


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  adults in many developed countries, is less clear cut.
2 ponse of bromocarbons to high CO(2) was less clear cut.
3 the interpretation of the positive bands was clear-cut.
4 dent of parameter values and the answers are clear-cut.
5  living donor age on graft survival are less clear-cut.
6 ut the mode of familial transmission was not clear-cut.
7 cidentally discovered adrenal masses is less clear-cut.
8 66 mm depth) Hg by 50% in thinned forest and clear-cut.
9 mptoms, even when the diagnosis of EoE seems clear-cut.
10 mild to moderate aortic stenosis (AS) is not clear-cut.
11 ng-term preservation of continence were less clear-cut.
12 stigated very recently, and the data are not clear-cut.
13 st concessions effectively protected against clear-cutting.
14 , through physically disrupted epidermis has clear-cut advantages over conventional vaccination via h
15 act logging, conventional selective logging, clear-cutting, agroforestry, timber plantations, fuelwoo
16 nificantly enhanced soil pools of MeHg after clear-cutting also showed significantly enhanced methyla
17 s ability to detect malignant cells prior to clear-cut alterations in morphology.
18           The selectivities were found to be clear-cut, although the reaction center in these reactio
19 ation after large-scale disturbances such as clear cuts and forest fires.
20 sota, USA, with plots in both open (recently clear-cut) and closed canopy habitats, where seedlings o
21 st vascular disease, but the evidence is not clear-cut, and any benefits are almost certainly not as
22 solateral nucleus of the amygdala and evoked clear-cut anxiolytic effects in the social interaction t
23  reticulum stress stimuli, HCT116 cells show clear-cut apoptotic sensitivities in the order of Bax+/B
24 parating channels and transporters is not as clear cut as generally thought.
25 ibulbar and retrobulbar blocks may not be as clear-cut as previously thought.
26 e final group contained 20 risk loci with no clear-cut associations to continuous glycemic traits.
27  The situation in LDL particles is much less clear cut because of the paucity of kinetic data in this
28 facial features used to do so are not always clear-cut because they can be associated with opponent c
29                            All the data show clear-cut bimodal distributions centered around peak val
30      The second date marks the initiation of clear cutting by European settlers, an activity that wou
31 th those in four similar stands subjected to clear-cutting (CCs) revealed significantly (p < 0.05) en
32       In all the analyses, we did not find a clear-cut circadian dependence of infarct size after STE
33 to detect breast carcinoma in the absence of clear-cut clinical and mammographic findings.
34 ein made possible by this technique produces clear-cut clinical benefits.
35 umerous human studies have failed to produce clear-cut conclusions on this topic.
36 polyphenols, but more studies are needed for clear-cut conclusions.
37  lupus since 1999, with only LJP-394 showing clear-cut, convincing efficacy.
38 led in a recent study of candidemia, no such clear-cut correlation was present.
39 ve diagnostic accuracy by introducing a more clear-cut decision-point with an optimal specificity mai
40 This class includes the mutant with the most clear-cut defect, P284A.
41  may evolve into one another, thus rendering clear-cut definitions difficult.
42 , most of them, if not all, fail to induce a clear-cut degradation of PE samples, showing that bottle
43 lexes in the solid state, provides the first clear-cut demonstration of polyimide chain-folding and a
44 LGMD1A), it is not always possible to make a clear-cut determination of disease, because of variabili
45 samples are referred from patients with less clear-cut diagnoses, it is important to assess the utili
46 tical or molecular reporters have revealed a clear-cut dichotomy between these two cell types at the
47 rtially occlude each other.There remain some clear-cut differences between osmotic and stretch forms
48 by unique CD8(+) T-cell specificities and by clear-cut differences in selection pressure imposed on t
49             There was overall no evidence of clear-cut direct patient care benefits to inform immedia
50 t one third of common symptoms do not have a clear-cut, disease-based explanation (5 studies in prima
51                                            A clear-cut distinction between these different types of s
52                                     Far from clear-cut distinctions such as excitatory or inhibitory,
53 e used to project changes in SOC pools after clear-cutting disturbance, as well as under a range of f
54                                            A clear-cut dose-dependent relationship between lentivirus
55                       This method results in clear-cut endpoints that were reproducible.
56                                     There is clear-cut equivalence in immunosuppressive dosaging and
57 e diagnosis of this condition is not usually clear-cut, especially in a young patient with unremarkab
58             In a smaller number of cases, no clear-cut etiology is identified.
59                        Most importantly, the clear-cut evidence in positron annihilation unambiguousl
60    The results appeared to provide the first clear-cut evidence in the monkey of the essential role o
61                                 There was no clear-cut evidence of clinical or radiologic response in
62                                         With clear-cut evidence of this relation, is there evidence t
63       In summary, we have provided the first clear-cut evidence that dilated cardiomyopathy in old md
64 on critically ill patients every day without clear-cut evidence-based medicine (more subjective than
65 pervasive force in evolutionary ecology, few clear-cut examples have been documented.
66 ransient structuration has escaped to direct clear-cut experimental assessment.
67 ar structure and the walls of the container, clear-cut experimental evidence for this prediction is l
68                       Cruciforms are seen as clear-cut extrusions on the DNA filament with the length
69 rosophila melanogaster for mutations causing clear-cut eye phenotypes and detected 25 mutant alleles,
70 ge persistence time of all mutations causing clear-cut eye phenotypes is approximately 100 generation
71 oherent cotunneling, we were able to observe clear-cut Fano resonances.
72  of equilibrium studies; however, it is less clear-cut for the case of transient kinetic intermediate
73 structurally heterogeneous, often reflecting clear-cut functional constraints, and that, although the
74                                  Additional, clear-cut, gene expression signatures marked specific st
75 een spinal cord injury units and the lack of clear cut guidelines for follow-up, the increased incide
76                                Nevertheless, clear-cut guidelines for selection of packings for amine
77    At the moment there do not seem to be any clear-cut guidelines regarding the choice of a clusterin
78 be difficult to ascertain all but simple and clear-cut HGT events.
79 apy revealed a high prevalence of AH without clear-cut identifiable underlying cause.
80 Cs) are relatively well characterized, but a clear-cut identification of all DC subsets combined with
81 tructures (mature unthinned, mature thinned, clear-cut) in Douglas-fir dominated forest of southweste
82                                  Although no clear cut increase with the age of the lens donors in ei
83  receive SUP for an extended period, without clear-cut indications or documented benefit.
84                                              Clear-cut inherited Mendelian traits, such as familial a
85  (BC1) mice with H2g7/g7 haplotype developed clear-cut insulitis and diabetes, but neither transgenic
86 anic Hg and MeHg in soil as a consequence of clear-cutting is reported.
87 ease arising in immunosuppressed patients is clear cut, its role and that of other viruses in lymphom
88 e screened to identify two subsets, one with clear-cut kidney disease and another with normal renal s
89 retreatment with phospholipase C resulted in clear-cut mass spectra.
90 Importantly, we define for the first time, a clear-cut mechanism for the regulation of damage-induced
91 nd compared them to typical congenital nevi, clear-cut melanomas arising in congenital nevi, as well
92                   In most of these neurons a clear-cut modulation of discharge in the locomotion rhyt
93                  In most of these neurons, a clear-cut modulation of discharge in the rhythm of tilti
94  septin ring in developing hyphae provides a clear-cut molecular distinction between hyphae and pseud
95 or R quaternary state, thus allowing for the clear-cut monitoring of nitrite reductase activity as a
96                       Our findings provide a clear-cut neurochemical signature for a critical project
97  night-day ratio of 1 or greater, indicating clear-cut nondipping.
98        Epithelial cells from morphologically clear-cut normal ducts and lobules, DCIS, and IDC were a
99                               Final harvest (clear-cutting) of coniferous boreal forests has been sho
100             Fluxes of chloroform in a forest clear-cut on the east coast of Vancouver Island, BC, dur
101                                It exhibits a clear-cut on-off reversible behavior, and it could devel
102 formation when pulmonary function trends are clear cut or when functional impairment is severe.
103      The ORF73 EIA revealed similar but less clear-cut patterns.
104 elected DNA polymerases experienced multiple clear-cut pauses.
105                                Based on this clear-cut pharmacology, our data demonstrate that nonsyn
106                      Although we anticipated clear-cut responses to dry-season intensity, the finding
107 l optimization of these factors can generate clear-cut results for any immunosensor.
108 tatistical treatments can often be used with clear-cut results.
109 ections due to B. catarrhalis demonstrated a clear-cut rise in antibody titer to OMP E in serum or sp
110 8 can also inhibit cell cycle progression, a clear-cut role for the p38 pathway in cell cycle regulat
111 eptible to fire to reduce mortality, and two clear-cut rotations were applied in productive forests t
112 nverter translating graded TCR affinity into clear-cut selection outcome.
113 to a high extent, and some of them displayed clear-cut selectivity toward the viral G-quadruplexes wi
114 xample, upregulation of 315 genes provided a clear-cut "signature" of early events in IE specificatio
115 e silybin isomers, but in each, there was no clear cut silybin A versus B isomer activity preference.
116                                              Clear-cutting simulations demonstrated that both models
117 inical psychiatric signs and symptoms is not clear-cut, since other hormonal changes are implicated a
118 cally seen as a "wicked problem" that has no clear-cut solution.
119 the gained genes, remaining 25% did not have clear-cut sources, revealing thousands of genes that hav
120         In either case, the results reveal a clear-cut structural basis for the quaternary enhancemen
121                         Although evidence of clear-cut subclasses was not compelling, the smallest sw
122 fore, it has become difficult to demonstrate clear-cut superiority for any specific anesthetic agent
123 rophysiological tests, were shown to provide clear-cut support for the provisional classification pro
124      Although some of the screenings yielded clear-cut surface binders, the majority of screenings di
125 has risen over the past decade, because of a clear-cut survival benefit.
126 de, La 49-63, that generated a low-level but clear-cut T cell proliferative response.
127 transferred across regions or interpreted as clear-cut targets for ecosystem management and conservat
128 g from novel hardware use appears to be more clear-cut than from algorithms alone, due partly to the
129      The results for reduction of 5 are less clear-cut: The experimental results suggest that the red
130 tex function may limit their ability to form clear-cut threat categories, allowing pervasive fears to
131  are the subject of several studies, with no clear-cut winner.
132 n adolescence was the strongest predictor of clear-cut young adult disorder (odds ratio [OR] for pers

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