


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ociated with "leaky" nephron segments (e.g., claudin-2).
2 vated expression of the pore-forming protein claudin-2.
3  by expression of the tight junction protein claudin-2.
4 ion of the epithelial tight junction protein claudin-2.
5 racellular water and Na(+) channel formed by claudin-2.
6 ion injury was more severe in the absence of claudin-2.
7 Rab14 results in increased TER and decreased claudin-2.
8 luding increased TER and decreased levels of claudin-2.
9 s by lysosomal degradation of the TJ protein claudin-2.
10 play size- and charge-selectivity typical of claudin-2.
11 rier through IL-10RA-dependent repression of claudin-2.
12 he transcripts for several other isotypes of claudins-2, -3, -7, -9, -14, and -15 were identified in
13  In MDCK cells (showing cation selectivity), claudins 2, 4, and 7 are powerful effectors of paracellu
14 in the gut are a crypt-to-villus decrease in claudin 2, a highly restricted expression of claudin 4 t
15 pithelium markedly induces the expression of Claudin-2, a cation-channel-forming tight junction prote
16 similar to the typical channel-type claudins claudin-2 and -15.
17 ysis of the interactions between chimeras of claudin-2 and -4 are consistent with the transmembrane d
18  association was found between expression of Claudin-2 and age, gender, grade, stage, or patients' su
19                     In tight junctions, both claudin-2 and claudin-10b form paracellular cation-selec
20 ks deciliation-associated down-regulation of claudin-2 and gp135.
21  Starvation reduced the membrane presence of claudin-2 and increased its cytoplasmic, lysosomal local
22     Moreover, IL-22-mediated upregulation of Claudin-2 and loss of TEER can be suppressed with the tr
23 NA expression of the tight junction proteins claudin-2 and occludin.
24 and, LLC-PK1 cells express little endogenous claudin-2 and show anion selectivity.
25                 The conductance of wild-type claudin-2 and the other cysteine mutants was only weakly
26                                 Furthermore, claudins 2 and 4 have reciprocal effects on epithelial b
27 dant expression of Na(+)/Pi cotransporter 2, claudin-2, and aquaporin 1.
28 rmeability in vivo and changes in claudin-1, claudin-2, and myosin IXB genes expression, while no cha
29 eight complex containing at least claudin-1, claudin-2, and occludin; the difference in the protein c
30 d as a negative control expressed claudin-1, claudin-2, and protein gene product 9.5, which are prote
31 his regulation requires occludin, claudin-1, claudin-2, and ZO-1.
32     Paracellular permeabilities conferred by claudin-2 are captured by P-SICM which demonstrates the
33 increase, whereas other claudins, especially claudin-2, are postulated to decrease the overall transc
34               Recent evidence has identified claudin-2 as constituting the cation-reabsorptive pathwa
35 y-associated, "leaky" tight junction protein claudin-2 at intercellular junctions.
36 consistent with the transmembrane domains of claudin-2 being responsible for dimerization, and mutati
37 r the expression and membrane association of claudin-2 but not claudin-1 in T84 cells.
38 nsistent with this, binding of claudin-1 and claudin-2, but not claudin-4, to S408A occludin tail is
39  substantial depletion of the leaky claudin, claudin-2, but not other tight junction components.
40  We aimed to map the pore-lining residues of claudin-2 by comprehensive cysteine-scanning mutagenesis
41 hanced membrane association of claudin-1 and claudin-2 by IL-15 required the presence of the IL-2Rbet
42  It is a VDRE required for the regulation of Claudin-2 by vitamin D.
43                               In both cells, claudin-2 channels display conductances of ~90 pS.
44 echnique that detects flux across individual claudin-2 channels within the tight junction of cultured
45 lled, CPE-treated transfectants expressing a Claudin-2 chimera with a substituted ECL-2 from Claudin-
46   The results were unexplained by effects on claudin-2, claudin-3, claudin-19, occludin, and ZO-1, bu
47                    Although the abundance of claudin-2 declined to undetectable levels in the ras-ove
48 hermore, the expression of junction protein, claudin-2, decreased.
49                       Relative to wild-type, claudin-2-deficient mice experienced severe disease, inc
50  colitis severity and C. rodentium burden in claudin-2-deficient, but not transgenic, mice, demonstra
51 ally, CK2 inhibition reversed IL-13-induced, claudin-2-dependent barrier loss.
52                                   Removal of claudin-2 depressed the permeation of Na+ and resulted i
53 d cation selectivity compared with wild-type claudin-2 due to a decrease in Na(+) permeability, witho
54 vations are consistent with a model in which claudin-2 encodes a highly cation-permeable channel, whe
55                            MDCK I cells lack claudin-2 endogenously, and knockdown of Rab14 in these
56                                 Knockdown of claudin-2 enhanced the development of TEER in matriptase
57 n and claudins are required for increases in claudin-2 exchange, suggesting assembly of a phosphoryla
58 the natural ECL-2 was replaced by ECL-2 from Claudin-2, exhibited no CPE-induced cytotoxicity.
59 he effects of calcium on the permeability of claudin-2, expressed in an inducible MDCK I cell line.
60 ane fraction immunoblotting); iii) increased claudin 2 expression at 6 hours and decreased claudin 4
61                 U0126 treatment also induced claudin-2 expression and decreased TER in a high resista
62 t least in part, by an inability to regulate claudin-2 expression and incorporation into junctions.
63 ase into MDCK strain II cells also inhibited claudin-2 expression and increased TER.
64 increased gut permeability through increased claudin-2 expression and related to local and systemic r
65  treatment of MDCK strain II cells inhibited claudin-2 expression and transiently increased TER.
66  A significant association was found between Claudin-2 expression and VDR and TGR5 expression.
67                     Absence of VDR decreased Claudin-2 expression by abolishing VDR/promoter binding.
68  that the colonic microenvironment regulates claudin-2 expression in a manner dependent on signaling
69            Furthermore, genetic silencing of claudin-2 expression in Caco-2, a colon cancer cell line
70 found that vitamin D receptor (VDR) enhanced Claudin-2 expression in colon and that bile salt recepto
71 sally associated with tumor growth as forced claudin-2 expression in colon cancer cells that do not e
72 portantly, we demonstrate that the increased claudin-2 expression in colorectal cancer is causally as
73          We also report similar increases in claudin-2 expression in inflammatory bowel disease-assoc
74 RK 1/2 signaling pathway negatively controls claudin-2 expression in mammalian renal epithelial cells
75         In mice, HNF-1alpha was required for claudin-2 expression in the villus epithelium of the ile
76                 In contrast, IL-13-dependent claudin-2 expression increases paracellular cation flux
77                             We conclude that Claudin-2 expression is significantly associated with bi
78 on using a total of 309 patient samples that claudin-2 expression is significantly increased in color
79                                 In addition, claudin-2 expression is specifically decreased in the co
80 inal epithelial permeability by upregulating Claudin-2 expression through the JAK/STAT pathway.
81                                              Claudin-2 expression was examined by immunohistochemistr
82 uced EGFR activation significantly inhibited claudin-2 expression while simultaneously inducing cellu
83                                Knocking down Claudin-2 expression with small interfering RNA reverses
84 he channels are gated, strictly dependent on claudin-2 expression, and display size- and charge-selec
85 chain kinase (MLCK) activation and increased claudin-2 expression, respectively, in cultured intestin
86 herin and claudin-7 expression and decreased claudin-2 expression.
87                                              Claudin-2 forms gated paracellular channels and allows s
88                             We conclude that claudin-2 forms gated paracellular channels and speculat
89  of the tight junction proteins occludin and claudin-2 from intercellular junctions.
90 mplicate Rab14 in specialized trafficking of claudin-2 from the recycling endosome.
91                               In conclusion, claudin-2 functions as a paracellular channel to Na+ to
92                The 5'-flanking region of the claudin-2 gene contains binding sites for intestine-spec
93  function of HNF-1alpha in the regulation of claudin-2 gene expression.
94 rrelated with up-regulation of claudin-1 and claudin-2 gene transcription.
95          Here, we examined the expression of Claudin-2 in EAC and precancerous lesions and its associ
96 sed murine models to investigate the role of claudin-2 in maintaining energy efficiency in the kidney
97  is associated with atypical localization of claudin-2 in pancreatic acinar cells.
98 ther, these results uncover a novel role for claudin-2 in promoting colon cancer, potentially via EGF
99 ated with increased intestinal expression of claudin-2 in septic wild-type mice, which was further in
100 n of the pore-forming tight junction protein claudin-2 in STAT6(-/-) mice.
101 pithelial cells led to significant decreased Claudin-2 in VDR(-/-) and VDR(DeltaIEC) mice.
102 y, short hairpin RNA STAT6 knockdown reduced claudin-2 induction and transepithelial resistance decre
103 audin-8 is expressed, it replaces endogenous claudin-2, inserting in its place into existing tight ju
104                             In the pancreas, claudin 2 is only detected in junctions of the duct epit
105                                              Claudin-2 is a structural component of tight junctions i
106                                              Claudin-2 is a tight junction protein that mediates para
107                                              Claudin-2 is a unique member of the claudin family of tr
108                                  The loss of claudin-2 is complemented by inhibition of lysosomal fun
109   Despite loss of the tight junction protein claudin-2, KO mice had preserved functional integrity of
110 erexpression of PKCiota results in increased claudin-2 levels.
111 ssociated BEC barrier function by activating claudin-2-mediated paracellular pore pathways.
112 but not transgenic, mice, demonstrating that claudin-2-mediated protection is the result of enhanced
113   In the proximal tubule (PT) of the kidney, claudin-2 mediates paracellular sodium reabsorption.
114 educed the activated and basal expression of claudin-2 messenger RNA and protein expression.
115  levels of claudin-1 and increased levels of claudin-2 mRNAs.
116                                We found that claudin-2-null mice conserve sodium to the same extent a
117 nimals, oxygen consumption in the kidneys of claudin-2-null mice was markedly increased, resulting in
118 at EMT is associated with loss of claudin-1, claudin-2, occludin, and E-cadherin expression within 72
119 ed expression of the tight junction proteins claudin-2, occludin, and ZO-1.
120 f EpCAM with claudin-7 and claudin-1 but not claudin-2 or claudin-4.
121 and aPKC interact to regulate trafficking of claudin-2 out of the lysosome-directed pathway.
122 osomal function, suggesting that Rab14 sorts claudin-2 out of the lysosome-directed pathway.
123                       Conversely, transgenic claudin-2 overexpression reduced disease severity.
124 tagenesis and chemical derivatization of the claudin-2 pore.
125                           This suggests that claudin-2 pores are multimeric and that Asp(65) lies clo
126            Our data showed that VDR-enhances Claudin-2 promoter activity in a Cdx1 binding site-depen
127             Both Cdx1 and Cdx2 activated the claudin-2 promoter in the human intestinal epithelial ce
128 uced transcriptional activation of the human claudin-2 promoter.
129  5-AGATAACAAAGGTCA-3 in the Cdx1 site of the Claudin-2 promoter.
130  7 expression at 24 hours; and iv) increased claudin 2 protein at 48 hours.
131 Similar results were seen in human NEC, with claudin 2 protein increased.
132 more, treatment of IL-22 in mice upregulates Claudin-2 protein in colonic epithelial cells.
133  tight junction components demonstrates that claudin-2 protein levels are decreased.
134 We find that matriptase enhances the rate of claudin-2 protein turnover, and that this is mediated in
135 active ERK 1/2 levels, induced expression of claudin-2 protein, and decreased TER by approximately 20
136 ssociated with down-regulation of endogenous claudin-2 protein.
137 on in colon cancer cells that do not express claudin-2 resulted in significant increases in cell prol
138                                In the liver, claudin 2 shows a lobular gradient increasing from perip
139 olecules and also triggers IL-13 expression, claudin-2 synthesis, and increased paracellular cation f
140 ent evidence suggests potential functions of claudin-2 that are relevant to neoplastic transformation
141 t increases exchange of ZO-1, claudin-1, and claudin-2, thereby causing the mobile fractions of these
142 tibodies were produced against peptides from claudins 2 through 5.
143 nd butyrate represses permeability-promoting claudin-2 tight-junction protein expression through an I
144 adherin and claudin-7 and high expression of claudin-2, to a "tight" epithelium with increased E-cadh
145 racellular loop 2 of a modified, CPE-binding Claudin-2, together with high-resolution native and pore
146 e, suggesting that the effect is specific to claudin-2 trafficking.
147 aracellular pathway of ion permeation across claudin-2-transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney type I c
148 adherin, zonula occluden 1 (ZO-1), occludin, claudin-2, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and
149 MDCK I Tet-off cells stably transfected with claudin-2 Tyr(67) mutants.
150                          Thus, IL-22-induced claudin-2 upregulation drives diarrhea and pathogen clea
151 he cation-selective, pore-forming TJ protein claudin-2 was observed after cell starvation.
152 the tight junction integral membrane protein claudin-2 was preferentially isolated as a homodimer, wh
153                 Notably, the contribution of claudin-2, which has been linked to IL-13, does not medi
154  total conductance and Na(+) permeability of claudin-2, without causing changes in tight junction str

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