


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 timely in view of the range shifts caused by climate change.
2 t responses and elucidate vulnerabilities to climate change.
3 s, both of which are linked to anthropogenic climate change.
4 er events that are becoming more common with climate change.
5 nt role in affecting plant communities under climate change.
6 important adaptation strategy in response to climate change.
7 nded as an effective strategy to to mitigate climate change.
8 over the rest of this century in response to climate change.
9 e similar in magnitude to effects induced by climate change.
10  and butterflies are successfully 'tracking' climate change.
11 nspiration controls the Amazon resilience to climate change.
12  not reorganized successfully in response to climate change.
13 ent and facilitate upslope range shifts with climate change.
14 ions among species affect their responses to climate change.
15 nt and survival in ecological projections of climate change.
16 sgene silencing for transgenic plants facing climate change.
17 ) to the delay in rain onset predicted under climate change.
18 mation about how organisms are responding to climate change.
19 he most devastating impacts of anthropogenic climate change.
20 or adaptation and ecosystem vulnerability to climate change.
21 bloom is likely to be altered in response to climate change.
22 s reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
23 range edge-could decline sharply with global climate change.
24  assess and respond to the health impacts of climate change.
25 hanism that organisms use to cope with rapid climate change.
26 ive' community reorganization in response to climate change.
27  as heat-wave events become more severe with climate change.
28 d plants-may provide a negative feedback for climate change.
29  to which that change could be attributed to climate change.
30 on storage and act as a negative feedback on climate change.
31 cted to be altered under future scenarios of climate change.
32  well as forecasts of ecosystem responses to climate change.
33 d to rising global CO2 concentrations and to climate change.
34 f the complex association between health and climate change.
35 imatic processes and therefore buffered from climate change.
36 ation among models and evaluate responses to climate change.
37 ions may underestimate species resilience to climate change.
38 two centuries due to historical land-use and climate change.
39 ntral European mountain forests under future climate change.
40 hat must shift their distribution because of climate change.
41  breadth appear to be buffered the most from climate change.
42 carbon sinks, of water-limited forests under climate change.
43 global climate system and a key indicator of climate change.
44 ncertainties in our current understanding of climate change.
45 mediating species and ecosystem responses to climate change.
46 ecosystem stewardship as a major solution to climate change.
47 apacity of landscapes to provide archives of climate change.
48  may experience future shifts in response to climate change.
49 esilience of ecosystem function to predicted climate change.
50  methane (CH4 ), and are highly sensitive to climate change.
51 face of population growth, urbanisation, and climate change.
52 the accuracy of biological predictions under climate change.
53 n biodiversity and carbon-cycle feedbacks to climate change.
54 r phenology that are likely to develop under climate change.
55 ication of future conditions under projected climate change.
56  clear and rapidly emerging interaction with climate change.
57 ion mechanisms will be similarly affected by climate change.
58 udies to quantitatively assess the impact of climate change.
59 ic CO2 concentrations, and thus feedbacks to climate change.
60 bove preindustrial (PI) to prevent dangerous climate change.
61 ty in estimates of species' vulnerability to climate change.
62  frequency of disturbances accelerates under climate change.
63  future under the influence of human-induced climate change.
64 s of how primates in general will respond to climate change.
65  become more frequent and more intense under climate change.
66 nt of the crop, particularly in the light of climate change.
67 ture, suggesting resilience of the Amazon to climate change.
68 ges, eutrophication, and responses to global climate change.
69 , both of which are expected to decline with climate change.
70 ess paleoenvironments to Northern Hemisphere climate changes.
71 by eCO2 (39% and 42%) almost equally than by climate change (32% and 35%).
72        We consider psychological research on climate change - a quintessential intertemporal problem
73 differences in range changes associated with climate change across 35 plankton taxa.
74                     In addition, AC provides climate change adaptation potential and ecological benef
75 ., is a global oil crop that has promise for climate change adaptation, because it can maintain stabl
76 l modeling, species distribution models, and climate-change adaptation strategies.
77 climatic conditions, which are relevant in a climate change-affected world where disasters may occur
78 tion of extinction debts, or the progress of climate change) against the rate at which spending appre
79 cularly at a time of uncertain commitment to climate change agreements at the national level.
80               The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change aims to keep warming below 2 degrees C wh
81  between the observed response of species to climate change and a set of intrinsic traits (e.g. weani
82 ystems to drought and the potential for both climate change and a shifting generation mix to alter th
83 only improve soil quality but also influence climate change and agronomic productivity.
84 ironmental impacts are expressed in terms of climate change and biodiversity impacts due to water and
85 rctic sea-ice loss is a leading indicator of climate change and can be attributed, in large part, to
86 rising CO2 (currently 400 muatm) is driving climate change and causing acidification of both marine
87                          Combined effects of climate change and deforestation have altered precipitat
88     However, other global changes-especially climate change and elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide c
89          Alterations in fire activity due to climate change and fire suppression may have profound ef
90  to understanding their importance to global climate change and help inform the policymaking on globa
91 s pest should consider the impacts of global climate change and host availability on its potential gl
92 id zones, such that the relationship between climate change and hybrid zone dynamics remains tenuous
93 once reliable cues for prey-rich waters, but climate change and industrial fishing have depleted fora
94                                        Rapid climate change and intensified human activities have res
95 ion to evaluate the combined threat posed by climate change and invasions to existing PAs and the mos
96 n global context, the contrasting effects of climate change and land use changes could explain why th
97                    Our results indicate that climate change and mean climatic effects strongly intera
98  to the combined anthropogenic influences of climate change and nitrogen deposition in these systems
99                                              Climate change and ocean acidification are altering mari
100  of biomineral changes resulting from global climate change and ocean acidification.
101  results emphasize the urgency of mitigating climate change and protecting Arctic biodiversity.
102 erefore play an important role in mitigating climate change and protecting biodiversity and ecosystem
103  between Antarctic ice-sheet (AIS) dynamics, climate change and sea level.
104 f an association between human adaptation to climate change and shifts in breeding phenology of wildl
105 uncertainty into that associated with future climate change and that associated with forest resilienc
106 esurveys of distributions after contemporary climate change and then tested whether species traits ac
107 c selection vs. plastic responses to ongoing climate change) and (ii) to explore which climatic varia
108 hanges in response to projected 21st century climate change, and how the temporal resolution of data
109 ng centuries, reefs will run the gauntlet of climate change, and rising temperatures will transform t
110                                              Climate change, and specifically rising temperatures, wi
111 n of crops more sustainable and resilient to climate change, and whose benefits promise to scale from
112                       As the consequences of climate change are becoming evident, climate-based model
113 ling to rising CO2 concentration (eCO2 ) and climate change are dominant drivers of the increase in A
114                        Biological effects of climate change are expected to vary geographically, with
115 that provide a longer-term context to recent climate change are limited in number and often from sing
116 are achieved only if ecological responses to climate change are simulated without static snapshots of
117                                              Climate changes are pronounced in Arctic regions and inc
118 equately prepared and poorly integrated into climate change assessments and plans.
119 t change in 1990-2099 under each scenario of climate change, assuming no adaptation or population cha
120 ttern modulate the response of its yields to climate change at the state level over the Contiguous Un
121 elevations make them especially sensitive to climate change, because a warming climate is enhancing u
122 ing global sustainability challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and food security, imp
123 sts that as water limitation increases under climate change, biodiversity may become even more import
124 ' traits appear to affect their responses to climate change, but relationships are weak.
125 ture and altered precipitation expected with climate change, but weak relationships for some species
126 l resistance, non-communicable diseases, and climate change-but also the transformative potential of
127 been suggested that reef corals may adapt to climate change by changing their dominant symbiont type
128 ow a more transitional nature of terrestrial climate change by indicating a spatial and temporal hete
129 cily record reveals how fast the response to climate change can be in a marginal sea like the Mediter
130                                              Climate change can influence consumer populations both d
131       These analyses elucidate how projected climate change can negatively alter population dynamics
132 cks of the northern forest carbon balance to climate change caused by changes in forest mortality.
133 thern margin of permafrost in North America, climate change causes widespread permafrost thaw.
134 ends are better able to geographically track climate change compared to declining species, which exhi
135                                Anthropogenic climate change compromises reef growth as a result of in
136 saster preparedness and the understanding of climate change consequences.
137 ovide preliminary targets for development of climate change conservation management and mitigation st
138 nd other disturbances associated with global climate change contribute to forest decline and mortalit
139                                              Climate change controls the spatial pattern of seasonal
140           As life spread, biogeochemical and climate changes cyclically increased and decreased bioav
141 ticularly sensitive to the effects of global climate change, demonstrating earlier ice breakup, longe
142 n temperature series under four scenarios of climate change, determined by varying trajectories of gr
143 igation policies, and health implications of climate change-driven changes in O3 concentrations, are
144                        We assessed projected climate change-driven shifts in dengue transmission risk
145  we find that, within the next 15 years, the climate change-driven trends in multiple ecosystem drive
146                                       Global climate change drives sea-level rise, increasing the fre
147 ngal community structure will to clarify how climate change effects cascade belowground.
148  threats to population viability include (d) climate change effects on milkweed host plants and the d
149  Thus, the net impact of direct and indirect climate change effects on soil moisture requires better
150 ls (DGVM) exhibit high uncertainty about how climate change, elevated atmospheric CO2 (atm.
151 nt pre-industrial conditions and a 50-member climate change ensemble experiment, consisting of histor
152 re, we present results from a common garden, climate change experiment in which we measured seedling
153  extreme precipitation increases into future climate change experiments.
154 ghly improbable coincidence, circulation and climate changes extending from the Antarctic Peninsula t
155 um ecology, proposing that communities track climate change following a fixed function or with a time
156 nding adaptations of free-ranging animals to climate change, food availability, and human-related str
157 fts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and climate changes from Middle Miocene onwards in promoting
158                                       Recent climate change generally favoured the dominance of angio
159 e in southern Siberia is highly sensitive to climate change; global warming is expected to push the e
160                                Anthropogenic climate change has emerged as a critical environmental p
161                                        Thus, climate change has led to a decline of 1/3 in the capac
162                                              Climate change has the potential to affect the ecology a
163                                Anthropogenic climate change has the potential to alter many facets of
164          Rising temperatures associated with climate change have been shown to negatively affect the
165                  Asymmetries in responses to climate change have the potential to alter important pre
166 substantial human health, environmental, and climate change (HEC) damages.
167  overarching understanding of the impacts of climate change, how they are being assessed, and the ext
168 s to the fact that a larger population means climate change hurts more people: for example, in 2025,
169 ulnerability are as follows: (i) exposure to climate change, (ii) sensitivity to altered environmenta
170                       A generic indicator of climate change impact, the community temperature index (
171 lue of a multi-model approach in forecasting climate change impacts and uncertainties and should help
172                                              Climate change impacts of food waste are highest for fre
173 rsistence of those effects may interact with climate change impacts on biota in the coming decades.
174               Management actions to mitigate climate change impacts on stream ecosystems or to proact
175   In contrast, we find non-negligible direct climate change impacts when modeling NEELAND using proje
176                                              Climate change imposes an urgent need to recognise and c
177 ge even able to counterbalance the effect of climate change in Central Africa.
178 een one of the largest episodes of transient climate change in Earth history.
179                      Indeed, faster rates of climate change in many high latitude regions could combi
180 sents an important and tangible barometer of climate change in marine systems.
181 aintop aquatic invertebrates as sentinels of climate change in mid-latitude regions.
182 s that species may be able to survive future climate change in pockets of suitable microclimate, term
183                                              Climate change in the circumpolar region is causing dram
184                           Alterations due to climate change in the distributions of insect herbivores
185 pplication for tree species vulnerability to climate change in the eastern United States that account
186  to and from the Arctic each year, but rapid climate change in the High North could strongly affect w
187 role of astronomically forced "Milankovitch" climate change in timing and pacing the Late Devonian ma
188                                           As climate change increases the frequency and intensity of
189                                              Climate change-induced perturbations in the hydrologic r
190       In only a small minority of locations, climate change-induced vegetation changes may lead to a
191 e import and the projected hemispheric-scale climate change-induced weakening of vertical mixing may
192 to Earth's orbital configuration, as well as climate change initiated at high latitudes.
193  precipitation patterns shift as a result of climate change, interest in the identification of tree g
194                     Thus, as a landuse-based climate change intervention, reducing CH4 emissions is a
195          Forecasting ecological responses to climate change, invasion, and their interaction must rel
196 e areas under two Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate forcing scenarios using te
197 his study, we use Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier II guidelines to quantify the
198                         Forest resilience to climate change is a global concern given the potential e
199                   These findings reveal that climate change is a real and imminent threat to agricult
200 t Countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change is an international, multidisciplinary re
201                                        Rapid climate change is anticipated in tropical regions over t
202                                              Climate change is causing rapid changes to forest distur
203                                              Climate change is causing warmer and more variable tempe
204                                              Climate change is expected to alter the distribution of
205                    In montane regions, where climate change is expected to cause earlier snow melt bu
206                                              Climate change is expected to threaten human health and
207 ck carbon (BC) at high northern latitudes in climate change is hampered by the scarcity of surface ob
208                                              Climate change is increasing drought frequency, which ma
209                                       Global climate change is likely to constrain low latitude range
210               Warming associated with global climate change is likely to increase the rate of the tem
211 cal distribution of each subspecies, and how climate change is likely to shift their potential distri
212           We postulate that skepticism about climate change is partially caused by the spatial hetero
213     The response of tropospheric oxidants to climate change is poorly constrained owing to large unce
214                                              Climate change is predicted to result in rising average
215  greenhouse gases, and their contribution to climate change is projected to increase.
216 eedbacks, but their response to contemporary climate change is unclear.
217                                Consequently, climate change may alter the importance of predators wit
218 e vernal window period and to understand how climate change may alter them.
219                              Although Eocene climate change may have been one of the most important d
220                                       Global climate change may increase invasions of exotic plant sp
221                                        Thus, climate change may reduce time and energy requirements a
222  is also influenced by climate; as a result, climate changes may affect airborne pollen concentration
223 sts; (2) identify the relative importance of climate change, mean climate and forest development for
224 ect climate velocity and spatial tracking of climate change mediated the climatic debt on the local s
225 e of a potentially general mechanism whereby climate change-mediated range shifts can reduce phylogen
226 stem models (ESMs) and the implementation of climate change mitigation policies that involve land-sec
227                                           In climate change mitigation scenarios that apply a price t
228 ly for variables affecting food security and climate change mitigation, within multi-species agricult
229 ons to forest-based species conservation and climate change mitigation.
230  the co-benefits of habitat conservation and climate change mitigation.
231 lience and adaptation; health co-benefits of climate change mitigation; economics and finance; and po
232 logical forcings spanning uncertainty across climate change models.
233 this is generally done by assuming that past climate change occurred at a linear pace between widely
234                     The capacity to tolerate climate change often varies across ontogeny in organisms
235 PAs provide against biological invasions and climate change on a continental scale and illustrates th
236           These results show that effects of climate change on biodiversity must be analyzed in the c
237 valuating and responding to the influence of climate change on biodiversity must consider a broad arr
238 ty to anticipate and mitigate the impacts of climate change on biodiversity.
239 n urgent need to understand the influence of climate change on coffee production.
240 provide credible estimates of the details of climate change on decadal to centennial timescales, show
241 odelled to adequately predict the impacts of climate change on forest function.
242 ological evidence, we project the effects of climate change on greater bamboo lemurs.
243  quantify the impact of twenty-first century climate change on ice-free areas under two Intergovernme
244                    The impact of past global climate change on local terrestrial ecosystems and their
245  the potential impacts of current and future climate change on malaria transmission.
246 n soil to shed light on potential effects of climate change on phosphorus availability to grassland v
247 ic simulations to investigate the effects of climate change on population connectivity and genetic di
248            Here we assessed the influence of climate change on rainfall erosivity across Brazil.
249 cal invasions will exacerbate the impacts of climate change on soil systems, with profound implicatio
250 ave been developed to predict the impacts of climate change on species distributions, performance, an
251  models for better predicting the effects of climate change on species' potential geographic distribu
252 ainty surrounds the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on the composition and structure of Amazo
253 rovide a window into the possible impacts of climate change on the evolution of mating patterns.
254                        In the face of global climate change, organisms may respond to temperature inc
255         The salient feature of anthropogenic climate change over the last century has been the rise i
256 od shells and their variation in response to climate change parameters, such as seawater temperature,
257 en weather and fire is of growing concern as climate changes, particularly in systems subject to stan
258                                              Climate change projections for SST under the RCP 4.5 and
259                                              Climate change projections for Vibrio infections were de
260                    The framework, which uses climate change projections from five global circulation
261                                 Conservative climate change projections indicate a 30-40% loss of tax
262                     Simulations that include climate change projections suggest that conditions may b
263  catchments identified as most vulnerable to climate change provide preliminary targets for developme
264  properly describe biodiversity responses to climate change rather than the oversimplified descriptio
265               We have identified a potential climate change refugial zone along the continental shelf
266 erved, which may impact response to combined climate change-related stressors.
267    Forecasting assemblage-level responses to climate change remains one of the greatest challenges in
268 ted in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.
269    Feeding a growing world population amidst climate change requires optimizing the reliability, reso
270 ctivity by dams is the major factor reducing climate change resilience.
271 cean as a result of anthropogenically driven climate change, resulting in habitat compression for pel
272                                Regardless of climate change scenario, little of the range which is ex
273 tor of hotspots of bird richness, even under climate change scenarios or in areas where the species c
274 reater relative increase in growth under the climate change scenarios than those with a high site ind
275 leoclimate reconstructions and inform future climate change scenarios.
276  12 European forest tree species under three climate change scenarios.
277               Proxy-based indicators of past climate change show that current global climate models s
278 ignal the spatial magnitude and direction of climate change, support a convenient initial assessment
279  areas relatively buffered from contemporary climate change that enable the persistence of valued phy
280 fied global hotspots of species at risk from climate change that includes the western Amazon basin, s
281  that a gas hydrate gun could trigger abrupt climate change, the processes and rates of subsurface/at
282 a key factor is the geography and history of climate change through the Pleistocene.
283  major, ongoing contributor to anthropogenic climate change, thus making historical emission inventor
284 g natural range expansions in the context of climate change to gain essential mechanistic insights in
285                                         From climate change to hydraulic fracturing, and from drinkin
286 l habitat conversion interacts with regional climate change to shape patterns in beta-diversity-diffe
287 itative estimates of the potential impact of climate change upon pollen allergy in humans, focusing u
288  and attribution of health impacts caused by climate change uses formal methods to determine a) wheth
289 ) and predicted future states in response to climate change vary.
290                      The three dimensions of climate change vulnerability are as follows: (i) exposur
291            Here, we perform a continent-wide climate change vulnerability assessment whereby we compa
292                                 Where recent climate change was not too extreme, the patterns of func
293                     And in view of predicted climate change, we expect reduction of Stipa grasslands.
294 ially caused by the spatial heterogeneity of climate change, which exposes experiential learners to c
295                      Our models predict that climate change will considerably reduce establishment of
296 e; (iii) our forecasts indicate that ongoing climate change will likely shift these ecotypes further
297  that tropospheric oxidants are sensitive to climate change with an increase in the O3/HOx ratio in c
298 butions sampled in the 20th century prior to climate change with resurveys of distributions after con
299 eractive effects of biological invasions and climate change, with rising temperatures expected to ben
300 tion with hazard (the magnitude of projected climate change within a species geographic range), we id

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