


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cular grid-pattern laser photocoagulation (1 citation).
2 six percent of the articles had at least one citation.
3 practice, including what to do if you miss a citation.
4 or, but would rank much lower based on total citations.
5 se cross-references, synonyms and literature citations.
6     The searches initially yielded 64 unique citations.
7 itutes of Health funding history, and PubMed citations.
8 nducted last on May 1, 2015, and yielded 305 citations.
9  of relevant articles to identify additional citations.
10 of MTI, for BioASQ3 challenge data with 6000 citations.
11 only 322 are in the top 1,000 based on total citations.
12                     We identified 232 unique citations.
13 nducted in December 2014, yielded 541 unique citations.
14 ited, of which 25 650 (15.6% overall) had no citations.
15 se associations, drug targets and literature citations.
16            The searches retrieved 309 unique citations.
17 arch of the literature yielded 18,311 unique citations.
18 tivity, as measured through publications and citations.
19 and its influence, as measured by subsequent citations.
20 of level of evidence to each of the selected citations.
21             The search strategy yielded 6950 citations.
22 studies published in English and yielded 587 citations.
23 on structure, and semantic annotation of the citations.
24            The searches retrieved 149 unique citations.
25 arch in November 2013 that yielded 447 total citations.
26 of relevant citations to identify additional citations.
27 earch of the literature yielded 5,618 unique citations.
28            Our search identified 5408 unique citations.
29                   Our search identified 4517 citations.
30         Two reviewers independently reviewed citations.
31 d a manual search yielded an additional five citations.
32  of co-author affiliations, and diversity of citations.
33 additional articles identified via review of citations; 11 articles were eligible for inclusion in th
34                                      Of 2567 citations, 20 primary studies met prespecified inclusion
35             The combined searches yielded 98 citations, 23 of which were reviewed in full text.
36                         From the initial 248 citations, 27 studies were included.
37               The search yielded 8678 unique citations; 316 full-text articles were reviewed, and 9 s
38                         After screening 2292 citations, 43 articles met our inclusion criteria (61 un
39             The search yielded 13,141 unique citations; 465 full-text articles were reviewed, and 33
40                                    Of the 13 citations, 6 articles on 5 randomized clinical trials pr
41                        Among 1556 identified citations, 69 met the inclusion criteria.
42                         After screening 5874 citations, 7 RCTs with 10 arms were added for a total of
43  awarded grants is associated with 15% fewer citations, 7% fewer publications, 19% fewer high-impact
44                    From among 3258 retrieved citations, 867 SRs were included in the study.
45                          After review of the citations a total of 23 studies were included: 12 examin
46 After selection and obtainment of additional citations, a total of 73 articles were reviewed.
47                      Analyzer of Bioresource Citation (ABC) is a data mining tool extracting strain r
48 al implant (2 citations) or triamcinolone (1 citation), although cataract and glaucoma were observed
49 ons for citation, we use two case studies of citation amnesia in the field of hypothetical carbon all
50 xplore the sensitivity of indicators to self-citation and alphabetic ordering of authors in papers ac
51      It addresses the two challenges in both citation and MeSH sides.
52                                   Among 1056 citations and 37 full-text articles reviewed, 23 studies
53                                    Among 292 citations and 91 full-text articles reviewed, 20 studies
54 2010 and 2012, were selected on the basis of citations and Altimetric scores.
55  2010 and 2012 were selected on the basis of citations and Altimetric scores.
56 2010 and 2012, were selected on the basis of citations and Altmetric scores.
57 2010 and 2012, were selected on the basis of citations and Altmetric scores.
58 abase, and Web of Science [including Science Citations and Conference Proceedings]) and personal libr
59 h August 2014 with hand-searching of in-text citations and no publication date limitations.
60                                              Citations and reference lists of articles of interest we
61                                          The citations and reference lists of selected studies were r
62 hors independently and in duplicate screened citations and reviewed text of studies to apply selectio
63     After screening the abstracts of all 305 citations and reviewing the full text of 30 potentially
64         Investigators independently screened citations and verified extracted data on study and parti
65  We construct new data to track publication, citation, and patenting outcomes associated with more th
66           The searches identified 307 unique citations, and 27 studies were selected according to the
67          We found 120 titles, abstracts, and citations, and 32 studies (29 cohorts) were included in
68           The searches identified 216 unique citations, and 49 articles of possible clinical relevanc
69                           We identified 4542 citations, and 88 studies were included, comprising 55 6
70 An electronic database search identified 885 citations, and a manual search yielded an additional fiv
71 onic databases, hand-searched references and citations, and consulted experts to identify studies ass
72                           We identified 7965 citations, and included 126 studies describing 491 608 H
73 ist's impact, from the h-index to cumulative citations, and independent recognitions, such as prizes.
74 ution as measured by number of publications, citations, and National Institutes of Health (NIH) fundi
75 d parameters for sleeping time and number of citations, applied to small or monodisciplinary bibliogr
76                            In physics, total citations are highly negatively correlated with indicato
77 cal measures as the number of connections or citations are not necessarily the deterministic factors
78 Taking relocation into account, we find that citations are the strongest predictors of current online
79 ing titles and abstracts, we excluded 10,461 citations as clearly irrelevant to this systematic revie
80  factor, journal quartile, and the number of citations as suitable metrics for quality consideration.
81                                              Citations at 60 months were additionally examined as a s
82 oth sexes were not associated with increased citations at 60 months.
83 rmally returns a long list of hits with many citations being unwanted by the user.
84                    By analyzing a network of citations between 15,425 United States-produced films pr
85 ated with citation count, which may indicate citation bias.
86                                 Furthermore, citations buried within supplementary files rob other sc
87 e the APS, where the commonly used number of citations can be a poor indicator of the collective infl
88 port systems with more than 11 000 reference citations, classified into over 1000 transporter familie
89                       We found that negative citations concerned higher-quality papers, were focused
90 ates was associated with a 17.8% increase in citation count at 5 years postpublication (95% confidenc
91                InCites provides a normalized citation count for each publication stratifying by year
92                                  The average citation count per keratoplasty documents was 9.34.
93 ccess rate was independently associated with citation count, which may indicate citation bias.
94 tion remained significant (18.6% increase in citation count; 95% confidence interval, 7.6-29.6%; P<0.
95                                              Citation counts were compared using generalized estimati
96  incentives to maximize publication numbers, citation counts, and publications in high-impact journal
97                       Even after normalizing citation counts, we confirmed a lack of association betw
98                                              Citation data were obtained using Google Scholar.
99                                              Citation data were retrieved from SCOPUS, and statistics
100 ovascular journals and indexed in the Scopus citation database from 1997 to 2007.
101  We systematically searched 15 international citation databases for population-level estimates of sep
102 teer services in palliative care in thirteen citation databases up to May 2013.
103 n research articles to determine the minimum citation distance between patented inventions and prior
104 Our analysis emphasizes a complex feature of citation dynamics that so far has received little attent
105 med high prediction power for their model of citation dynamics.
106 E (including in-process and other nonindexed citations), EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Revi
107 ne, Medline in Process, and other nonindexed citations, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database from incept
108 r 30, 2016, identified 56 of a possible 3284 citations for (1) data-driven analyses of the dimensions
109 obtained <2 years of publication, and 2-year citations for each grant's maximally cited paper.
110 the primary trial results, and the number of citations for the primary trial articles and all seconda
111                                  Of the 1509 citations found in the search, 94 articles were reviewed
112                                       Of 778 citations found, 9 studies met all the eligibility crite
113                       However, the number of citations from all primary and secondary articles did no
114  2003 to August 2017, and a manual search of citations from key primary and review articles.
115  ranked by the composite score than by total citations, H index, or Hm index; 40/47 of these laureate
116 sely, many of the top 1,000 authors on total citations have had no single/first/last-authored cited p
117 icators that address total impact (number of citations, Hirsch H index [H]), co-authorship adjustment
118                                          Its citation history exhibits a long hibernation period foll
119 entences, which came from 21,014,382 MEDLINE citations (i.e., the complete MEDLINE distribution up to
120                                       Of 559 citations identified and manually screened, 161 were sel
121                                     Of 2,578 citations identified by the search strategy, 10 cohort s
122                                     Of 6,176 citations identified from our search strategy, 26 studie
123                                      Of 1903 citations identified, 24 studies (16 565 participants) m
124                                      Of 7050 citations identified, 38 studies from low-income and hig
125                                  From 31 767 citations identified, 783 studies met the inclusion crit
126 or the journal in which they were published (citations/IF).
127  negative correlation is seen only for total citation impact and citations to papers as single author
128                              We analyzed the citation impact and productivity for 1755 de novo invest
129 funded grants bear no association with grant citation impact and productivity.
130  Thomson-Reuters, we calculated a normalized citation impact for each grant by weighting each article
131 The ARRA R01 grants had a similar normalized citation impact per $1 million spent as the payline gran
132 unding enabled research of similar or lesser citation impact than already funded work.
133 tile ranking and subsequent productivity and citation impact, even after accounting for subject categ
134 y were moderately strong predictors of grant citation impact.
135 er-review grant percentile ranking and grant citation impact.
136 ng" and "surgeon training" for abstracts and citations in all languages published between Jan 1, 1998
137 ibrary of Medicine (NLM) to index almost all citations in MEDLINE, which greatly facilitates the appl
138 ned poorly cited articles as those with </=5 citations in the 5 years following publication and poorl
139 used tool for this purpose with over 118 000 citations in the past two decades.
140 bute to above-average productivity and a 17% citation increase per publication, thus identifying thes
141                       Two reviewers screened citations independently.
142 (1974-2017 week 1) databases and the Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index were se
143 74-2015 from journals indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded database.
144 Trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Science Citation Index Expanded were searched to July 2014.
145 PLINE, PubMed, ERIC, and the Social Sciences Citation Index were conducted from January 1, 1990, to t
146 he Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index were searched combining terms for audit a
147 line and Medline In Process, Embase, Science Citation Index, and CINAHL databases for studies publish
148  BIOSIS, SCOPUS, clinicaltrials.gov, Science Citation Index, and Cochrane Library databases through N
149 nter, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied H
150 y searching PubMed, Medline, Embase, Science Citation Index, Current Contents, and the Cochrane Centr
151 tional Resources Information Center, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, Cumulativ
152  MEDLINE In-Process, EMBASE, Biosis, Science Citation Index, the Cochrane Library, Database of Abstra
153 SSIA; Science Citation Index; Social Science Citation Index; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews;
154 formation Consortium; CINAHL; ASSIA; Science Citation Index; Social Science Citation Index; Cochrane
155 SIA, IBSS (Proquest), Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes (Web of Science), using a combination o
156 comprehensive picture of impact, although no citation indicator, single or composite, can be expected
157                    Here, we explore multiple citation indicators that address total impact (number of
158 nual searches were conducted using title and citation information.
159  is to assign a set of MeSH main headings to citations, is crucial for many important tasks in biomed
160 ion network to field-normalize the number of citations it has received.
161  by weighting each article for the number of citations it received normalizing for subject, article t
162                    Two decades and over 6000 citations later, the original goals of the project may b
163 pen research is associated with increases in citations, media attention, potential collaborators, job
164                    Only 37 articles from 373 citations met our inclusion criteria.
165 igrams, these features include noun phrases, citation meta-data, citation structure, and semantic ann
166 ory attributes by employing the frequency of citation method.
167                                              Citation metrics are increasingly used to appraise publi
168                                              Citation metrics from 224 articles indicated that half o
169 rical evidence against the use of short-term citation metrics in the quantification of scientific imp
170                                    Different citation metrics may offer complementary insights, but o
171            Additional challenges emerge when citation metrics need to be combined across multiple pap
172 ship, and this poses challenges in assessing citation metrics.
173 search article by making novel use of its co-citation network to field-normalize the number of citati
174 ur results revealed that social networks and citation networks contain more leader communities wherea
175                                   From 3,120 citations, nine before-and-after studies were included.
176                                 The content (citations, nomenclature, genomic location, gene products
177 ons received per million dollars of funding, citations obtained <2 years of publication, and 2-year c
178                                     However, citation of empirical evidence is haphazard; the scholar
179                             The preferential citation of studies with the highest success rates could
180                                 Using Scopus citations of Cell Stem Cell research papers, it illustra
181 r 2000, but including the milestones and key citations of earlier work.
182  correlated with productivity as measured by citations of grant-supported publications.
183 formed, including a Google Scholar search of citations of included articles.
184 external stakeholders (proximal outcome) and citations of NTP's research in scientific publications,
185 rns (PPPs) for AMD to systematic reviews and citations of reliable systematic reviews to support each
186                     The searches yielded 321 citations, of which 109 were reviewed in full text and 2
187            The combined searches yielded 108 citations, of which 20 were deemed clinically relevant f
188  The search yielded 838 potentially relevant citations, of which 273 were in non-English languages.
189   The database search retrieved 4,172 unique citations, of which 289 were reviewed, and 13 studies re
190                      This search yielded 311 citations, of which 37 were deemed clinically relevant f
191 books, it is virtually always stated without citation or argument.
192 n with dexamethasone intravitreal implant (2 citations) or triamcinolone (1 citation), although catar
193 ite medical journals, we show differences in citation outcomes for articles that received different a
194 ower budgets, ARRA R01 grants had comparable citation outcomes per $million spent to that of contempo
195 sessed according to multiple publication and citation outcomes.
196 was included for analysis of publication and citation outcomes.
197  Ovid MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid Embase, Ovid Cochrane Cent
198                 These synopses received more citations (P = 0.01) and needed a larger research team (
199 tion network structures are calculated using citation patterns across technology classes during 1975-
200 -18), and the median citation rate was 0.007 citations per day (IQR: 0.0032-0.017).
201 n, journal impact factor, and citation rate (citations per day) were extracted for the diagnostic acc
202 differ from available SDARs in their average citations per year over their lifespan or journal impact
203 s by identifying possible "false negatives." CITATION: Phillips MB, Leonard JA, Grulke CM, Chang DT,
204 alysis uses 1.8 million US patents and their citation properties to map the innovation network and it
205 ving the Micro F-measure of 0.6248 for 9,040 citations provided by the BioASQ challenge.
206                                              Citation publication dates ranged from August 1, 1968, t
207 e of publication, journal impact factor, and citation rate (citations per day) were extracted for the
208 ositive correlation between STARD result and citation rate (r = 0.096; 95% confidence interval [CI]:
209 sitive correlation between impact factor and citation rate (r = 0.58; 95% CI: 0.535, 0.617), and a we
210 tialed out, the positive correlation between citation rate and STARD result does not persist (r = 0.0
211 s of reporting, as evaluated with STARD, and citation rate as well as impact factor.
212 lation between completeness of reporting and citation rate does not persist.
213 publications meaning that, for c >/= cx, the citation rate measures scientific impact more transparen
214 l studies are rarely frontline news, but the citation rate of this paper underscores the critical nat
215 le citation rates are divided by an expected citation rate that is derived from performance of articl
216  15 of 25 items (IQR: 12-18), and the median citation rate was 0.007 citations per day (IQR: 0.0032-0
217 ARD] endorsement) and study-level variables (citation rate, timing of publication, and order of publi
218 ion between STARD result, impact factor, and citation rate.
219  of transplant research as measured by later citation rate.
220 s reputation is found to dominate the annual citation rate.
221 ublications (1981-2011) were evaluated using citation rates and impact factors.
222 o earlier proposals making use of literature citation rates and the prior knowledge of the analyst, t
223                                      Article citation rates are divided by an expected citation rate
224               Impact was evaluated as annual citation rates measured using the ISI Web of Knowledge d
225 ciations between alternative metric data and citation rates.
226 n, in particular, are associated with higher citation rates.
227 sus peer review versus mixed--did not impact citation rates.
228 e effect of impact factor on postpublication citation rates.
229 y (STARD) is associated with postpublication citation rates.
230                                 The Relative Citation Ratio (RCR), a metric that was designed to serv
231                       The resulting Relative Citation Ratio is article level and field independent an
232                Our coprimary end points were citations received per million dollars of funding, citat
233                                 There were 3 citations representing 2 studies with level I evidence f
234                                 There were 7 citations representing 4 clinical trials that provided l
235 y Instrument, influence using Web of Science citations, results, and conclusions was created, and qua
236                                      Of 3660 citations retrieved, 16 case-control studies comprising
237                                  Of the 3527 citations retrieved, 19 studies were included, with more
238                                      Of 3717 citations retrieved, 61 studies comprising 72 samples me
239                           Of a total of 3948 citations retrieved, we selected 52 eligible studies pub
240                           We identified 2522 citations, retrieved 318 for further review, and retaine
241                                  Eight other citations reviewed were rated as level II, and 4 citatio
242                                     Of 3,188 citations reviewed, 10 studies met the inclusion criteri
243                                      Of 3188 citations reviewed, 10 studies met the inclusion criteri
244                                       Of 488 citations screened, 10 studies were identified for inclu
245                                    Of 11,469 citations screened, 68 studies randomly assigning 7,265
246                                  Of the 4640 citations screened, 69 articles were included for this m
247                                              Citation searches, reference checking and searches of th
248 y-August 2016: database searching, backwards citation searching and forward citation searching.
249 ng, backwards citation searching and forward citation searching.
250 from the literature search and three through citation searching.
251                                   Out of 142 citations, seven studies met the inclusion criteria, and
252 SH indexing has two challenging aspects: the citation side and MeSH side.
253                                          The citation side challenge is solved by a new deep semantic
254                                      For the citation side, all existing methods, including Medical T
255 es include noun phrases, citation meta-data, citation structure, and semantic annotation of the citat
256 rovement is obtained when using meta-data or citation structure.
257 , and the number of papers that receive more citations than average for the journal in which they wer
258 ificantly higher numbers of publications and citations than MDs, regardless of academic or institutio
259 hy of peer review by editors, received fewer citations than those sent for peer review.
260 hat half of the publications have cumulative citations that rank in the top 34% normalized for subjec
261 ctronic databases were conducted to identify citations that reported costs or economic analysis for i
262                                   Among 3110 citations, the search selected 53 studies, 42 of which r
263 ore than 100 times per year and 23.4% of all citations; their costs were substantially less than the
264 also reviewed the bibliographies of relevant citations to identify additional citations.
265  independent reviewers screened the returned citations to identify relevant reviews and rated the qua
266 n is seen only for total citation impact and citations to papers as single author.
267 iber Hm index [Hm]), and author order (total citations to papers as single; single or first; or singl
268                                              Citations to previous literature are extensively used to
269            Initial analysis of the retrieved citations to reveal clusters of evidence of nursing impa
270                    A recursive search of all citations to the article was performed using the Web of
271 associated with a slightly faster decline in citations to the paper in the long run.
272 incorrect articles showed that the number of citations to these articles increased over time.
273 d their progress for linked publications and citations to those publications.
274 ted a methodology to characterize "negative" citations using bibliometric data and natural language p
275         Two reviewers independently reviewed citations using predetermined inclusion and exclusion cr
276                         Receiving a negative citation was also associated with a slightly faster decl
277                                         Each citation was assessed based on its abstract, and the ful
278               The title and abstract of each citation was independently screened by two reviewers and
279                             The relevance of citations was assessed based on inclusion criteria, with
280              After outlining the reasons for citation, we use two case studies of citation amnesia in
281               Our search yielded 6315 unique citations; we analyzed findings from 69 studies (18 on d
282 fty articles with the highest average yearly citation were identified.
283                                   In all, 57 citations were found to be relevant.
284                 Reference lists of retrieved citations were hand searched for relevant studies.
285                              A total of 1093 citations were identified and screened.
286                                         3517 citations were identified by the search and 53 studies m
287                             A total of 1,124 citations were identified.
288                                    Potential citations were obtained for more detailed review and ass
289 tions reviewed were rated as level II, and 4 citations were rated as level III.
290                              A total of 8116 citations were retrieved.
291                                              Citations were screened independently by two reviewers f
292                                              Citations were screened using prespecified eligibility c
293 ACTION: One hundred forty-seven nonduplicate citations were screened, 32 underwent full screening and
294  publishing at high rates and receiving many citations were, overall, not at greater risk of bias.
295 rom peer reviewers received relatively fewer citations when they were eventually published.
296 oncatenating titles and abstracts of MEDLINE citations which refer to the miRNAs.
297                  The search retrieved 10,247 citations with 120 studies reporting on the incidence of
298                            We identified 628 citations with our search, of which 610 were excluded af
299 ature, offers access to more than 20 million citations with three-quarters of a million new ones adde
300 e to approximate 'death dates' and calculate citations/year over each SDAR's lifespan.
301 ing novel technologies (median, 15.6 vs 10.3 citations/yr; p = 0.002).

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