


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ent length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, and chromosome mapping.
2                                              Chromosome mapping analysis of its gene, sequence analys
3                                              Chromosome mapping and DNA sequencing revealed a point m
4               In this report we describe the chromosome mapping and genomic organization of the human
5                             Microarray-based chromosome mapping at single-ORF resolution revealed com
6 tosome with orthology to only a single mouse chromosome, mapping entirely to the distal half of mouse
7                                              Chromosome mapping experiments suggest an evolutionary c
8                                              Chromosome mapping indicated a mutation on 1p36, and thi
9                                              Chromosome mapping linked MAGED1 to marker AFM119xd6 (DX
10                                              Chromosome mapping of the major GBS virulence factors sh
11                                        Human chromosome mapping of the mannosidase gene confirmed tha
12 wed that Al resistance was semidominant, and chromosome mapping of the mutants with microsatellite an
13                              High-resolution chromosome mapping revealed AR recruitment to two respon
14 substrates for FISH, the labeling of BACs, a chromosome mapping strategy, empirical conditions for op
15                                              Chromosome mapping studies first identified the gene, Cs
16                                              Chromosome mapping studies indicated that Meis2 and Meis
17 nd has related sequences on both the X and Y chromosomes mapping to Xp11.4 and Yq11.2 respectively.
18 leotide and amino acid sequences, as well as chromosome mapping, we determined that this gene is the

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