


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nderlying regional weather conditions (i.e., climate).
2 nd changing water availability with changing climate.
3 , and water stress) to projections of future climate.
4  to thermal impacts associated with changing climate.
5  to predicting aerosol impacts on clouds and climate.
6  radical (OH), which impacts air quality and climate.
7 ecrease mosquito density and regulate indoor climate.
8 onclusions on trees' W i responses to CO2 or climate.
9 s to persist despite regionally unfavourable climate.
10 e sheet stability under the current changing climate.
11 e, thus influencing the hydrologic cycle and climate.
12 hysiological stress, and the extent of novel climates.
13 en by poor demographic performance in warmer climates.
14 in future studies on air pollution and urban climates.
15 anammox even under winter conditions in mild climates.
16 d ecosystem alteration, especially in drying climates.
17 or challenge to our understanding of glacial climates.
18 e projections different from these past warm climates?
19 anada under recent (1981-2010) and projected climate (2011-2040 and 2041-2070).
20  Mexico-NAM) to the projected end-of-century climate (2071-2100).
21 other climate indices indicate deteriorating climate after 200 A.D. and cooler conditions after 500 A
22 ate variable relating animal distribution to climate, allowing investigations into how unique habitat
23 es may make important contributions to their climate and air quality impacts.
24 ysiological and growth responses to changing climate and atmospheric [CO2] in the boreal forest.
25 del simulations reduced model sensitivity to climate and CO2 , but only over the course of multiple c
26 r harmonizing food waste management methods' climate and energy impacts.
27                                          The climate and LULC change scenarios used in the models inc
28                       By contrast, trends in climate and nitrogen deposition did not significantly co
29 ell-known drivers of productivity, including climate and nutrient availability.
30 ize that if tropical forest caterpillars are climate and resource specialists, then they should have
31 tion (ENSO) has significant impact on global climate and seasonal prediction.
32  health burdens in the context of a changing climate and socioeconomic development patterns.
33 s and for better understanding of effects of climate and stand characteristics on dead organic matter
34                                     However, climate and technical factors were very similar between
35 ether hydraulic traits variation linked with climate and the diversification of this clade using a ti
36 s a process of crucial importance to Earth's climate and the environmental sciences, but it is not un
37 nravel the role of ambient aerosols in earth climate and to assess local and specific health risks fr
38                However, direct links between climate and violence are unlikely because cultural insti
39 red or otherwise altered in structure, local climates and microclimates change.
40  variation in species responses to Bd across climates and spatial, temporal and species-level variati
41 nformation on health, socioeconomic factors, climate, and watershed condition.
42 n, biomass burning, and respiration to these climate anomalies by assimilating column CO2, solar-indu
43 d to forecast future carbon fluxes in recent climate assessments.
44 lation since 1980 has revealed evidence that climate-associated changes in prey availability have pla
45 c materials is of fundamental importance for climate, biology, and industry.
46 ack also inherits diversity from the control climate but in an opposite way: a colder (warmer) climat
47 ochemical system to increased forcing of the climate by increasing levels of CO2 and CH4.
48 ally larger degrees of seasonal variation in climate, call for individuals and groups to adopt a slow
49 his study, we use Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier II guidelines to quantify the
50        We consider psychological research on climate change - a quintessential intertemporal problem
51                     In addition, AC provides climate change adaptation potential and ecological benef
52 ., is a global oil crop that has promise for climate change adaptation, because it can maintain stabl
53 ystems to drought and the potential for both climate change and a shifting generation mix to alter th
54 only improve soil quality but also influence climate change and agronomic productivity.
55 ironmental impacts are expressed in terms of climate change and biodiversity impacts due to water and
56 rctic sea-ice loss is a leading indicator of climate change and can be attributed, in large part, to
57                          Combined effects of climate change and deforestation have altered precipitat
58     However, other global changes-especially climate change and elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide c
59 id zones, such that the relationship between climate change and hybrid zone dynamics remains tenuous
60 once reliable cues for prey-rich waters, but climate change and industrial fishing have depleted fora
61                                        Rapid climate change and intensified human activities have res
62 n global context, the contrasting effects of climate change and land use changes could explain why th
63                                              Climate change and ocean acidification are altering mari
64  between Antarctic ice-sheet (AIS) dynamics, climate change and sea level.
65 uncertainty into that associated with future climate change and that associated with forest resilienc
66 esurveys of distributions after contemporary climate change and then tested whether species traits ac
67 are achieved only if ecological responses to climate change are simulated without static snapshots of
68 ttern modulate the response of its yields to climate change at the state level over the Contiguous Un
69 been suggested that reef corals may adapt to climate change by changing their dominant symbiont type
70 ow a more transitional nature of terrestrial climate change by indicating a spatial and temporal hete
71                                              Climate change can influence consumer populations both d
72 cks of the northern forest carbon balance to climate change caused by changes in forest mortality.
73 thern margin of permafrost in North America, climate change causes widespread permafrost thaw.
74 saster preparedness and the understanding of climate change consequences.
75                                       Global climate change drives sea-level rise, increasing the fre
76 nt pre-industrial conditions and a 50-member climate change ensemble experiment, consisting of histor
77 um ecology, proposing that communities track climate change following a fixed function or with a time
78                                        Thus, climate change has led to a decline of 1/3 in the capac
79                                              Climate change has the potential to affect the ecology a
80                                Anthropogenic climate change has the potential to alter many facets of
81                                              Climate change impacts of food waste are highest for fre
82 rsistence of those effects may interact with climate change impacts on biota in the coming decades.
83 s that species may be able to survive future climate change in pockets of suitable microclimate, term
84 role of astronomically forced "Milankovitch" climate change in timing and pacing the Late Devonian ma
85                                           As climate change increases the frequency and intensity of
86 to Earth's orbital configuration, as well as climate change initiated at high latitudes.
87                     Thus, as a landuse-based climate change intervention, reducing CH4 emissions is a
88                         Forest resilience to climate change is a global concern given the potential e
89 t Countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change is an international, multidisciplinary re
90                                        Rapid climate change is anticipated in tropical regions over t
91                                              Climate change is causing warmer and more variable tempe
92                                              Climate change is expected to alter the distribution of
93                                              Climate change is expected to threaten human health and
94                                              Climate change is predicted to result in rising average
95 eedbacks, but their response to contemporary climate change is unclear.
96 stem models (ESMs) and the implementation of climate change mitigation policies that involve land-sec
97 lience and adaptation; health co-benefits of climate change mitigation; economics and finance; and po
98                     The capacity to tolerate climate change often varies across ontogeny in organisms
99 PAs provide against biological invasions and climate change on a continental scale and illustrates th
100 ty to anticipate and mitigate the impacts of climate change on biodiversity.
101 n urgent need to understand the influence of climate change on coffee production.
102 odelled to adequately predict the impacts of climate change on forest function.
103 ic simulations to investigate the effects of climate change on population connectivity and genetic di
104 cal invasions will exacerbate the impacts of climate change on soil systems, with profound implicatio
105 ave been developed to predict the impacts of climate change on species distributions, performance, an
106 rovide a window into the possible impacts of climate change on the evolution of mating patterns.
107                                              Climate change projections for Vibrio infections were de
108  properly describe biodiversity responses to climate change rather than the oversimplified descriptio
109    Feeding a growing world population amidst climate change requires optimizing the reliability, reso
110 ctivity by dams is the major factor reducing climate change resilience.
111 tor of hotspots of bird richness, even under climate change scenarios or in areas where the species c
112  12 European forest tree species under three climate change scenarios.
113 fied global hotspots of species at risk from climate change that includes the western Amazon basin, s
114            Here, we perform a continent-wide climate change vulnerability assessment whereby we compa
115                      Our models predict that climate change will considerably reduce establishment of
116 butions sampled in the 20th century prior to climate change with resurveys of distributions after con
117 tion with hazard (the magnitude of projected climate change within a species geographic range), we id
118 tion of extinction debts, or the progress of climate change) against the rate at which spending appre
119 c selection vs. plastic responses to ongoing climate change) and (ii) to explore which climatic varia
120 t change in 1990-2099 under each scenario of climate change, assuming no adaptation or population cha
121 ing global sustainability challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and food security, imp
122          Forecasting ecological responses to climate change, invasion, and their interaction must rel
123                        In the face of global climate change, organisms may respond to temperature inc
124 ignal the spatial magnitude and direction of climate change, support a convenient initial assessment
125                     And in view of predicted climate change, we expect reduction of Stipa grasslands.
126 e import and the projected hemispheric-scale climate change-induced weakening of vertical mixing may
127 e of a potentially general mechanism whereby climate change-mediated range shifts can reduce phylogen
128 erved, which may impact response to combined climate change-related stressors.
129 n biodiversity and carbon-cycle feedbacks to climate change.
130 r phenology that are likely to develop under climate change.
131 ication of future conditions under projected climate change.
132  clear and rapidly emerging interaction with climate change.
133 ion mechanisms will be similarly affected by climate change.
134 udies to quantitatively assess the impact of climate change.
135 ic CO2 concentrations, and thus feedbacks to climate change.
136 bove preindustrial (PI) to prevent dangerous climate change.
137 ty in estimates of species' vulnerability to climate change.
138  frequency of disturbances accelerates under climate change.
139  future under the influence of human-induced climate change.
140 s of how primates in general will respond to climate change.
141  become more frequent and more intense under climate change.
142 nt of the crop, particularly in the light of climate change.
143 ture, suggesting resilience of the Amazon to climate change.
144 ges, eutrophication, and responses to global climate change.
145 , both of which are expected to decline with climate change.
146 timely in view of the range shifts caused by climate change.
147 t responses and elucidate vulnerabilities to climate change.
148 s, both of which are linked to anthropogenic climate change.
149 er events that are becoming more common with climate change.
150 nt role in affecting plant communities under climate change.
151 nded as an effective strategy to to mitigate climate change.
152  not reorganized successfully in response to climate change.
153  assess and respond to the health impacts of climate change.
154 hanism that organisms use to cope with rapid climate change.
155 ation among models and evaluate responses to climate change.
156 ntral European mountain forests under future climate change.
157 the accuracy of biological predictions under climate change.
158           As life spread, biogeochemical and climate changes cyclically increased and decreased bioav
159 en weather and fire is of growing concern as climate changes, particularly in systems subject to stan
160 ess paleoenvironments to Northern Hemisphere climate changes.
161               These results demonstrate that climate classification is an important factor when compa
162  a good chance of delivering air quality and climate cobenefits, particularly when used in the reside
163 y encountered a new environment with extreme climate conditions and distinct dietary resources.
164 cate that a transition from colder to warmer climate conditions is preserved in the stratigraphy.
165 s scenarios, this study shows that in future climate conditions, TC passage frequency will decrease o
166 tinct at lowest elevations due to changes in climate conditions.
167   Areas of high connectivity, where shifting climates converge, are present along sections of the coa
168 undwater hydro-refugia through orbital-scale climate cycles.
169 al climate regimes and identify where coarse climate data is most and least likely to reduce the accu
170 o identify where improving the resolution of climate data will have the largest impact on the accurac
171 nce metrics for mortality showed significant climate dependence (p < 0.001) after adjusting for socio
172 quator, which suggests the important role of climate differences.
173        Forests impact regional hydrology and climate directly by regulating water and heat fluxes.
174 eas ( 80%) might be exposed to high rates of climate displacement that could promote important shifts
175 suggest that the variation and complexity of climate-driven variables could be important for understa
176 pecific developmental effects before CO2 and climate effects are inferred.Intrinsic water-use efficie
177 f direct and indirect (via floral resources) climate effects on the interannual abundance of three su
178 ocal neighbourhood richness, indicating that climate effects on trait covariance indirectly influence
179                        Harmonization reduced climate emissions versus nonharmonized averages.
180                                  In a warmer climate, ER increases year-round in the absence of moist
181 nal climatic contrasts and the Mediterranean climate established in the Mediterranean Basin.
182             While many studies exist on this climate event, only few include high-resolution marine r
183 could otherwise survive and recover from the climate extreme, transforming once lush marshes into per
184 on effects between sociopolitical factor and climate factors for adult and neonatal mortality, while
185  thinking regards inter-model differences in climate feedbacks as the sole cause of the warming proje
186 and a reduction in the uncertainty of carbon-climate feedbacks in the Earth system.
187 nd forecasting nutrient controls over carbon-climate feedbacks.
188                                       Analog climates for these species shifted even further to the n
189 rom GDIs was much greater than the potential climate forcing associated with higher black carbon emis
190  to space, contributing to the transition in climate from an early, warm, wet environment to today's
191 te but in an opposite way: a colder (warmer) climate generally possesses a weaker (stronger) water va
192 urce of differential population responses to climate (genetic differentiation due to past divergent c
193  of this volume coming from landfills in wet climates (&gt;75 cm/yr precipitation) that contain 47% of U
194 this is a flawed assumption because regional climates have changed significantly across decades and c
195 ountdown aims to track the health impacts of climate hazards; health resilience and adaptation; healt
196                              We reviewed the climate health profiles of 16 states and two cities part
197                      We show that, even in a climate held to 2 degrees C above PI, Karachi (Pakistan)
198                  The existence of fine-grain climate heterogeneity has prompted suggestions that spec
199                             Although Earth's climate history is best known through marine records, th
200 ich influence particle properties and impact climate, human health, and ecosystems.
201 nvestigated the effects of long-term average climate [i.e. 35-year mean annual climatic water deficit
202 d crop models are effective means to project climate impact on crop yield, but have large uncertainty
203 ns useful as a screening-level assessment of climate impacts on CyanoHAB prevalence as well as potent
204  patches without LCLUC to give prominence to climate impacts.
205                        The current political climate in the United States has mobilized scientists to
206 complex local environmental response to warm climates in Antarctica and have implications for glacial
207  orbital periods are present in a variety of climate indicators such as temperature and precipitation
208                                  While other climate indices indicate deteriorating climate after 200
209 roductivity (GPP) varies considerably due to climate-induced changes in plant phenology and physiolog
210 e relationships vary geographically, and why climate is more important in some regions than in others
211 utochthonous CHIKV transmission under recent climate is very low with all of Canada classified as uns
212              Genetic maladaptation to future climates is likely to become a problem for spruce and be
213                                              Climate landscape metrics, which signal the spatial magn
214 CLASH model of aggression by suggesting that climate may moderate the forms and severity of bullying,
215                                         As a climate mitigation strategy, CO2 capture from flue gases
216 components, and we used the global chemistry climate model EMAC with the organic aerosol module ORACL
217 s comparable to the estimated bias in global climate model projections.
218        State-of-the-art ("CMIP5") historical climate model simulations subject to anthropogenic forci
219  climate models and a high-resolution global climate model, and create a generalized additive model (
220 ng and excluding adaptation, irrespective of climate modeling and emissions uncertainty, can be as lo
221 uate an ensemble of six different downscaled climate models and a high-resolution global climate mode
222 the mean, amplitude, and phase of the DCC in climate models and compare them with satellite observati
223  by a mechanism yet to be determined, or the climate models still lack an essential component that wo
224 imilar to the most predictable components of climate models without interactive ocean dynamics (i.e.,
225 ales that cannot be resolved by conventional climate models.
226 accurate incorporation of shrub effects into climate models.
227 a ice and are outside the range simulated by climate models.
228  is one of the largest challenges for global climate models.
229                                              Climate niche models project that subalpine forest range
230 ciated with a positive organizational safety climate (Odds Ratio [OR]=2.76, 95% Confidence Interval [
231 y assessment whereby we compare the baseline climate of the protected area network in North America (
232 linked to CO2 draw-down, but the severe cold climates of the Cryogenian have never been replicated du
233     We tested the hypothesis that impacts of climate on plant-pollinator interactions operate through
234 ding the effects of variation in weather and climate on productivity, recruitment, and patterns of lo
235  predict the long-term effects of a changing climate on tropical forests must take into account this
236 ersal (e.g., higher temperature, large-scale climate oscillations) or whether they are more sensitive
237 tent that species are resilient to shifts in climate over the rest of this century.
238 e eastern United States based on large-scale climate patterns during the previous spring.
239  likely been fueled by the 2015-2016 El Nino climate phenomenon affecting the region.
240                                           In climates predicted less favourable populations are expec
241 nly understood that a potential for skillful climate prediction resides in the ocean.
242                                         Many climate processes did not affect population growth rates
243 ion model to provide finer resolution future climate projections as inputs to the deterministic dynam
244                                        Using climate projections, we show that future heat stress cou
245 s for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative (CRSCI) that
246                                        Paleo-climate records and geodynamic modelling indicate the ex
247 c mechanisms through which such extremes and climate regime shifts may alter ecological communities h
248 mates of shrub biomass change under a future climate regime, made possible by recently developed shru
249 apply this framework to map different global climate regimes and identify where coarse climate data i
250 and that associations vary by urbanicity and climate region.
251 ative consequences for both provisioning and climate regulating ecosystem services.
252 tem functioning, global nutrient cycling and climate regulation, but are declining in the face of mul
253  of health and other institutions working on climate-related health issues in low- and middle-income
254 United States and asked whether and how fire-climate relationships vary geographically, and why clima
255 l impact, it is important to link health and climate-relevant soot (black carbon) emission characteri
256  longer-term history and links with European climate remain limited.
257 he present and future effects of aviation on climate require detailed information about the number of
258 g, like e.g. seasonal forcing in ecology and climate sciences.
259      Here we report how interactions between climate (seasonal precipitation) and competitor densitie
260            Later in Holocene, under a drying climate, sediments from the Thar Desert probably choked
261 man health and well-being via its effects on climate-sensitive infectious diseases, potentially chang
262                     The average Earth system climate sensitivity is K (1sigma) per CO2 doubling, whic
263  be driven by external perturbations such as climate, severe winters, predators, parasites, or the co
264 ngful estimates of the magnitude and pace of climate shifts, the location and timing of drivers of ph
265 ay closure a strengthened AMOC with a global climate signature.
266        Here, the authors use high-resolution climate simulations to show that this event could have b
267 the anterior tract were found under cold/dry climate simulations.
268 fferentiating the compounding effects of non-climate soil forming factors is a nontrivial challenge t
269 identified a network of intercorrelations of climate, soil properties, C inputs and soil C pools in d
270                            The importance of climate-soil interactions to Se distributions suggests t
271 es, soil Se concentrations were dominated by climate-soil interactions.
272 amples had quantifiable concentrations, with climate-specific estimates of annual leachate volumes.
273 tmospheric CO2, which may have modulated the climate system's descent into the last ice age.
274 lly significant positive feedback within the climate system.
275 s are expected to decline, and in favourable climates they are expected to persist.
276 scape development, ecosystem functioning and climate through biogeochemical feedbacks, but their resp
277 ffects of other important drivers related to climate, topography, and land cover.
278 phase relationship between inter-hemispheric climate trends across the LGT our findings demonstrate t
279 coming decades and, under a warmer and drier climate, tropical forests are likely to be net sources o
280 zing an index that measures local changes in climate using station data and comparing this index with
281                          Groundwater buffers climate variability according to spatially variable grou
282 sive, and the sensitivity of its glaciers to climate variability during the last termination more sig
283 t episodes of methane release due to natural climate variability well before recent anthropogenic war
284 factors, including relatively large internal climate variability, model shortcomings, and because CA
285        To test how marine species respond to climate variability, we analyzed 73 diverse taxa off the
286       The response of hailstorm intensity to climate variability/change has become a topic of communi
287 may be applied in the investigation of other climate variables.
288 on, soil, parent material types, and spatial climate variations, with significantly increased C:P and
289 ive these cycles, which occur independent of climate variations.
290 ain why the predicted enriching effects from climate warming are not always realized.
291 e results implied that the positive C fluxes-climate warming feedback was modulated by the changing N
292                                        Rapid climate warming has resulted in shrub expansion, mainly
293 trast, in the absence of increasing aridity, climate warming is predicted to generally increase abund
294                    The cumulative effects of climate warming on herbivore vital rates and population
295 potentially acting as a positive feedback to climate warming.
296 lpine forest ranges will extend upslope with climate warming.
297 nchus) from 1994 to 2015, a period of marked climate warming.
298  for predicting GPP under current and future climate; we highlight the need for experimental studies
299 ons to novel community assemblages in future climates, which will require a mechanistic understanding
300 nd are consistent with an early warm and wet climate with active hydrologic cycling involving an ocea

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