


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1      However, their correlation has not been clarified.
2 n short-circuit current are investigated and clarified.
3  approximately 20% of the cases remain to be clarified.
4 proteins in IFN-gamma signaling has not been clarified.
5 orylation of eNOS(pThr497) have not yet been clarified.
6 al connections in human infants is not fully clarified.
7 y which they are induced have not been fully clarified.
8 veral transisthmian and Atlantic species are clarified.
9 its antioxidative action have not been fully clarified.
10 mplex spatiotemporal dynamics have yet to be clarified.
11 the underlying mechanism remains to be fully clarified.
12 structure in mineral formation remains to be clarified.
13 ve activity and blood pressure have not been clarified.
14 tion in BP pathophysiology still needs to be clarified.
15 ms underlying this coordination remain to be clarified.
16 hich their functional role still needs to be clarified.
17 turally important species of plant, has been clarified.
18 hanistic basis, however, needs to be further clarified.
19 e additional plastid membranes remains to be clarified.
20 e to those therapeutic failures has not been clarified.
21 ture) on the self-assembly process should be clarified.
22 quan Deng's present address has been further clarified.
23 ons (RTIs) in European children has not been clarified.
24  under EGFR activation remains to be further clarified.
25 s occur during online encoding has yet to be clarified.
26 e protection and/or pathogenesis needs to be clarified.
27                                  A new study clarifies a relationship between growth, gene expression
28  can be readily extended to other systems to clarify a wide range of important bond activation proces
29 ARS-dependent persulfide production may thus clarify aberrant redox signaling in physiological and pa
30  evaluate color and anthocyanin stability of clarified acerola juice (CAJ) as affected by montmorillo
31 ng the limits of gecko adhesion is vital for clarifying adhesive mechanisms and in the design of synt
32  HIV DNA reservoir, however, are only partly clarified and are relevant to guiding interventions for
33 nism underlying this phenomenon has not been clarified and there is no treatment currently available.
34                                           To clarify and contextualize the energetic results, natural
35 and by finding complementary models that can clarify and expound the details.
36 l identities and personal familiarity, while clarifying and extending the organization of the core sy
37 al significance of FO-enriched nutrition and clarified appropriate patient groups that receive progno
38 clear finding in early scans, which could be clarified as characteristic for PCa at 3 h after injecti
39 ced insulin degradation in AAs remains to be clarified, as does the relative importance of reduced li
40 ia, respectively) may be elusive, but we can clarify aspects of their behaviour using dental microwea
41 iple sclerosis and SLE, and its effects were clarified at the population, cellular, and molecular lev
42                                   Imaging on clarified brain tissues clearly displayed that n-3 PUFAs
43  physical origins of the effect remain to be clarified but likely ensue from the transposition of cen
44 ism to the observed product distribution are clarified by evaluating the requirement for direct chemi
45 e enigmatic pathogenesis of HCL was recently clarified by the discovery of its underlying genetic cau
46 s and patient perspectives are enumerated to clarify challenges and opportunities across the caregivi
47                         The authors aimed to clarify clinical course and prognosis of a large cohort
48 equently modulates the NAb response can help clarify correlates of protection from HIV exposures and
49                                           To clarify CST mechanism, we examined the capacity of CST t
50 essary, authors of studies were contacted to clarify data and eliminate physiologic reactions.
51 when necessary, adjunctive testing, can help clarify decision making.
52  there is a reduced threshold for imaging to clarify diagnosis, guide prognosis, and treatment.
53 igh-quality, long-term studies are needed to clarify dietary protein's role in bone health.
54 ation in the pathogenesis of AI is yet to be clarified due to a lack of knowledge about amelogenesis.
55 henotypic and genotypic descriptor that will clarify etiology, provide prognostic information, and be
56  against Gram-negative bacteria is still not clarified, even if a synergistic effect with the bisguan
57 veal new features of the antiviral response, clarify existing models of signaling regulation while of
58 , we utilize population level simulations to clarify expectations under common evolutionary models.
59 e of analyzing components of heritability to clarify genetic architecture.
60 gation has begun to define disease subtypes, clarifying heterogeneity and suggesting molecular pathwa
61                          This study aimed to clarify HIF1alpha and HIF2alpha expression patterns duri
62                                   This study clarifies how structure sets viscoelasticity during coll
63 rk science on opinion dynamics substantially clarifies how truth wins in groups.
64                            Our findings help clarify how AGs induce hair cell death and reveal proper
65                    Collectively, our studies clarify how CENP-N and CENP-C decode and stabilize the n
66 ce and EM fungal community structure will to clarify how climate change effects cascade belowground.
67                          This study aimed to clarify how DHA suppresses seizures, focusing on the reg
68                                           To clarify how host responses contribute to EVD pathophysio
69                       We therefore sought to clarify how La regulates IFN production in response to v
70 associate with dynamic microtubules and help clarify how LIS1 promotes the plus-end localisation and
71                                These results clarify how rising temperatures interact with other key
72 ependent IKK complex activation, and further clarify how the human-adapted poxvirus MCV can so effect
73 anisms that govern growth cone motility will clarify how the nervous system develops and regenerates,
74 of eukaryotic Fe-S cluster biosynthesis, and clarifying how defects in Fe-S cluster assembly lead to
75                 These findings may assist in clarifying how drusen give rise to visual loss, which is
76 state cancer cells during tumor progression, clarifying how the tumor microenvironment modulates ECM
77 te gadolinium enhancement (LGE) has not been clarified in acute myocarditis (AM) with preserved left
78 on to the optically-pumped GaN:Eu devices is clarified in the framework of this injection efficiency
79 d in a more concrete conceptual framework to clarify inference surrounding risk effects and their cas
80                                  We aimed to clarify it, performing the first meta-analysis on this i
81 n protein phosphorylation by YopO that would clarify its effects on cytoskeleton disruption.
82                                           To clarify its role, we developed and validated a detailed
83                                           To clarify its roles in the terminal differentiation of sen
84 n may be critical for cognitive flexibility, clarifying its mechanisms will likely expand our basic u
85 Tx is a useful tool and may serve to further clarify Kv2 channel functions in neurons.
86          Recent scientific developments have clarified mechanisms underlying PF4/heparin immunogenici
87 ntaining species provided the opportunity to clarify mechanistic aspects of the transfer of the organ
88                                           We clarify mechanistic questions regarding plasmon-driven c
89                                     Here, we clarify misconceptions concerning geologic evidence of t
90 from 1 January 2016 to November 2016 to add, clarify, or revise recommendations based on new evidence
91 from 1 January 2016 to November 2016 to add, clarify, or revise recommendations on the basis of new e
92 d, suggesting that molecular analysis should clarify our current definitions of acute changes in kidn
93 or neurons in a wider range of CPGs, perhaps clarifying our understanding of network principles under
94 such changes in autism spectrum disorder may clarify pathomechanisms and thereby help identify target
95 icrobiota as a whole-may uncover their code, clarifying perhaps the most fundamental question: how th
96                                           To clarify phenotype, suppressive activity, origin, and cli
97 the G. hirsutum and G. barbadense genomes to clarify population demographic history.
98 rk is required to confirm our results and to clarify potential mechanisms, our findings suggest that
99                                These results clarify previous findings and provide evidence for a gen
100 ations, respectively, and these results help clarify prior results that appeared to conflict with the
101                      Given the importance of clarifying prognostic expectations and end-of-life care
102                                 Our findings clarify punishment's adaptive basis, offer a case study
103       Lastly, we highlight research needs in clarifying reaction mechanisms, developing analytical me
104                                    The newly clarified role of Bcl11b distinguishes discrete componen
105 es not, implicating Tel1 kinase activity and clarifying roles of Tel1 phosphorylation substrates.
106 dge where further research is needed to help clarify safety limits.
107    Whole saliva exerted a higher effect than clarified saliva on aroma compounds.
108 submitted or not to centrifugation (whole vs clarified saliva).
109                                           We clarify several issues of the origin and evolution of ce
110           Recent single-molecule experiments clarified some aspects of this process, but its molecula
111 mentaries provided us with an opportunity to clarify some aspects of our target article, for example,
112          Finally, we take the opportunity to clarify some of the assumptions and predictions of our f
113 phase 3 study and subsequent extension study clarified that the decrease in MMP-9 levels was not pred
114                                      Here we clarify that besides functioning as the structural scaff
115 10(5)-fold difference in rates was measured, clarifying that the differences were inherent rather tha
116 , a number of important recent advances have clarified the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlyi
117 n-doped and nitrogen doped GO membranes, and clarified the corresponding transfer mechanisms.
118 gain or loss of function in select cases has clarified the direction of effect to guide therapeutic d
119 he US in 2015 is the Clean Water Rule, which clarified the jurisdictional scope for federally protect
120 n the developing claustrum of the mouse have clarified the relationships and identity of the claustru
121 y three independent groups on zebrafish have clarified the role of two signaling factors, Nodal and G
122                                     Here, we clarified the roles of HDC-expressing cells and histamin
123                                    Our study clarified the specific anti-Ebola mechanism of SERMs, ev
124                                   This study clarifies the ambiguous understanding of the oleophobici
125 m the dimeric core of the SDA complex, which clarifies the critical role of ISD11 in eukaryotic assem
126                                    Our model clarifies the elusive function of the ubiquitous c-di-GM
127                                    Our study clarifies the interrelationships among canonical aspects
128                    This Letter to the Editor clarifies the landscape approach as an ethic for land ma
129                                         This clarifies the long-standing debate over the viability of
130  direct identification of drug-binding sites clarifies the molecular mechanisms of important TRPA1 ag
131                                    Our study clarifies the range of mechanisms in sea ice/terrestrial
132 e a unified model of tile self-assembly that clarifies the relationships between several well-studied
133 n TcdB CROPs in receptor binding and further clarifies the relative roles of host receptors in TcdB p
134                                         This clarifies the role of hydrogen bonds in liquid dynamics,
135                             Thus, this study clarifies the role of LSD1 in olfactory neuronal maturat
136 PRC2 recruitment to CpG islands, and further clarifies the roles of these proteins in transcriptional
137                                   These data clarify the ambiguity in interpreting (18)F-FMISO uptake
138                                   To further clarify the association between clonal haemopoiesis and
139 alysis of case-control and cohort studies to clarify the association between hypertension and endomet
140 adjustments for confounders are warranted to clarify the association.
141                      Together, these results clarify the basis of CaCC anion conduction.
142                                     Thus, to clarify the benefit from primary PCI in STEMI patients w
143 h other drugs are justified and warranted to clarify the biology of AR and inform the development of
144 eurocomputational level is unknown but could clarify the brain mechanisms disrupted in psychiatric co
145 ucted outside epidemic periods would help to clarify the circumstances under which the use of masks o
146 he cell of origin of liver tumorigenesis and clarify the classes of liver cancer based on molecular f
147                                These results clarify the complex and contextual role of anorexia in h
148                                           To clarify the concept of de-escalation of violence and agg
149                                     Here, we clarify the conditions under which measurements and pert
150                             Our results also clarify the connection between two versions of the third
151                                   This helps clarify the contextual nature of incentive value and cho
152                 More studies are required to clarify the cost-effectiveness of robotic surgery.
153                             Here, we seek to clarify the current understanding of sepsis as one that
154                       In doing so, we aim to clarify the decisions to be made for those who wish to d
155 uct a systematic review and meta-analysis to clarify the diagnostic accuracy of intraoperative breast
156    Future longitudinal studies are needed to clarify the direction of effects and the mechanisms unde
157  and studies in animal models have failed to clarify the disease mechanism of CERKL mutations.
158                                           To clarify the early molecular interaction between ectomyco
159                                           To clarify the effect of mechanical flour treatment on the
160                  First, omics can be used to clarify the extent and form of sociality in natural popu
161  modelling using the retrieved 3D maps helps clarify the fault's nature and thus characterize its beh
162 enetic approach using a 5-HT2CR(CRE) line to clarify the function of subset of 5-HT2C receptor expres
163 -moving lumbar circuitry, it is important to clarify the functional organization of sacral and lumbar
164                                  Our results clarify the functional role of Phf8 in mammalian develop
165   The study provides valuable information to clarify the functions of SPIs in digestion, development,
166 e populations sampled, and collectively help clarify the genetic architecture and ethnic disparities
167   To apply aggregate genetic risk methods to clarify the genetic architecture of MDD by estimating an
168 grees N) in western Canada, in an attempt to clarify the impacts of drought on aspen growth by using
169                                  We aimed to clarify the influence of polygenic risk for ASD and to i
170                                           To clarify the innate motor characteristic, we studied the
171                        This research aims to clarify the interactions that occur in a food model syst
172 e, numerous investigations have attempted to clarify the intricacies of tumor development to propose
173     Additional research is needed to further clarify the involvement of omalizumab in relieving sympt
174              Further studies are required to clarify the involvement of TBL1XR1 mutations in neuropsy
175    Developmental biology models were used to clarify the location of ISL1 activity in the forming uri
176             The purpose of this study was to clarify the magnitude and nature of the relationship bet
177                                These results clarify the many roles of Srs2 in facilitating replicati
178                 Future studies are needed to clarify the mechanism and to define the role of low-dose
179 mportance to reduce the development cost, to clarify the mechanism of action and ultimately to suppor
180  loci associated with blood lipid levels and clarify the mechanism of action at previously identified
181                                           To clarify the mechanism of action of Rh-alpha4beta7, naive
182                               These findings clarify the mechanism of action of this cytokine and emp
183 lecular dynamics simulations are employed to clarify the mechanism of diamondene formation, which req
184                       These findings help to clarify the mechanism responsible for pancreatic HCO3(-)
185 l protein for preventing beta-cell death and clarify the mechanisms behind its downregulation by proi
186 ve on these results, it will be important to clarify the mechanisms of incomplete leukemic cell eradi
187                                These results clarify the mechanisms of several HECT protein cancer as
188                                These results clarify the microscopic mechanism of thermal transport i
189                                  In order to clarify the molecular mechanisms of drug resistance, the
190                                  The results clarify the molecular mechanisms of functional cross-tal
191                                           We clarify the nature of our proposal, justify the versatil
192 N:Eu quantum well (QW) has been developed to clarify the necessary means to achieve device quantum ef
193                     In particular, we aim to clarify the often unclear use of the term "non-equilibri
194           Additional studies are required to clarify the optimal dosing of tenapanor in patients with
195                                           To clarify the organization of motor representations in pos
196                    Organoid models therefore clarify the paradoxical findings from SELECT and demonst
197       Several mouse models have been used to clarify the pathogenesis of PBC and are generally consid
198 nderstanding of risk factors for MH may help clarify the pathophysiologic factors of MH and identify
199       In this nationwide study, we sought to clarify the patterns of comorbidity and familial cluster
200 ansion segments of the 28S rRNA gene did not clarify the phylogeny at the genus level.
201              Further studies are required to clarify the possible roles and underlying mechanisms of
202 , cognitive, and social health might further clarify the prognostic role of aging.
203 es tumor progression, making it important to clarify the regulating network of KLF4.
204                                           To clarify the regulatory mechanism of microglial exosomes
205                 Well-designed studies should clarify the relation between HIV-status and GBS carriage
206  Using meta-analytic techniques, we aimed to clarify the relationship between early adversity and tel
207 dentified by time-lapse imaging, was used to clarify the relationship between growth, cell cycle, and
208                                 We sought to clarify the relationship between hippocampal tail volume
209                                           To clarify the relationship between neuropeptides and cance
210 e believe that there is a compelling need to clarify the relationship between the different concepts,
211 strokes of the theory they set out, and also clarify the relationship between their view and our rece
212            Ongoing cohort follow-up may help clarify the relationship, if any, between individual ins
213                                  Our results clarify the relative impact of the two components on the
214  kinetics, and cell geometry is necessary to clarify the role of actin in polarized growth.
215  epidemiological and experimental studies to clarify the role of CASPR2 and possibly other antibodies
216                 In conclusion, these results clarify the role of core gp120 glycosylation and illustr
217 tive to cytokinin were generated and used to clarify the role of cytokinin in regulation of various p
218                                These results clarify the role of GR in adipogenesis in vivo and demon
219 n relevant to neuropsychiatric disorders and clarify the role of Kctd13 in neurogenesis and brain siz
220               These advances promise to help clarify the role of lipid peroxidation in cell death and
221                                  We aimed to clarify the role of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTO
222                                           To clarify the role of microglia in brain homeostasis and d
223                                           To clarify the role of miRNAs in RPE cells, we used two dif
224                                  Our results clarify the role of multipartite entanglement in ensembl
225                                           To clarify the role of SMR in the outcomes of patients with
226                 The aim of this study was to clarify the role of the medial prefrontal cortex in self
227                Further research is needed to clarify the role of these microorganisms in the oral env
228                           These results help clarify the seemingly conflicting range of values report
229                      Our methods and results clarify the shifts in human cerebellar organization that
230                            In this study, we clarify the shock synthesis mechanism of icosahedral qua
231                                 The analyses clarify the structure of this complicated material, incl
232 cium in supporting tumour cell viability and clarify the synthetic lethal interaction between NUAK1 a
233 aluable basis for future studies designed to clarify the therapeutic value of CP blockade in transpla
234                              With the aim to clarify the time and way of NumtS evolution, we explored
235  warranted to corroborate these findings and clarify the underlying mechanisms.
236                                  We aimed to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms of suspected
237 utopsies and long-term rhythm monitoring may clarify the underlying pathology and mechanisms driving
238                        Our results therefore clarify the underlying physiological basis of this disor
239                                           To clarify the underlying regulatory mechanisms, we develop
240                            This will help to clarify the variable clinical characteristics of sSMCs a
241                                           By clarifying the contrast mechanisms in electron beam-indu
242  of cement proteins IIIa, VIII, and IX, thus clarifying the inconsistent structures.
243 dendritic colocations and synaptic circuits, clarifying the interpretation of existing and forthcomin
244      Much of this response is concerned with clarifying the interrelationships between adaptationist
245 ucture of a CPP within cells is critical for clarifying the mechanism of peptide-mediated translocati
246 ust be discovered in a genome-wide scale for clarifying the mechanism of tumor occurrence and develop
247 n the increasing prevalence of hypertension, clarifying the mechanistic underpinnings of hypertension
248                               We expect that clarifying the nature of myelin damage in preclinical AD
249 ally in disorders of development [9-13], and clarifying the origins of these differences is essential
250 mortgages still in default, further research clarifying the potential health effects of neighborhood
251                      The present study helps clarifying the relationship between structure and dual a
252 e, unmyelinated peripheral nerve fibers, but clarifying the role of sodium channel subtypes in differ
253 at was measured spectrophotometrically after clarifying the sample by the addition of trichloroacetic
254 rojections aim to inform robust decisions by clarifying the sensitivity to non-trivial or controversi
255 sue transplantation, apheresis or parabiosis.Clarifying the source of proteins in mixed biological en
256  interactions within the CH3 domain, further clarifying the thermodynamic basis for bsAb formation.
257 hough the genetic basis for XLT/WAS has been clarified, the relationships between mutant forms of WAS
258 studies of such cases have, however, further clarified their mutational spectrum and identified new o
259            We present a short synthesis that clarifies their relative configurations and sheds light
260 prospective randomized study is necessary to clarify their efficacy.
261                                           To clarify these discrepancies, we employed the technology
262                                           To clarify these discrepancies, we obtained serotype 35C an
263                                           To clarify these issues and to determine how c-Jun levels d
264 ogaster and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to help clarify these mechanisms.
265 ng advanced imaging technologies have helped clarify these relationships, overcoming hurdles to provi
266             These studies were undertaken to clarify these seemingly opposite regulatory roles of Usp
267                                              Clarifying these associations by determining the pathway
268 pective cohort studies are needed to further clarify this association.
269                                           To clarify this crucial issue, we studied 87 human particip
270                                           To clarify this discrepancy, we examined a different aspect
271                                           To clarify this function, we examined the mitochondria of c
272 aps that still need to be covered to further clarify this important issue in the management of type 2
273                                           To clarify this issue, we trained rhesus monkeys to perform
274                      Future work should help clarify this point further once genomic information is g
275        The logic of counterfactuals may help clarify this topic as we revisit these issues.
276                                              Clarifying this central concept is necessary for assessi
277 n inform future experiments aimed at further clarifying this issue.
278 ons, we describe a systematic framework that clarifies trends in catalyzing these reactions, serving
279             The late scans were conducted to clarify unclear findings in early scans or to increase t
280                       Most discordances were clarified upon high-throughput sequencing of antigen-rec
281 ntagonist in some types of cancer cells, was clarified using the character data of (+)-antrocin.
282 ar cations systematically described here can clarify various hypotheses including those of large-pola
283                                           To clarify, we assessed whether people with genetically hig
284                         We believe that this clarifies where most research interest has focussed and
285                 The aim of this study was to clarify whether ambient air pollution is associated with
286                                           To clarify whether DCS is superior to placebo in augmenting
287                                 We sought to clarify whether human NK cells can express PD-1 and anal
288       Future investigations are warranted to clarify whether inhibition of CD73 can effectively reduc
289        Ongoing larger randomized trials will clarify whether monitoring and supplementation of vitami
290                      Prospective studies may clarify whether Moraxella outgrowth is a cause or a cons
291             Additional research is needed to clarify whether strawberries or other polyphenol-rich in
292                         Ongoing studies will clarify whether these acute changes predict beneficial c
293                          Further studies may clarify whether those changes result in perceptual poten
294 ted the physical limits of flow detection to clarify which mechanisms could be reliably used for symm
295                 Additional studies will help clarify which patients would benefit most from this appr
296         Seed mass is one trait that may help clarify why some lineages diversify more than others bec
297 selection criteria for reference maps, which clarify why the work of Schepaschenko et al was not used
298         However, underlying mechanism is not clarified yet especially for HP1.
299 anism behind cholestanol production has been clarified, yet little is known about its metabolism, exc
300               Using artificial substrates we clarified YopO's substrate length requirements and its p

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