


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 story of breast cancer or breast cancer in a close relative).
2 upials) and euarchontans (primates and their close relatives).
3 erived from the plant Flaveria haumanii or a close relative.
4 oid fertilising their eggs with sperm from a close relative.
5 ns, an antibiotic that kills producer cells' close relatives.
6  to recognize and cooperate with genetically close relatives.
7  mechanisms plants use to reject pollen from close relatives.
8 mber of frequently contacted and emotionally close relatives.
9 ss predicted from monoculture when sown with close relatives.
10 ptional on a macroscopic scale compared with close relatives.
11 leton phage, having no previously identified close relatives.
12 aches, part of which are comparisons between close relatives.
13  such interactions may be predominantly with close relatives.
14 ve and competitive relationships, even among close relatives.
15 y the lack of fossil data for cacti or their close relatives.
16 uced in size compared with their free-living close relatives.
17 ial that constitutes the X chromosome in its close relatives.
18 OHK)-based yellow wing pigments not found in close relatives.
19 ry functions conserved among E. coli and its close relatives.
20  autophagy in the T. gondii parasite and its close relatives.
21 e physiological information is available for close relatives.
22 tes in mainland Asia correspond to ST 239 or close relatives.
23 expression data from M. tuberculosis and its close relatives.
24  24 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and its close relatives.
25 n, if interacting bacterial cells tend to be close relatives.
26 s of Drosophila melanogaster and five of its close relatives.
27 s gains by preferentially allocating care to close relatives.
28  and active against Escherichia coli and its close relatives.
29 ountered only in phage T4 and several of its close relatives.
30 ne was found for Dechloromonas aromatica and close relatives.
31 ile, imposing a high cost on matings between close relatives.
32 g gene copies in hexaploid coast redwood and close relatives.
33 e pressure was stronger on species with many close relatives.
34 as evolved repeatedly and is often absent in close relatives.
35 on arose largely from IQ differences between close relatives.
36 ng all of the Darwin's finch species and two close relatives.
37 ed oligogenic basis of a pollinator shift in close relatives.
38 plementation of orthologs to "restore" SI in close relatives.
39 oded by a gene cluster specific to Megavirus close relatives.
40 etry, which should favour the coexistence of close relatives.
41 on of channels formed by TRPM1 or any of its close relatives.
42 analysis tools for the Solanaceae family and close relatives.
43 neither this attractive intermediate nor its close relative 33 could be processed in a manner that de
44 ene pair isolated from its self-incompatible close relative A. lyrata.
45 astaci, the cause of crayfish plague and its close relative, A. invadans, which causes the epizootic
46                                          Its close relative alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is the most wid
47                The family model PRD1 and its close relatives all infect a broad range of enterobacter
48  heterotrophically using fructose, while the close relative Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 does not.
49 . hallii serves as the genomic model for its close relative and emerging biofuel crop, switchgrass (P
50 ed on available data and on knowledge of its close relative and homologue the Niemann-Pick C1 protein
51 ise function of OspA (along with that of its close relative and operonic partner, outer surface [lipo
52                    Sodalis praecaptivus is a close relative and putative environmental progenitor of
53  specific female partners, particularly with close relatives and agemates [7-10].
54 pid symbiont is reduced by 80% compared with close relatives and lacks almost all genes necessary for
55 omparative genomic sequence information from close relatives and significant amounts of cDNA evidence
56 pidly exchanging genetic information between close relatives and with the host cells they infect.
57 es in grooming behavior after the death of a close relative, and responses during playback experiment
58  abundance were independent of the number of close relatives, and (iv) distribution and abundance exh
59  found significantly more frequently between close relatives, and between individuals living in the s
60 exceptionally preserved trilobites and their close relatives, and is suggestive of the widespread occ
61  to evolve antibody specificity, whereas its close relative, APOBEC3G (A3G), lethally mutates the gen
62 owers of Cardamine hirsuta from those of its close relative Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and a
63 ces in 33 A. thaliana individuals and in the close relative Arabidopsis lyrata.
64 e and chromosome reshuffling compared to its close relatives Arabidopsis lyrata and Capsella rubella,
65  analysis of MIRNA genes and families in the close relatives, Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis ly
66                           Unlike most of its close relatives, Arabidopsis thaliana is capable of self
67                                         When close relatives are forced to reproduce, the resulting o
68                    Bacillus subtilis and its close relatives are widely used for the production of en
69 fe was measured by the number of friends and close relatives as well as frequency of socializing.
70                                   Unlike its close relative AtMTP1, which is highly selective for Zn(
71 ause melioidosis and glanders, whereas their close relative B. thailandensis is non-pathogenic.
72 67, 12, and 4 cultures, respectively, of its close relatives B. cereus, B. thuringiensis, and B. myco
73 his issue in Brachypodium distachyon and its close relatives B. stacei and B. hybridum, for which a l
74                   In Bacillus cereus and its close relative Bacillus anthracis, the major pilin prote
75 ic B. cenocepacia podophage BcepIL02 and its close relative, Bcep22.
76 y of Ihog (Interference hedgehog), or of its close relative Boi (Brother of Ihog), is absolutely requ
77 ich the N gene was replaced with that of its close relative, bovine coronavirus (BCoV).
78  model organism Arabidopsis thaliana and its close relative Brassica oleracea, we have identified con
79                           GFP-CENH3 from the close relative Brassica rapa was targeted to centromeres
80 onary divergence of B. thailandensis and its close relatives Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholder
81 d, toothless skulls, and which diverged from close relatives by developing peculiar feeding adaptatio
82                             In contrast, its close relative C. remanei possesses very high levels of
83 twardly similar one-cell stage embryo of its close relative Caenorhabditis briggsae.
84  evolved independently in C. elegans and its close relative Caenorhabditis briggsae; (ii) there is a
85 ion from a resident species into an invading close relative can result from repeated hybridisation al
86 ent polyploidization and hybridization, with close relatives changing in genome size and chromosome n
87  collected less frequently; and specimens of close relatives collected in similar numbers.
88 e phylogenetically clustered (coexistence of close relatives), consistent with the expectation of env
89 d size of the melon genome compared with the close relative cucumber.
90 evolution in D. melanogaster, but not in its close relatives D. simulans and D. yakuba.
91 mosomes of Drosophila pseudoobscura with its close relative, D. miranda, and the distant outgroup spe
92 ecific ICAM-3 non-integrin (DC-SIGN) and its close relative DC-SIGNR recognize various glycoproteins,
93 distant relatives, rather than extinction of close relatives, drives phylogenetic and functional over
94  the individual (e.g., age, sex), his or her close relatives (e.g., household members), or the wider
95 t social parasites and their hosts are often close relatives (Emery's rule), and two main hypotheses
96 phA4, has effects distinct from those of its close relative, EphA7, in the developing brain.
97 ionary rates throughout the skull, but their close relatives, Falconiformes, exhibit rapid evolution
98    Bhanja virus (BHAV) and its antigenically close relatives Forecariah virus (FORV), Kismayo virus (
99 inosaurs, crocodilians, pterosaurs and their close relatives form the highly diverse clade Archosauri
100 as restricted to peptides from sunflower and close relatives from its subtribe.
101 nts that differentiate the vervets and their close relatives from most other catarrhine primates, in
102 level as H. bakeri, to distinguish it from a close relative, H. polygyrus sensu stricto, the dominant
103 y, only large-brained modern humans or their close relatives had been demonstrated to exist at this l
104 nteraction between H. parainfluenzae and its close relative Haemophilus influenzae, which is also com
105                            Oxytricha and its close relatives have a unique genome architecture involv
106 enic bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae and its close relatives have also been carried out on a smaller
107 terial and cellular hosts, viruses and their close relatives have long been considered the smallest m
108                               Core groups of close relatives have stayed together for generations, wh
109 e VacA tree with outgroup sequences from the close relative Helicobacter acinonychis reveals that the
110  characterizing heparan sulfate (HS) and its close relative heparin is to conduct disaccharide compos
111                                Women without close relatives (HR = 2.65; 95% CI, 1.03 to 6.82), frien
112 echanism is different from those used by its close relatives, HSV-1 and -2, where gD is a pivotal pro
113                               Similar to its close relative human herpesvirus 8, rhesus monkey rhadin
114 igin and early history of therians and their close relatives (i.e., cladotherians) remains surprising
115 cytokine interleukin (IL)-23, but not of its close relative IL-12, is increased in human tumours.
116 ecretory proteome of Malassezia restricta, a close relative implicated in similar skin disorders.
117 ever, little is known about bufavirus or its close relatives in nonhuman mammals.
118 actor and hormone signaling that, like their close relatives in the Akt family, are regulated by lipi
119 terium Algoriphagus machipongonensis and its close relatives in the Bacteroidetes phylum.
120  study the patterns of orphan turnover among close relatives in the Drosophila obscura group.
121          Methylotenera species, unlike their close relatives in the genera Methylophilus, Methylobaci
122 additional, previously unidentified pairs of close relatives in the HapMap sample.
123 ly introduced species for which there are no close relatives in the local biota.
124 ew decades but was thought to be absent from close relatives, including Drosophila simulans.
125 cific to IRF7 because phosphorylation of its close relative IRF3 is not affected by ORF45, implying t
126 IRF7, because it has little effect on IRF7's close relative IRF3.
127                                   Death of a close relative is one of the most severe sources of stre
128 ers can evolve where reliable recognition of close relatives is an advantage.
129     As a consequence, the recurrence risk to close relatives is reduced.
130 sphorylation motif in Kir6.1, but not in its close relative Kir6.2, suggests that the vascular K(ATP)
131 ype B. cellulosilyticus DSM 14838, but not a close relative lacking a putative ZPS, attenuated experi
132                                            A close relative lacking facial recognition, Polistes metr
133  UV range compared to the yellow pigments of close relatives lacking the UV opsin duplicate.
134 , Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and the close relative Lepidium (Lepidium sativum), and that of
135 tly negative-sense single strands, while its close relative LuIII encapsidates strands of both polari
136 use earlier work had identified a CNV in the close relative MAGI2 in SZ, the study was extended to in
137 es of BPF-related strains (clones) and their close relatives may be characterized by significant gene
138 ns to the C-terminal region of Med12 and its close relative, Med12-like.
139 , in potting soil this pattern reversed, and close relatives might even have more mutalistic relation
140 hat the p38 MAPK activator MKK6, but not its close relatives MKK3 or MKK4, exhibited an increased aff
141                                         Very close relative mobilities found for DAACP pairs using tr
142               In addition, ST-17 strains and close relatives more frequently caused meningitis than s
143 tions that show mtDNA introgression from its close relative, Myodes rutilus.
144       The phage Mx8, first isolated from the close relative Myxococcus xanthus, is unable to infect S
145  the divergence between N. castellii and its close relative Naumovozyma dairenensis and disseminated
146                 We provide evidence that its close relative neogenin is also a functional netrin-1 re
147  nuclear export factor NXF2 but not with its close relative NXF1, a ubiquitously expressed essential
148 f tarsal segments (tarsomeres) and, like its close relative Odd-skipped, Bowl is produced in response
149                          We also show that a close relative of a North American arenavirus suggested
150       Its ortholog (AlBSMT1) in A. lyrata, a close relative of A. thaliana, was also isolated.
151 Recent studies have also shown that ABCG4, a close relative of ABCG1, controls platelet production, a
152                           M. truncatula is a close relative of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), a widely cu
153  parvula (formerly Thellungiella parvula), a close relative of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and
154                 Crucihimalaya himalaica is a close relative of Arabidopsis with typical QTP distribut
155 n, Fah encodes a sigma factor, sigma(Fah), a close relative of Bacillus sporulation factor sigma(F) t
156 COR) strain 47 was shown to be a member or a close relative of CGA (by ERIC2 PCR and RAPD analysis, r
157  in contrast to the upregulation of Clr-f, a close relative of Clr-a, that also is specifically expre
158 ns need to be aware of this newly discovered close relative of E. muris to ensure appropriate testing
159  a standardized questionnaire completed by a close relative of each subject.
160                      Marburg virus (MARV), a close relative of Ebola virus, is the causative agent of
161  DNA analyses suggest that P. antiquus was a close relative of extant African forest elephants (Loxod
162                                            A close relative of gammaretroviruses, HERV-T, circulated
163                 We also report that GPR99, a close relative of GPR91, responds to alpha-ketoglutarate
164  virus B (GBV-B) is a hepatotropic virus and close relative of HCV.
165 ) naturally infects macaque monkeys and is a close relative of herpes simplex virus.
166 P30, and the third is identical to HP30-2, a close relative of HP30.
167                 Here we report that HSV-2, a close relative of HSV-1, is naturally resistant to LMB.
168           Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), a close relative of human hepatitis B virus (HBV), has bee
169                                           No close relative of known human viral pathogens was identi
170 e incorporation of the NP of Mopeia virus, a close relative of Lassa virus, into Z-induced virus-like
171 ant forage legume species in the world and a close relative of M. truncatula.
172    The acetyl-CoA-dependent enzyme YvoF is a close relative of maltose O-acetyltransferase (MAT).
173                                           No close relative of mitochondria has yet been associated w
174 ltamurI strain of Mycobacterium smegmatis, a close relative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
175       This genomic island is absent from the close relative of N. meningitidis, the commensal Neisser
176 ed phiKO2 genes indicate that it is a fairly close relative of phage N15; they share a mosaic relatio
177 ia species and occasionally Amycolatopsis (a close relative of Pseudonocardia) co-occur on workers fr
178 s of PYR1/PYL/RCAR protein family, PYL9 is a close relative of PYL8.
179 ted the T4-like genomes of coliphage RB16 (a close relative of RB43), A. salmonicida phage 65, Acinet
180 Streptococcus mitis, a human commensal and a close relative of S. pneumoniae, was also shown to have
181 of the SUM1 gene in Saccharomyces bayanus, a close relative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a cells acqu
182 a single gene, Saccharomyces kudriavzevii, a close relative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, retains remn
183 s a member of the Panicoideae clade and is a close relative of several major feed, fuel, and bioenerg
184           We show in this study that Shp2, a close relative of Shp1, plays a positive role in T cell
185 t conserved outside of G. max and G. soja, a close relative of soybean, except for STR102, which hybr
186 phatidic acid (LPA), a bioactive lipid and a close relative of sphingosine 1-phosphate.
187 ne cluster in Streptomyces sp. NRRL-F6652, a close relative of Streptomyces flavogriseus ATCC 33331.
188 terial libraries (87% of all sequences) is a close relative of Sulfuricurvum kujiense - an organism c
189                               Phage RB3 is a close relative of T4 and has a lengthier nrdB intron.
190 ur domains of Hoc from bacteriophage RB49, a close relative of T4.
191 ucture of Soc from the bacteriophage RB69, a close relative of T4.
192                                    TET2 is a close relative of TET1, an enzyme that converts 5-methyl
193                       Initially considered a close relative of the aardvark (Orycteropus) within the
194 ithecus sediba has been hypothesized to be a close relative of the genus Homo.
195 plex I from Bos taurus heart mitochondria, a close relative of the human enzyme, determined by single
196 nd gL of rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (RRV), a close relative of the human Kaposi's sarcoma-associated
197       In rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (RRV), a close relative of the human oncogenic pathogen Kaposi's
198 ity reference genome of Cardamine hirsuta, a close relative of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
199 in and nucleoprotein (NP) of Mopeia virus, a close relative of the pathogenic Lassa virus, resulted i
200 ination of NAT from Mycobacterium marinum, a close relative of the pathogenic Mycobacterium tuberculo
201               The phage, called APSE-2, is a close relative of the previously sequenced APSE-1 but co
202      Our initial characterization of Rac3, a close relative of the small GTPase Rac1, established its
203 ate Salmonella enterica bacteriophage L is a close relative of the very well studied bacteriophage P2
204 pox, a disease caused by ectromelia virus, a close relative of the virus of human smallpox.
205 omycete fungus Zymoseptoria pseudotritici, a close relative of the wheat pathogen Z. tritici (synonym
206 the yersiniophage phiA1122 recombined with a close relative of the Y. enterocolitica phage phiYeO3-12
207 aker interactions were observed with TMX4, a close relative of TMX, and ERp18, the smallest Trx-like
208 rom all examined modern strains, but it is a close relative of US-1, which replaced it outside of Mex
209 er Gdf3 (growth-differentiation factor 3), a close relative of Xenopus Vg1, resembles the Tgfbeta lig
210 pen reading frame was found to be present in close relatives of A. hypochondriacus namely Amaranthus
211 -locus genes isolated from self-incompatible close relatives of A. thaliana restore robust SI in seve
212 rgent evolution of specialized lifestyles in close relatives of animals and fungi from a generalist a
213 viously unnoticed flagellar apparatus in two close relatives of animals, the filasterean Ministeria v
214 oding, such as species of the genus Rorippa, close relatives of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).
215                                  A number of close relatives of Arabidopsis and economically importan
216  highly conserved preceding yoeB homologs in close relatives of B. subtilis.
217                                        These close relatives of birds are essential for testing hypot
218 o life outside of hosts, and that these very close relatives of E. coli have historically not shared
219 ogs in distantly related bacteria but not in close relatives of E. coli--indicating HGT--form new ope
220                   For organisms that are not close relatives of each other, the presence/absence of d
221                                              Close relatives of Epulopiscium, such as Metabacterium p
222 rity of our commensal microorganisms are not close relatives of Escherichia coli or other model organ
223 s (BVDV), are important animal pathogens and close relatives of hepatitis C virus.
224  3 units (6%) now screened patients who were close relatives of MRSA carriers.
225 es may promote risk-appropriate screening in close relatives of patients with CRC.
226                           As tree shrews are close relatives of primates, and they are also highly vi
227 nd Old World monkeys, prosimian galagos, and close relatives of primates, including tree shrews and r
228 elated pelagophyte algae, whereas only a few close relatives of sponges have been assayed for sterols
229 , scaffold, and coat proteins, are extremely close relatives of the homologous P22 genes (96.3 to 99.
230  including mammalian RNases 11-13, which are close relatives of the recently identified RNases 9 and
231                                           As close relatives of Theobroma cacao, they may provide a g
232                                              Close relatives of these viruses, including simian hemor
233 inhibited by some PYR/PYL ABA receptors, and close relatives of this PP2C, such as PP2CA/ABA-HYPERSEN
234 sposable element (IS256) that is absent from close relatives of this strain.
235                                              Close relatives of those affected by multiple idiopathic
236 ndition and the more subtle deficits seen in close relatives of those with the disorder.
237                         Using information on close relatives only, the PVE was 63% (p = 0.0002), but
238           Functional analysis of pRB and its close relatives, p107 and p130, has largely focused on t
239 ts that restrict PBS3 to Arabidopsis and its close relatives, PBS3 syntelogs are identified in poplar
240 ies might contribute more to production than close relatives, perhaps by increasing niche breadth.
241 uggest that phages ST64T and L are extremely close relatives, perhaps the two closest relatives that
242 tensively in Drosophila melanogaster and its close relatives, phylogenetic relationships within the D
243  At5g59220-green fluorescent protein and its close relative PP2CA-green fluorescent protein showed a
244 cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and close relatives produce a variety of structurally divers
245 DNA is highly variable between assemblies of close relatives produced by identical methodologies, and
246 s and their occurrence only in H. pylori and close relatives provide a target for development of drug
247       Thus SAP97 has a broader role than its close relative, PSD-95, in the maintenance of synaptic f
248  In this process, Rasip1 cooperates with its close relative ras-association and dilute domain-contain
249 t whether wing shapes in Haeterini and their close relatives reflected observed flight behaviours.
250 effects of captive rearing, inbreeding among close relatives, relaxed natural selection, and unintent
251                           This phage and its close relative Rhizobium phage vB_RleM_P10VF define a ne
252      Ectopic expression of RhoB, but not the close relative RhoA, inhibits Ras, PI3K, and Akt inducti
253 ET are well defined, less is known about its close relative RON.
254 ndrosteosis, while little is known about its close relative SHOX2.
255                       We show that, like its close relative simian virus 40 (SV40), SA12 expresses mi
256 ent public databases despite the fact that a close relative, sorghum, is fully sequenced, indicates t
257 f the two major WNK1 effectors, OSR1 and its close relative SPAK (STE20/SPS1-related proline-, alanin
258 itive tool able to genotype Lathyrus and its closed relative species and to detect admixtures, being
259 lready having either a solved structure or a close relative suitable for homology modelling.
260                   In contrast, SUMO-3 and it close relative SUMO-2 strongly enhance transactivation b
261 OCD patients and their clinically unaffected close relatives, supporting the existence of an underlyi
262 ype I and small type IIA) muscle fibers; its close relatives, SV2B and SV2C, are present in all motor
263 ty hazard ratio was much lower in discordant close relatives than in the general population.
264              Species also competed more with close relatives than with distant relatives in field soi
265                                            A close relative that does not fix nitrogen, Trema tomento
266 athogen Strongyloides stercoralis, and their close relatives that are facultatively parasitic (Parast
267 tly have larger geographic ranges than their close relatives that generally require two parents for r
268 lvox carteri and its morphologically diverse close relatives (the volvocine algae) are well suited fo
269  chromosomes with a homologous autosome of a close relative, the monoecious Vasconcellea monoica, to
270                    Pairwise comparisons to a close relative, the sibling species Anopheles arabiensis
271  that resulted in secondary contact with its close relative--the savanna-inhabiting Silver-backed But
272 mpare the S. aureus Mqo/Lqo enzymes to their close relatives throughout the staphylococci and explore
273            Although these endosomal TLRs are close relatives, TLR7-deficient mice are unresponsive to
274 lly tested whether bonobos (Pan paniscus), a close relative to humans, are able to take into account
275 atostella vectensis (starlet sea anemone), a close relative to the Bilateria, possesses an extensive
276 uses the probability of identity in state in close relatives to be smaller than is implied by their r
277         Recently, several studies identified close relatives to HCV in different animal species.
278 he quantification of the resemblance between close relatives to the dissection of genetic variation i
279  show that MCAK bound to microtubule ends is closed relative to MCAK associated with the microtubule
280             The distorted active site in the closed relative to open state and the high energy barrie
281 proximately fourfold larger than that of its close relative tomato, and the genome showed an accumula
282                                            A close relative, torsinB may be involved in similar cellu
283 door for further efforts with this taxon and close relatives toward establishing model systems for ge
284                In bacteriophage Phi8 and its close relatives, transcription of L is not controlled; i
285 NA binding activities in A. thaliana and its close relatives, underscoring the remarkable functional
286 y distinct from that species that it and its close relatives warrant its candidacy for new-species st
287 racis, the evolution of this species and its close relatives was associated with an overall shift in
288 level of half-siblings and that mating among close relatives was common among her recent ancestors.
289  of cultivated oat (Avena sativa L.) and its close relatives was inferred to have involved ancient al
290  found that the Saprochaete genus (and their closed relatives) was characterized by a high production
291 ubstitutions between D. melanogaster and its close relatives were adaptive.
292                           Females with fewer close relatives were more isolated, and the more time ma
293 tified and confirmed that this gene and five close relatives, which encode predicted substrate recogn
294        For this reason, it is predicted that close relatives-which likely overlap more in the details
295 ped it to the bald eagle reference genome, a close relative with a divergence time of 18 million year
296 wn mammalian testicular expression, two have close relatives with known mammalian testicular expressi
297 and Burkholderia mallei (the Bptm group) are close relatives with very different lifestyles: B. pseud
298 data for species in the Solanaceae and their close relatives, with data types ranging from chromosome
299 t placement of Clostridium difficile and its close relatives within the family Peptostreptococcaceae;
300 d the full-length amino acid sequence of its close relative, Wnt9a (also called Wnt14), from unannota

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