


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 technology termed conditionals by inversion (COIN).
2 , they are essentially two sides of the same coin.
3  http://www.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/people/l.coin.
4 ch subjects locate and navigate to a visible coin.
5  http://www.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/people/l.coin.
6 observations emerge as two sides of the same coin.
7 stigator's hand was determined by flipping a coin.
8 une system and represent 2 sides of the same coin.
9 l plasticity represent two sides of the same coin.
10 lgorithm to a circuit equivalent to flipping coins.
11 d in all carrot products, except crinkle cut coins.
12 sing primarily for the production of Russian coins.
13 mns of discoid cells that resemble stacks of coins.
14  for symptomatic and asymptomatic esophageal coins.
15 rpendicular to the ependyma, like a stack of coins.
16  to five treatment groups by the flip of two coins.
17 rostasomes, and in 1987 the name exosome was coined.
18        The term 'translational research' was coined 20 years ago and has become a guiding influence i
19 f the cardiac myocyte; it has therefore been coined a disease of the sarcomere.
20 e/nanoparticle reporter combination has been coined a lab on a bubble (LoB).
21                                           He coined a new word to represent such an idea: 'allergy':
22      This discovered mechanism, for which we coined a term "cross-split of edge dislocations", is a u
23 y cluster and exhibit a partial SPASM motif, coined a Twitch domain.
24  described as equivalent to "flipping a fair coin," a thorough-random-shuffling-of-the-genes explanat
25    These short introns (80-100 nucleotides), coined agotrons, are associated with and stabilized by A
26                 Detailed analysis of over 20 COIN alleles establishes the reliability of the method a
27 , referred to as an "anus" by Main [18], and coined "anal pores" by Hyman [19]-contradictory reports,
28  many are unable to wear jewellery or handle coins and other objects that contain nickel.
29 s are thus essentially two sides of the same coin, and their behavior can be understood within the fr
30  carrot stixx, shredded carrots, crinkle cut coins, and oblong chips) were evaluated after exposure t
31            The corresponding edge modes were coined anomalous topological edge modes, to highlight th
32                      Like the two sides of a coin, any new invention or discovery also possess their
33        The term "original antigenic sin" was coined approximately 60 years ago to describe the imprin
34                                              Coins are the most commonly ingested foreign body encoun
35 aled an unprecedented BcR restriction (aptly coined as "stereotypy"), thus cementing the idea that an
36 igent action of a mere guiding agent", later coined as Maxwell's demon by Lord Kelvin.
37             A previous study, using a method coined as the "in vivo SCAM", identified several residue
38 ly afforded a new class of polymer materials coined as vitrimers.
39 ariability behaved as although they tossed a coin at each left/right turn decision.
40                                              COIN-B was an open-label, multicentre, randomised, explo
41                              Erosions on the coins became more apparent over time.
42 lume." This enigmatic and undefined term was coined because edematous patients were found to have inc
43               The term "C-value paradox" was coined by C. A. Thomas, Jr. in 1971 to describe the init
44              The "chlamydial anomaly," first coined by James Moulder, describes the inability of rese
45 nd double (2n) chromosome sets in cells were coined by the Polish-German botanist Eduard Strasburger
46 genDB annotated over 200 'virmugens', a term coined by us to represent those virulence factor genes t
47        Originally, the term 'diaschisis' was coined by von Monakow in 1914 to describe the neurophysi
48 eads, generating a novel class of antibodies coined "Capture and Release" (CaR) antibody reagents.
49 -voltage cathode testing that uses a typical coin cell.
50                         To test a previously coined "charge balance hypothesis" of human hepatitis B
51                            This new material coined COK-15 (COK = Centrum voor Oppervlaktechemie en K
52 P2C, GATA2, and GATA3 transcription factors, coined collectively the "trophectoderm four" (TEtra), wh
53                           Before activation, COINs contain an inverted module (COIN module) that lies
54 s used traditional health practices, such as coining, cupping, and oil inhalation.
55  the asymptomatic patient with an esophageal coin, current data support expectant management for a pe
56                         The weights of these coins decreased 5%-8% during the study.
57 through a computer-generated adaptive biased coin design to either palliative chemoradiotherapy or ra
58 re randomly assigned, by a stratified biased coin design, to imatinib 400 mg (n=359) or to placebo (n
59 ctors Oct4, Sox2, c-myc, and Klf4, a process coined direct or in vitro reprogramming [1-8].
60 ular complex displays a unique phenomenon we coin 'dynamic catch', characterized by abrupt bond stiff
61 on of both partners by manipulating how many coins each partner collected.
62  mediated by a novel cis-acting RNA element, coined 'EAR', located between the second and third gene
63 pendent experimental evidence for this newly coined "electrostatic interaction hypothesis" is discuss
64 ted tomography was no better than flipping a coin, endoscopic pancreatography was accurate in each of
65 port a new direct numerical simulation model coined EnPEn: it allows to solve a set of first principl
66 hen HDR-dependent selection donors are used, COIN enriches for HDR-proficient cells among heterogeneo
67                                              Coin et al. present a model of the receptor CRF1R bound
68 ive gene expression programs, a new paradigm coined "excitation-transcription coupling" (ET-coupling)
69 ne of the human homologues of Drosophila eya coined Eyes Absent 2 (EYA2).
70               Randomization was done using a coin flip.
71 ion, whereas an AUC of 0.5 is analogous to a coin flip.
72 tely predicting the outcomes of computerized coin-flips.
73 ith an energy gap and a quantum Hall effect, coined Floquet topological insulator.
74   The term "promiscuous" inhibitors has been coined for compounds whose inhibition mechanism involves
75  heterogeneity, numerous new names are being coined for the description of cardiomyopathies associate
76 tube ion mobility, we describe a new method, coined "FWHMstep", using a step-field experiment and pro
77 xons as part of an artificial intron (exonic COINs), greatly simplifying allele design and increasing
78 rted SNP B-allele fractions via a process we coin haplarithmisis.
79                                 Asymptomatic coins have been a perplexing problem to the clinician fo
80                                              Coins have long been considered innocuous foreign bodies
81 us, the temporal distribution of unrecovered coin hoards is an excellent proxy for the intensity of i
82 rophase I, at discrete regions in the genome coined "hot spots." In mammals, meiotic DSB site selecti
83 exclusive, but reflect two sides of the same coin, i.e., the B and A faces, respectively.
84 n the symptomatic patient with an esophageal coin, immediate removal via endoscopy is recommended.
85 irth, local adaptations of the immune system coined immune privilege are required to confer protectio
86 s can undergo sequential evolution, a term I coin in this paper to refer to a change in a trait causi
87 crine tumors since the term "karzinoide" was coined in 1907.
88      The term thrombopoietin (TPO) was first coined in 1958 and used to describe the humoral substanc
89 fusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) was coined in 1983 to describe a constellation of clinical a
90 "second demographic transition" since it was coined in 1986, its components, and its applicability, f
91  field (coined in 2003) than phylogeography (coined in 1987), early studies by Dobzhansky on the "mic
92                                 The term was coined in 1990, but the phenomenon was first described a
93 oted to understanding the microbiome (a term coined in 2001), attention would turn to the role of ant
94 hough landscape genetics is a younger field (coined in 2003) than phylogeography (coined in 1987), ea
95           The term "exposome" was originally coined in 2005 and defined as the totality of exposures
96                      The term "exposome" was coined in 2005 to underscore the importance of the envir
97 The phrase "think globally, act locally" was coined in the early 1970s and directed individuals to cl
98 sly induced DSBs through the study of what I coined "in vivo biochemistry." I have had the remarkable
99                                       Notch2(COIN) inversion in Lyz2-expressing cells had no skeletal
100 orm osteoclasts in vitro In contrast, Notch2(COIN) inversion in osteoblasts led to generalized osteop
101                             Germ line Notch2(COIN) inversion phenocopied the Notch2HCS mutant, valida
102 es a type 3 secretion system (T3SS) effector coined IpaA.
103  One side of the mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) coin is the well-accepted therapeutic potential of these
104 before the term "innate immune response" was coined, it was fully understood that a highly nonspecifi
105 l space use correspond to the two sides of a coin, linked by movement responses of individuals to env
106 es a cohesive outgroup of paralogues (herein coined LoaP), which are often positioned adjacent or wit
107 ge-NanoLuc (OgNLuc) fusion reporter proteins coined LumiFluors, which combine the benefits of eGFP or
108 oresolving and tissue regenerative molecules coined maresin conjugates in tissue regeneration (MCTR).
109 enerated using the conditional by inversion (COIN) methodology.
110  in osteoblast-enriched cultures from Notch2(COIN) mice induced Tnfsf11 expression.
111 Notch2 in osteoclasts or osteoblasts, Notch2(COIN) mice were bred with mice expressing Cre from the L
112 r were randomly assigned (1:1) with a biased coin minimisation algorithm, stratified for age, tumour
113 l Center (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) with a biased coin minimisation approach in an allocation ratio of 1:1
114 eb-based randomisation process with a biased coin minimisation approach, to receive 25% albumin (2 g
115 an internet randomisation module with biased-coin minimisation for participating centres and perianal
116 misation was done (1:1:1:1:1:1) via a biased-coin minimisation procedure to balance the characteristi
117 5 and paclitaxel 175 mg/m(2)) using a biased coin minimisation procedure with stratification for part
118  was done centrally with the use of a biased-coin minimisation technique.
119 nd hence the selection of one meaning (e.g., coin-mint-money) but failed to emerge when competition b
120 he meaning appropriate to the context (e.g., coin-mint-money) or under conditions of increased compet
121 walk on a line into the feed-forward quantum coin model, which depends on the coin state of the previ
122 e created a conditional-by-inversion (Notch2(COIN) ) model in which Cre recombination generates a Not
123 e strand by a site-specific recombinase, the COIN module causes termination of the target gene's tran
124 ctivation, COINs contain an inverted module (COIN module) that lies inertly within the antisense stra
125                                              COIN modules can be inserted into natural introns (intro
126 oxydocosa-4Z,8,10,12,16Z,19Z-hexaenoic acid, coined MPhi mediator in resolving inflammation (maresin)
127          Sparsely activated sets of neurons, coined "neuronal ensembles," have been shown to encode t
128  were incorporated into NO-chimera prodrugs, coined nomethiazoles.
129 secondary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis coined obesity-related glomerulopathy (ORG).
130 ts before the end of the century - a process coined 'ocean acidification'.
131 ods might promote health has resulted in the coining of the term functional food, although agreement
132                                    Since the coining of the term in 2004, research on viral phylodyna
133 year 2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the coining of the term proteomics.
134 alysis and the role of effect sizes as chief coins of the meta-analytic realm.
135  through the use of co-incidental insertion (COIN) of independent donor DNA sequences.
136 ing a copper grid and a United States 1-cent coin on the device and focusing the resulting electrolum
137 w field in public health; the term was first coined only 35 years ago.
138 ing the emergence of a new field of research coined optoelectronics.
139 n be inserted into natural introns (intronic COINs) or directly into coding exons as part of an artif
140 interacts with the open-source linear solver COIN-OR Linear program Solver (CLP).
141                                 A new field, coined perioperative genomics, aims to apply functional
142 g subsets such as subtractive pooling, bogus coin pooling, and orthogonal pooling.
143  that belong to the protectin family and are coined protectin conjugates in tissue regeneration (PCTR
144                         The former strategy, coined 'protein repair therapy,' is aimed at improving o
145 ned with a self-excising selection cassette, COIN provides highly efficient and scarless genome editi
146 iously unknown 5,7-fused bicyclic diterpene, coined "pseudolaratriene." Combined NMR and quantum chem
147 em that concealed allocation and used biased coin randomisation, study collaborators randomly assigne
148 ations cause a human skin fragility disorder coined recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB)
149  Bafica et al. address the other side of the coin, reporting that endogenous lipoxins compromise immu
150 inally, the ability to split exons using the COIN's artificial intron opens up engineering modalities
151 ium in 4 normal eyes of 2 subjects, which we coined "salt and pepper endothelium." We could not estab
152  of the device is centered around a 5-microL coin-shaped reactor, which yields reaction efficiency an
153 Pre-1982 copper pennies and "silver-colored" coins showed no change on radiographs over 7 days.
154   The recently discovered synthetic approach coined solvent-assisted linker exchange (SALE) constitut
155 ard quantum coin model, which depends on the coin state of the previous step.
156 g recognized across the globe with the newly coined term 'Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome
157                                              Coins that are in the esophagus and are causing symptoms
158 dy 1, a child and a puppet-partner collected coins that were later exchanged for rewards.
159 d profiles that exhibit new features that we coin the "stretched" solid effect.
160                                           We coin the name crystalsome to describe this unique struct
161                                           We coin the term "heterogoneic division" to indicate the ev
162                                           We coin the term 'cryptophytes' for plants that produced th
163                                     Here, we coin the term 'migrastatics' for drugs interfering with
164                                      Here we coin the term synanthrome to describe all of the species
165             Their specific redox boundaries, coined the "iron curtain" due to the abundance of precip
166 AC)-functionalized proton sponge derivative, coined the "Janus" sponge.
167 emistry from ionic liquid chemistry, we have coined the acronym GUMBOS (group of uniform materials ba
168                             This pattern was coined the Imbrium Sculpture, and it was originally argu
169                          In 1940, Waddington coined the term "epigenetic landscape" as a metaphor for
170 Giurgea in the late 1960s, and it was he who coined the term "nootropic", to mean enhancement of lear
171                                      We have coined the term "shattered landscape" to describe the se
172                   Bayliss and Starling first coined the term 'hormone' with reference to secretin, a
173                                      We have coined the term 'robust dynamics' to describe constructs
174 mount has been learnt since Jennett and Plum coined the term 'vegetative state', the assessment proce
175                               The task force coined the term critical illness-related corticosteroid
176 the different forms of flower in Primula; he coined the term distyly and subsequently expanded his st
177                                           We coined the term endocides (endogenous biocides) to descr
178                           Roger P. Wodehouse coined the term harmomegathy for this folding process in
179  B-cell, and T-helper epitopes, for which we coined the term minigenes, can be effective vaccines; wh
180                                           We coined the term Regioselective Silyl Exchange Technology
181                   Ever since Pliny the Elder coined the term tinnitus, the perception of sound in the
182                                      We have coined the term toxicant-associated steatohepatitis (TAS
183 e bithorax complex (BX-C) by E.B. Lewis, who coined the term transvection to describe them.
184 ds that approach the nucleation length, thus coined the term, nucleus starvation.
185 type', declared "Alles ist Blatt", and first coined the word morphologie, which inspired the French a
186            We examined the other side of the coin: the energy-minimizing electron densities for atomi
187 e about human thoughts and actions, the more coins they allocated to geographically distant co-religi
188                                           We coin this phenomenon "active thermal bystander effect" (
189                         The term "geovar" is coined to define a geographical variety of prokaryote th
190 ssociated periorbitopathy have recently been coined to describe newly recognized syndromes associated
191 he term bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) was coined to describe the molecules responsible for it.
192                        The term mitophagy is coined to describe the selective removal of mitochondria
193 l bone disorder (MBD) is a syndrome recently coined to embody the biochemical, skeletal, and cardiova
194                     The term golden hour was coined to encourage urgency of trauma care.
195 ed with fungal sensitization (SAFS) has been coined to illustrate the high rate of fungal sensitivity
196 e term hypereosinophilic syndromes (HES) was coined to refer to a spectrum of eosinophil-associated d
197                          The POEMS syndrome (coined to refer to polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocri
198        The phrase 'missing heritability' was coined to refer to the gap between variance associated w
199  NHSBSP, and at the beginning of the study a coin toss decided whether women with odd or even SX numb
200          Defects were randomly selected by a coin toss for treatment and all open and closed measurem
201 ge pairs, villages were randomly assigned by coin toss to receive either additional education for Chr
202         Subjects were randomly selected by a coin toss to receive the test or control treatment.
203         Patients were randomly selected by a coin toss to receive the test or positive control treatm
204 ntervention site was randomly chosen using a coin toss.
205                               Using a simple coin-toss prediction task in which participants could di
206 ed, randomised trials (analogous to repeated coin-tossing), the sizes of groups should indicate rando
207 d) randomisation, analogous to repeated fair coin-tossing, is the most basic of sequence generation a
208                                          The COIN trial assessed preplanned treatment holidays in adv
209        In the Medical Research Council (MRC) COIN trial, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-
210 nstructed to search for an ostensible hidden coin using a metal detector (Experiment 2).
211                     (iii) A hybrid approach, coined 'variable sequencing', which combines the user in
212  interface via N-terminal peptide extension, coined "Velcro" engineering.
213                                              COIN was a randomised controlled trial in patients with
214 ient presented for inclusion in the study, a coin was flipped to determine if the tooth being treated
215                          Half the zinc-based coins were scraped to disrupt their copper coating.
216                                              Coins were weighed at the start and completion of the st
217 ing randomly repositioned, they retrieve the coin when it is invisible.
218                                              Coins with scalloped edges or holes should be endoscopic
219 ng before the term 'ocean acidification' was coined, with limited detrimental effects reported.

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