


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 all areas that have fenestrated capillaries (circumventricular organs).
2 chlear interdental cells, and neurons of the circumventricular organ.
3 ice revealed the presence of the drug in the circumventricular organs.
4 s of the hypothalamus, preoptic nucleus, and circumventricular organs.
5 zed in microglia enriched within the sensory circumventricular organs.
6          GAL-ir was also observed in several circumventricular organs.
7  is the primary glutamate transporter in the circumventricular organs.
8 n COX 2 mRNA expression were not observed in circumventricular organs.
9 lations containing high levels of ANP and in circumventricular organs.
10 ficantly attenuated after transection of the circumventricular organs (2 +/- 1%).
11 brain in the meninges, ventricular ependyma, circumventricular organs, along the vasculature, and in
12                  The area postrema (AP) is a circumventricular organ and has been implicated in proce
13 eins, IgG immunoreactivity extended from the circumventricular organs and disseminated throughout the
14 e results suggest that activity in forebrain circumventricular organs and in hindbrain putative body
15 the RVLM via a neural connection between the circumventricular organs and paraventricular nucleus of
16 ir cells and/or fibers were also observed in circumventricular organs, and OCT3-ir ependymal cells we
17 ion and activated microglia: proximal to the circumventricular organs at the interface between the br
18  at the level of the median eminence (ME), a circumventricular organ (CVO) located in the tuberal reg
19 d the area postrema (AP), two of the sensory circumventricular organs (CVO), are known to play a role
20 , but not in the leaky microvessels of brain circumventricular organs (CVO), or in those of non-CNS t
21 adjacent to fenestrated blood vessels of the circumventricular organs (CVOs) and olfactory epithelium
22 were found in the large blood vessels and in circumventricular organs (CVOs) of saline-injected contr
23 ly in neurons but also in glia located in 10 circumventricular organs (CVOs), olfactory bulbs, hippoc
24 ons by autoradiography except for a group of circumventricular organs (CVOs), which are anatomically
25 ctions was initially detected in the brain's circumventricular organs (CVOs).
26 campus, the mediobasal hypothalamus, and the circumventricular organs (CVOs).
27 e observed that specific areas of the brain (circumventricular organs [CVOs]) consistently showed the
28                             In addition, the circumventricular organs each showed characteristic spat
29      CNTF and LPS induced gene expression in circumventricular organs; ependymal cells of the ventric
30 altered BBB permeability - for example, into circumventricular organs in the brain or leaky vasculatu
31 y activated ion channel that is expressed in circumventricular organs in the mammalian CNS, which is
32 ied many novel transcripts expressed in this circumventricular organ including receptors for many of
33 tor immunoreactivity was also present in the circumventricular organs including choroid plexus, subfo
34 ubfornical organ (SFO), one of the forebrain circumventricular organs, is critical for the hormonal r
35 he central actions of angiotensin II via the circumventricular organs lead to activation of circulati
36                  The area postrema (AP) is a circumventricular organ located in the dorsal midline of
37  widespread areas of the brain, although the circumventricular organs may be the most effective loci
38 , the channel is expressed in neurons of the circumventricular organs, neurosensory cells responsive
39 focused on the lateral septal organ (LSO), a circumventricular organ of potential significance in avi
40 cident with detection of the molecule in the circumventricular organs of the brain and activation of
41 ibution of GLAST and GLT-1 expression in the circumventricular organs of the brain, in the meninges,
42 iously, it was shown that neurons in several circumventricular organs of the hypothalamus are activat
43                               Thus, only the circumventricular organs of the lamina terminalis showed
44 on, PGE2 injection did not induce Fos in the circumventricular organs or the magnocellular subnuclei
45                                          The circumventricular organs, organum vasculosum lamina term
46                       Finally, the forebrain circumventricular organs: organum vasculosum of the lami
47  spread of activation directed away from the circumventricular organs over time.
48 re the BBB is 'leaky', i.e. in the 'sensory' circumventricular organs, particularly the organum vascu
49        The area postrema (AP) is a hindbrain circumventricular organ previously shown to be important
50             The subfornical organ (SFO) is a circumventricular organ recognized for its ability to se
51 a, amygdala, nucleus tractus solitarius, and circumventricular organs such as subfornical organ, medi
52 afferent input from the subfornical organ, a circumventricular organ that has been shown to be necess
53 the hypothalamus and in the ependyma and the circumventricular organs that act as an interface betwee
54                         In the three sensory circumventricular organs that contain neuronal elements,
55  markedly reduced expression of c-FOS in the circumventricular organ, the organum vasculosum of the l
56  cells in the proximity of blood vessels and circumventricular organs was also observed.
57 rrier (BBB), signalling to the brain via the circumventricular organs which lack a tight BBB.
58 pothesis that the subfornical organ (SFO), a circumventricular organ with both osmosensitive elements

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