


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed with major fiber tracts in and around the cochlear nuclei.
2 ells of different types were observed in all cochlear nuclei.
3 clei then the superior olive and finally the cochlear nuclei.
4 om the cochlear spiral ganglion to brainstem cochlear nuclei.
5 s that receive input from the left and right cochlear nuclei.
6 ct the periolivary cells that project to the cochlear nuclei.
7 e vacuolation of the cells in vestibular and cochlear nuclei.
8 g in circuits involving granule cells in the cochlear nuclei.
9 ency-band" laminae were measured in 10 adult cochlear nuclei.
10 n the timing of impulses at the level of the cochlear nuclei.
11 C, and bilaterally in the superior olive and cochlear nuclei.
12 ere found in auditory centers, including the cochlear nuclei.
13 ing pathways as early as at the level of the cochlear nuclei.
14  Sef, with 13% exhibiting grossly dysmorphic cochlear nuclei and 26% showing decreased amounts of GFA
15 , receiving excitatory projections from both cochlear nuclei and an inhibitory input from the ipsilat
16 s expressing cells in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei and found a 54 fold increase in 1 h foll
17 other part (zone 2) receives inputs from the cochlear nuclei and nuclei of the lateral lemniscus but
18 ine immunoreactivity (cit-IR) in the ventral cochlear nuclei and some cit-IR in the striatum and late
19  Group 1 cases had labeled cells in both the cochlear nuclei and the lateral and medial superior oliv
20 tem to influence activity bilaterally in the cochlear nuclei and thus to modulate the initial process
21 in dorsal, posteroventral, and anteroventral cochlear nuclei, and in the medial nucleus of the trapez
22 es rise to the inferior olive nuclei, dorsal cochlear nuclei, and vestibular nuclei.
23                               Neurons of the cochlear nuclei are anatomically and physiologically spe
24 ar nucleus (AVCN) revealed that although the cochlear nuclei are smaller in je/je mice, the topograph
25                                          The cochlear nuclei are the first central processors of audi
26       Although the local circuits within the cochlear nuclei are understood at a cellular level, the
27 the dorsal and dorso-medial parts of ventral cochlear nuclei as early as 48 h after virus injection,
28 decreased the number of release sites in the cochlear nuclei associated with the reduced amplitudes o
29 ctivity (SA) in the anteroventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei (AVCN and DCN) and the central nucleus o
30  path length of axons from the anteroventral cochlear nuclei (AVCN) to the medial superior olive (MSO
31 irect projection of neurons from the ventral cochlear nuclei bilaterally to the TT motoneuron pool in
32 the granule cell and external regions of the cochlear nuclei, bilaterally, of all cats.
33       Group 2 cases had labeled cells in the cochlear nuclei but few or none in the lateral and media
34  do not elicit c-fos expression in medullary cochlear nuclei, but novel sounds produced a 25-fold inc
35 ors (AMPARs and NMDARs, respectively) in rat cochlear nuclei by a highly sensitive freeze-fracture re
36 e SPN cells themselves project either to the cochlear nuclei (CN) or the IC.
37 topographically broad projections within the cochlear nuclei (CN), which later would become topograph
38 ses in putative fusiform cells of the dorsal cochlear nuclei (DCN).
39 ry nerve synapses in the mammalian and avian cochlear nuclei display exceptionally rapid channel gati
40 ar, e.g., the ipsilateral dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, dorsal periolivary nuclei, and lateral
41 ally identified Golgi cells in slices of the cochlear nuclei from mice.
42                      Previous studies of the cochlear nuclei in cat, rat, and guinea pig have demonst
43 chanosensory hair cells in the inner ear and cochlear nuclei in the brainstem.
44 change greatly during the development of the cochlear nuclei in the chicken, there are significant de
45 rent fluorescent tracers into left and right cochlear nuclei in the same animal.
46 ake contact with all major cell types of the cochlear nuclei, including at least some of those that p
47 ontact periolivary cells that project to the cochlear nuclei, including periolivary cells that projec
48 y, blood flow to regions related to hearing (cochlear nuclei, inferior colliculi and temporal cortex)
49                             In the mammalian cochlear nuclei, neurons receive excitatory input from e
50 tructural component of gap junctions, in the cochlear nuclei of adult big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscu
51 munostaining and optical densitometry to the cochlear nuclei of an anthropoid primate, the Senegalese
52                                          The cochlear nuclei of nonwhite cats with normal hearing wer
53  study focused on envelope coding in the two cochlear nuclei of the barn owl, nucleus angularis (NA)
54                                          The cochlear nuclei of the deaf white cats were smaller in v
55 r neurons send collateral projections to the cochlear nuclei on both sides, we injected different flu
56 projections to ipsilateral and contralateral cochlear nuclei originate from separate populations of c
57 owever, the identification of neurons in the cochlear nuclei participating in this reflex has not bee
58                               Neurons of the cochlear nuclei receive axosomatic endings from primary
59 eurons appear in the anterodorsal and dorsal cochlear nuclei, salivatory nucleus, A5 noradrenergic ce
60  projections to the IC, i.e., those from the cochlear nuclei, superior olive, and the majority of pro
61 s almost all of its ascending input from the cochlear nuclei, the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, an
62  receives its major ascending input from the cochlear nuclei, the superior olivary complex, and the n
63 racers were injected into the left and right cochlear nuclei to identify cells in the superior olivar
64   Lagenar afferents projected throughout the cochlear nuclei, to the dorsolateral regions of the cere
65              The influence of neurons in the cochlear nuclei upon TT activity through direct and indi
66 he cochlea and is transmitted to the ventral cochlear nuclei (VCN).
67 sion following TMR in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscu
68 ferior colliculus to both the left and right cochlear nuclei via a synaptic relay in the superior oli
69 dendrites of six cell types in the mammalian cochlear nuclei was probed and compared electrophysiolog
70 h was to quantitate the number of neurons in cochlear nuclei which express Fos protein following shor

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