


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 alysis to account for informative censoring (cohort analysis).
2 e interval, 0.11-0.79; P = 0.016 in combined cohorts analysis).
3 ransplant outcome in a uni- and multilateral cohort analysis.
4                  Retrospective, longitudinal cohort analysis.
5  to 2004 were included in this retrospective cohort analysis.
6                The study was a retrospective cohort analysis.
7 xaminations were included in a retrospective cohort analysis.
8 Sample to conduct a retrospective nationwide cohort analysis.
9 Poisson regression modeling in an age-period-cohort analysis.
10  comparison women were identified for a case-cohort analysis.
11 ogic outcomes were analyzed in retrospective cohort analysis.
12  ECMO using a propensity score-matched (1:1) cohort analysis.
13  along with 4032 subcohort members in a case-cohort analysis.
14 C or TMT by using a propensity score matched-cohort analysis.
15                 We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis (2005-2011) of 695 deliveries involving
16                              In an unmatched cohort analysis (3009 in the appendicectomy cohort and 1
17 ways: firstly replicating the trial reported cohort analysis acknowledging pairing of observations, b
18                                  Prospective cohort analysis among 4207 US men and women of a mean ag
19                                However, in a cohort analysis and after adjustment for confounders, a
20 ease (CVD) were included in this prospective cohort analysis and followed for an average of 6.7 years
21                                Retrospective cohort analysis and matched pairs analysis with historic
22 d albuminuria; in a propensity score-matched cohort analysis; and in sensitivity analyses.
23                                       An age cohort analysis based on numbers of infected cattle, dos
24                                       In the cohort analysis, birth weight of <2,500 g was associated
25                          In a second matched cohort analysis, children who were undervaccinated becau
26                                              Cohort analysis comparing patients with short-term (<5 y
27                                   Age-period-cohort analysis confirmed a significant increase in whit
28                                  The matched cohort analysis demonstrated that the BCRL group had sig
29                                   This large-cohort analysis demonstrates that although institutional
30                        Estimates of rho from cohort analysis differ from those that consider the whol
31                             This exploratory cohort analysis grouped patients by baseline and most re
32             In this propensity score-matched cohort analysis in a US commercially insured population
33 ducted a single-center retrospective matched-cohort analysis in adult patients with Enterobacteriacea
34                 We performed a retrospective cohort analysis in patients with high-risk AML who recei
35          The authors conducted a prospective cohort analysis in the Women's Health Study (1992-2004),
36 13 of 61; 23%), we performed a retrospective cohort analysis in which patients with CF and PTLD were
37                                          Our cohort analysis included 170 034 people: 112 936 in the
38                Prospective, population-based cohort analysis including 21870 participants (20163 free
39  challenges the theory that Frost discovered cohort analysis independently and gave it its name.
40                                  This pooled cohort analysis merged individual data from 48286 partic
41                     In another observational cohort analysis (n = 12,866), the percentage risk reduct
42 c women were sampled for inclusion in a case-cohort analysis (n=564 comprising the subcohort, n=479 e
43              We undertook a population-based cohort analysis, obtaining data from every deceased-dono
44                                            A cohort analysis of 10 additional cancers included 236,50
45                                            A cohort analysis of 1193 patients having acute ischemic s
46                             We carried out a cohort analysis of 121,422 children with anonymised link
47 adult patients, we conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of 1286 patients aged >/=18 years who un
48                A longitudinal, retrospective cohort analysis of 13,223 articles (5999 treatment, 7224
49                 We undertook a retrospective cohort analysis of 137 kidney-pancreas transplant recipi
50                                Retrospective cohort analysis of 15,015 patients with type 1 or 2 diab
51               We carried out a retrospective cohort analysis of 151,891 live-born singleton infants w
52 lity, and hospitalization in a retrospective cohort analysis of 1671 incident hemodialysis patients w
53                 We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of 18 patients who had anti-CASPR2 antib
54                                Retrospective cohort analysis of 184875 patients with an infection-rel
55                 We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of 197 MDR tuberculosis patients treated
56                                A prospective cohort analysis of 2 groups was performed.
57                   We performed a prospective cohort analysis of 220 white Caucasoid patients admitted
58                                Conversely, a cohort analysis of 245 case intervals and 3,896 noncase
59                                              Cohort analysis of 26,638 stage I to III colorectal canc
60 DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Retrospective cohort analysis of 317,643 patients (n = 579,504 admissi
61 dence of type 2 diabetes (T2D).A prospective cohort analysis of 3349 individuals who were free of dia
62                                Retrospective cohort analysis of 3433 patients (aged 50-69 years) who
63                               In the matched cohort analysis of 396,810 patients treated by IMG and U
64                                Retrospective cohort analysis of 4253 patients aged 50 to 69 years who
65 om the United Kingdom were used to conduct a cohort analysis of 491,516 women.
66 DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Retrospective cohort analysis of 52,791 pediatric admissions to 54 U.S
67  Health Study (1980-2004); and a prospective cohort analysis of 69,693 participants without prior car
68               Prospective propensity-matched cohort analysis of 7 newly introduced cardiovascular dev
69                The propensity scores matched cohort analysis of 786 patients without a wait time foun
70        We conducted a historical prospective cohort analysis of a 1.1-million-member, integrated, man
71  Society Adult Patient Database and a nested cohort analysis of a single center.
72                 We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of adults hospitalized in the United Sta
73                 We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of all consecutive adult patients who un
74                                In this birth cohort analysis of all-cause dementia incidence in perso
75            Descriptive study with age-period-cohort analysis of cancer registration data from the Nat
76                     This was a retrospective cohort analysis of children treated on the Intergroup Rh
77     METHODS AND We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of claims data for Medicaid beneficiarie
78                   Retrospective longitudinal cohort analysis of claims data from women 50 years or ol
79                                    Inception cohort analysis of data from 413 patients with early, un
80                                A prospective cohort analysis of data from consecutive ICU patients ad
81                                Retrospective cohort analysis of data from the FACS (follow-up after c
82                       We did a retrospective cohort analysis of data from the NLST, a randomised, mul
83                  Retrospective observational cohort analysis of data gathered concurrently with patie
84  of this study was to perform a case-matched cohort analysis of dual kidney transplantation (DKT) fro
85                              A retrospective cohort analysis of elective operations from 2002 to 2008
86                                Observational cohort analysis of geocoded longitudinal electronic heal
87                                       A case-cohort analysis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-in
88                                Retrospective cohort analysis of Medicare claims for 2002-2007, focusi
89                 A retrospective longitudinal cohort analysis of national Medicaid claims data was con
90                 An international multicentre cohort analysis of outpatients with bronchiectasis from
91                 We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of pairs of deceased donor kidney transp
92                 We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of patients transplanted at our center w
93  To assess the impact of DOX, a contemporary cohort analysis of patients treated from 1975 to 1990 wa
94   To assess the impact of IF, a contemporary cohort analysis of patients treated from 1990 to 2003 wa
95                        In this retrospective cohort analysis of patients treated with either nafcilli
96                    We performed a historical cohort analysis of pediatric CF patients in the United S
97 uate such steroid avoidance, a retrospective cohort analysis of pediatric kidney transplant recipient
98                           In a retrospective cohort analysis of pediatric patients, we evaluated the
99 ucted two types of analysis: 1) a historical cohort analysis of singleton live births in New Jersey h
100 hma complicating pregnancy, using historical cohort analysis of singleton live deliveries in New Jers
101                                         In a cohort analysis of the ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and V
102                     We then performed a case-cohort analysis of the effects of hepatitis B viral fact
103                              A retrospective cohort analysis of the incidence of cancer in older adul
104                              A retrospective cohort analysis of the Truven Health MarketScan Database
105 6), and a 1936 lecture on the age, time, and cohort analysis of tuberculosis mortality.
106 Survivor Study, we performed a retrospective cohort analysis of validated cases of congenital anomali
107 To validate associations, we performed a kin-cohort analysis on the 14 704 first-degree relatives of
108 of baseline-matched subgroups concurred with cohort analysis (P = .009 for comparison of peginterfero
109 r analysis (p for trend = 0.009) than in the cohort analysis (p for trend = 0.18).
110 the CSGA cohort (P= .008), and in a combined cohort analysis (P= .003).
111 his prospective nonrandomized interventional cohort analysis performed at a tertiary referral center
112                        For the retrospective cohort analysis, raising vitamin D levels from <20 to >/
113                           However, the Twins cohort analysis revealed a powerful role for common envi
114                                        Birth cohort analysis showed diminishing incidence rates throu
115                                    The birth-cohort analysis showed peak incidence rates in the 1880-
116                                       In the cohort analysis, smoking at baseline did not predict the
117 ic failure based on a Prentice weighted case-cohort analysis stratified by study.
118 ncer (OnCoRe) was a propensity-score matched cohort analysis study, that included patients of all age
119                                      For the cohort analysis, subject mother-infant dyads were identi
120                       Interpretation of this cohort analysis suggests that LET improves DFS and dista
121     Wade Hampton Frost developed methods for cohort analysis that formed the early basis for adjustme
122                   We conducted a prospective cohort analysis that involved 151 Kenyan sex workers.
123      The authors identified 1 large, matched cohort analysis that reported greater weight loss with s
124                  In this large retrospective cohort analysis there was no evidence of any increased r
125                                      In each cohort analysis, there is substantial stability gained i
126                                       In the cohort analysis, there was no increased risk of multiple
127                                       In the cohort analysis, there were 2564 AMD subjects not on a v
128                   We conducted a prospective cohort analysis to characterize the human immune respons
129                       We did a retrospective cohort analysis to develop a continuous multivariable ri
130                                     We did a cohort analysis to estimate and compare incidence of VTE
131              We conducted a population-based cohort analysis to evaluate the incidence of chronic ren
132 e used both family-based and cross-sectional cohort analysis to test for interactions between CD14 ge
133       Thus, we performed a prospective (case-cohort) analysis to examine if persons who acquired type
134                           The simulated full-cohort analysis triggered a sustained alert for Fidelis
135                                 In a matched cohort analysis, undervaccinated children had lower outp
136          This population-based retrospective cohort analysis used the National Cancer Database to sel
137                 We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis using a national registry of US medical
138                        In this retrospective cohort analysis using data from a large managed care dat
139  conducted a population-based, retrospective cohort analysis using data from all primiparous women wh
140                               We performed a cohort analysis using data from the Cystic Fibrosis Foun
141                              A retrospective cohort analysis using Medicare fee-for-service patients
142                Observational intent-to-treat cohort analysis using the Veterans Affairs Clinical Case
143                                       A case-cohort analysis utilized 319 cases of selected causes of
144                 We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis utilizing healthcare claims data from th
145                                            A cohort analysis was conducted among 6677 patients betwee
146                                            A cohort analysis was conducted among participants in this
147                              A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted of data from January 1 to
148                              A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted of patients aged 21 to 84
149                              A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted of patients enrolled in th
150                              A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted using data collected betwe
151                                An age-period-cohort analysis was conducted using data on 18,295 exami
152                             An observational cohort analysis was conducted within the Surveillance, P
153                                      A birth-cohort analysis was performed by calculating and compari
154                                    A matched-cohort analysis was performed for radiation-associated a
155                              A retrospective cohort analysis was performed of randomly selected ACS p
156                           A population-based cohort analysis was performed of women who gave birth in
157                              A retrospective cohort analysis was performed on data from 124 patients,
158                                    A matched cohort analysis was performed to account for confounders
159                                      A birth cohort analysis was performed using data from the Third
160                                 A historical cohort analysis was performed using histologic slides an
161                                      A birth cohort analysis was performed, and survival rates over t
162                                            A cohort analysis was performed.
163                                       A case-cohort analysis was undertaken in a cohort of 56 837 wom
164                           Propensity-matched cohort analysis was used in sensitivity analyses.
165                                        Birth cohort analysis was used to isolate age and cohort effec
166                        For the international cohort analysis, we analysed clinical data from 705 pati
167                     In a large retrospective cohort analysis, we analyzed data from the Swedish Regis
168              For this national retrospective cohort analysis, we extracted UK National Health Service
169                                      In this cohort analysis, we included data from patients with CML
170                           In a retrospective cohort analysis, we included data from patients with CML
171                         In this longitudinal cohort analysis, we monitored a group of premature child
172                             In a prospective cohort analysis, we studied 3483 people with CKD in the
173 population-based, self-matched, longitudinal cohort analysis, we studied 8815 adults from Ontario, Ca
174        In this retrospective cross-sectional cohort analysis, we used 2005-2009 Medicare data on bene
175         In this prospective population-based cohort analysis, we used data from the population-based
176              Participants in our prospective cohort analysis were from a randomised placebo-controlle
177                              A retrospective cohort analysis, which controlled for risk factors ident
178             Retrospective propensity-matched cohort analysis with accrual from September 1, 2012, to
179               A 1:1 propensity score matched cohort analysis with multivariate analysis of effects wa
180      A one-to-one propensity-matched matched cohort analysis with multivariate analysis of effects wa
181                       We did a retrospective cohort analysis, within the Childhood Cancer Survivor St

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