


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and 6% were nonsyntenic (not located on rice chromosome 3).
2 ewide scan: two on chromosome 2 and three on chromosome 3.
3 iated with frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 3.
4  protein 100% identical with that encoded by chromosome 3.
5 HL tumor suppressor gene on the short arm of chromosome 3.
6 e complete centromere of rice (Oryza sativa) chromosome 3.
7  an absence of maternally imprinted genes on chromosome 3.
8 ficance, as well as a fifth epistatic QTL on chromosome 3.
9  families were found close to the telomer of chromosome 3.
10 emonstrating only trisomy of chromosome 7 or chromosome 3.
11 l alleles originating from a single maternal chromosome 3.
12 tellite markers all within a 10-Mb region on chromosome 3.
13                 The Cmt1 locus is located on chromosome 3.
14 on of GC-specific gene and enhancer loops on chromosome 3.
15 ive trait assigned to the Cdm locus on mouse chromosome 3.
16  around the VHL gene to complete loss of the chromosome 3.
17 um but rather mapped near the end of sorghum chromosome 3.
18 ed by a putative quantitative trait locus on chromosome 3.
19 henotype: DM1, on chromosome 19, and DM2, on chromosome 3.
20 hromosome 9, in a region homologous to human chromosome 3.
21 e: The QTL of greatest effect are located on chromosome 3.
22 is thaliana corresponds to gene At3g44880 on chromosome 3.
23 approximately 33 Mbp was anchored to sorghum chromosome 3.
24 2 and 85,000 base pairs of the 82F region of chromosome 3.
25 L tumour suppressor gene on the short arm of chromosome 3.
26 tely 59 cM block of the short arm of sorghum chromosome 3.
27  reveal additional copies of the long arm of chromosome 3.
28 ucture is also found in mouse genomic DNA in chromosome 3.
29  modifier gene to a 950-kb interval on mouse chromosome 3.
30 a 1.2-cM region near the centromere of mouse chromosome 3.
31 nt optic atrophy is the OPA1 gene located on chromosome 3.
32 tivation of the telomerase repressor gene on chromosome 3.
33 e (C-C motif) receptor (CCR) gene cluster on chromosome 3.
34 15 or 16 exons, and the gene is contained on chromosome 3.
35 and of 26.5 (LOD score approximately 5.7) on chromosome 3.
36 pp140 gene of Drosophila maps within 79A5 of chromosome 3.
37 on of chromosome 5 or 7, or abnormalities of chromosome 3.
38 man genes are located on syntenic regions of chromosome 3.
39 argeting DNA moved from chromosome X or 2 to chromosome 3.
40 he existence of a single copy of the gene on chromosome 3.
41 ion of the VHL gene and loss of a segment of chromosome 3.
42 1) (P-value = 2.63x10(-16), beta = -0.23) on chromosome 3.
43 tive enzyme activity, and the restoration of chromosome 3.
44  exclusively with tumors showing monosomy of chromosome 3.
45 nd 15 and suggestive evidence for a locus on chromosome 3.
46 tic cross maps to a single parasite locus on chromosome 3.
47 r depressive disorder and the same region on chromosome 3.
48 ome 2 have been duplicated and inserted into chromosome 3.
49 miR-26a located in the locus 3p21.3 of human chromosome 3.
50  near-centromeric region of maize (Zea mays) chromosome 3.
51 nt loci of atherosclerosis susceptibility on chromosomes 3, 10, and 12.
52 omosome 16q and moderate linkage at sites on chromosomes 3, 10, and 19q, and a meta-analysis of studi
53 ound to be homoeologous to sequences on rice chromosome 3, 12% had matches with sequences on other ri
54 eterogeneity in the genome-wide analyses (on chromosomes 3, 12, 15, and 18) did not replicate.
55 ind genes, MBNL, MBLL and MBXL, which map to chromosomes 3, 13 and X, respectively, and which show ex
56 32%; and E, gain or loss of partial or whole chromosome 3, 18%.
57 ariate Cox analysis indicated that losses of chromosome 3, 1p, 6q, and 8p and gain of 8q, as well as
58 st LOD scores including all families were on chromosomes 3 (2.41 at 117 cM) and 12 (2.47 at 15.5).
59  showed abnormalities with loss of disomy of chromosomes 3 (35%/52%/65%), 6 (15%/34%/51%), and 8 (19%
60 ort here the complete nucleotide sequence of chromosome 3 (384 518 bp) and an analysis revealing 95 p
61 iated sequence, or TAS), on the right arm of chromosome 3 (3R-TAS).
62  also identified chromosome specific CAs for chromosomes 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19 that were
63 ied 4 new QTLs for the onset of arthritis on chromosomes 3, 4, and 11, and 1 new QTL for severity on
64 hin and across trait groups were detected at chromosomes 3, 4, and 7 through CIM.
65 gestive of linkage with ARM were observed on chromosomes 3, 5, 6, 12, 15, and 16.
66 oid tumors have multiple trisomies involving chromosomes 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19, and 21, and infreque
67 oid and contain multiple trisomies involving chromosomes 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19, and 21, but infreque
68  Our analysis reveals modifier loci on mouse chromosomes 3, 5, 8, 11 and 14 with distinct effects on
69 earrangements involving translocations among chromosomes 3, 5, and 9 were detected in comparison betw
70 tions with P< or =.05 were found for loci on chromosomes 3, 5-7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 20, and 21.
71 y in SCC lines with LOH on chromosome 4, but chromosomes 3, 6, 11 and 15 were without effect.
72 even loci associated with prostate cancer on chromosomes 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 19 and X (P = 2.7 x 10(-8)
73 sence variation, the most prominent found on chromosomes 3, 6, 7, 16, and 18.
74 d evidence for additional linkage regions on chromosomes 3, 6, 8, 12, 16, and X.
75 ve trait locus mapping identified regions on chromosomes 3, 6, 9, and 15 containing candidate genes a
76  Kaplan-Meier estimates ranging from 4% with chromosomes 3, 6, and 8 disomy up to 39% for 3 complete
77 risk melanoma who demonstrate alterations in chromosomes 3, 6, and 8 or those with class 2 on gene-ex
78 mes 3, 6, and 8, comparison (normal [disomy] chromosomes 3, 6, and 8 vs. any 3, 6, or 8 abnormality)
79 ts with uveal melanoma sampled for status of chromosomes 3, 6, and 8, comparison (normal [disomy] chr
80 y-based assay were performed for analysis of chromosomes 3, 6, and 8.
81 o the broad depression phenotype (rs9825823, chromosome 3: 61,082,153, p = 8.2 x 10(-9)) located in a
82  were female specific and were identified on chromosomes 3, 7, 10, 11, 13, and X.
83 tified, the coverage was extended for bovine chromosomes 3, 7, 15, and 29 compared with previously pu
84 ) is associated with trisomies especially of chromosomes 3, 7, 9, 11, 15, and 19, whereas the nonhype
85 sly reported obesity-susceptibility locus on chromosomes 3, 7, and 17 and (2) demonstrate that combin
86 itu hybridization with centromeric probes to chromosomes 3, 7, and 17.
87    The distal euchromatic regions of sorghum chromosomes 3-7 and 10 are approximately 1.8-fold larger
88                  Cytogenetic maps of sorghum chromosomes 3-7, 9, and 10 were constructed on the basis
89 different genomic regions: a broad region on chromosome 3 (70-160 cM; logarithm of odds [LOD] scores
90                       Three of these loci on chromosomes 3, 8 and 11 do not coincide with previously
91                                           On chromosome 3, a maximal LOD score of 5.1 (D3Mit45, 79 cM
92 nt in the Mopti form, and microsatellites on chromosome 3, a region void of inversions.
93 , 3q26.2 rearrangements were the most common chromosome 3 abnormalities (50%, groups A-C).
94       Interestingly, although heterogeneous, chromosome 3 abnormalities involving non-3q26.2 loci (gr
95                                              Chromosome 3 abnormalities were observed in 116 (5.8%) o
96 f-3, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on rat chromosome 3, affects the development of CKD in Fawn-Hoo
97 5701 carrier cases, rs10937275 in ST6GAL1 on chromosome 3 also showed genome-wide significance (OR =
98        In the multivariate analysis, loss of chromosome 3 and 8p remained significant after adjusting
99 5 ovarioles/ovary) identified a major QTL on chromosome 3 and a minor QTL on chromosome 2.
100 of the telomeric portion of the short arm of chromosome 3 and characterized by developmental delay, g
101 The major modifier for colitis was mapped on chromosome 3 and designated cytokine deficiency-induced
102 e "father" of DAZ, a gene that maps to human chromosome 3 and has homologs required for both female a
103  [lens opacity 10 (Lop10)] mutation to mouse chromosome 3 and identified a missense mutation (G-->C)
104  aberrations involving the long arm of human chromosome 3 and is thereby inactivated in most of the c
105 ent is due to complete maternal isodisomy of chromosome 3 and reduction to homozygosity of the mutant
106 on of gene content and order between sorghum chromosome 3 and the homeologous rice chromosome 1 was o
107 nificant clusters of down-regulated genes on chromosome 3 and up-regulated genes on chromosome 8q, wh
108 s a de novo balanced translocation involving chromosomes 3 and 10.
109 ist2 and Hist3 clusters are present on mouse chromosomes 3 and 11, respectively.
110  influencing PON1 activity were localized to chromosomes 3 and 14.
111 2 genes are located at homologous regions of chromosomes 3 and 19.
112 ith specific IgA activity were identified in chromosomes 3 and 20, in regions close to IFNG (chromoso
113 Nematodirus Strongyle FEC were identified on chromosomes 3 and 20.
114 me 7, and two additional interacting loci on chromosomes 3 and 20.
115 loci supported by univariate QTLs such as on chromosomes 3 and 4 as well as at distinctly different l
116  breakpoints in the mouse genome occurred in chromosomes 3 and 4, each carrying a lacZ-reporter clust
117 B6- and B10-derived Idd-resistant alleles on chromosomes 3 and 4, respectively, is completely protect
118 ecurrent nonreciprocal translocation between chromosomes 3 and 5 in human renal cell carcinoma, facil
119 tic modifiers for TSC have been localized on chromosomes 3 and 5 of the rat genome.
120 g of many of these isolates by using loci on chromosomes 3 and 5.
121 ocations suggestive of linkage were found on chromosomes 3 and 6.
122 at sequences specific for the centromeres of chromosomes 3 and 7 as controls.
123                           Further markers on chromosomes 3 and 9 were analyzed individually.
124 n revealed LOD scores of >2.5 for markers on chromosomes 3 and 9, and fine mapping was performed on 5
125 (EGF) and Tyk2 are encoded within the QTL on chromosomes 3 and 9, respectively.
126 lian loci on the long arms of Ae. speltoides chromosomes 3S and 7S.
127 Two distinct chromosomal loci, termed major (chromosome 3) and minor (chromosome 12), harbor the glob
128               We have also identified mouse (chromosome 3) and rat (chromosome 2) orthologues, as wel
129 omosomes 3 and 20, in regions close to IFNG (chromosome 3) and the MHC (chromosome 20).
130 female predominance, a splenomegaly, gain of chromosome 3, and CD27 expression.
131  and 81 on chromosome 2, between 0 and 30 on chromosome 3, and near locations 49 and 81 on chromosome
132 at this chromosome is orthologous to chicken chromosome 3, and that at a minimum, ZAL2 and ZAL2(m) di
133 ath if statistically insignificant losses of chromosome 3 are considered together with gains in 8q as
134  a surplus of polymorphic microsatellites on chromosome 3 as compared to chromosome 2 (P=0.0001).
135 pporting the use of rice and, in particular, chromosome 3, as a model for comparative studies among t
136               Analyses of copy number across chromosome 3, as well as expression data from pooled, pu
137 s, an expression quantitative trait locus on chromosome 3, associated with substantially higher expre
138 uded chromosome 1 at 167.5 cM (LOD 1.51) and chromosome 3 at 121.0 cM (LOD 1.61).
139 ore of 4.14 for major depressive disorder on chromosome 3 at 24.9 cM (3p26-3p25).
140 .05): chromosome 1 at 173.9 cM (LOD = 3.09), chromosome 3 at 26.3 cM (LOD = 1.27), chromosome 4 at 13
141 ed to detect loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 3 at 3p21 in non-small cell lung carcinoma (N
142                 The hSEP1 gene is located in chromosome 3 at 3q25-26.1 between markers D3S1309 and D3
143  stronger evidence of linkage (e.g., CVD2 on chromosome 3 at 87 cM subsetting on low HDL with an init
144 g relatives, there was suggestive linkage to chromosome 3 at marker D3S2398 (KAC(all)=2.9).
145                             The gene maps to chromosome 3 at position 84C6.
146 e chromosome 9 at region 9E3-F1 and to human chromosome 3 at region 3q21-23.
147 % of WM patients, including 12% with gain on chromosome 3 at the 3p22 locus that included the MYD88 g
148                    The cpfl3 mapped to mouse chromosome 3 at the same location as human GNAT2, known
149 dence of linkage (2 < or = MLS < 3), both on chromosome 3 (at 211 and 209 cM, respectively); however,
150 sly known as cirrin) was cloned from a human chromosome 3 BAC.
151                              BCL6, a gene on chromosome 3 band q27, encodes a Kruppel-type zinc finge
152                       The human BCL6 gene on chromosome 3 band q27, which encodes a transcriptional r
153                              BCL6, a gene on chromosome 3, band q27, encodes a zinc finger transcript
154                   The mutation was mapped to chromosome 3 between D3Mit221 and D3Mit224, a region tha
155            The Mrf1 gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 3, between markers D3Mit70 and D3Mit277.
156 some 8 (bin 8.05), with a duplicate locus on chromosome 3 (bin 3.09).
157 for association near neuroligin 1 (NLGN1) on chromosome 3, but did not support findings at BICC1.
158                BBS3 was previously mapped to chromosome 3 by linkage analysis in a large Israeli Bedo
159 oach, we demonstrated that the centromere of chromosome 3 (Cen3) contains approximately 441 kb of the
160 s trait did not map to the MHC, idd3, or the chromosome 3 (Chr3) regions that control clonal deletion
161  to all four trait groups were identified on chromosome 3 close to the qDTY 3.2 locus.
162                                              Chromosome 3 comprises just four contigs, one of which c
163                                In reciprocal chromosome 3 congenic mice, introgressed D2 alleles incr
164  serum cholesterol trait to a 2-Mb region on chromosome 3 containing only 11 genes.
165 ocus was mapped to a 664-kb region of canine chromosome 3 containing regional candidate gene ADAMTS17
166 dd3 has been localized to a 650-kb region on chromosome 3 containing the IL-2 gene.
167              The 1.7-Mb congenic interval on chromosome 3, containing eight genes and five microRNAs,
168                 A region on the right arm of chromosome 3 contains QTL that affect both traits, but o
169  these, affecting Ara + Gal and Ara on maize chromosome 3, could be aligned with a syntenic region on
170 transfectants, HCT116 cells transfected with chromosome 3 (designated HCT116Ch3), which bears the RII
171 at expansion in intron 1 of the ZNF9 gene on chromosome 3 (dystrophia myotonica type 2 [DM2]).
172 s a 294 nt single exon gene located on human chromosome 3 encoding a 97-aa protein with sequence and
173         Telomerase adds telomeric repeats to chromosome 3' ends, forestalling the cellular senescence
174          A quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 3 epistatically affects nitrile formation in
175 6 [Estrogen-induced pituitary tumor (Ept)1], chromosome 3 (Ept2 and Ept6), chromosome 10 (Ept9), and
176  significant additive effects while those on chromosome 3 exhibited significant dominant effects.
177 strates that the translocation breakpoint on chromosome 3 falls within the recently identified minima
178 ried out a clonal screen on the right arm of chromosome 3 for female sterile mutations using the FLP-
179 nish pedigree, which is termed FTD linked to chromosome 3 (FTD-3), and also in an unrelated familial
180 SCRT-III), are associated with FTD linked to chromosome 3 (FTD3).
181 iated with frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 3 (FTD3).
182 nant frontotemporal dementia (FTD) linked to chromosome 3 (FTD3).
183 guanylate binding proteins (GBPs) encoded on chromosome 3 (Gbp(Chr3) ), which respond to pathogen-ind
184  IFN-inducible Gbp proteins encoded on mouse chromosome 3 (Gbp(chr3)).
185 hromosome 3, and near locations 49 and 81 on chromosome 3 had the strongest support as locations of l
186                             The short arm of chromosome 3 has been shown to exhibit high loss of hete
187  NOD mice with B6 resistance alleles only on chromosome 3 have lymphocytic liver infiltration without
188      Each tumor cell line contained multiple chromosome 3 homologues with variable deletion patterns,
189 er to isolate hybrid cell clones that retain chromosome 3 homologues with various deletions within FR
190 r epidermal differentiation complex on mouse chromosome 3, human chromosome 1q21.
191     In addition, support for an elevation on chromosome 3, identified in prior independent studies, w
192 to markers in the pericentrometric region of chromosome 3 in 77 families ascertained through a child
193 utation at a locus, Hyplip1, on distal mouse chromosome 3 in a region syntenic with a 1q21-q23 FCHL l
194 these QTL was mapped to the same location on chromosome 3 in both populations, reaching chromosome-wi
195 .4 kilobases (kb) and a homologous region on chromosome 3 in humans, greater apes, and lesser apes.
196 mmon leukodystrophy syndrome with linkage to chromosome 3 in some patients, and megalencephalic leuko
197 6 genes with loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 3 in the disomy 3 metastasizing UMs that were
198 tatically interacting QTL of large effect on chromosome 3 into at least six QTL, and complementation
199 ss of heterozygosity within the short arm of chromosome 3 is a common molecular event in several type
200                       Rice (Oryza sativa L.) chromosome 3 is evolutionarily conserved across the cult
201 logous to AltSB, whereas another rice QTL on chromosome 3 is likely to correspond to the Triticeae gr
202 2, whereas another locus on the short arm of chromosome 3 is linked with a cytosolic triose phosphate
203 e able to locate flowering QTL at the top of chromosome 3 known to contain several potential candidat
204    Reciprocally, the presence of NOD-derived chromosome 3 loci shortens islet xenograft survival in t
205 in NOD Idd congenic mice bearing C57-derived chromosome 3 loci.
206       Linkage analysis in MF5L6 identified a chromosome 3 locus containing the tissue factor gene (F3
207                                          The chromosome 3 locus was also significantly linked to card
208                                          The chromosome 3S locus was designated Su1-Ph1 and the chrom
209 ive linkage was found near the p-terminus of chromosome 3 (lod score, 2.2) with evidence of an intera
210                             One QTL (AS-1 on chromosome 3, LOD 4.3) was found to influence aortic str
211           Almost all uveal melanomas showing chromosome 3 loss (i.e., monosomy 3) are fatal.
212 mor thickness, TNM stage, epithelioid cells, chromosome 3 loss, and chromosome 8q gain.
213 osed connective tissue loops, mitotic count, chromosome 3 loss, chromosome 6p gain, chromosome 8q gai
214                                 In addition, chromosome 3-loss and 8p-loss were found to be independe
215 egions showed that six signatures, including chromosome 3-loss, 1p-loss, 8p-loss, and/or 8q-gain had
216  28 patients, correlating most strongly with chromosome 3 losses and gains on 8q (Cox univariate anal
217  death was improved by considering equivocal chromosome 3 losses as abnormal and by taking account of
218 s from the same patient using 10 polymorphic chromosome 3 markers.
219 s, where SpoIIIE pumps three-quarters of the chromosome (>3 megabases) into one of the two daughter c
220 herwise high risk of metastasis conferred by chromosome 3 monosomy.
221 arkers AG2H135 and AG2H603 and the second on chromosome 3 near marker AG3H93.
222                       These included SNPs on chromosome 3 near ZNF659, chromosome 11 near FANCF, chro
223 ome 12, near D12S1300 (P=.0159); a region on chromosome 3, near D3S1763, with a P value of.0062; and
224 rkers and of HapMap III data on 21,991 SNPs (chromosome 3) observed in 88 unrelated individuals from
225      Consistent deletion and LOH of genes on chromosome 3 occur in metastasizing disomy 3 UM and are
226            Deletions within the short arm of chromosome 3 occur very frequently in human carcinomas:
227 inocyte lineage-specific gene locus on mouse chromosome 3, occurs during epidermal morphogenesis.
228 tibility region 10 (Idd10) introgressed from chromosome 3 of C57BL/6 (B6) and A/J mice onto the NOD b
229 onal analysis of HMS1, a region of 9.2 kb in chromosome 3 of Drosophila mauritiana, which results in
230  in which mutations have been accumulated on chromosome 3 of Drosophila melanogaster by means of sing
231 parated by nearly 1000 kb on the left arm of chromosome 3 of Drosophila melanogaster.
232 otide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 204 genes on chromosome 3 of P. falciparum.
233  complex landscape of meiotic drive genes on chromosome 3 of the fission yeasts Schizosaccharomyces k
234 ysis revealed two small candidate regions on chromosome 3, one containing the USH3A gene CLRN1, which
235 escribe the sequencing and analysis of human chromosome 3, one of the largest human chromosomes.
236  insulin-dependent diabetes (Idd)10 locus on chromosome 3, originally identified by linkage analysis,
237 rrangements, 7%; D, rearrangements involving chromosome 3 other than 3q26.2 locus, 32%; and E, gain o
238 ied linkage of Crohn's disease to regions on chromosome 3 (P=0.0009) and X (P=0.001) in our cohort.
239 tions, risk for metastasis was increased for chromosome 3 partial monosomy (hazard ratio [HR], 2.84;
240                       The short arm of human chromosome 3, particularly the region 3p14.2, is a major
241 na revealed putative homologs for 67% of the chromosome 3 proteins.
242                        Two isolates of maize chromosome 3 proved to contain neocentromeres in the sen
243 counterpart containing a transferred, normal chromosome 3 (RCC23+3).
244 bset analysis (OSA) suggests that the linked chromosome 3 region consists of at least two separate lo
245 dization (FISH), we mapped the gene to mouse chromosome 3, region F2-F3.
246 idence of linkage was found for hyperopia on chromosome 3, region q26 (empiric P = 5.34 x 10(-4)), a
247 c lines in which a region located on soybean chromosome 3 required for iron efficiency was identified
248 78 cM on chromosome 4, and 1.91 at 103 cM on chromosome 3, respectively.
249 y cause increases in vein density, and maize chromosome 3 results in larger bundle sheath cells with
250 genitor species, Oryza nivara, with japonica chromosome 3 revealed a high degree of sequence identity
251 nd genotyping of 28 microsatellites spanning chromosome 3 revealed that the affected child was homozy
252 R-Edn3 rats located at the q terminus of rat chromosome 3 (RNO3).
253 four genomic regions (rs2929366/NM_144715 on chromosome 3, rs9127/Q7Z4C4 on chromosome 5, rs1445898/C
254  single-nucleotide polymorphisms were in the chromosome 3 SCN5A and SCN10A loci, where the most signi
255 idate regions for dyslexia, including one on chromosome 3 segregating in a large Finnish pedigree.
256 ling those in tumors by exposing human-mouse chromosome 3 somatic hybrid cells to aphidicolin-mediate
257 .6% (n = 121) of the intraocular tumors, and chromosome 3 status could be determined in 97.3% (n = 11
258                                              Chromosome 3 status did not contribute additional progno
259                                              Chromosome 3 status did not provide prognostic informati
260 affin-embedded (FFPE) uveal melanomas, whose chromosome 3 status had been determined by multiplex lig
261 The first 260 samples were also analyzed for chromosome 3 status using a single nucleotide polymorphi
262 0 tumors (20.8%) were discordant for GEP and chromosome 3 status, among which GEP demonstrated superi
263 mor-Node-Metastasis (TNM) classification and chromosome 3 status.
264 s 0.43 (P = 0.001) and 0.38 (P = 0.004) over chromosome 3 status.
265 ccuracy over clinical TNM classification and chromosome 3 status.
266 tic structures may harbor entire loss of the chromosome 3, suggesting that loss of VHL gene function
267 ory demonstrated that an 80-kb P1 clone from chromosome 3 suppresses the tumorigenicity of the mouse
268 have involved, at a minimum, the deletion of chromosome 3 telomeric to the band 3p25.3.
269 ation mapping to identify at least 11 QTL on chromosome 3 that affect variation in life span between
270 he Def-1 gene to a region on the long arm of chromosome 3 that is genetically separable from the map
271 ontransposable element related proteins from chromosome 3 that lacked similarity to other known seque
272 d a single major quantitative trait locus on chromosome 3 that mapped to the Cdcs1 (cytokine deficien
273 sing CXM, we defined genetic variants on rat chromosome 3 that reduced relative tumor growth and hema
274 tions between specific chromatin regions and chromosomes; (3) the emergence, shape, and position of g
275 levels and two independent SNPs around TF on chromosome 3, the first report of a genome-wide signific
276  represents only the third example of UPD of chromosome 3 to be reported.
277 lysis, we narrowed candidate variants on rat chromosome 3 to six genes with a priority for future ana
278                               Interestingly, chromosome 3 transfer into MSH3-null HCT116 cells activa
279 40 nonmetastasizing tumors were balanced for chromosome 3 (two copies).
280 ker on chromosome 2, two adjacent markers on chromosome 3, two adjacent markers on chromosome 6, and
281 rotein E) (rs429358, P=5.5 x 10(-14)) and on chromosome 3 upstream of BCHE (butyrylcholinesterase) (r
282  detected, the deduced size of the O. nivara chromosome 3 was 21% smaller than that of japonica.
283                      The number of copies of chromosome 3 was assessed by chromosome in situ hybridiz
284                            A single locus on chromosome 3 was associated with Cp levels but not with
285             In the majority of cases, LOH on chromosome 3 was detected at all informative markers.
286                     One additional region on chromosome 3 was linked to these phenotypes at a lower l
287         A locus on the ceruloplasmin gene on chromosome 3 was significantly associated with Cp levels
288                          A genomic region on chromosome 3 was strongly associated with the early grow
289 m channel genes SCN5A, SCN10A, and SCN12A on chromosome 3 were excluded as candidates (LOD scores < o
290                                     Gains of chromosome 3 were observed in four UMs, with three of th
291              No ubiquitous gene deletions of chromosome 3 were seen in the remaining 17 metastasizing
292    Using the LASSO model, we found that only chromosome 3, when trisomic, was associated with a longe
293 ation in cell ratio was mapped to a locus on chromosome 3, where Sex determining region Y box 2 (Sox2
294 ygotes were found to map to linkage group V (chromosome 3), which is known to form rod bivalents in t
295  ESTs spanned 29 cM on the short arm of rice chromosome 3, which is known to be syntenic to long arms
296 se strains and two QTL were detected: one on chromosome 3 with a LOD score of 9.3 and a second on chr
297             The strongest association was on chromosome 3 with rs6976 (odds ratio 1.12 [95% CI 1.08-1
298 9, P = 1.8 x 10(-7)) is in the ITIH1 gene on chromosome 3, with other strongly associated nonsynonymo
299        Mouse Tsrc1 was genetically mapped to chromosome 3 within the nonrecombinant region for the so
300 ew extended sequence of eIF4GI is located on chromosome 3, within two additional exons immediately up

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