


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 le AsPh3 as the ligand and a unique "acetate cocktail".
2  exposure is toward multicomponent chemical "cocktails".
3 ith or without Igfbp2 and Angptl5 (STF/STFIA cocktails).
4 antage over all individual components of the cocktail.
5 onal antibody (E559) for inclusion in such a cocktail.
6  similar response to a multivalent GII.4 VLP cocktail.
7 at of parental strains and a multivalent VLP cocktail.
8 mal stem cells were exposed to a cardiogenic cocktail.
9 jection of an anti-type II collagen antibody cocktail.
10 using a recently developed Trolox-cysteamine cocktail.
11  in three 240 ml servings of cranberry juice cocktail.
12  when maintained in a traditional adipogenic cocktail.
13 aria vaccine candidates to develop a vaccine cocktail.
14 have implications for development of TB drug cocktails.
15 sible interactions with blood-plasma protein cocktails.
16 proved with customized radiolabeled antibody cocktails.
17 ational design of novel reprogramming factor cocktails.
18 ew drugs and designing more efficacious drug cocktails.
19 pan-ebolavirus vaccine and immunotherapeutic cocktails.
20 ncluded in panfilovirus therapeutic antibody cocktails.
21 occurred at lower concentrations than the KW cocktail (1 vs 16 mug/mL), likely due to differences in
22 ved an intravenous injection of PEGylated NP cocktail (20, 40, 100, and 500 nm, each with a unique fl
23 ns (PACs) from a low-calorie cranberry juice cocktail (54% juice).
24  depletion with oral gavage of an antibiotic cocktail (ABX).
25 ur results using blubber-derived contaminant cocktails add realism to in vitro exposure experiments a
26 ategic selection of next-generation antibody cocktails against Ebola and related viruses and a model
27                                          The cocktail allowed us to reliably detect a model EpCAM(low
28 E were treated with an antipseudomonas phage cocktail alone or combined with ciprofloxacin.
29 uidic electroporation system for direct drug cocktail analyses where drug substances were individuall
30 zone, we used a cell wall degradation enzyme cocktail and determined that the secretion zone is small
31 xpress GFP were treated with a growth factor cocktail and grafted into the site of a complete spinal
32 cess through stepwise optimization of the RF cocktail and leveraged these kinetic gains to establish
33 reporter responded only to BPA in a chemical cocktail and spiked concentrated wastewater samples with
34 ted from buffy coats, primed with a cytokine cocktail and used for confrontation assays with C. albic
35 nto fibrin matrices containing growth factor cocktails and grafted to sites of severe spinal cord inj
36 detailed characterization to simple antibody cocktails and more complex antibody mixtures.
37 ing can be achieved by probing with antibody cocktails and using antibody stripping/reprobing techniq
38                     We then expanded on this cocktail approach by simultaneously vaccinating rabbits
39 d colleagues (2016) report a novel antiviral cocktail approach to specifically reduce the virome comp
40 e potential herb-drug interactions using the cocktail approach.
41                    Monoclonal antibody (mAb) cocktails are particularly attractive candidates due to
42        In this paper, the use of this enzyme cocktail as a wheat bread improver was reported.
43 r evaluations of pretargeting fusion protein cocktails as a strategy to enhance nanoparticle delivery
44 EM reconstructions of every mAb in the ZMapp cocktail, as well as additional antibodies from MB-003 a
45 nd affinity of the individual enzymes of the cocktail, as well as the high level of synergy and multi
46 h GI leakage induced by either an antibiotic cocktail (ATB) and/or dextran sulfate sodium (DSS).
47                        Mesenchymal stem cell cocktail-based priming was achieved for each patient wit
48  information on how each of the MAbs in this cocktail binds to the ebolavirus glycoprotein as it is d
49                                     Aromatic cocktail bitters are derived from the alcoholic extracti
50 Polytron/sonication procedure in a detergent cocktail buffer, and a cleanup/digestion procedure provi
51  using a broad-spectrum proteinase inhibitor cocktail, but not the pan-specific MMP inhibitor GM6001,
52 y of a commercial cellulose-degrading enzyme cocktail by 2.4-fold.
53        We further formulated an IgG antibody cocktail by combining anti-JUNV, -MACV, and -GTOV antibo
54                                       Enzyme cocktails can be utilized in the bio-refinery for lignoc
55 fic activity of the radiolabeled antibodies, cocktails can provide a substantial advantage in tumor c
56 94 vs 6.06 mug/mL; P < 0.01), whereas the KW cocktail caused a much faster decline in proliferation (
57 ir epigenotype and depending on the cytokine cocktail, cells show different H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 leve
58 ical assessment of the tissue uptake of each cocktail component is warranted.
59                                     The beam cocktail consisted of approximately 2.9% (67)Cu in a lar
60 rolled expulsion of a synergistic enzybiotic cocktail consisting of CHAPK and lysostaphin.
61 7-fold and were antagonized by an inhibitory cocktail containing 2-APB, SKF 96365 and Gd(3+).
62 t-derived mannanase when added to the enzyme cocktail containing a combination of different plant-der
63                                            A cocktail containing AEBSF, aprotinin, pancreatic trypsin
64 0 of 0.10 M potassium phosphate buffer-based cocktail containing aniline, H2O2, and a G-qudraplex-hem
65                 Active vaccination against a cocktail containing bacterial cell-surface antigens enha
66 on transducer, loaded with a liquid membrane cocktail containing both ionophore and additive dissolve
67                                            A cocktail containing NP-718m and NP-143m provided 100% pr
68                            Furthermore, drug cocktails containing AXL inhibitor enhance melanoma cell
69 ignocellulosic materials by C. bescii enzyme cocktails containing CelA appear to be significantly dif
70                                              Cocktails containing significantly reduced doses of BMP-
71 eOH/ACN/Acetone (1:1:1, v/v/v) as extraction cocktail could achieve desirable gathering of demanded e
72 , and whether a multi-agent chemotherapeutic cocktail could increase the rate of complete cyst resolu
73  Combined with 2i and PD166285, our chemical cocktail could maintain haESCs in the haploid state for
74 epresents the first lignocellulolytic enzyme cocktail created from anaerobic fungal enzymes.
75                   Compared to the commercial cocktail CTec2, these anaerobic fungal cocktails provide
76  which are selectively killed by a senolytic cocktail, dasatinib plus quercetin (DQ), is fibrogenic.
77           After incubation with the cytokine cocktail, DCs were found to have matured, as demonstrate
78           ChIPseq analyses reveal a cytokine cocktail-dependent redistribution of H3K27me3 profiles.
79 nstituted a four-component lignocellulolytic cocktail derived from highly transcribed C1A, and evalua
80    In the present study, complex contaminant cocktails derived from the blubber of polar bears (PB; U
81  physiological significance of neuropeptide "cocktails" derived from the same precursor protein.
82 ectrode conditioning by loading the membrane cocktail directly with primary ion solution.
83 le for various emerging applications in drug cocktail discovery.
84 , and Ki67 using VR and a double panmelanoma cocktail (dPANMEL) using 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) and
85                     Treatment with the 3-mAb cocktail during initial MCT/EW immunization induced EW t
86  can be used to produce liquid scintillation cocktails e.g., via benzene synthesis.
87 n occurred at much lower exposures in the PB cocktail (EC50: 0.94 vs 6.06 mug/mL; P < 0.01), whereas
88                Here, we show that a chemical cocktail enables the derivation of stem cells with uniqu
89 f 51 products, including fruit-, candy-, and cocktail-flavored e-cigarettes.
90  results warrant further development of this cocktail for clinical use.
91             Her IVF cycle included the usual cocktail for gonadotropin stimulation and was uncomplica
92 ntrasts were functionalized with an antibody cocktail for molecular targeting of S. aureus surface-as
93 anase is an important component of enzymatic cocktail for woody biomass hydrolysis and should provide
94 typically major components of natural enzyme cocktails for biomass degradation.
95 pes that can be utilized to design effective cocktails for broad protection against multiple filoviru
96 preparation of liquid scintillation counting cocktails for measurements of low (14)C radioactivity.
97 nated with these viruses either singly or in cocktail form as a multivalent vaccine candidate.
98 activity comparable to a cellulolytic enzyme cocktail from the fungus Trichoderma reesei, and thus pr
99                                   The enzyme cocktail (glucose oxidase, horseradish peroxidase and po
100  the past 3 years, monoclonal antibody (mAb) cocktails have demonstrated high efficacy as treatments
101                    Monoclonal antibody (MAb) cocktails have shown great potential as EVD therapeutics
102 s in the ZMapp, ZMAb, and the related MB-003 cocktails have yet to be identified.
103 ray will allow us to assess if sequential or cocktail immune strategies can overcome some of the vacc
104 earch has focused on the processing of phage cocktails in specific pharmaceutical dosage forms.
105 rms necessitate bath application of antibody cocktails, increasing probability of nonspecific antibod
106           Recent work demonstrating antibody cocktail-induced synergistic downregulation of EGFR moti
107                  The activity of a cellulase cocktail is clearly evident through the TOF-SIMS spectra
108                                     One such cocktail is ZMAb, which consists of three mouse antibodi
109 The inhibitory action of lignin on cellulase cocktails is a major challenge to the biological sacchar
110 ggest that further development of Env trimer cocktails is warranted.
111 ZMapp), optimized from two previous antibody cocktails, is able to rescue 100% of rhesus macaques whe
112    However, the addition of Sall4 to the OSK cocktail led to a consistent reverse sequence of locus a
113   As compared to the STF cocktail, the STFIA cocktail maintains in vivo repopulation capacity of cult
114                                Two candidate cocktails, MB-003 and ZMAb, have been extensively evalua
115  in different ways depending on the consumed cocktail mixture.
116                                  Only the KW cocktail modulated natural killer (NK) cell activity and
117 o therapeutics have been combined into a new cocktail named ZMapp, which showed increased efficacy an
118                                       A nano cocktail, NCPD, fabricated from a pH and redox dual resp
119 itiation of therapy, the composition of drug cocktails necessary to prevent the emergence of resistan
120                  Cytotoxic effects of the PB cocktail occurred at lower concentrations than the KW co
121         The study suggests that the use of a cocktail of 3 radioligands binding to somatostatin recep
122                                          The cocktail of 30 ppm CIP + 2 ppm D-tyr achieved similar ef
123 e treated with different concentrations of a cocktail of 4 fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibod
124                                      Using a cocktail of 41 BACs in three colors, all chromosome pair
125                                          The cocktail of 80 ppm CIP + 5 ppm D-tyr achieved better eff
126      In the 3-hour biofilm removal test, the cocktail of 80 ppm CIP + 5 ppm D-tyr achieved extra 1.5-
127 [Asp/Glu] and others were each prepared in a cocktail of 9 other D-aas, along with L-amino acids (L-a
128 ventional molecular surface imprints using a cocktail of acrylic monomers in QCM measurements.
129                   In this work, we present a cocktail of activity-based probes that enables simultane
130 mal FA suppression required treatment with a cocktail of all 3 anti-pro-TH2 mAbs.
131 r (125)I-GIP(1-30), with the binding using a cocktail of all 3 radioligands, given concomitantly unde
132  contributed to the ED deficit, we infused a cocktail of alpha(1)-, beta(1)-, and beta(2)-adrenergic
133 ic protein von Willebrand factor (VWF) and a cocktail of angiogenic and inflammatory mediators.
134           In the first set of experiments, a cocktail of anterograde and retrograde tracers was ionto
135 ed not only to BDE-209 and -99 but also to a cocktail of BDE congeners with evidence of neurodevelopm
136 roaches involving the administration of 1) a cocktail of bispecific proteins that can collectively bi
137                            Rather, a complex cocktail of Bmps and Bmp signal modulators secreted from
138 nsformation of a homogeneous catalyst (or "a cocktail of catalysts") into nanoclusters, which in turn
139  C Env trimers and found that a quadrivalent cocktail of clade C trimers elicited a greater magnitude
140 fully sulfonated at room temperature using a cocktail of ClSO3H (85-95% w/w) and HOAc or H2SO4.
141 ated xylanase activation and hydrolysis in a cocktail of commercial CWD enzymes produced >90% theoret
142 ed product depends on the composition of the cocktail of cytokines and small molecules used for cultu
143 om gastrointestinal epithelial cells using a cocktail of defined small molecules along with support f
144 re antibodies was subsequently detected by a cocktail of fluorescently conjugated secondary antibodie
145        Here we show that administration of a cocktail of HIV-1-specific monoclonal antibodies, as wel
146 hroughout an 8-10 day process initiated by a cocktail of hormones.
147                                 CLoNe uses a cocktail of labelling, targeting and transposition vecto
148 inogenic species Acinetobacter baylyi with a cocktail of lytic phages.
149                     This study suggests that cocktail of MEK1/2 and Src inhibitors represents an effe
150 sponse to vaccine or treatment with one or a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies.
151 on of advanced cardiopulmonary bypass plus a cocktail of multiple agents targeted at restoration of n
152  agents to enhance the overall activity of a cocktail of multiple enzymes and achieve optimal organ/t
153 gets multiple chromosome-specific sites or a cocktail of multiple sgRNAs, each targeting one specific
154 The analytical method relies on the use of a cocktail of nanogold-labeled specific antibodies, acting
155 eural stem cell-like cells (ciNSLCs) using a cocktail of nine components (M9).
156 sequential exposure of human astrocytes to a cocktail of nine small molecules that inhibit glial but
157 Following hybridization with a SNP target, a cocktail of nucleases is applied to the nanogap sensor a
158 of 51-54 degrees C, time of 36-45min and the cocktail of pectinase, cellulase and hemicellulase, set
159                              We found that a cocktail of physiologically active MAMPs translocate int
160 against ROS-triggered cytotoxic effects of a cocktail of pollutants in Caco-2 cells and increase thei
161                      Specifically, we used a cocktail of primary antibodies for both epithelial and m
162                                      An oral cocktail of probe drugs for major drug-metabolizing enzy
163 n growth factors (PRGF) allows delivery of a cocktail of proteins and growth factors that promote wou
164             Our results support the use of a cocktail of R1, R2 and XVX as a chemopreventive tool aga
165                             In addition, the cocktail of radioligands always provided a homogeneous l
166 re evaluated with in vitro methods whether a cocktail of radioligands targeting these 3 receptors wou
167                                    Using the cocktail of radioligands, all tumors without exception s
168 ifferent molecular targets; coinjection of a cocktail of radioligands; and sequential injection of di
169 lication and quantification of a multiplexed cocktail of receptor-targeted surface-enhanced Raman sca
170            Groups of sheep vaccinated with a cocktail of six different vaccines were completely prote
171           We recently described the use of a cocktail of small molecules to enhance hiPSC survival an
172                             We report that a cocktail of small molecules, Y-27632, A-83-01, and CHIR9
173  roots of the shy plant Mimosa pudica emit a cocktail of small organic and inorganic sulfur compounds
174 l dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine or a cocktail of the D1-like receptor agonist SKF82958 and th
175              Here, it is demonstrated that a cocktail of the xylanolytic enzymes completely hydrolyze
176         Treatment of retinal explants with a cocktail of these factors conferred retinal ganglion cel
177 city could be achieved in vaccinates using a cocktail of three DIVA antigens while maintaining a sens
178                                     ZMapp, a cocktail of three MAbs directed against the ebolavirus g
179                                     ZMapp, a cocktail of three monoclonal antibodies (MAbs; c2G4, c4G
180                       To this end, we test a cocktail of three virulent phages in two animal models o
181                We have recently shown that a cocktail of two short synthetic hairpin RNAs (sshRNAs),
182 onstrate that the outbreak strain releases a cocktail of virulence factors via outer membrane vesicle
183  DH on drug seeking during ED1 by infusing a cocktail of WAY100635 plus GR127935 (5-HT1A/1B receptor
184 e lognormal problem can be overcome by using cocktails of 2 or more agents, tailored such that at lea
185 as declined; bees are chronically exposed to cocktails of agrochemicals, and they are simultaneously
186               Furthermore, we describe novel cocktails of antibodies with enhanced protective efficac
187 tion of the food chain typically occurs when cocktails of combustion residues or polychlorinated biph
188 r overcoming neutralization escape by use of cocktails of cross-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies th
189 urviving fraction of cells after exposure to cocktails of different antibody combinations.
190 accine strains could be tolerated, we tested cocktails of DISC vaccines in combinations of three or s
191 lution (DE) algorithm to identify osteogenic cocktails of extrinsic factors.
192                                              Cocktails of inhibitory monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), su
193 l evasion against these MAbs, and design new cocktails of MAbs with improved complementarity.
194                                              Cocktails of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that target th
195                 By inoculating macaques with cocktails of multiple SHIV variants, we selected SHIVs t
196                      This study examines how cocktails of radiolabeled antibodies can be formulated t
197                                              Cocktails of small molecule inhibitors of CKS1B, AHCY, B
198 elings and desires that combine to form the "cocktail" of experienced emotion.
199 ds to form separate ordered assemblies from 'cocktails' of two or more self-assembling species, which
200 d the effects of exposure to a bacteriophage cocktail on intestinal permeability and relative abundan
201       Specific activity determined whether a cocktail or a single antibody achieved greater cell kill
202  reactive antibodies are best, and whether a cocktail or monotherapy should be used.
203  be exploited for developing improved enzyme cocktails or facile engineering of microbial hosts for c
204 oped, and these vaccines were used alone, in cocktails or in prime-boost combinations.
205                  These vaccines were used in cocktails or prime-boost combinations.
206            With certain specific activities, cocktails outperformed single antibodies by a factor of
207                                              Cocktail parties, busy streets, and other noisy environm
208                                   During the cocktail party conditions, the approximately 0.5 Hz coup
209                                           In cocktail party conditions, with the multitalker backgrou
210 cordings from human listeners in a simulated cocktail party environment, we investigate how a complex
211                                 Designing a "cocktail party listener" that functionally mimics the se
212 ocial settings, a challenge aptly named the "cocktail party problem" [2].
213 perceptual errors analogous to those of the 'cocktail party problem'.
214 ndividual sounds in a mixture (the so-called cocktail party problem).
215 stic communication may suffer from the same "cocktail party problem," when communication happens in n
216 e different talkers and thus for solving the cocktail party problem.
217       This mechanism was most effective in a Cocktail Party setting, promoting preferential tracking
218              In a complex auditory scene, a "cocktail party" for example, listeners can disentangle m
219 background (No noise) and four mixed with a "cocktail party" multitalker background noise at four sig
220 he brain's representation of speech using a "Cocktail Party" paradigm, coupled with direct recordings
221 ple competing speech signals (the so-called "cocktail party" problem).
222  competing input streams, epitomized by the "Cocktail Party" problem, continues to stimulate research
223  one out of several competing speakers in a "cocktail party" situation is a highly demanding task.
224 everal simultaneously talking speakers in a "cocktail party" situation is a highly demanding task.
225 controlling selective auditory attention in "cocktail party" situations.
226       When people listen to one person in a "cocktail party," their auditory cortex mainly follows th
227 .g when shadowing a nearby conversation at a cocktail party.
228 humans can respond to one voice at a crowded cocktail party.
229 4-8 Hz modulations during both noiseless and cocktail-party conditions.
230 conversing in a noisy social situation; the "cocktail-party" problem) has not been established.
231 ies employing speech stimuli to investigate 'cocktail-party' listening have focused on entrainment of
232 an important biological strategy for solving cocktail-party-like problems in nonhuman animal communic
233  this hypothesis in humans by implementing a cocktail-party-like scenario requiring subjects to detec
234                                      Here, a cocktail preservative is described that stabilizes leuko
235                    In conclusion, the enzyme cocktail produced by T. aurantiacus CBMAI 756 can improv
236                            The use of enzyme cocktails produced from PB-degrading microbial consortia
237                                         This cocktail protected 100% of guinea pigs against JUNV and
238 ntigens and cytolysins, when used in vaccine cocktails, provide protection from S. aureus USA100-USA4
239 n may be a beneficial treatment as part of a cocktail provided continued SIRT1 activity elevation is
240 rcial cocktail CTec2, these anaerobic fungal cocktails provided comparable or slightly lower hydrolys
241 uspending BaSO4 precipitate in Inta-Gel Plus cocktail, purify BaSO4 precipitate to remove dissolved o
242  can be increased by 200%-400% with antibody cocktails, relative to the best-performing single antibo
243 ication of newly designed drugs or substance cocktails represents big problems.
244  in 10 microL and 100 microL batch microbial cocktail samples.Isignal responses exhibited similar mea
245         A prominent example is the cellulase cocktails secreted by fungi and bacteria for deconstruct
246 id receptor/delta-opioid receptor antagonist cocktail selectively reduced self-administration in nond
247 that mice treated chronically with this drug cocktail showed a significant right shift in the ED50 fo
248 was to investigate the effect of a mydriatic-cocktail soaked cellulose sponge on perioperative pupil
249 amsulosin were dilated either with mydriatic-cocktail soaked sponge (group 1) or with conventional ey
250         We have found that using a mydriatic cocktail-soaked wick - an alternative way to achieve int
251  the caspase inhibitor to form a whole blood cocktail solution, CSWB.
252  at high doses combined with strong cytokine-cocktail stimulation to obtain therapeutically relevant
253                       Using a minimum enzyme cocktail strategy, we constituted a four-component ligno
254 completely inhibited by a protease inhibitor cocktail, suggesting that TSLP is sensitive to tissue pr
255                       We developed an enzyme cocktail suitable for plant gums of unknown composition.
256  Lastly, an alternative transdifferentiation cocktail that lacks Oct4 and was reportedly unable to su
257   In this paper, we report a pharmacological cocktail that not only arrests actin dynamics but also p
258               We identified a corticosteroid cocktail that provides effective protection 18 hours pos
259 this study, we used a pharmacological opioid cocktail that selectively activates and stabilizes the D
260 ion of an appropriate cytokine and chemokine cocktail that stimulates an antiviral state and drives t
261 ng pin encloses the monomer-template protein cocktail that upon contacting the gold surface is in-sit
262               We sought to identify an HDACi cocktail that would uniformly reactivate KSHV and reveal
263  The device was then dip-coated with monomer cocktail that yielded poly(HEMA-co-AEMA) foam that was p
264 and Hu et al. (2015) identify small-molecule cocktails that can convert fibroblasts into functional n
265  RNA-seq and miRNA-seq data, we define miRNA cocktails that promote the myogenic potential of human M
266 giogenic factors and identified two distinct cocktails that promoted robust multicellular endothelial
267 elopment of vaccines and monoclonal antibody cocktails that target the Ebola coat glycoprotein (GP).
268                       As compared to the STF cocktail, the STFIA cocktail maintains in vivo repopulat
269 ntially be used to design improved cellulase cocktails, thus lowering the overall cost of biofuel pro
270                           Using an inhibitor cocktail to arrest F-actin dynamics, we show that organi
271                                 We used this cocktail to develop specific inhibitors for beta1c, beta
272  synergistically with a commercial cellulase cocktail to increase glucose production from SPP 8%.
273 the repair capacity of a bacterial enzymatic cocktail to repair damaged DNA in vitro and incorporate
274 are seeking to develop a monoclonal antibody cocktail to replace RIG.
275 ponent of reprogramming transcription factor cocktails to generate neurons from human fibroblasts; th
276 ng of drug responses may help define optimal cocktails to overcome aggressive cancers.
277 nterior descending artery ligation, microRNA cocktail-treated CPCs boost the therapeutic efficacy in
278 st, in situ generated catalysts give rise to cocktail-type systems with different metal species prese
279 ergistic increase in toxicity caused by this cocktail (via pharmaceutical photobyproducts) cannot be
280                            The best membrane cocktail was applied on the smaller end of a 1000 muL mi
281                                  TLR agonist cocktail was applied to the ocular surface in untreated
282       In this work a 93 MeV/u secondary beam cocktail was collected in an aqueous beam stop at the Na
283  situ hybridization (FISH)-based karyotyping cocktail was developed with which to study the karyotype
284 he hydrolysis yields of the anaerobic fungal cocktail was slightly superior to that realized by CTec2
285 hy (LC)-MS: a stable isotope labeled peptide cocktail was spiked into a complex native tissue extract
286  of several MAbs, including a novel antibody cocktail, was demonstrated.
287                    Using an antibody rainbow cocktail, we demonstrated highly specific detection of s
288 in efficacy between commercial and anaerobic cocktails were often only realized after extended (168 h
289  well in the presence of classical induction cocktail, whereas those from visceral fat differentiate
290  confluent preadipocytes with the adipogenic cocktail, which activates transcription factors (TFs) gl
291 al synthesis method to produce antimicrobial cocktails, which was based on the heat conjugation of am
292 total of 775 fragments were grouped into 143 cocktails, which were soaked into crystals of RT in comp
293 d greatly attenuate the side effects of drug cocktails while boosting synergistic anticancer effects.
294        We also generated a purified antibody cocktail with antibodies targeting three arenaviruses an
295 e best commercially available multicomponent cocktails with regard to both efficiency and velocity of
296 e glucose equivalents from pinewood than the cocktail without mannanase.
297 ilitating their direct utilization in enzyme cocktails without any purification.
298  suggest that the triple monoclonal antibody cocktail ZMapp is a promising immune-based treatment for
299    Recent successes with monoclonal antibody cocktails ZMapp(TM) and MIL77 against Ebola virus (EBOV)
300 compared with those of a monoclonal antibody cocktail, ZMapp, when delivered on day 3 post-challenge.

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