


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and 2 NZB loci (Nba1 and Lbw2/Sbw2, both on chromosome 4).
2 ted Xo1, that maps to a 1.09 Mbp fragment on chromosome 4.
3  and used to guide a sequence analysis along chromosome 4.
4 rms, NHA1 and NHA2, found in tandem on human chromosome 4.
5                  The il14 gene is located on chromosome 4.
6 haps unrelated to the Gimap5 mutation on rat chromosome 4.
7 n related genes located within 150 Kb on rat chromosome 4.
8 predicted 3-exon gene of unknown function on chromosome 4.
9 ayed microsatellite loci flanking dhfr along chromosome 4.
10 ed no introns in the zn-16 coding regions on chromosome 4.
11  protein-coding genes and 778 pseudogenes on chromosome 4.
12  regions are on human chromosome 9 and mouse chromosome 4.
13 2, whereas active rRNA genes map to NOR4, on chromosome 4.
14 ied near a major quantitative trait locus on chromosome 4.
15  sub-telomeric deletions in the short arm of chromosome 4.
16 genes and ESTs within the wdl locus on mouse chromosome 4.
17 n both the maternal and paternally inherited chromosome 4.
18 es were mapped to different regions of mouse chromosome 4.
19 TS2 has previously been mapped at 14.3 cM on chromosome 4.
20 idence for a chromosomal copy of the rDNA on chromosome 4.
21 me 14, and a locus for migraine with aura on chromosome 4.
22 encoding the small heterodimer partner 1, on chromosome 4.
23 an 85 kb tandem triplication on distal mouse chromosome 4.
24 ) was previously mapped to a region on mouse chromosome 4.
25 mma GH gene are located between A3 and A5 on chromosome 4.
26 to a >35 centimorgan (cM) interval of murine chromosome 4.
27 gosity (LOH) of other chromosomes, including chromosome 4.
28 nt of the VC-induced tumors displayed LOH on chromosome 4.
29 requency of mortal hybrids following MMCT of chromosome 4.
30 a complex R-like gene cluster on Arabidopsis chromosome 4.
31 kage (NPL) score, 1.80, at marker D4S2367 on chromosome 4.
32 R-like gene At4g16890 from a gene cluster on Chromosome 4.
33 he Ram1 locus to a distal 7.1 cM interval on chromosome 4.
34 ation resulting in loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 4.
35 et attain nominal significance, and only for chromosome 4.
36 analysis with the syntenic region from human chromosome 4.
37 called AUXIN-RESISTANT6 (AXR6) which maps to chromosome 4.
38 evealing a stretch of colinearity with maize chromosome 4.
39 h a chromosomal inversion on the long arm of chromosome 4.
40 d hypertension map to a single region on rat chromosome 4.
41  family of highly related genes clustered on chromosome 4.
42  at least in part, by the NOD Idd9 region on chromosome 4.
43 er (ZF) gene 2610305D13Rik located on distal chromosome 4.
44  background that primarily undergoes loss of chromosome 4.
45 ated traits such as pod number, localized to chromosome 4.
46 ressor gene TET2 in MDS patients with UPD on chromosome 4.
47 nteny between macaque chromosome 5 and human chromosome 4.
48 argely clustered in two main locations along chromosome 4.
49         All usual combinations of trisomies (chromosomes 4, 10, 17, 18) were significant favorable fa
50  any major heterotrophic clade consists of a chromosome (4,109,442 base pairs) and megaplasmid (491,6
51  opacity at 24 months were detected on mouse chromosomes 4, 11, and 12.
52 cations between the Ig heavy chain (IgH) and chromosomes 4, 11, and 16, translocations involving Ig l
53  trait loci (QTL) associated with EAU on rat chromosomes 4, 12, and 10 (Eau1, Eau2, and Eau3).
54 rring translocations were also identified on chromosomes 4D, 12F, and 16C.
55 hree other intronless pseudogenes of Rac1 on chromosomes 4, 13 and X were identified (psi1Rac1-psi4Ra
56 ultiple interval mapping identified areas of chromosomes 4, 13, 15, and 18.
57 tinine, GFR, and CRCL were 2.28 at 176 cM on chromosome 4, 2.19 at 78 cM on chromosome 4, and 1.91 at
58 o the subtelomeric region of the long arm of chromosome 4(4H).
59 d by a terminal deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4 (4p-).
60 ted with the distal part of the short arm of chromosome 4 (4p16.3).
61  associations between ancestry and height on chromosomes 4 (4q21), 15 (15q26) and 17 (17q23).
62  analysis we have localized the HBID gene to chromosome 4 (4q35) with a peak LOD score of 8.97.
63 entric and one pericentric, were revealed in chromosomes 4, 5 and 7.
64 aryotypes involving one or more homologue of chromosomes 4, 5, 6 and 7.
65 density in the identified linkage regions on chromosomes 4, 5, 9, 12, and 14 were also genotyped.
66 f candidate loci under positive selection on chromosomes 4, 5, and 11.
67        Evidence of linkage was also found to chromosomes 4, 5, and 13 (LOD scores >1.5).
68 , 12p, 17q, 19 and 20q, and losses involving chromosomes 4, 5q, 8p, 16q, 17p, 18q and X.
69 five additional tumor-susceptibility loci on chromosomes 4, 6, 7, 9, and 16 (Skts7, Skts12, Skts1, Sk
70 ntified at each time point except those from chromosomes 4, 6, 9, and 13 that were found at all three
71 ngly influencing FEV1 and FVC colocalized on chromosomes 4, 6, and 21.
72             Suggestive linkage to regions of chromosomes 4, 7, 10, and 14 was found.
73 15, and 19 were gained, and entire copies of chromosomes 4, 7, 8, and 14 were lost.
74 11 and 17, as well as three other regions on chromosomes 4, 8, and 10.
75  and chromosome 15 (73%) and partial loss of chromosome 4 (87%), chromosome 7 (80%), chromosome 8 (53
76 ; 145 Mb, NPL = 3.09), as well as regions on chromosomes 4 (91 Mb, NPL = 2.97), 16 (20 Mb, NPL = 2.89
77  with overt toxicity: DUX4 (double homeobox, chromosome 4), a protein with two homeodomains, each sim
78  hybridization revealed loss of distal mouse chromosome 4, a region orthologous with human chromosome
79  loci and one additional suggestive locus on chromosome 4 account for an estimated 40% of the phenoty
80 brid map of the centromeric portion of mouse Chromosome 4 across the Wheels region and refined the po
81 thologous 70-kb non-coding interval on mouse chromosome 4 affects cardiac expression of neighbouring
82 entified a rat with a recombination event on chromosome 4, allowing us to fix 33 Mb of F344 between D
83 entified the introgressed region as 16 Mb of chromosome 4, although a more complete analysis is neces
84                       Losses of the complete chromosome 4 and 8p11.21-23.1 were found only in tumorig
85 eles also detected an early flowering QTL on chromosome 4 and a late-flowering QTL on chromosome 6 an
86 ic stiffness: two interacting QTLs (AS-m1 on chromosome 4 and AS-m2 on chromosome16, LOD 8.8) in male
87 ingly, mouse SRG gene was also identified on chromosome 4 and blocking SRG expression with small inte
88  oleracea orthologous segment was located on chromosome 4 and can be distinguished by the presence of
89 an enrichment of zebrafish-specific genes on chromosome 4 and chromosomal regions that influence sex
90 chromosome 6 that interacts with the loci on chromosome 4 and chromosome 9 to affect tumor number.
91 ome showed that the basonuclin2 gene maps to chromosome 4 and consists of six exons spanning approxim
92 ed on the tomato RFLP map on the long arm of chromosome 4 and does not demonstrate linkage to reporte
93 risk loci mapping to the ADH gene cluster on chromosome 4 and extending centromerically beyond it to
94 e tandemly arrayed within the ADH cluster on chromosome 4 and have very high nucleotide similarity to
95          One of these is on the short arm of chromosome 4 and is linked with a cluster of 22-kD alpha
96  IKBKAP is located on the central portion of chromosome 4 and maps to a region in which there is cons
97 ver, FISH revealed a cryptic deletion in one chromosome 4 and reduced alpha satellite in the del(4) a
98 r alcohol dependence and related behavior on chromosome 4 and suggest that ADH2 polymorphisms may acc
99  exploiting the short informative segment of chromosome 4 and the known biology, we propose that Ece1
100 t Dsi1 and Runx3 are closely linked on mouse chromosome 4 and the precedent of the related Runx2 gene
101 y to catalog the transcribed regions of rice chromosome 4 and to reveal organ- and developmental stag
102 s shows (a) the absence of P450 genes on the chromosome 4 and Y, (b) more than half of the P450 genes
103 F344 alleles at the Cia3 and Cia5 regions of chromosomes 4 and 10 reduced CIA severity relative to th
104  prognostic markers TEL-AML1 or trisomies of chromosomes 4 and 10 still provided additional prognosti
105 erior outcomes in patients with trisomies of chromosomes 4 and 10 versus those lacking double trisomi
106 hologues, as well as two human paralogues on chromosomes 4 and 10.
107 eric regions as well as on the short arms of chromosomes 4 and 10.
108 BL1, and MLL translocations and trisomies of chromosomes 4 and 10.
109 deletion 17p, del(17p), and translocation of chromosomes 4 and 14, t(4;14), conferring a poor outcome
110 ghly polymorphic microsatellite markers from chromosomes 4 and 16, at an average density of 1 marker
111 as narrowed female OA susceptibility loci on chromosomes 4 and 16.
112 o chromosomes 5 and 17, anti-chromatin Ab to chromosomes 4 and 17, glomerulonephritis to chromosomes
113        The genome scan identified regions on chromosomes 4 and 18 with logarithm of the odds favoring
114  affecting tumor latency between the loci on chromosomes 4 and 18.
115 ion between acrocentric chromosomes, whereas chromosomes 4 and 19 in Gorilla gorilla are the products
116                           We note that mouse chromosomes 4 and 2 do not contain Tbx5 or Tbx1, genes p
117 o explore the hypothesis that the signals on chromosomes 4 and 20 are differentially attributable to
118 t interactions were detected between loci on chromosomes 4 and 5, and 16 and 15.
119 including two new ones (Ciaa4* and Ciaa5* on chromosomes 4 and 5, respectively), that regulated autoa
120                                       QTL on chromosomes 4 and 6 were new and designated as Lxw1 and
121 as shown to share syntenous blocks with rice chromosomes 4 and 7.
122 le copies, which are linked and localized to chromosomes 4 and W.
123 lcohol dehydrogenase genes (ADH2 and ADH3 on chromosome 4) and one aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALDH2
124                   MORF4 (mortality factor on chromosome 4) and the novel related MRG (MORF4-related g
125  at 176 cM on chromosome 4, 2.19 at 78 cM on chromosome 4, and 1.91 at 103 cM on chromosome 3, respec
126 was identified and localized to distal mouse chromosome 4, and accounts for some of the genetic varia
127 ility to bladder infection was identified on chromosome 4, and C3H/HeJ alleles at this locus interact
128    ATJ11 is encoded by a single-copy gene on chromosome 4, and is expressed in all plant organs exami
129                          Two loci, on distal chromosome 4 (Ap3q) and proximal chromosome 7 (Ap7q), st
130 cipated, the pericentric heterochromatin and chromosome 4 are on average enriched for the "silencing"
131             The FEV1/FVC ratio was linked to chromosome 4 around 28 centimorgans (cM; D4S1511) with a
132 icant quantitative trait loci (QTL) on mouse chromosome 4 (around 58.2 cM) and chromosome 11 (between
133  espin gene maps to the same region of mouse chromosome 4 as jerker.
134 3.09), chromosome 3 at 26.3 cM (LOD = 1.27), chromosome 4 at 135.3 cM (LOD = 2.63), chromosome 5 at 1
135 ons of linkage for reflected wave amplitude: chromosome 4 at 181 cM (logarithm of odds [LOD]=4.93, pe
136  to an individual principal component was on chromosome 4 at 208 cM (P = 0.00007).
137              A single QTL for body weight on chromosome 4 at 48 weeks of age had the largest additive
138  affected-only LOD score of 2.8) centered on chromosome 4 at 4q35.1-q35.2, a critical region that doe
139 e consisted of only a single exon located on chromosome 4 at 56.5-56.8 cM flanked by marker genes kcn
140 aneous lung adenocarcinomas displayed LOH on chromosome 4 at a frequency of 77%, whereas a frequency
141 gnificant evidence for linkage was noted for chromosome 4 at D4S1564 with a MLS of 3.65 (P = 0.044).
142 d copy of the gene family is also located on chromosome 4S at a site approximately 20 cM closer to th
143 ividual backcross mice confirmed linkages to chromosomes 4 (Athsq1, logarithm of odds = 6.2) and 6 (A
144 that iddm4 is centered on a small segment of chromosome 4 bounded by the proximal marker D4Rat135 and
145 ence of a 554 bp palindromic sequence at the chromosome 4 breakpoint and a 22q11.2 location within th
146 were designed from the sequence of a 200 kb, chromosome 4, breakpoint-spanning BAC to generate PRINS
147  breakpoints fell in BCR introns whereas the chromosome 4 breakpoints were within PDGFRA exon 12.
148 risis, specifically in SCC lines with LOH on chromosome 4, but chromosomes 3, 6, 11 and 15 were witho
149      The BLIN-4 sublines maintained the ring chromosome 4, but the trisomy 8 and trisomy 18 segregate
150 of the sks locus on a 0.3-Mb region of mouse chromosome 4 by linkage analysis.
151 om a hemizygous deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4, called the WHS critical region (WHSC).
152                              The Ra1 gene on chromosome 4 can activate the anthocyanin pathway, where
153 minant of cytokine production to a region of chromosome 4 carrying the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) ge
154                                        Human chromosome 4 caused a delayed crisis, specifically in SC
155 eats harbored in the core region of the rice chromosome 4 centromere (CEN4).
156 large inversion spanning nearly all of mouse chromosome 4 (Chr 4).
157 imer, we identified a 5.5-kb DNA sequence on chromosome 4 (Chr.
158  is genetically 98.4% B6 and carries the C3H chromosome 4 (Chr. 4) QTL genomic DNA.
159  trait locus (QTL) was tentatively mapped to chromosome 4 (chr.4).
160 rthologous 70-kb noncoding interval on mouse chromosome 4 (chr4(Delta70kb/Delta70kb) mice) is associa
161 s to map 1358 S/MARs on Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 4 (chr4).
162    One mutation was mapped to an interval on chromosome 4 containing At4g34740, which encodes an isof
163 inant inbred strains identified a segment on chromosome 4 containing the gene encoding Munc13-2, whic
164 udy, Cd30 was mapped to a 5.6-cM interval on chromosome 4 containing the type 1 diabetes susceptibili
165  line (SHRchr4) that incorporates a piece of chromosome 4 containing wild-type CD36.
166             The known segregating segment of chromosome 4 contains only 18 genes, among which Ece1, e
167 browser, defines that PNRC2 gene, located on chromosome 4, contains 3 exons: 166 bp-exon I, 205 bp-ex
168 we report suggestive evidence for linkage on chromosome 4 (D4S403, P=.00012).
169                                       Distal chromosome 4 deletions occur in a significantly higher p
170 g recurrent chromosome 11 amplifications and chromosome 4 deletions, syntenic with human 17q21-25 and
171 d tumor-derived cell lines exhibited loss of chromosome 4, deletions in chromosomes 3p12.3-13, 8p11.1
172                       Susceptibility loci on chromosome 4, designated Prsq4 and Prsq5, were identifie
173                 Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 4 detectable by cytogenetic analysis (standar
174 z) lupus-susceptibility congenic interval on chromosome 4 display high titers of polyclonal autoantib
175 sence of AEA-specific promoting genes on NZB chromosome 4, documented a marked influence of backgroun
176 zygosity were 32% higher in Texel animals on chromosome 4 due to a region of increased heterozygosity
177 hich correlated with recurring loss of mouse chromosome 4D-E, a region that is orthologous to distal
178 TD1 on chromosome 1, in addition to genes on chromosomes 4 (eg, GABRA2) and 6 (eg, CNR1), may be asso
179 een the ancestral X and previously autosomal chromosome 4 (element B).
180 DKN2A), and the corresponding locus on mouse chromosome 4, encodes three distinct products: two membe
181 gains of chromosome 1q and a small region of chromosome 4 encompassing KDR and KIT were identified by
182 essed fragment of New Zealand White (NZW) on chromosome 4 encompassing Lbw2, a locus previously linke
183 rolling for motif and initial repeat number, chromosome 4 exhibited an elevated mutation rate relativ
184 he banded portion of Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 4 exhibits euchromatic and heterochromatic ch
185                                              Chromosome 4 explained a relatively large proportion of
186 mbers are found in a roughly tandem array on chromosome 4S forming a dense gene cluster 168,489-bp lo
187 rved unannotated regions on the short arm of chromosome 4 from Arabidopsis were experimentally verifi
188  congenic strain that possesses a segment of chromosome 4 from the C57BL/6J (donor) mouse strain supe
189                             In contrast, the chromosome 4 gene cluster factor (0.14 variance) encodin
190 herited as a complex trait that includes the chromosome 4 gene Tda1; (3) B6 Dax1-/Y fetal gonads init
191 pping analyses suggest that a gene(s) on mid-chromosome 4 has pleiotropic effects on multiple CNS hyp
192                                              Chromosome 4 has received attention primarily related to
193 and 63 compared to the centromere from human chromosome 4 (heterochromatic) and the human glyceraldeh
194  to several chromosomal locations, including chromosome 4; however, none of these have been analyzed
195 ation revealed frequent loss of distal mouse chromosome 4 in a region syntenic to human chromosome 1p
196  locus, GL4, controlling the grain length on chromosome 4 in African rice, which regulates longitudin
197 ile mutation also affects disjunction of the chromosome 4 in males.
198 veral studies have localized DGI-II to human chromosome 4 in the region 4q 12-21.
199                   An LOD of 2.2 was noted on chromosome 4 in the region of the gamma-aminobutyric aci
200 human enamelin is located on the long arm of chromosome 4, in a region previously linked to an autoso
201 ridization revealed that mNASP is present on chromosome 4, in an area that corresponds to band 4D1, a
202                    Interesting candidates on chromosome 4 included the Padi family, encoding the pept
203 ying other quantitative trait loci mapped to chromosome 4, including loci affecting voluntary alcohol
204 ell lines tested had lost sequences on mouse chromosome 4, including the Ink4a/Arf locus.
205 tion, we show that millions of base pairs of chromosome 4, including the telomere, TEL4N, and much of
206                   MORF4 (mortality factor on chromosome 4) induces senescence in a subset of human tu
207     We identified a pericentric inversion of chromosome 4, inv(4)(p13q21) that segregates with cleft
208 containing genes, located on the long arm of chromosome 4, is expressed in a sharp peak during zygoti
209                                    Iddm1, on chromosome 4, is responsible for a lymphopenia (lyp) phe
210  (glutamate receptor ionotropic kainate 3)), chromosome 4 (KLHL2 (Kelch-like protein 2)), chromosome
211 erved during early embryo sac development of chromosome 4S(L) addition lines to wheat, often leading
212                                   The cuckoo chromosome 4S(L) from Aegilops sharonensis is preferenti
213                           In the presence of chromosome 4S(L), treatment with the hypomethylating age
214  series of independent mutations on proximal chromosome 4 leading to dominant head-bobbing and circli
215 , and a recent study demonstrated a locus on chromosome 4 linked to exceptional longevity, indicating
216 his cohort, while the lod association of the chromosome 4 locus alone is not significant, its effect
217 t39 with a maximum LOD score of 9.0 and to a chromosome 4 locus near D4Mit170.
218 tive of linkage were identified at 176 cM of chromosome 4 (lod = 2.7), 143 cM of chromosome 5 (lod =
219 aks remained similar (lod = 2.2 at 176 cM on chromosome 4; lod = 1.7 at 146 cM on chromosome 5; lod =
220 t linkage to a single locus (8 megabases) on chromosome 4 (logarithm of the odds [LOD] score = 6.9, P
221  confirmation with an independently produced chromosome 4 loss of heterozygosity variant positioned t
222 roximately 18 Mb disease-associated locus on chromosome 4 (maximal logarithm of odds score 4.4 at D4S
223 ation across roughly 20% of the Ostrinia sex chromosome (~4 Mb).
224 A MI oxygenase (MIOX) gene was identified in chromosome 4 (miox4) of Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia, an
225                This family comprises MORF on chromosome 4 (MORF4) and MORF-related genes on chromosom
226  based on the ability of Mortality factor on chromosome 4 (MORF4) to induce replicative senescence in
227  family, lying within a tight cluster on rat chromosome 4, mouse chromosome 6, and human chromosome 7
228                                      Loci on chromosome 4 near Lv and on chromosome 6 near Tnfr1 are
229 ied statistically significant linkage within chromosome 4 near microsatellite D4S1564.
230 inkage to chromosome 1, near marker D1S3462; chromosome 4, near marker D4S2361; chromosome 5, near ma
231  angle glaucoma locus, GLC1Q, in a region on chromosome 4 not previously associated with glaucoma.
232 orresponding to the ABI1-Rps2-Ck1 segment on chromosome 4 of Arabidopsis thaliana was sequenced in Br
233 vestigate a paracentric 1.17-Mb inversion on chromosome 4 of Arabidopsis thaliana with nucleotide pre
234 itotic origin and linked genetic variants on chromosome 4 of maternal genomes.
235                       In addition, a gene on chromosome 4 of the Arabidopsis genome (At4g33360), call
236 lyses revealed a single plasmid insertion in chromosome 4 of the tla3 nuclear genome, causing deletio
237 ntity, is encoded in a 4.5 Mb duplication of chromosome 4 on chromosome 2.
238 es, with multiple strains being trisomic for Chromosome 4 or Chromosome 7.
239 ked to either contraction of D4Z4 repeats on chromosome 4 or to mutations in the SMCHD1 gene, both of
240 or the effect of TGF-beta2 was identified on chromosome 4 overlapping with a QTL regulating the frequ
241 some 18 (P = 1.0 x 10(-5)), and rs2710833 on chromosome 4 (P = 6.3 x 10(-7)).
242                                   The QTL on chromosome 4 (qHTSF4.1) is the same QTL previously ident
243                                          The chromosome 4 QTL affects multiple femoral anatomic featu
244                             The colocalizing chromosome 4 QTL Bmd7 (for bone mineral density 7) incre
245  locus in mouse, mapped to the distal end of chromosome 4 (refs.
246 he MRG15 (MRG stands for mortality factor on chromosome 4 related gene) and Pf1 subunits.
247 chromosome 2, and 186 million base pairs for chromosome 4, representing more than 99.6% of their euch
248 overed 2 genome-wide significant variants on chromosome 4 (rs13113697; closest gene, HS3ST1; odds rat
249 tion was observed in an intergenic region on chromosome 4 (rs753129; 'AD+PvAD-P' P=2.85 x 10(-7); 'AD
250 al segment of DNA that extends for >31 kb on chromosome 4 seems to have introgressed into modern Afri
251 NOD mice with B10 resistance alleles only on chromosome 4 show autoantibody formation without liver i
252                               Two regions of chromosome 4 showed significant linkage to CD4:CD8 ratio
253 tion of chromosomal length and gene density, chromosome 4 significantly deviates from this pattern an
254 derived lupus susceptibility locus on murine chromosome 4, Sle2(z), has previously been noted to enge
255  polypeptide encoded by seven exons on mouse chromosome 4, spanning about 11 kb of DNA.
256  were sequenced and the organization of this chromosome 4-specific repeat was examined.
257 uclear periphery, perhaps accounting for the chromosome 4 specificity of the disease.
258 t diabetes susceptibility genes (Idd)9/11 on chromosome 4, suggesting common genetic origins for T ce
259 localized QTL, including a multitrait QTL on chromosome 4 that affects six enzyme activities, three m
260 GWAS to identify SNPs in a genomic region on chromosome 4 that associate with serum urate levels and
261 ee strains had amplifications in a region of chromosome 4 that includes the high-affinity hexose tran
262 t gene on human chromosome 9p21-22 and mouse chromosome 4 that is expressed in adult skeletal muscle.
263 ed D4Z4 is found in a tandem repeat array on chromosome 4 that is partially deleted in facioscapulohu
264 ead, they revealed a single region of LOH on chromosome 4 that occurred via somatic recombination/gen
265                       Cia3 is a locus on rat chromosome 4 that regulates severity and joint damage in
266 ffects tumor multiplicity, and a modifier on chromosome 4 that significantly affects tumor latency an
267  by contractions of the D4Z4 repeat array on chromosome 4 to 1-10 units (FSHD1), or by mutations in t
268 ly 8.7-Mb BAC contig of Arabidopsis thaliana Chromosome 4 to trace homeologous chromosome regions in
269                              The long arm of Chromosome 4 underwent a dramatic developmentally regula
270 /FVC was associated with a genomic region on chromosome 4 [upstream of HHIP] (lowest p-value = 5.94 x
271                       GLUT9 was localized to chromosome 4 using a monochromosomal human/rodent somati
272 ysis of the transcriptional activity of rice chromosome 4 using a tiling path microarray based on PCR
273 nificant linkage to D4Mit203 at 128.50 Mb on chromosome 4 was detected with animals that were >12 wee
274         The NOR Idd9/11 resistance region on chromosome 4 was found to diminish the diabetogenic acti
275 he Mom1 (Modifier of Min-1) region of distal chromosome 4 was identified during a screen for polymorp
276                             A locus Adnz1 on chromosome 4 was linked to antinuclear antibody (ANA) an
277 A. thaliana line in which a portion of Col-0 chromosome 4 was replaced by sequences of another ecotyp
278                                      Sle2 on chromosome 4 was significantly linked to glomerulonephri
279  a functional cancer mortality gene on human chromosome 4 we introduced a complete or fragmented copy
280 fied by the CXC chemokine genes clustered on chromosome 4, we demonstrate that NF-kappaB might be a p
281 Sle2 murine lupus susceptibility interval on chromosome 4, we undertook this study to investigate whe
282 in gene (KLKB1; previously known as KLK3) on chromosome 4 were associated with ESRD in an African Ame
283 me 15), and Rnf220 (Ring finger protein 220; chromosome 4) were considered candidate genes.
284          Two genomic sites, DD20 and DD43 on chromosome 4, were mutagenized with frequencies of 59% a
285 ch are normally silenced, at the position on chromosome 4 where active rRNA genes are normally locate
286                The murine gene is located on chromosome 4, where other type I murine IFN genes, IFN-a
287  an interstitial deletion in the long arm of chromosome 4, where the p16(INK4a) gene resides, and SM1
288 mapping located RPP2 to a 200-kb interval on chromosome 4, which contained four adjacent TIR:NB:LRR g
289  for momilactone production, located on rice chromosome 4, which contains two cytochrome P450 (CYP) m
290 remodelling, and show that a short region on chromosome 4, which encodes two essential invasion genes
291           Crossovers even occur on the small chromosome 4, which normally never has meiotic crossover
292 ion, with the exception of a small region of chromosome 4, which was significantly overrepresented wi
293 lts suggest the existence of a gene on human chromosome 4 whose dysfunction contributes to the contin
294  confirm a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 4 with a large effect on predisposition to al
295               We also identified a region on chromosome 4 with a LOD score of 3.73 (P=0.0012) near ma
296  original BM leukemic blasts harbored a ring chromosome 4 with a low percentage of cells also having
297 trains and identified significant linkage on chromosome 4 with candidate genes that associate with V2
298 ill evidence for association of this part of chromosome 4 with ESRD.
299 and mapped the interacting locus to proximal chromosome 4, with a highly significant lod association
300 ne, by using recombination-based methods, to chromosome 4, within a quantitative trait locus for alco

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