


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eroids, or from the Moon's incomplete impact chronology.
2 tural features corresponds closely with this chronology.
3 ch we have established a precise radiometric chronology.
4 n favor of the so-called Middle Mesopotamian chronology.
5 r isotope measurements to a nearby tree-ring chronology.
6  relative uncertainty of its lamina-counting chronology.
7 e onto a single, radiometrically constrained chronology.
8 nprecedented temporal resolution and precise chronology.
9  over the last millennium using 15 tree-ring chronologies.
10 lennium, derived from a network of tree-ring chronologies.
11 reby providing an anchor for the Old Kingdom chronologies.
12 well as distinctive age markers to constrain chronologies.
13 and imparted a coherent pattern among mussel chronologies.
14 incipal component of the five longest mussel chronologies (1982-2003; PC1(mussel)) accounted for 47%
15 lation analysis applied to the longest eight chronologies (74-114 yr) revealed stable correlations be
16 udy we present a global orbitally calibrated chronology across this momentous interval, applying cycl
17  and REM sleep occur with markedly different chronologies and are each associated with specific hormo
18  frustrate the development of archaeological chronologies and, in the Paleolithic, blur the dating of
19 plying a recent model for early lunar crater chronology and an updated dynamical extrapolation to Mer
20                      Here, we review the new chronology and compare mtDNA with Y-chromosome patterns,
21  at very high risk of acquiring HCV, but the chronology and correlates of HCV incidence in the US hem
22           We highlight the robustness of our chronology and explore reasons why Zhang and Li's OSL ag
23                                      The new chronology and fossils suggest that faunal provinciality
24                                              Chronology and inferred incision data indicate that the
25 en a 102-year-long C. tetragona shoot length chronology and instrumental climate records from the thr
26         The present pathways provide a clear chronology and ordering of the key events underlying the
27 ere we analyse the sedimentary architecture, chronology and provenance of a major palaeochannel assoc
28 ed landform mapping, a high-precision (10)Be chronology and reconstruction of former ice extents and
29 f relevant information, including a detailed chronology and scrutiny of the patient's medical record.
30        To gain a better understanding of the chronology and significance of the change in MAT express
31 long the Andean mountain chain, however, the chronology and trajectory of plant domestication are sti
32 olony could reflect differences in migration chronology and winter habitat use compared with the othe
33                      We detail stratigraphy, chronology, and artifacts from two rock shelters.
34 d by sediment preservation, uncertainties in chronology, and topographical setting.
35 alagmites can be used to construct a precise chronology, and variations in laminae thickness provide
36                               These floating chronologies are linked to the absolute calendar by a fe
37              On the European continent, such chronologies are only available for several Last Glacial
38 aleoclimatic trends and forcings, but robust chronologies are scarce.
39               Here, we present a new moraine chronology based on (36)Cl surface exposure dating from
40                                    A revised chronology based on 26 accelerator mass spectrometry rad
41 through comparison with modern analogs and a chronology based on optically stimulated luminescence ag
42                         Much of the existing chronology based on uranium-lead dating and palaeomagnet
43 ive and a half centuries, we find that these chronologies cluster into two groups, North and South, o
44                                         This chronology contrasts with conventional archaeological da
45         Moreover, only few High Arctic shrub chronologies cover the recent decade of substantial warm
46                                         This chronology demonstrates synchroneity between the earlies
47                                  Our glacier chronologies differ from the New Zealand record but are
48 established geochemical and palaeobiological chronologies during progression of the 'Great Oxygenatio
49 tive (14)C dating materials for establishing chronology during the late Quaternary.
50                               The historical chronologies for dynastic Egypt are based on reign lengt
51 op a network of eight growth-increment width chronologies for freshwater mussel species in the Pacifi
52                                              Chronologies for Late Quaternary marine sediment records
53                    As a result, the existing chronologies for that period (the Old Kingdom) can be co
54  Dansgaard-Oeschger events, requires precise chronologies for the study of paleoclimate records.
55 e Callitris columellaris and developed a new chronology for another marine fish, Lethrinus nebulosus.
56 ysis of speleothems brackets the Pleistocene chronology for breaching, infilling, and exhuming the re
57                      A revised dental growth chronology for chimpanzees is similar to estimated timin
58 ears bp and the absence of a master calendar chronology for climate events from reference archives su
59 l information on reign lengths, to produce a chronology for dynastic Egypt.
60                           A precise relative chronology for Greenland and West Antarctic paleotempera
61           Our data confirm an early Holocene chronology for maize domestication that has been previou
62 ze faunal units and to establish a tentative chronology for observed faunal events.
63                              Determining the chronology for the assembly of planetary bodies in the e
64 ficantly older than the 600 Kyr established chronology for the first Acheulean record in Europe.
65 ed in Latium or Campania, provide a relative chronology for the first installation of the structures
66  been correlated to the annual-layer counted chronology for the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2)
67 esian statistical analysis, we established a chronology for the initial Aegean Late Bronze Age cultur
68                                   The latest chronology for the site, based on AMS radiocarbon dates
69       Attempts have been made to establish a chronology for the site.
70                   Here, we present a revised chronology for the UFG ice cores based on new measuremen
71 e Pleistocene bison fossils to determine the chronology for when the corridor was open and viable for
72 twork of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) chronologies from 122 locations that represent distinct
73 rometry (14)C techniques to construct robust chronologies from 40 key Mousterian and Neanderthal arch
74               We used a series of ring-width chronologies from 40 trembling aspen (Populus tremuloide
75         We use 873 newly developed tree-ring chronologies from Canada's National Forest Inventory, re
76 a network of 23 moisture-sensitive tree-ring chronologies from major juniper forests in a north-south
77                      Radiocarbon-constrained chronologies from marine sediment cores indicate loss of
78 nsion, bulk density and calcification master chronologies from seven subtropical corals (Montastraea
79  be detectable in other up-to-date tree-ring chronologies from the Mediterranean.
80 resent a new network of millennial tree-ring chronologies from the taiga of northeastern North Americ
81              Here we report a methane efflux chronology from five sites, at depths of 220-400 m, in t
82                              A glacial varve chronology from New England spanning the 4000-year perio
83                 Here, we present a deglacial chronology from Scotland, immediately downwind of the No
84 1495-1825 CE) with a tree-growth suppression chronology from the Florida Keys (1707-2009 CE).
85                                   The impact chronology from these spherule layers reveals that the i
86 dicted by the standard Neukum production and chronology functions for the Moon.
87         The impact of 137Cs on environmental chronology has been great, but its potency is waning as
88                                         This chronology highlighted the crucial role for dystrophin i
89          Overall, this diverse assemblage of chronologies illustrates the importance of winter precip
90 g snowpack reconstructions from 66 tree-ring chronologies in key runoff-generating areas of the Color
91 rates the potential for using alpine glacier chronologies in the Transantarctic Mountains as proxies
92 (3)He, which make it necessary to update all chronologies in this region and revise our understanding
93     These findings demonstrate that enhancer chronology in blood cells differs markedly from that in
94         Here we present a new (10)Be moraine chronology in Colombia showing that glaciers in the nort
95                         To clarify the early chronology in this region, we undertook fieldwork in 200
96  This suggests that the conventional ancient chronology, instead of being compressed, may actually ha
97                           The reliability of chronology is a prerequisite for meaningful paleoclimate
98                                   A reliable chronology is central to understanding the cultural, eco
99                                         This chronology is directly associated with a number of key s
100                                         This chronology is for the type locality only, and variabilit
101                                         This chronology is in line with those of other Levantine IUP
102                                However, this chronology is inconsistent with inferred habitat prefere
103 ining reliable dates has been difficult, its chronology is still poorly understood after more than a
104                               However, their chronology is unknown.
105  of maize that shed significant light on the chronology, land race evolution, and cultural contexts a
106                     Our late-glacial glacier chronology matches climatic trends in Antarctica, Southe
107  720 million years, depending on the applied chronology model.
108                                       Firmer chronologies, more realistic ecological models, and regi
109 er a period of three decades using tree-ring chronologies obtained from cores taken at a subset of ou
110 breakpoint in the 100-y delta(13)C tree ring chronology occurred around 1980, as the legacy of sulfur
111 We have attempted to test the reliability of chronologies of 11 southern Iberian Middle and early Upp
112 no activity and two independent, proxy-based chronologies of explosive volcanic activity from ad 1649
113                           However, long-term chronologies of growth, a variable that integrates multi
114 ealed strong correlations between particular chronologies of shock impact and number experienced duri
115                                       We use chronologies of stable isotopes measured from elephant (
116  test this idea, we analyzed existing growth chronologies of the marine fish Lutjanus argentimaculatu
117                                          The chronologies of this period have been reconstructed from
118 f Vpr and Vpx evolution, we can decipher the chronology of acquisition of SAMHD1-degrading abilities
119                On the basis of a homogenized chronology of all (10)Be and (3)He moraine ages across t
120  application yields a consistent radiocarbon chronology of all soil horizons formed between 47 and 20
121                            Despite this, the chronology of anthropogenic, atmospheric deposition for
122                                              Chronology of aqueous activity on chondrite parent bodie
123 ading to axis selection, we investigated the chronology of cell adhesion, adhesive deposition, and ax
124                                          The chronology of clinical and imaging features of retinal a
125 roach has been successful in determining the chronology of dairying beginning in the 'Fertile Crescen
126                                          The chronology of depletion and reappearance of CGRP-li is c
127 as an oncology target and provide a succinct chronology of drug discovery campaigns focused on target
128                      Accurate (182)Hf-(182)W chronology of early planetary differentiation relies on
129 nt with the experimentally observed temporal chronology of EC flow responses, the flow sensor attains
130 tes push back by 2 centuries the accepted IA chronology of Edom.
131                                    Thus, the chronology of epidermal development in the explants prec
132                                          The chronology of events and interactions between agencies a
133                                 However, the chronology of events and the regulatory processes that d
134 t perhaps this is a good time to recount the chronology of events as they unfolded for me decades ago
135           This review concisely presents the chronology of events that shaped the development of echo
136                                            A chronology of events was derived from clinical notes and
137 on and a better fit with our epidemiological chronology of events.
138                    Little is known about the chronology of expression, cellular localization and func
139 icate more extirpated species and refine the chronology of extinction.
140                              Analysis of the chronology of extinctions suggests that sampling error c
141     Understanding the complete landscape and chronology of genomic events in CNL will help in the dev
142 e was used to reconstruct the spatiotemporal chronology of genotype displacement throughout Asia and
143      Here, we present a high-resolution 10Be chronology of glacier fluctuations in New Zealand's Sout
144                            We determined the chronology of high- and low-latitude climate change at t
145                   Knowledge of the range and chronology of historic trade and long-distance transport
146                     Our understanding of the chronology of human evolution relies on the "molecular c
147 glucocorticoids, the timing of exposure, the chronology of immunological events, and the underlying m
148  questions of social differentiation and the chronology of important sociopolitical processes.
149 pecies largely coincides with the geological chronology of island emergence.
150                                 Although the chronology of its domestication and initial dispersals o
151                                 Instead, the chronology of last appearance of extinct sloths, whether
152  an uninterrupted 5.5-million-year (My)-long chronology of late Oligocene-early Miocene climate and o
153 ng endoderm-derived pancreas, we defined the chronology of migration and differentiation of neural cr
154                                To assemble a chronology of molecular events during phagosome formatio
155                    This study determined the chronology of MSI in gastric carcinogenesis by examining
156                               The extinction chronology of North American Pleistocene mammals therefo
157 ctions with regard to host cell location and chronology of parasite development.
158 alawi paleoclimate record, which revises the chronology of past climatic events in East Africa.
159      Cultivar differences highlighted in the chronology of ripening events are critical for defining
160                   A 450-year tree-ring width chronology of Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) gro
161 lations and (182)Hf-(182)W and (87)Rb-(87)Sr chronology of some lunar rocks have been used to argue f
162 iopsies from DMD patients suggested that the chronology of subcellular events established in C. elega
163  allowed establishing for the first time the chronology of subcellular events occurring during the en
164 endent resource for establishing the precise chronology of the ancient Near East and Aegean and help
165           Here we report a reanalysis of the chronology of the Chusang site, located on the central T
166 sed computational tools to obtain a detailed chronology of the defense response against B. cinerea, h
167  used microelectrodes to examine the laminar chronology of the development of direction selectivity a
168                                          The chronology of the discoveries along the pathway of vitam
169 egin with a brief introduction outlining the chronology of the earliest studies that established the
170                                          The chronology of the events found in our record requires a
171 at potential in establishing a more accurate chronology of the formation and evolution of planetary c
172 in divergence time estimates and compare the chronology of the most diverse lineage of scale insects,
173                                            A chronology of the research effort is given and related t
174                                          The chronology of the sediments and planting records are wel
175    The aim of this paper is to constrain the chronology of the site by developing a longer magnetostr
176                                 However, the chronology of the site remains controversial owing to th
177 ve been neglected, seemingly only due to the chronology of their discovery.
178                                          The chronology of these changes closely matches both the tim
179 e and molecular composition, but the precise chronology of these changes has not been studied at sing
180   An accurate knowledge of the geography and chronology of these extinctions is crucial for testing t
181 (13)C and delta(34)S trends in the tree ring chronology of these Juniperus trees provide evidence for
182                        However, the apparent chronology of these responses suggests that the withdraw
183 al 231Pa and 230Th ages, suggesting that the chronology of this climate record is accurate.
184 tially regulated during development with the chronology of this expression suggesting that GABA(B) re
185                                          The chronology of TNF-alpha and IL-10 release differed in vi
186 y number variations or how CNVs fit into the chronology of tumor progression.
187                                          The chronology of villous trees was much the same in 3-dimen
188  needed to understand the impact of mutation chronology on the clonal evolution and progression of CN
189 ckshelter (Honduras) to establish a Bayesian chronology over the past approximately 11,000 y spanning
190 ce from this period is rare and lacks robust chronologies owing to a lack of direct dating applicatio
191 ional article is to summarize the short-term chronology, radiologic consequences, emergency responses
192 xceptionally well-dated annual glacial varve chronology recording the melting history of the Fennosca
193            Documentary sources and tree-ring chronologies reveal warm and dry summers from 1238-1241,
194  annotation of FSF along these architectural chronologies revealed patterns of discovery of biologica
195 els of structural abstraction and associated chronologies revealed patterns of reductive evolution, t
196                                          The chronology shows a distinct interannual (3 to 5 years) b
197 an age of 750-770 Kyr for Acheulean tools, a chronology significantly older than the 600 Kyr establi
198  an absolutely dated annually resolved shell chronology spanning the past 1,350 years, to reconstruct
199               Southern and northern regional chronology subsets are positively and significantly corr
200       Comparison of this record to Cantona's chronology suggests that both the city's peak population
201  in the network of the Northern Hemisphere's chronologies suitable for temperature reconstructions an
202                                          Our chronology supports a habitable and traversable corridor
203 from 1980 through 1992 were linked to create chronologies that, excluding induced abortions and ectop
204 for a floating 1599-year Anatolian tree ring chronology that spans the later third millennium B.C. th
205 s age controls underpinning the previous UFG chronologies, the new interpretation suggests a very dif
206 emonstrate the importance of high-resolution chronologies to accompany paleoclimate data and also hig
207               We used standardized tree-ring chronologies to examine growth of diffuse-porous (Acer,
208                              Here I use that chronology to chart a personalized and selective course
209 remains uncertain, and independent sea-level chronologies used to test its applicability have been re
210          Fundamental to these studies is the chronology used to map ice-core depth to age.
211 evious investigations have established storm chronologies using sediment cores from single lakes, but
212 the teeth confidently and establish a robust chronology using an integrated dating approach.
213 s was relatively low (3.4%), but the otolith chronology was positively correlated (r = 0.61, p < 0.02
214 ce that firmly authenticated the established chronology was the discovery of a previously unreported
215                    By impact crater counting chronology we estimated the age of the southeastern prov
216 f temperature-sensitive millennial tree-ring chronologies, which principally comprises Eurasian sites
217 ees offer the possibility of using tree-ring chronologies, which span longer time periods than those
218 rn Greenland, further validating the new UFG chronologies while documenting the extent of late 19th a
219 ad the highest correlation with adult growth chronologies, with La Nina years (characterised by warme
220 disappears by the young end of the 4000-year chronology, with only the highest frequency components (

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