


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 isomic segregation relatively more common in chromosome 8.
2  deleterious mutations in the RECQL4 gene on chromosome 8.
3 ne is localized in the C3-D1 region of mouse chromosome 8.
4  (HPC), using 24 markers on the short arm of chromosome 8.
5 ined in exon 1, and is located at band E1 on chromosome 8.
6 confirmed the synteny between LG24 and human chromosome 8.
7 ive, demyelinating peripheral neuropathy, to chromosome 8.
8 at or kat(2J), that map to the same locus on chromosome 8.
9 allele on chromosome 19 and an A/J allele on chromosome 8.
10 ene and the mapping of its location to mouse chromosome 8.
11  For radiation, abnormalities were mostly in chromosome 8.
12                 The gene is located on mouse chromosome 8.
13 ML1 gene on chromosome 21 is fused to ETO on chromosome 8.
14 ndromes map or have been suggested to map to chromosome 8.
15  proto-oncogene at 67.0 centimorgans (cM) on chromosome 8.
16 Arg polymorphism) spanning a 57-cM region of chromosome 8.
17 1 (CBFA2) on chromosome 21 and ETO (MTG8) on chromosome 8.
18 ue to independent allelic mutations on mouse chromosome 8.
19 hereas the murine homolog gene is located on chromosome 8.
20 lepsy (IGE), for linkage to markers spanning chromosome 8.
21 ty (LOH) for 11 microsatellite loci on mouse chromosome 8.
22 to a noncoding region at 61.0 cM on the same chromosome 8.
23 to correspond to a SRPK2 pseudogene on human chromosome 8.
24 -STAR mapped to the syntenic region on human chromosome 8.
25 hroid ankyrin is encoded by the Ank1 gene on Chromosome 8.
26 translocations involving the gene for MYC on chromosome 8.
27 alized to a highly syntenic region of distal Chromosome 8.
28 t 15 microsatellite loci on the short arm of chromosome 8.
29 owed us to map the CK2 alpha' gene to murine Chromosome 8.
30 ogy to other CC chemokines and maps to mouse chromosome 8.
31 homology region is likely to reside on human chromosome 8.
32 vical ITD in two large Mennonite families to chromosome 8.
33 to TrnR1, and is located on the short arm of chromosome 8.
34  on chromosome 21 and the ETO (MTG8) gene on chromosome 8.
35 lele loss with RFLP probes from both arms of chromosome 8.
36 , GRINA, has been previously mapped to human chromosome 8.
37 , was mapped to the proximal region of mouse Chromosome 8.
38  by an interspecies backcross panel to mouse chromosome 8.
39 der using 30 microsatellite polymorphisms on chromosome 8.
40 nvulsions (BFNC), has also been localized to chromosome 8.
41 ng located at the same cytogenetic region of chromosome 8.
42 ster hybrids localized both HD-5 and HD-6 to chromosome 8.
43 e NODULIN3 (N3) gene family, located on rice chromosome 8.
44 cell line haploid for all chromosomes except chromosome 8.
45  and TG, not fully explained by the locus on chromosome 8.
46 icated an association with rearrangements of chromosome 8.
47 esolution over 8p12 and 1 Mb resolution over chromosome 8.
48  As part of this project, we have focused on chromosome 8.
49          The lop11 locus was mapped to mouse chromosome 8.
50 1) on chromosome 15 and mALT2 gene (gpt2) on chromosome 8.
51 (eight-twenty one, also called MTG8) gene on chromosome 8.
52 f chromosome 16q, which is syntenic to mouse chromosome 8.
53 nd are therefore present on both the X and Y chromosomes [8].
54 th significant increases in hyperdiploidy of chromosomes 8 (1.2, 1.5, and 2.4 per 100 metaphases; P <
55 d rice by resequencing 630 gene fragments on chromosomes 8, 10, and 12 from a diverse set of wild and
56 some ploidy of each cell, the centromeres of chromosomes 8, 10, and 17.
57 ere probes and locus-specific arm probes for chromosomes 8, 11, 17, and 18, we demonstrate that chrom
58 they are both associated with polysomies for chromosomes 8, 11, 17, and 20.
59             Related sequences were mapped on Chromosomes 8, 11, and 2 unlinked loci on Chromosome 2 u
60 the extent of wound closure were detected on chromosomes 8, 12, and 15 and at two separate locations
61          Detailed analysis of aneuploidy for chromosomes 8, 12, and 17 on intact paraffin sections re
62     The shape of the expression profiles for chromosomes 8, 12, and X correlated well with the numeri
63            However, there was random loss of chromosomes 8, 13, X, Y, and alteration in chromosome 4q
64 uction of Separase resulted in trisomies for chromosomes 8, 15, and 17; monosomy for chromosome 10; a
65            The Cat4 locus has been mapped to chromosome 8, 31 cM from the centromere.
66 o identify the translocation partner gene on chromosome 8, 5' and 3' RACE polymerase chain reactions
67 s of chromosome 4 (87%), chromosome 7 (80%), chromosome 8 (53%), chromosome 10 (33%), and chromosome
68 es coelicolor A3(2) possesses a large linear chromosome (8.67 Mb) with a centrally located origin of
69           Allelic losses on the short arm of chromosome 8 (8p) have been reported as frequent events
70 lular carcinoma (HCC) is of the short arm of chromosome 8 (8p).
71                             The short arm of chromosome 8, 8p, is often rearranged in carcinomas, typ
72 ocus and a segment of the short arm of human chromosome 8 (8p21-p11.2).
73                     Gains in the long arm of chromosome 8 (8q) are believed to be associated with poo
74  possible reciprocal translocation involving chromosomes 8, 9, and 12.
75 tein arginine methyltransferase 7 (Prmt7) on chromosome 8, a protein previously implicated in cellula
76                Only two cases (13%) lacked a chromosome 8 abnormality.
77  could be coamplified with a control gene on chromosome 8 (Acta1) so that the yield of each PCR produ
78 ntify a candidate region, which was found on chromosome 8; all genes within this interval were sequen
79                           To investigate the chromosome 8 allele status in Chinese HCCs, a panel of 3
80 st tumors examined, such as RIPK2 and MYC on chromosome 8, also parallel these findings.
81 ots with putative sesquiterpene synthases on chromosome 8, an indication that the genes in Sst1 and S
82 higher pathological stage (P = 0.021) and on chromosome 8 and 16 with a higher Gleason score (P = 0.0
83 tic heterogeneity in PS and mapped a gene to chromosome 8 and a second to chromosome 10.
84 COP locus, Mcs4, has also been identified on chromosome 8 and acts in contrast to increase the number
85  Our FISH results indicate that: (a) gain of chromosome 8 and amplification of c-myc are potential ma
86 ated on human chromosome 16q22-q23 and mouse chromosome 8 and are alternatively spliced.
87 es, such as large copy number aberrations in chromosome 8 and complex rearrangement chains.
88           The mouse Nod2 locus is located at chromosome 8 and composed of 12 exons, 11 of which encod
89      The murine flt4-L gene was localized to chromosome 8 and demonstrated to be widely expressed.
90 mapping the gene (Arhgap7) to 20 cM on mouse chromosome 8 and for allelotyping of mouse liver tumor D
91  loss of heterozygosity for the short arm of chromosome 8 and has a complex karyotype.
92 didate genes to validate an eQTL hot spot in chromosome 8 and identified the gene 2310061C15Rik as a
93    Myo9b has been previously mapped to mouse chromosome 8 and is a candidate for the mouse mutations
94 tained pedigrees implicated two loci, one on chromosome 8 and the other on chromosome 15, that influe
95 ene duplicates: two alpha-globin paralogs on chromosome 8 and two beta-globin paralogs on chromosome
96           DNA amplification, particularly of chromosomes 8 and 11, occurs frequently in breast cancer
97 0; and amplification of the distal region of chromosomes 8 and 11.
98            Moreover, gains of sequences from chromosomes 8 and 13 occurred in most tumors, indicating
99 we evaluated microsatellite markers spanning chromosomes 8 and 13, for linkage to schizophrenia, in 2
100 ovided initial evidence for modifier loci on chromosomes 8 and 15 and suggestive evidence for a locus
101 nd saturation mapping purported intervals on chromosomes 8 and 15, two additional regions were identi
102 Rfx1 and Rfx2 to homologous regions of mouse chromosomes 8 and 17, respectively.
103 tors for PERV-A, encoded by genes located on chromosomes 8 and 17.
104  BIG2 genes were localized, respectively, to chromosomes 8 and 20.
105 -embedded tissue with centromeric probes for chromosomes 8 and 20.
106      Numerical and structural aberrations in chromosomes 8 and 21 are commonly observed in AML.
107             In the present study, we painted chromosomes 8 and 21 in lymphocyte metaphases from 43 he
108                       Translocations between chromosomes 8 and 21 were increased up to 15-fold in hig
109 cation of the amplified Myc and HPV genes on chromosomes 8 and 21.
110 und on chromosomes 2 and 16 for liver and on chromosomes 8 and 9 for spleen.
111 nt1 and Ant2) and assigned the loci to mouse chromosomes 8 and X, respectively.
112 ents with t(8;14)(q11;q32) involved CEBPD on chromosome 8, and 9 patients with t(14;19)(q32;q13) invo
113  lines, aberrant gene expression, trisomy of chromosome 8, and abnormal H2A.X deposition were disting
114 to an extra isochromosome of the long arm of chromosome 8, and the near-diploid karyotype appears to
115                        PHS1 and NDPS1 map to chromosome 8, and the presence of a segment of chromosom
116 t anomaly in PIN and carcinoma was a gain of chromosome 8, and the presence of this anomaly strongly
117 fied AML1 on chromosome 21 and ETO (MTG8) on chromosome 8, and the resultant chimeric gene product, A
118     The toppler mutation was mapped to mouse chromosome 8, and to assess whether it was novel or a re
119            A male-specific locus on proximal chromosome 8 (Ap8q) affected 3% ethanol preference, but
120                       Genomic aberrations on chromosome 8 are common in colon cancer, and are associa
121 mor samples of high-grade chondrosarcoma for chromosome 8 are presented.
122                Deletions on the short arm of chromosome 8 are recurrent in liver, breast, lung, and p
123            Sequences previously localized to chromosome 8 are shown to be a pseudogene, and an additi
124 rder between CFA29 and the long arm of human chromosome 8 argued for homology between the cd locus an
125 romosome 8 polysomy had up to five copies of chromosome 8 as an isolated cytogenetic finding in an ot
126 g whether GRINA mapped to the same region of chromosome 8 as BFNC.
127 of evidence have implicated the short arm of chromosome 8 as harboring genes important in prostate ca
128 ous studies have implicated the short arm of chromosome 8 as the site of one or more tumor suppressor
129  gene encoding cortexin, Ctxn, which maps to chromosome 8, as a candidate for the mouse neurological
130 sruption of a cluster of six genes on murine chromosome 8, as exemplified by the Fused Toes (Ft) muta
131 Os) is a radiation-induced mutation on mouse chromosome 8 associated with early postimplantation leth
132 e we characterized the structural changes of chromosome 8 associated with this mutation.
133 hm of odds [LOD]=4.93, permuted P=0.002) and chromosome 8 at 33 cM (LOD=3.27, permuted P=0.058).
134 ific QTL, which we name Fsia1, is located on chromosome 8 at 52-84 cM from the centromere and account
135               The myd mutation maps to mouse chromosome 8 at approximately 33 centimorgans (cM).
136 zed by fluorescence in situ hybridization on chromosome 8 at bands p21.3-22.
137 ive HPV18 integration sites: three on normal chromosomes 8 at 8q24 and two on derivative chromosomes,
138  syntenic; the hTRF1 gene localized to human chromosome 8 band q13 while the mTRF1 gene localized to
139 ed that the murine FATP gene is localized to chromosome 8, band 8B3.3.
140                      ST7 is located on human chromosome 8, band q22.2-23.1, the same locus as the gen
141 itu hybridization localized the ERK8 gene to chromosome 8, band q24.3.
142 for insulin response to glucose was found on chromosome 8 between D8S1130 and D8S1106, near the lipop
143                   We mapped this new gene to chromosome 8, between markers D8S256 and D8S284 on a rad
144 gene is expressed in leaf tissue and maps to chromosome 8 (bin 8.05), with a duplicate locus on chrom
145                                       At the chromosome 8 breakpoint we identify a novel gene, MOZ, w
146 bridization (FISH) analysis to show that the chromosome 8 breakpoints fell within YAC 899e2 and that
147 s further localized to the central region of chromosome 8 by interspecific backcross mapping; a relat
148 ditional Southern and Northern analysis, and chromosome 8 cDNA microarray expression profiling.
149                       The centromere of rice Chromosome 8 (Cen8) has an unusually low abundance of hi
150 creases in c-myc copy number relative to the chromosome 8 centromere), which was detected in 0, 8, an
151 ncrease in c-myc copy number relative to the chromosome 8 centromere), which was identified in 42, 25
152 ncrease in c-myc copy number relative to the chromosome 8 centromere, which was found in 8, 11, and 2
153 , perhaps as a result of a deletion near the chromosome 8 centromere.
154 alterations including chromosome 8p loss and chromosome 8 centromeric gain.
155 to have 8p LOH using a chromosome 8 paint, a chromosome 8 centromeric probe, and a series of single-c
156 two QTLs with significant linkage for TC: on chromosome 8, chr8-60.4 Mbp (LOD 3.8), and chromosome 2,
157 s 88% +/- 3%; Plog rank = .0008) and gain of chromosome 8 (CIR/NR, 16% +/- 7% vs 3% +/- 2%, PGray = .
158            The yellowbeak mutation mapped to chromosome 8, close to a cluster of cytochrome P450 loci
159                 Slug maps to the long arm of chromosome 8, closely linked to D8S2090 between D8S519 a
160 F344(Cia4) (chromosome 7) and DA.F344(Cia6) (chromosome 8) congenics had significantly lower exudate
161  for relative water content were detected on chromosome 8, congruent with an osmotic adjustment QTL i
162 ithin mouse chromosome 8 was confirmed using chromosome 8 consomic mice.
163 etastasis suppressor gene, a truncated human chromosome 8 containing this region was transferred into
164                Interestingly, this region of chromosome 8 contains a cluster of three other genes imp
165 tients with MYC:CEP8 ratio < 1.3 with normal chromosome 8 copy number (n = 141; 18%) and >/= 1.3 or <
166 tential associations between alternative MYC/chromosome 8 copy number alterations and differential be
167                           A single marker on chromosome 8 (D8S593) and two adjacent markers on chromo
168     Mutations of the MD-2 associated gene on chromosome 8 degrade a human's innate responses.
169 s of DNA from cell lines that contain either chromosome 8 deletions or duplications further localized
170 romosome 8, and the presence of a segment of chromosome 8 derived from Solanum pennellii LA0716 cause
171      Here we report that substitution of the chromosome 8-derived ETO protein for the multifunctional
172 ed, including three new loci in intervals on chromosomes 8 (eae14), 10 (eae17), and 18 (eae18).
173  significant QTL found was for CD4 levels on chromosome 8 (empirical P=.00005).
174  show that AML+8 blasts overexpress genes on chromosome 8, estimated at 32% on average, suggesting ge
175               Unique loci were identified on chromosome 8 for orchitis, chromosome 16 for epididymiti
176 neity within IGE and provide no evidence, on chromosome 8, for a gene common to all IGEs.
177 L1 gene on chromosome 21, to the ETO gene on chromosome 8, forming the AML1/ETO fusion gene.
178 ML1 gene on chromosome 21 to the ETO gene on chromosome 8 fuses the NH2-terminal portion of AML1 to n
179 ency, distribution, proliferative state, and chromosome 8 gain of benign prostate, SA, PAH, HGPIN, an
180 tify TRC8 (translocation in renal carcinoma, chromosome 8 gene), an ER-resident E3 ligase previously
181  on chromosome 21 and the ETO (MTG8) gene on chromosome 8, generates AML1-ETO fusion proteins.
182 L1 gene on chromosome 21 and the ETO gene on chromosome 8, generates an AML1-ETO fusion transcription
183 osome 21 and the ETO (MTG8, RUNX1T1) gene on chromosome 8 generating the AML1-ETO fusion proteins.
184 ene is juxtaposed to the ETO gene located on chromosome 8, generating an AML1/ETO fusion protein.
185 er variation in beta-defensin genes on human chromosome 8 has been proposed to underlie susceptibilit
186                   We demonstrate that the Os chromosome 8 has suffered two breaks that are 5 cM ( app
187 orphism of the beta-defensin region on human chromosome 8 in 179 Dutch individuals with psoriasis and
188 high-resolution map of genomic imbalances of chromosome 8 in 51 primary colon carcinomas using a cust
189  have investigated interstitial deletions of chromosome 8 in 70 colorectal carcinomas and 11 colonic
190 how that its murine homologue maps to murine chromosome 8 in a region syntenic with the human WRN gen
191             We found evidence for linkage to chromosome 8 in adolescent-onset IGE families in which J
192 separate, two-exon genes that are located on chromosome 8 in both mice and humans.
193 ore was associated with the SNP rs2645424 on chromosome 8 in farnesyl diphosphate farnesyl transferas
194 onfirmed loss of CDKN2A and amplification of chromosome 8 in IM but not in a nearby NGM biopsy.
195 exon genes that map to homologous regions of chromosome 8 in mice and humans, and the differential ex
196 involvement of a tumor suppressor gene(s) on chromosome 8 in prostatic neoplasms, we performed a comp
197 Another three lipoblastomas had polysomy for chromosome 8 in the absence of PLAG1 rearrangement.
198  lines, we previously identified a region of chromosome 8 in the Solanum pennellii LA0716 genome (IL8
199 translocation breakpoint on the short arm of chromosome 8 in this patient.
200 ternal meiosis, we investigated the maternal chromosomes 8 in eight mothers of subjects with inv dup(
201 ce, Lmp10 is a single-copy gene localized to chromosome 8, in a region of conserved synteny with huma
202                      The Zfp319 gene maps to chromosome 8, in a region of conserved synteny with the
203 me 6 for JME (lod score 2.5/4.2), a locus on chromosome 8 influencing non-JME forms of IGE (lod score
204 ersion (p31q12), and 3,168 were analyzed for chromosome 8 inversion (p23q22).
205 ecombination frequency of 13.1% recorded for chromosome 8 inversion was similar to the frequency of 1
206                               This region of chromosome 8 is a gene desert, far from any recognized g
207 e have discovered that the Ft locus on mouse chromosome 8 is associated with cell cycle deficits with
208 henotype linked to the pericentric region of chromosome 8 is associated with mutations in a gene desi
209 he region of linkage to DTNBP1 expression on chromosome 8 is contiguous with linkage findings based u
210 content and fraction segmentally duplicated, chromosome 8 is distinctly typical in character, being v
211                             The short arm of chromosome 8 is frequently lost in epithelial cancers, a
212                                    The CP on chromosome 8 is predicted to have a CPA-like specificity
213                                  The gene on chromosome 8 is the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
214                                      Gain of chromosome 8 is the most common chromosomal gain in huma
215    The beta3 adrenergic receptor, located on chromosome 8, is a regulator of energy expenditure and l
216 which is a 278 amino acid protein encoded on chromosome 8, known to be synthesized in the liver.
217                             Abnormalities in chromosome 8, leading to rearrangements of the PLAG1 gen
218 clone spanning the OVE459 insertion locus on chromosome 8 led to the identification of two novel cand
219 of CPP32 beta to the central region of mouse chromosome 8, linked to Scvr, Lpl, Jund1 and Mlr.
220 hese analyses suggest that the action of the chromosome 8 locus is specific to unesterified cholester
221                               Linkage to the chromosome 8 locus was excluded in this family.
222 OD = 1.54) for moderate airflow obstruction, chromosomes 8 (LOD = 1.36) and 19 (LOD = 1.09) for mild
223 d non-drug-induced locomotor activity (e.g., chromosome 8; LOD = 18.9).
224                                              Chromosome 8 loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in cancer of t
225 nd a cytological marker on the centromere of chromosome 8 made it possible to discriminate between ea
226      No loss of heterozygosity of p53 or for chromosome 8 markers was found.
227 tations, loss of heterozygosity for TP53 and chromosome 8 markers, and ras mutations.
228 r Ets-1, located within one of these loci on chromosome 8, mediates glomerular injury in SS hypertens
229                    Mf1 was assigned to mouse Chromosome 8, Mf2 to Chromosome 4, Mf3 to Chromosome 9,
230 el or a recurrence of a previously described chromosome 8 mouse mutant, toppler mice were crossed wit
231 d mapping localized this gene to a region of chromosome 8 near several other defensins, MBD-2, MBD-3,
232 s a single copy and located at the middle of Chromosome 8 near the mutations for myodystrophy (myd) a
233                  The SNPs were rs4355801, on chromosome 8, near to the TNFRSF11B (osteoprotegerin) ge
234 roups: (a) those with simple gain of a whole chromosome 8 (no increase in c-myc copy number relative
235                            Both genes lie on chromosome 8, not previously suspected to contain imprin
236 ing peptide receptor (GRPR) gene and that on chromosome 8 occurred approximately 30 kb distal to the
237 otein lipase (LPL) locus on the short arm of chromosome 8 (P = 0.002, n = 125 sib-pairs, for the hapl
238 t evidence for association was at a locus on chromosome 8 (P=1.5 x 10(-15)) spanning 4 Mb and contain
239 unts (P = .007), and more often trisomies of chromosomes 8 (P = .01) and 21 (P < .001) and less often
240                        Loss of the p arms of chromosome 8 (p10>pter) and chromosome 10 (p10>pter) and
241 sma fatty acids identified a 20-cM region on chromosome 8 (p12-p21) with a quantitative trait locus f
242  cell lines predicted to have 8p LOH using a chromosome 8 paint, a chromosome 8 centromeric probe, an
243              Notably, the lipoblastomas with chromosome 8 polysomy had up to five copies of chromosom
244 nhardtii, which we mapped to the long arm of chromosome 8, provides a good experimental system for th
245 osome 10 (p10>pter) and gain of the q arm of chromosome 8 (q10>qter) were only observed in the tumor
246 ing 26 microsatellite markers, we mapped the chromosome 8 regions frequently deleted in lung cancer i
247                                          Two chromosome 8 regions were associated: p = 4.45 x 10(-8)
248                          The region of human chromosome 8 retained in each microcell hybrid was deter
249 significant association was revealed for the chromosome 8 rs6996198 with HIV-1 acquisition and was re
250                      Two YAC probes targeted chromosome 8 short arm regions known to be deleted frequ
251 several chromosome regions, particularly the chromosome 8 short arm.
252                                The data from chromosome 8 should allow a better understanding of both
253                               Alterations in chromosome 8 show unique correlation with melanocytosis.
254  on chromosomes 2, 4, and 8, with the QTL on chromosome 8 showing the highest significance, as well a
255 contain the GPT sequence were derived from a chromosome 8-specific library.
256  an integrated map for a 35-cM area of human chromosome 8 surrounding the Langer-Giedion syndrome del
257 herin-11, was mapped to a specific region of chromosome 8 that also includes cadherins-1, -3, and -5.
258 ited Htn1 to a 131.7-kb physical interval on chromosome 8 that contained three candidate genes encodi
259 to detect a modifier locus, Modpkdr1, on rat chromosome 8 that controls PKD severity, kidney mass and
260     CKbeta4GT-II maps to a region of chicken chromosome 8 that exhibits conserved synteny with human
261 ial tumors show deletion of the short arm of chromosome 8 that is related to aggressive disease or ad
262 lar dystrophy and maps to a segment of mouse chromosome 8 that is syntenic with human 4q31-4q35.
263 is part of a defensin beta (DEFB) cluster on chromosome 8 that is variable in copy number.
264  a high-resolution map of a segment of mouse chromosome 8 that places the nr locus in a genomic segme
265 ned within a "half-YAC" from the long arm of chromosome 8, that is, a YAC containing the 8q telomere.
266                  At a second locus, Sst2, on chromosome 8, the L. hirsutum allele specified accumulat
267 gene is localized at the proximal portion of chromosome 8, the site where genes for mouse alpha- and
268 ene was localized at the proximal portion of chromosome 8, the site where mouse alpha-defensins are f
269 ine chromosome 16 and mXCP4 is positioned on chromosome 8; the hXCP1 and hXCP2 genes are located at h
270 ntains six exons and is located on zebrafish chromosome 8; the structure of the gene is highly homolo
271 que to delete in mice the syntenic region on chromosome 8 to create a Dnajb1-Prkaca fusion and monito
272             Allele loss from the long arm of chromosome 8 was also observed with 30.0% (6/20) and 33.
273                         A locus within mouse chromosome 8 was confirmed using chromosome 8 consomic m
274  tandem 12 kb repeats which spanned a gap on chromosome 8 was found to be 600 kb to 1.7 Mbp in size,
275                             The EXT1 gene on chromosome 8 was recently identified and characterized.
276                                        Maize chromosome 8 was recovered as a monosomic addition (2n =
277 ingle-nucleotide polymorphism (rs4445257) on chromosome 8 was strongly associated with the normal gro
278                        In addition, a QTL on chromosome 8 was suggestive for linkage.
279 ies varied between the chromosomes examined; chromosome 8 was the least affected, and 17p loss was fo
280                      The mouse Aprt locus on chromosome 8 was used as the selectable target for the s
281 tion to the previously identified linkage to chromosome 8, we find that a locus on chromosome 17, whi
282 e short arm and one locus on the long arm of chromosome 8 were used for PCR-based LOH analysis on mat
283 y at a pseudo attP sequence located on human chromosome 8, when measured in the native genomic enviro
284 e mapped this mutation to the same region of chromosome 8 where Os has been assigned.
285 ng evidence for selection was found on maize chromosome 8, where several putatively selected loci col
286 4 as well as at distinctly different loci on chromosome 8 which were undetected through CIM.
287  murine mTll gene (Tll) is mapped to central chromosome 8, which is a different chromosomal location
288 t except for the quantitative trait locus on chromosome 8, which is derived from C57BL/6.
289  mnd maps to the centromeric region of mouse chromosome 8, which likely corresponds to portions of hu
290 slocation, which fuses the ETO gene on human chromosome 8 with the AML1 gene on chromosome 21 (AML1-E
291        Results link the JDCM locus to canine chromosome 8 with two-point and multipoint lod scores of
292 ere not found by the microsatellite markers: chromosome 8, with a maximum model-free LOD score of 2.2
293 hromosome 6, and seven contiguous markers on chromosome 8, with empirical P values of .00001.
294 arkers, the rocker locus was mapped to mouse chromosome 8 within 2 centimorgans of the calcium channe
295                           On pericentromeric chromosome 8 within our previously reported linkage peak

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