


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  a chromosome-scale reference genome for red clover.
2  and bean in apparent competition with CR on clover.
3 ing two distinct HCTs were identified in red clover.
4 breeding approaches is tractable, making red clover a suitable candidate for association studies and
5                             This makes white clover amenable to studies of proanthocyanidin and antho
6 roportion of cyanogenic individuals of white clover amongst 200 individuals in each of 32 neighbourin
7 eryngo, lavender, Jerusalem tea, astragalus, clover and acacia), two different honeydew honeys (lime
8 alfa race (AR) pea aphids on broad bean, red clover and alfalfa alone.
9  in complex agricultural mosaic on pea aphid clover and alfalfa races.
10                                    Soybeans, clover and alfalfa sprouts, and oilseeds (such as flaxse
11 or HCT2 in phaselic acid accumulation in red clover and define a previously undescribed pathway for t
12  the simulation to real honey samples (doped clover and manuka honey).
13 with different floral origins (rata, kamahi, clover and manuka) obtained from producers in New Zealan
14      We engineered two fluorescent proteins, Clover and mRuby2, which are the brightest green and red
15 previously developed the green-red FRET pair Clover and mRuby2, which improves responsiveness in intr
16  samples (flower, forest, acacia, sunflower, clover and pine tree).
17  being predominantly fodder plants (alfalfa, clover and some grasses) considered to be safe.
18 yr rotation (maize-soybean-small grain + red clover) and a 4-yr rotation (maize-soybean-small grain +
19  lower fitness on broad bean relative to red clover) and fitness benefits when on red clover (higher
20                                     Oat, red clover, and alfalfa were not treated with herbicides.
21 eversed in the two porphyrins, the resulting clovers are insulators.
22         Other patterns, such as ellipses and clovers, are achieved by placing senders in different co
23                                              Clover compares favorably with an ab initio motif discov
24                                          Red clover contains mostly easily absorbed free aglycones.
25 d: one planted with a legume (Purple Prairie Clover, Dalea purpureum), one planted with grass (Blue-J
26 ey samples obtained were buckwheat, caraway, clover, dandelion, fireweed, heather, lime tree, lingonb
27                For example, we show that the clovers derived from anionic Zn porphyrins (electron don
28        Differences in the conversion between clover doped with DHA and manuka honey were observed.
29 he definitive studies concerning this issue, Clover et al. identified a series of mutants with putati
30 ostmenopausal osteopenia.We used a novel red clover extract (RCE) rich in isoflavone aglycones and pr
31        Previously, we identified HCT2, a red clover gene encoding a hydroxycinnamoyl-Coenzyme A (CoA)
32                   The spatial correlation of clover growth developed as anticipated by kinetic roughe
33 guminous species including red clover, white clover, hairy vetch, mung bean, alfalfa, lentil, snow pe
34  hot flashes; two trials have shown that red clover has no benefit for treating hot flashes.
35                               In conclusion, Clover has the potential to greatly accelerate character
36 red clover) and fitness benefits when on red clover (higher fitness on red clover relative to broad b
37  degrees C was the same for manuka honey and clover honey doped with 2000 or 10,000mg/kg DHA and for
38               Fresh and stored manuka honey, clover honey with DHA added and artificial 26 honey with
39  times in manuka honey compared to DHA-doped-clover honey.
40  investigated in manuka honeys and DHA-doped clover honeys stored between 4 and 37 degrees C.
41 rty-seven New Zealand manuka honeys and four clover honeys were analysed for various chemical and phy
42 ey with lesser amounts in manuka, kowhai and clover honeys, but absent from Royal Jelly.
43 viduals specialized to either alfalfa or red clover in order to perform both a biometrical analysis a
44                                        White clover is polymorphic for cyanogenesis (HCN release with
45                                        White clover is polymorphic for cyanogenesis, with both cyanog
46                                  But because clover is typically grown in a more complex agricultural
47 ot reduced in meta-analysis of trials of red clover isoflavone extracts and results were mixed for so
48 n transgenic alfalfa, M. truncatula or white clover, LAP1 induced massive accumulation of anthocyanin
49 ostructural organization of these AFMs into "clover leaf" clusters, consistent with the macrostructur
50 the direct one-pot synthesis of "tripartite" clover-leaf shaped nanoparticles which would be difficul
51  the corresponding NPs in pear-, peanut-, or clover-like morphology.
52                                          The clover morphology transforms as the ionic strength and t
53                                          Red clover mottle virus (RCMV) is a member of the comoviruse
54        The 36 nm icosahedral plant virus Red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV) packages its two ge
55                         The structure of Red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV), an icosahedral pla
56 essing the MP of tobacco mosaic virus or red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV).
57 ar mutations introduced into the related Red clover necrotic mosaic virus capsid protein gene failed
58 tivator (TA) located within the RNA-2 of Red clover necrotic mosaic virus folds into a simple hairpin
59                                      The red clover necrotic mosaic virus genome is composed of two s
60 cts with antibodies directed against the red clover necrotic mosaic virus movement protein (RCNMV MP)
61 rum, but supplementation of leptosperin into clover or artificial honeys generated the MM1 fluorescen
62 otein from Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation, clover pink) is induced in response to ethylene producti
63                      Floral tissues in white clover plants (Trifolium repens) produce both proanthocy
64                              Analysis of red clover plants down-regulated for HCT2 expression via RNA
65             Furthermore, in transgenic white clover plants with down-regulated expression of the anth
66                    We also expressed the red clover PPO cDNAs under the control of a constitutive pro
67                          We cloned three red clover PPO cDNAs, PPO1, PPO2, and PPO3, from a leaf cDNA
68     Sequence comparisons among the three red clover PPO clones indicated they are 87% to 90% identica
69 model system to further characterize the red clover PPO enzymes and PPO-mediated inhibition of postha
70                            The expressed red clover PPO proteins were active in alfalfa extracts as e
71            Transgenic alfalfa expressing red clover PPO should prove an excellent model system to fur
72 s in leaf extracts of alfalfa expressing red clover PPO1 was dramatically reduced in the presence of
73 h were bound to bovine serum albumin and red clover protein either chemically or enzymatically.
74 showed promise when combined (for manuka and clover, Q(2)=0.43).
75  trace element/isotopic data (for manuka and clover, Q(2)=0.65), while the other chemical parameters
76 r all four honeys, Q(2)=0.52; for manuka and clover, Q(2)=0.76) and the trace element/isotopic data (
77 eriment, we examined the relative fitness on clover race (CR) and alfalfa race (AR) pea aphids on bro
78 ts when on red clover (higher fitness on red clover relative to broad bean), whether or not in appare
79 to use the legume crops pea, alfalfa and red clover, respectively, were analysed, and a total of 67 r
80 dynamics and symbiont infectibility of white clover root hairs but that CLOSs alone are not sufficien
81 nosarum bv. trifolii on development of white clover root hairs, and the role of these bioactive glyco
82 lor roots exposed to Trifolium repens (white clover) root exudates in vitro.
83 otifViz, for three motif discovery programs, Clover, Rover and Motifish, covering most available flav
84 ure of these polymorphisms may reflect white clover's evolutionary origin as an allotetraploid derive
85  by recent simulation studies, likely due to clover's growth morphology.
86 bean sequence, a 3-year corn-soybean-oat/red clover sequence, and 4-year corn-soybean-oat/alfalfa-alf
87 rusion and its trajectory was modulated in a clover-shaped pattern perpendicularly to the protrusion.
88                         Microscale four-leaf clover-shaped structures are formed by self-assembly of
89                                     In white clover, Southern hybridizations indicate that CYP79D15 o
90                                          Red clover sprouts can be considered as a source of phytoest
91                             Contaminated raw clover sprouts can cause outbreaks of enteric illness.
92                         Traceback implicated clover sprouts grown from seeds shared by two sprouters.
93                                          Red clover sprouts were cultivated under different condition
94 med food vehicles were related to alfalfa or clover sprouts.
95                                 In each case Clover successfully detects motifs known to function in
96 ring primary host infection in the Rhizobium-clover symbiosis.
97                        Understanding how red clover synthesizes o-diphenols such as phaselic acid wil
98 od (implemented as a computer program called Clover) to dopamine-responsive promoters, sequences flan
99 ns were made with a protein extract from red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) before adding a synthetic
100                                          Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a globally significant
101  sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), and birdsfoot trefoil (L
102                                          Red clover (Trifolium pratense) leaves accumulate several mu
103                                          Red clover (Trifolium pratense) leaves contain high levels o
104                                       In red clover (Trifolium pratense) leaves, phaselic acid (2-O-c
105  Rice, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and red clover (Trifolium pratense) were exposed to iAs, monomet
106  soybean (Glycine max), pea (Pisum sativum), clover (Trifolium pratense), and common bean (Phaseolus
107          To this end, the root caps of white clover (Trifolium repens) grown in three gravity environ
108 We tested these predictions by letting white clover (Trifolium repens) invade ryegrass (Lolium perenn
109  excelsa), kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa), and clover (Trifolium spp.) honeys did not exhibit unique fl
110 yme and examined its in vivo function in red clover via reverse genetics.
111  from other leguminous species including red clover, white clover, hairy vetch, mung bean, alfalfa, l
112 me tree, lingonberry, rape, raspberry, sweet clover, willow, mire, honeydew and polyfloral.
113 uckwheat, cloudberry-bog, lingonberry, sweet clover, willowherb and multifloral honeys) were investig
114  ADAM22 shows that it is a compact four-leaf clover with the metalloproteinase-like domain held in th

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