcr
92 20q shares synteny conservation with chicken chromosome 20, suggesting the segment to be ancestral in
93 ymorphic markers across a 98.5-cM segment of chromosome 20 that contains the candidate region.
94      Comparative analysis of the sequence of chromosome 20 to whole-genome shotgun-sequence data of t
95 dromes in whom a deletion of the long arm of chromosome 20 was detectable by G-banding and/or fluores
96 y found the genetic polymorphism of PCSK2 on chromosome 20 was responsible for the linkage peak of se
97                               While studying chromosome 20, we found a locus on chromosome 20q11.2 th
98             Trisomies of chromosome 7 and/or chromosome 20 were detected in 17 of 20 colorectal tumor
99 ing exon and an extension of the analysis to chromosome 20, where the MMP-9 gene is located, suggesti
100                Our strongest results are for chromosome 20, where we observe a weighted maximum LOD s
101 it loci (QTLs) in common, i.e., Aia1/Cia1 on chromosome 20, which includes the MHC, and Aia3/Cia3 on
102  LD using 43 microsatellite markers spanning chromosome 20 with an average density of 2.3 cM.
103 To date, our best evidence for linkage is on chromosome 20 with potentially separable peaks located o

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