


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nting, mentoring networks, and building team cohesion).
2 lizes with Pds5 and Eso1 resulting in stable cohesion.
3 s role in establishing and maintaining group cohesion.
4 occur before dissolution of sister chromatid cohesion.
5 gonists to regulate meiotic sister chromatid cohesion.
6 acilitated by sequence-specific sticky-ended cohesion.
7 s on chromosomes to mediate sister chromatid cohesion.
8 -1-refractory REC-8 complexes provide stable cohesion.
9 actor, is also required for silent chromatin cohesion.
10 ilitating cooperation, and maintaining group cohesion.
11 logen bond types are responsible for crystal cohesion.
12  do not play a major role in sister telomere cohesion.
13  embraces sister chromatids to promote their cohesion.
14 required for Chl1's role in sister chromatid cohesion.
15 y, and the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion.
16 igated the molecular basis for Sir2-mediated cohesion.
17 complex may be required for sister-chromatid cohesion.
18 lved in DNA replication and sister chromatid cohesion.
19 e chromosome compaction and sister-chromatid cohesion.
20 at NatA and Naa50 play antagonistic roles in cohesion.
21 ssociation with telomeres, and resolution of cohesion.
22 ated protein, is required for protecting SPB cohesion.
23 leavage efficiency, promoting dissolution of cohesion.
24 SRC, YES, FYN) activity and loss of cellular cohesion.
25 could provide the stability to ensure tissue cohesion.
26 d is about 9 times higher than native mfp-3s cohesion.
27 cted to occur in tissues of widely differing cohesion.
28 TAG2 resulted in inadequate sister chromatid cohesion.
29 ohesin establishes enduring sister chromatid cohesion.
30 res (ALT) display persistent sister telomere cohesion.
31  a wide range of pheromones to ensure colony cohesion.
32 t from localizing to telomeres and resolving cohesion.
33 vation and establishment of sister chromatid cohesion.
34  the ESCO1 gene has little effect on mitotic cohesion.
35 nization: network fragmentation and subgroup cohesion.
36 ely passive and serve solely in the membrane cohesion.
37 t the cohesin loader to establish centromere cohesion.
38 diated junctional remodeling and increase of cohesion.
39 ous recombination linked to sister-chromatid cohesion.
40 senders and receivers by facilitating social cohesion.
41 g prices, and erosion of neighborhood social cohesion.
42 for telomere cohesion and SA2 for centromere cohesion.
43 ATPase, the kleisin subunit sister chromatid cohesion 1 (Scc1) that links the two ATPase heads, and t
44 ta is not required for establishing bivalent cohesion [11, 12].
45                         The sister chromatid cohesion 2 and 4 (Scc2-Scc4) complex loads cohesin onto
46 he hallmarks of local interaction and global cohesion [3,4].
47 hed role in promoting affiliation and social cohesion [6-8].
48 air DNA damage or defective sister chromatid cohesion, a process essential for correct chromosome seg
49  conducted a genetic screen and identified a cohesion activator mutation in the SMC3 head domain (D11
50 d the quality of dough in terms of hardness, cohesion, adhesion and breaking strength.
51 on requires timely dissolution of chromosome cohesion after chromosomes are properly attached to the
52 20)) activates separase and thereby destroys cohesion along chromosome arms.
53 se with a crucial role in the dissolution of cohesion among sister chromatids during chromosome segre
54 maximizing counterion-mediated electrostatic cohesion among the ensemble of charged particles.
55 ent describing hazard impacts or emphasizing cohesion among users.
56      How do socially complex groups maintain cohesion and achieve collective movement?
57 ependent of its loader is unable to maintain cohesion and associates with chromatin in a dynamic mann
58 onal connectivity in terms of within-network cohesion and between-network integration, and by their d
59 ra finches can simultaneously promote social cohesion and breeding boundaries.
60 ignificance: these activities increase group cohesion and cause participants to like each other and b
61   In combination, these findings reveal that cohesion and condensation are separable pathways and reg
62 cussed in terms of a new model through which cohesion and condensation are spatially regulated.
63 e mechanisms through which Elg1 may regulate cohesion and condensation remain unknown.
64     Differentiating between cohesin roles in cohesion and condensation would provide an important adv
65 o defective smc3 alleles are viable and have cohesion and condensation.
66 cohesin complexes interact on DNA to mediate cohesion and condensation.
67 able and defective for both sister chromatid cohesion and condensation.
68 prosocial behaviors promote social bonds and cohesion and contribute to group members' fitness.
69 xytocinergic system, potentially engendering cohesion and cooperation when facing an out-group threat
70        Consistent with premature loss of arm cohesion and destabilization of chiasmata, the frequency
71 ual behaviour in groups, we suggest that (1) cohesion and differentiation should be better articulate
72 in chromosome condensation, sister chromatid cohesion and DNA repair.
73 how this adaptation contributes to cell-cell cohesion and eventually to tissue-scale dynamics and mec
74 e bacterial cell surface increases cell wall cohesion and favors the projection of elongated SasG pro
75 to interfacial THz dynamics, changing atomic cohesion and fluctuating interfacial configurations.
76                                The adhesion, cohesion and frictional forces present during the remova
77 notypic defects in IFT20 localization, Golgi cohesion and Gbeta1 trafficking.
78 otic cell cycle, modulating sister chromatid cohesion and higher-order chromatin structure.
79  Thus, how these tumors maintain chromosomal cohesion and how STAG2 loss contributes to tumorigenesis
80                     A combination of reduced cohesion and impaired APC/C function also leads to fatal
81 s/hetero-oligophenylenes when poor molecular cohesion and inefficient packing is required.
82 tively appraised in terms of both functional cohesion and intra-subnetwork association strengths vers
83 typic cell types is essential for biological cohesion and is frequently dysregulated in disease.
84 ly a minor role in meiotic sister-centromere cohesion and is primarily required for homolog interacti
85 ny were respectively associated with greater cohesion and lower integration.
86 h, but both are required to resolve telomere cohesion and maintain mitotic spindle integrity.
87        Sensory and motor RSNs showed greater cohesion and metastability, likely to respectively refle
88 such as the FACT, PBAF, PAF1C, Mediator, SMC/Cohesion and MLL complexes.
89 e that establishes and maintains intersister cohesion and one that promotes interhomolog adhesion by
90 DNA interactions to mediate sister chromatid cohesion and other aspects of chromosome structure and f
91                                          The cohesion and packing in the structures of HAB aggregates
92 epatotoxicity, the mechanism by which tissue cohesion and polarity are affected remains unclear.
93  status, disruption in epithelial integrity, cohesion and polarity, increased cell division and a dis
94  subunit, where SA1 is required for telomere cohesion and SA2 for centromere cohesion.
95  the factors that leads to premature loss of cohesion and segregation errors.
96 t, centromeric cohesin generates intrastrand cohesion and sister centromeres, while highly cohesin en
97 in chromosomal congression, sister chromatid cohesion and spindle positioning, thereby resulting in t
98 e dimension (perceptions of community social cohesion) and a structural dimension (informal socializi
99 hering together of sister chromatids (termed cohesion) and subsequent condensation into discrete stru
100  interactions both between (sister chromatid cohesion) and within chromosomes (DNA looping).
101 tion, DNA repair, DNA replication, chromatid cohesion, and chromosome segregation.
102 ntial for building animals, promoting tissue cohesion, and enabling cells to migrate and resist mecha
103 ic chromosome condensation, sister chromatid cohesion, and higher order folding of interphase chromat
104 od availability, walkability, safety, social cohesion, and social disorder.
105 unctions including sexual attraction, social cohesion, and the therapeutic release of energy.
106                    When sDAPs and centrosome cohesion are disrupted, cilia surface to the plasma memb
107 KDK mutations, indicating that silencing and cohesion are separable functions of Sir2 and silent chro
108 r relative contributions to sister chromatid cohesion are unknown.
109                                      Because cohesion around centromeres is protected by shugoshin-2,
110  taxa and insight into the levels of genetic cohesion associated with bacterial species.
111 t where cohesin binds, little is known about cohesion at individual chromosomal binding sites and how
112 his requires that sister chromatids maintain cohesion at the centromere as cohesion is released on th
113                                  The lack of cohesion at the centromeres does not correlate with Psm3
114 ere region until release of sister-chromatid cohesion at the metaphase II/anaphase II transition.
115 his effect is far stronger than for physical cohesion, because EPS inhibit sand grains from moving in
116 :dT) tract in the gene promoter and mediated cohesion before induction.
117 odel, individual- and community-level social cohesion before the disaster were significantly associat
118  acetylated (ac) during S phase to establish cohesion between replicated chromosomes.
119 d the "maternal age effect." During meiosis, cohesion between sister chromatids keeps recombinant hom
120                     Cohesin complex mediates cohesion between sister chromatids, which promotes high-
121 ent and segregation during mitosis depend on cohesion between sister chromatids.
122 ar the lipid membrane surface, weakening the cohesion between water and adhesion of water to the lipi
123               Approximately half of all CTCF/cohesion-bound regions coincided with TOP2B binding.
124 ant cells results in a significant rescue of cohesion, but not condensation, defects.
125 RNA in the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion by modulating DDX11 enzymatic activity.
126  our results also suggest that Eco1 promotes cohesion by modulating the ATPase cycle of DNA-bound coh
127   The Shugoshin proteins preserve centromere cohesion by protecting the cohesin complex from cleavage
128                This behavior supports social cohesion by providing a key mechanism for minimizing mut
129 racks dynamic changes in large-scale network cohesion by quantifying the level of within-network and
130 gs physically attached and premature loss of cohesion can lead to missegregation of homologs during m
131 rotein complex required for sister chromatid cohesion, chromosome condensation, DNA damage repair, an
132 itecture, such as promoting sister chromatid cohesion, chromosome condensation, DNA repair, and trans
133 oding RNA polymerase subunits and chromosome cohesion complex suggests a surprising degree of functio
134                             Sister chromatid cohesion conferred by entrapment of sister DNAs within a
135 be composed of grains whose roughness lowers cohesion consistently with contact mechanics.
136 rs as promising therapeutic agents targeting cohesion-defective cancers.
137 cts with Naa50, rescues the sister-chromatid cohesion defects and the resulting mitotic arrest caused
138 tly, neither the temperature sensitivity nor cohesion defects exhibited by pds5-1 mutant cells.
139 nd its positive regulator sororin and causes cohesion defects in S phase, consistent with a role of N
140 vo assays show that a wpl1 fails to suppress cohesion defects of eco1 cells.
141  Synthetic lethality of APC/C inhibition and cohesion defects strictly depends on a functional mitoti
142 NA rescue pds5-1 temperature sensitivity and cohesion defects, but do not rescue pds5-1 mutant cell c
143 nding and suppresses ctf7-associated meiotic cohesion defects, demonstrating that WAPL and CTF7 funct
144 ll lines, and several cancer cell lines with cohesion defects, display a highly increased response to
145 increased the percentage of oocytes with arm cohesion defects.
146 on would similarly rescue pds5-1 mutant cell cohesion defects.
147 s hold the network together), making network cohesion dependent on key organizations.
148               Initiation of sister chromatid cohesion depends on a separate complex, Scc2(NIPBL)/Scc4
149   This delayed resolution of sister telomere cohesion depends upon the loss of ATRX and its histone-s
150  multi-level selection theory, the effective cohesion described here is a generic consequence of reso
151 owing body of evidence suggests that meiotic cohesion deteriorates as oocytes age and contributes to
152                Premature loss of centromeric cohesion disrupts orderly mitotic progression.
153         Separase is absolutely essential for cohesion dissolution in organisms from yeast to man.
154 zation that is critical for sister chromatid cohesion, DNA repair and transcriptional regulation.
155  with BRCA1-associated surveillance complex, cohesion, DNA-PKcs and components of TIP60 complex.
156 tical for regulating pericentriolar material cohesion during bipolar spindle assembly.
157 upling with magnetic tweezers, and cell-cell cohesion during collective cell movements, further highl
158 ted in larger group sizes, increasing social cohesion during disturbance.
159 r adhesion and the maintenance of epithelial cohesion during dynamic processes, such as wound repair.
160 ated hormone levels were linked with greater cohesion during intergroup conflicts, rather than with t
161          Cohesins establish sister chromatid cohesion during S phase and are removed when cohesin Scc
162 s Smc3 subunit to establish sister chromatid cohesion during S phase, but differ in their N-terminal
163    In addition to mediating sister chromatid cohesion during the cell cycle, the cohesin complex asso
164 n be rationalized from the lower surface and cohesion energies of Au with respect to Rh, and the pref
165                             We conclude that cohesion established in fetal oocytes is maintained for
166 d Esco1's recruitment separated its roles in cohesion establishment and gene silencing.
167 n, suggesting an essential role for CONCR in cohesion establishment during cell division.
168                            Here we show that cohesion establishment is critically dependent upon Esco
169                Evidence for post-replicative cohesion establishment mechanism exists, in yeast and in
170  well studied, the underlying determinant of cohesion establishment on chromosomal arms remains enigm
171 cation fork progression and sister chromatid cohesion establishment.
172  S phase, consistent with a role of Naa50 in cohesion establishment.
173 hose of the strong reversible intermolecular cohesion exhibited by adhesion proteins of marine mussel
174 ze to the centriole proximal end through the cohesion factor C-Nap1 and that sDAP function redundantl
175 etaphase are primarily linked by centromeric cohesion, forming the iconic X shape.
176 -proximal genes and functional uncoupling of cohesion from Smc3 acetylation.
177 entrosome/spindle pole body, centromere, and cohesion function.
178 c couplings) could have been crucial for the cohesion, functional integration, and intrinsic stabilit
179 otein complex essential for sister chromatid cohesion, gene expression and DNA damage repair.
180 vation of known Fanconi anemia and chromatid cohesion genes does explain CIN in the minority of cases
181  In addition to its role in sister chromatid cohesion, genome stability and integrity, the cohesin co
182 romosome axis that mediates sister chromatid cohesion, homologous recombination and chromosome synaps
183 d support the model that accelerated loss of cohesion in aging human oocytes is caused, at least in p
184 dhesion proteins that maintain intercellular cohesion in all tissues, and their rapid regulation is e
185 udies by elucidating the rules that maintain cohesion in baboons 'on the move', as well as the differ
186       This was accompanied by increased cell cohesion in cardiac myocyte cultures and murine heart sl
187 1 or eco1 mutant cells but robustly restores cohesion in cells blocked for Smc3p K112 K113 acetylatio
188 is insufficient for efficient dissolution of cohesion in early anaphase; subsequent Smc3 deacetylatio
189               Smc3-D1189H partially restores cohesion in eco1 wpl1 or eco1 mutant cells but robustly
190        Timely resolution of sister chromatid cohesion in G2/M is essential for genome integrity.
191 c1alpha or Smc3/Smc1beta, maintains bivalent cohesion in mammalian meiosis [2-6].
192 een shown to play a role in sister-chromatid cohesion in metazoans.
193 omatids in STAG2 mutant tumor cells maintain cohesion in mitosis at chromosome arms and telomeres.
194 nts to maintain persistence of direction and cohesion in multicellular streams remains unclear.
195 Hypothetically, cohesin turnover regenerates cohesion in oocytes.
196 rent effectors and regulate sister-chromatid cohesion in opposing ways.
197 erated extrachromosomal DNA circles to study cohesion in response to transcriptional induction of a m
198 eproductive individuals in maintaining group cohesion in social species, but at the population level
199 tromere identity, as well as for centromeric cohesion in somatic cells.
200 cally, STAG1 loss abrogates sister chromatid cohesion in STAG2 mutated but not in wild-type cells lea
201 logical index of arousal, and within-network cohesion in the salience network, indicating that coordi
202 ngevity of cohesin proteins that established cohesion in utero.
203  precise contributions of Esco1 and Esco2 to cohesion in vertebrate cells.
204 entrosomal Golgi localization and centrosome cohesion, independent of its localization to, and role i
205  when under stress and do not modulate shoal cohesion, indicative of abnormal social behaviour.
206         Forced resolution of sister telomere cohesion induces excessive recombination between non-hom
207                          In contrast, no new cohesion is detected when Rec8 is activated in arrested
208                             Sister chromatid cohesion is essential for tension-sensing mechanisms tha
209                                   When group cohesion is essential, groups must have efficient strate
210                             Sister-chromatid cohesion is established by Eco1-mediated acetylation on
211                             Sister chromatid cohesion is established during replication by entrapment
212 ell-cell adhesion is absent, and the cluster cohesion is instead provided by a co-attraction mechanis
213                                          How cohesion is maintained in arrested oocytes remains a piv
214                               Alternatively, cohesion is maintained without turnover.
215                                              Cohesion is mediated by cohesin, which is deposited on c
216       The unique ability of Esco2 to promote cohesion is mediated by sequences in the N terminus of t
217                                              Cohesion is mediated by the association of cohesins alon
218 co1 substrate recognition and acetylation in cohesion is not fully understood.
219 mitosis and enter G1, ensuring that telomere cohesion is not resolved prematurely in S phase.
220  The mechanism by which Naa50 contributes to cohesion is not understood however.
221 utants but remains above a key threshold, as cohesion is only modestly perturbed.
222 atids maintain cohesion at the centromere as cohesion is released on the chromatid arms when the homo
223                                              Cohesion is thought to occur through the entrapment of D
224 members is known to be important to maintain cohesion, it is not clear how many neighbors each indivi
225  little is known about how it stimulates the cohesion-loading activity.
226 NN, and ORD is required for sister-chromatid cohesion, localizes to the centromeres and is not incorp
227 leads to increased H3 T118ph levels, causing cohesion loss, and reduced levels of cohesin and condens
228 ed cytokinesis, reduced chromatin packaging, cohesion loss, cohesin and condensin I loss in human cel
229 urin that ultimately causes sister chromatid cohesion loss.
230 associated factor that is essential for both cohesion maintenance and condensation.
231 vealed an unexpected role for this domain in cohesion maintenance and condensation.
232 e Smc3p hinge and Pds5p cooperate to promote cohesion maintenance and condensation.
233                        Consistent with this, cohesion maintenance does not require Smc1beta transcrip
234                            To restore social cohesion, many countries undertake truth and reconciliat
235 ial and animal species share the property of cohesion, meaning that diversity within a species is con
236 ing property of SA1 nor this unique telomere cohesion mechanism is understood.
237                             Sister chromatid cohesion mediated by the cohesin complex is essential fo
238 crystal structures, and experimental lattice cohesion metrics.
239 ions of the centrosome, and failed chromatid cohesion, mirroring findings from cancer biology.
240 inetochore-microtubule attachment, chromatid cohesion, mitotic checkpoint monitoring or cytokinesis.
241                         Root is required for cohesion of basal bodies, but the cilium structure appea
242 mutant MT1-MMP expression results in altered cohesion of epithelial sheets and the formation of more
243 dherin) is responsible for the intercellular cohesion of epithelial tissues.
244 -pi interactions drive the self-assembly and cohesion of many biological molecules, including the adh
245 ubunit of the cohesin complex that regulates cohesion of sister chromatids and gene transcription.
246 ry mediator, and it alters the integrity and cohesion of the blood-brain barrier in several pathophys
247  at silenced chromatin domains persisted but cohesion of the domains was abolished.
248  has a substantial influence on the size and cohesion of the flight formations.
249 mplex environments in vivo while maintaining cohesion of the group as a whole.
250  monotonically increases with arousal, while cohesion of this network with the executive control netw
251 s than aprotic solvents with similar solvent cohesion parameters.
252 , salience-executive control between-network cohesion peaked at moderate arousal.
253 tivation occurred after DNA circularization, cohesion persisted.
254 that at high population densities, less cell cohesion promotes string formation.
255                    Multiple meiosis-specific cohesion proteins act to facilitate homolog segregation
256  double-mutant analysis to study the mitotic cohesion proteins Stromalin (SA) and Nipped-B (SCC2) in
257 viously uncharacterized human lncRNA, CONCR (cohesion regulator noncoding RNA), that is transcription
258      These results suggest that at telomeres cohesion relies on the molecular interplay between TRF1
259 8 activated in arrested mouse oocytes builds cohesion revealed by TEV cleavage and live-cell imaging.
260       These roles are unique from the bundle cohesion role of Usher syndrome type 1 protein complexes
261 od availability, walking environment, social cohesion, safety, and geographic information system-base
262               Owing to their weak inter-unit cohesion, self-assembled DNA crystals are fragile, which
263 ng on the illness to also longing for social cohesion, sense of community and wellbeing in diabetes h
264 e we show that, despite a loss in centromere cohesion, sister chromatids in STAG2 mutant tumor cells
265 mage markers in meiosis and to problems with cohesion stability at the centromere.
266                       Community-level social cohesion strengthens the resilience of community residen
267         Meanwhile, other measures of solvent cohesion, such as surface tension and internal pressure,
268 ONCR show severe defects in sister chromatid cohesion, suggesting an essential role for CONCR in cohe
269  under negative pressure as explained by the cohesion-tension theory by coating hydrophobic surfaces
270      During the cell cycle, sister-chromatid cohesion tethers sister chromatids together from S phase
271 ATPase activity but remarkably confer robust cohesion that bypasses the need for the cohesin protecto
272 ses the timely resolution of sister telomere cohesion that normally occurs prior to mitosis.
273 owder which exhibits elastic moduli and bulk cohesions that are significantly higher than those obser
274 nes branched DNA junctions with sticky-ended cohesion to create self-assembling macromolecular archit
275 mpanied by establishment of sister chromatid cohesion to ensure faithful chromosome segregation.
276 s lining the tissue periphery break up their cohesion to migrate within the tissue.
277 us, STAG1 and STAG2 support sister chromatid cohesion to redundantly ensure cell survival.
278 haracterized by exceptional levels of social cohesion, tolerance, and cooperation in burrowing, forag
279 er the predisaster level of community social cohesion was associated with a lower risk of PTSD after
280                        Thermodynamic work of cohesion was highest in PCN and may have contributed to
281 ivation occurred before DNA circularization, cohesion was lost.
282      In addition, defective sister chromatid cohesion was observed in five HNSCC cell lines.
283                               Chromosome arm cohesion was weakened, and the fraction of bivalents tha
284               To elucidate how ECO1 promotes cohesion, we conducted a genetic screen and identified a
285 fic knockdown of key regulators of cell-cell cohesion, we show that this strategy of self-organizatio
286           Using a mechanical model of tissue cohesion, we show that, instead, a combination of local
287 ein and ORD is required for sister-chromatid cohesion, we tested the hypothesis that these two SC ass
288                             Rec8 establishes cohesion when activated during DNA replication in fetal
289  binding sites and how transcription affects cohesion when cohesin complexes redistribute.
290 es cerevisiae represent specialized sites of cohesion where cohesin binds silent chromatin in a Sir2-
291                             Sister chromatid cohesion, which is mediated by the cohesin complex, is e
292 e of REC-8, WAPL-1 inhibits COH-3/4-mediated cohesion, which requires crossover-fated events formed d
293 s which uses contact calls to maintain group cohesion while foraging.
294 nal mechanism couples resolution of telomere cohesion with completion of telomere replication to ensu
295 ne the association of community-level social cohesion with the individual risk of PTSD.
296  However, this conflates parochialism (group cohesion) with cooperation extended to strangers or out-
297  et al., religion's ability to foster social cohesion within religious groups has been a key factor i
298                     Results demonstrate that cohesion within the salience network monotonically incre
299 L1 inhibition is insufficient for generating cohesion without ECO1 activity.
300                               Rec8 maintains cohesion without turnover during weeks of oocyte growth

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