


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nce of these to collective migration remains circumstantial.
2 ever, the evidence for such relationships is circumstantial.
3 e role of HA in tumor cells has been largely circumstantial.
4   However, evidence to support this claim is circumstantial.
5 tate cancer is strong, it is almost entirely circumstantial.
6 ays a direct role in protein folding remains circumstantial.
7  of northern Tibet remain sparse and largely circumstantial.
8  supporting their pathogenicity is, at best, circumstantial.
9  compared with that of RAS mutations appears circumstantial.
10 learning, but evidence from the wild remains circumstantial.
11 erturbations contributing to risk is largely circumstantial.
12  favor, although intriguing, is still mostly circumstantial.
13 but evidence for either mechanism is largely circumstantial.
14 , but evidence that this is the case remains circumstantial.
15 ment in human type 1 diabetes (T1D) has been circumstantial.
16 breast tumor invasion, the evidence is still circumstantial.
17 s, however supporting evidence has only been circumstantial.
18 products, but evidence for this has remained circumstantial.
19 ltimers and LVAD-associated bleeding remains circumstantial.
20 ole in the thymus, most existing evidence is circumstantial.
21 athology has been implicated on the basis of circumstantial and corollary evidence.
22 r feathers in noncoelurosaurian theropods is circumstantial and debated.
23 e receptors is based upon varying degrees of circumstantial and direct evidence; however, the effects
24          This theory should help explain the circumstantial and empirical evidence gathered upon the
25  the rat pretectum, much of this evidence is circumstantial, and depends mostly upon electrophysiolog
26         A large body of clinicopathological, circumstantial, and epidemiological evidence suggests th
27              Thus, IE cannot be prevented by circumstantial antibiotic prophylaxis.
28               However, evidence in humans is circumstantial, as immunologic effects of norepinephrine
29 ink between the environment and IBD is still circumstantial, but definite progress is occurring in de
30                       A considerable body of circumstantial data suggests that cyclin D1 is an attrac
31                           However, there are circumstantial data with regard to viruses and several p
32         The diagnosis had to be deduced from circumstantial evidence and by exclusion of other condit
33 tation of data has therefore often relied on circumstantial evidence and implicit assumptions.
34                                In all cases, circumstantial evidence and post-mortem examinations ind
35 nown; recent studies, however, have provided circumstantial evidence connecting magnetars with very m
36 uman skeletal muscle, older studies provided circumstantial evidence consistent with sympathetically
37 idespread feature of vascular pathology, and circumstantial evidence exists for a correlation between
38                                              Circumstantial evidence exists that cork oak forests in
39                                              Circumstantial evidence favors the columella cells as th
40 n-year period of genomic upheaval, including circumstantial evidence for a causal link between Alu fa
41 sk-resolved images of the satellite Himalia, circumstantial evidence for a causal relation between th
42             Our findings also provide strong circumstantial evidence for a novel non-HSP90 molecular
43 enys-Drash and Frasier syndromes), providing circumstantial evidence for action of Wt1 during glomeru
44                                     There is circumstantial evidence for an association between falls
45                                              Circumstantial evidence for CU being an autoimmune disea
46                       This analysis provided circumstantial evidence for or against the phase variabi
47                  Previous data have provided circumstantial evidence for the formation of specific co
48 or lithium chloride, we have provided strong circumstantial evidence for the involvement of other Ara
49 ation measurements have provided conflicting circumstantial evidence for the presence or absence of b
50                                      Further circumstantial evidence for the significance of APC-rela
51 (32 and 62.5%, respectively) dogs is further circumstantial evidence for their suspected role as rese
52                                              Circumstantial evidence from genome-wide association and
53 rculation through this basin-on the basis of circumstantial evidence from neighbouring basins-have be
54                                     We offer circumstantial evidence from the literature supporting s
55                                              Circumstantial evidence from this and previous studies s
56                                              Circumstantial evidence has linked condensin to sister c
57  in M phase events, although heretofore only circumstantial evidence has suggested such involvement.
58                                              Circumstantial evidence has suggested that Dorsal is an
59                                              Circumstantial evidence has suggested the possibility of
60                                              Circumstantial evidence implicates alloimmune rejection
61                                         Much circumstantial evidence implicates both E2F transcriptio
62                                     Abundant circumstantial evidence implicates inflammation in the p
63  target for mercury uptake and toxicity, and circumstantial evidence implicates organic anion transpo
64                   Though there is compelling circumstantial evidence implicating PFO, the precise rol
65                Therefore our results provide circumstantial evidence in favor of the hypothesis that
66 mechanistic basis of plastic bridges, review circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis and
67                                              Circumstantial evidence in vitro and in vivo suggests th
68 tract (assumed to be lipopolysaccharide) and circumstantial evidence indicated that O11 specificity w
69                                              Circumstantial evidence indicates a role for complement,
70                   A great deal of direct and circumstantial evidence indicates that cation-pi interac
71 umulated rapidly during virus infection, and circumstantial evidence indicates that cvSOD aids its de
72                              Although strong circumstantial evidence indicates that parasite interact
73                                              Circumstantial evidence is presented that the C-terminal
74                                              Circumstantial evidence led to the suggestion that rare
75 ested to be caused by infection and there is circumstantial evidence linking Escherichia coli with th
76 brain affected by schizophrenia and describe circumstantial evidence linking these alterations to cog
77                                        Clear circumstantial evidence of capsular switching was seen w
78                      Whereas there is strong circumstantial evidence of important survival benefits w
79                                              Circumstantial evidence of long-range movement of A. ips
80  copper and iron homeostasis in general, and circumstantial evidence pointed to a possible specific l
81               Heretofore there has been only circumstantial evidence regarding the role of potassium
82                                              Circumstantial evidence such as very high, superchondrit
83                    Observational studies and circumstantial evidence suggest that extreme concentrati
84                    Although several lines of circumstantial evidence suggest that SlaA is a virulence
85                               Although ample circumstantial evidence suggested that these viruses, no
86                                              Circumstantial evidence suggested that Vif acts to neutr
87 of North American bumble bees (Bombus), with circumstantial evidence suggesting an exotic introductio
88 itous in mammals; however, we have described circumstantial evidence suggesting that guinea pigs (Cav
89                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests a function for LPL in e
90                                      Because circumstantial evidence suggests that 12/15-LOX is a maj
91                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that 4 is the precursor
92                                 Considerable circumstantial evidence suggests that Abeta42 is the ini
93 -expressing, basket cells express muORs, but circumstantial evidence suggests that another major, uni
94                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that assembly in vivo f
95                                         This circumstantial evidence suggests that ATRX may act as a
96                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that crystals are assoc
97                                In Drosophila circumstantial evidence suggests that dynein acts in the
98                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that ERVs play a role i
99                                     Although circumstantial evidence suggests that gamma-carboxylatio
100                           While considerable circumstantial evidence suggests that IgA1 protease cont
101                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that intracellular memb
102                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that macrophages are in
103                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that NO has a role in s
104                                       Recent circumstantial evidence suggests that salicylic acid (SA
105                                     Although circumstantial evidence suggests that some NG2 glia diff
106                                       Strong circumstantial evidence suggests that sporozoite invasio
107                                         Rich circumstantial evidence suggests that the extensive beha
108                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that the gaseous hormon
109                                       Strong circumstantial evidence suggests that the high affinity
110                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that the MHC class I-re
111                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests that the partitioning s
112                                              Circumstantial evidence suggests the placenta is the pri
113  origin of the MeO-PBDEs has been uncertain; circumstantial evidence supports a natural and/or an ind
114                                       Strong circumstantial evidence supports the conclusion that mac
115                     Although there is strong circumstantial evidence that androgens are implicated in
116 is protection assays had previously provided circumstantial evidence that binding of heme and non-ste
117                       Recent reports provide circumstantial evidence that both eukaryotic and prokary
118                         There is substantial circumstantial evidence that CD4 lymphocytes have a role
119                              There is strong circumstantial evidence that certain heavy, unstable ato
120                                     There is circumstantial evidence that correlated climatic conditi
121                               Despite strong circumstantial evidence that flies are vectors of diarrh
122 ven vertebrate beta-tubulin isotypes provide circumstantial evidence that functional differences amon
123 roblem for wheat farmers, and apart from the circumstantial evidence that gibberellins are somehow in
124                       These results provided circumstantial evidence that IGFBP-3 may mediate RA and
125 JH action is not yet known, there is growing circumstantial evidence that JH directly regulates gene
126 ology of this condition is unclear, there is circumstantial evidence that links the skin bacterium Pr
127           However, our study provides strong circumstantial evidence that many patients in the UK are
128 n, and previous investigations have provided circumstantial evidence that natural selection has acted
129 nt is also suppressed in the mice, providing circumstantial evidence that one or more anterior pituit
130                                      Despite circumstantial evidence that opsoclonus-myoclonus (OM) i
131 exist different insights, other studies, and circumstantial evidence that question the concept.
132                                     There is circumstantial evidence that Ral may have a function in
133 sence of telomere shortening provides strong circumstantial evidence that replicative aging is occurr
134                                 There exists circumstantial evidence that the binding of substrates a
135                        There is considerable circumstantial evidence that the Ca(2+)-mobilizing secon
136                               Despite strong circumstantial evidence that the pathophysiology of Gill
137 and G253D E.coli enzymes, provide additional circumstantial evidence that the somatic mutations in AP
138                         This result provides circumstantial evidence that the sulfur and aromatic aux
139 ptor's beta and gamma subunits, and there is circumstantial evidence that the tyrosines modified are
140 inducer profile of S. toyocaensis, providing circumstantial evidence that the VanS effector ligand is
141                       To date, there is only circumstantial evidence to support a role for QUASIMODO2
142 se and has been proposed, largely based upon circumstantial evidence, as the principal endogenous cir
143 ve been elevated to medical significance via circumstantial evidence, poor reporting, and repetitive
144             Based on recent, historical, and circumstantial evidence, we present a multifactorial hyp
145 tch (D/N) signaling remain supported only by circumstantial evidence.
146 o be produced by bacteria based on expanding circumstantial evidence.
147 (IFN-gamma) has been widely assumed based on circumstantial evidence.
148 ve protection was suggested by the following circumstantial evidence: (i) mice immunized with C. albi
149  raise concern in this regard, by providing (circumstantial) evidence that phytotoxins in particular
150 and T4-infected cultures provides strong, if circumstantial, evidence that the mutator phenotype of n
151                                              Circumstantial in vitroevidence for involvement of an RN
152                     Although the evidence is circumstantial, it suggests that NSVT is a potential JDT
153 unosuppressive therapies and a large body of circumstantial laboratory evidence.
154 rocess, separating the main drivers from the circumstantial ones, bounding the outcomes of experiment
155  as viral culture and serology, provide only circumstantial or retrospective evidence of viral infect
156 iwan as the Austronesian homeland, providing circumstantial support for the "out of Taiwan" hypothesi
157 I)(dmgH)2P(nBu)3]" complex has long provided circumstantial support for the plausible intermediacy of
158 umans, evidence for the imprinting of INS is circumstantial, with occasional monoallelic expression i

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