


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nergy expenditure of 53 kcal/day was seen on coinfusion.
2 tion with sodium depletion or angiotensin II coinfusion.
3 ehaviors in rats, which were rescued by BDNF coinfusion.
4 ns, which were restored to normal after BDNF coinfusions.
5 alcohol intake, which was attenuated by BDNF coinfusions.
6                                              Coinfusion at the same doses led to a significant reduct
7                  Vitamin C and acetylcholine coinfusion data showed that 600 mg/d allopurinol complet
8                                       L-NMMA coinfusion inhibited responses (area under the dose-resp
9                                              Coinfusion into the LS of the mixed CRF1/CRF2 receptor a
10 2) 2.5x10(6) purified splenic NK cells; 3) a coinfusion of 5.0x10(7) beige spleen cells and 2.5x10(6)
11                                              Coinfusion of Abeta40 with the cysteine protease inhibit
12                                              Coinfusion of Abeta40 with the serine protease inhibitor
13                                              Coinfusion of AC187 (20 mug), an antagonist for AMY1-R,
14 e the familiar juvenile was abolished by the coinfusion of agonist plus antagonist.
15 ncreases in chemokines were dependent on the coinfusion of allogeneic T cells with the BM inoculum.
16                                              Coinfusion of allopurinol (600 microg/min) improved endo
17      These findings were prevented by either coinfusion of an adenosine-5'-triphosphate analog or pre
18                                              Coinfusion of an NMDA receptor antagonist (ifenprodil) o
19 A-mediated knockdown of AChE were rescued by coinfusion of an shRNA-resistant AChE transgene into the
20 nal aortic aneurysm formation; we found that coinfusion of apelin abrogated these effects.
21 nse to hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, the coinfusion of both doses of fructose was associated with
22  addition, 5 patients with diabetes received coinfusion of BQ-123 and BQ-788 (a selective blocker of
23 ctive blockade of ET-1 receptors obtained by coinfusion of BQ-123 and BQ-788.
24             This effect was prevented by the coinfusion of chelerythrine.
25 ngiotensin II at two doses, with and without coinfusion of CNP at 500 pmol/min (n=8) and hydralazine
26 centrations; these effects were abrogated by coinfusion of corticosterone.
27                                              Coinfusion of either AG1478 or rapamycin blocked the inc
28          Retargeting was dose dependent, and coinfusion of either heparin or free competing peptides
29 0 pmol/l) clamps were performed for 4 h with coinfusion of either lipid/heparin (L/H) to acutely rais
30 ra-CeA PACAP-induced anorexia was blocked by coinfusion of either the melanocortin receptor 3/4 antag
31                            Osmotic mini-pump coinfusion of estrogen and antiestrogen abrogated estrog
32  kg(-1) x min(-1)) BNP followed by 45-minute coinfusion of Fs (1 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1)) and high-dose (
33 roup (Fs+BNP) received 45-minute intravenous coinfusion of Fs (1 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1)) and low-dose (2
34  x min(-1)) inhibited food intake by 35-54%; coinfusion of ghrelin at 50 and 150 pmol x kg(-1) x min(
35 eceded by diazoxide, and (6) IRI preceded by coinfusion of glibenclamide with diazoxide.
36                 However, prolonged (120-min) coinfusion of GLP-1 and GLP-2 decreased postprandial lip
37           We previously reported that a 72-h coinfusion of glucose and Intralipid (GLU+IL) induces in
38 shock, mice that received SRBCs were given a coinfusion of haptoglobin, hemopexin, or albumin.
39 antigen (PCNA) in VSMC that was prevented by coinfusion of iberiotoxin or of AG-1478.
40                                          The coinfusion of insulin plus leptin into the CNS or the ac
41 nt the same procedure with the addition of a coinfusion of Intralipid plus heparin (together with NA)
42  however, was significantly inhibited during coinfusion of L-NMMA (P=0.03).
43                                              Coinfusion of L-NMMA restrained blood flow to baseline a
44                                          The coinfusion of LNA and losartan caused no change in the G
45 edox-sensitive, being virtually inhibited by coinfusion of N-acetyl-l-cysteine.
46 ted the pressor response to Ang II; however, coinfusion of phenylephrine with Ang II, which restored
47                                    Moreover, coinfusion of recombinant BDNF (0.25 mug/side) after ext
48                                              Coinfusion of recombinant human IGF-I with TPN solution
49 ators were infused with this sequence during coinfusion of saline and NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMM
50 fasting level of total FFA was maintained by coinfusion of soybean oil or lard oil (plus heparin), th
51 nd sodium nitroprusside were repeated with a coinfusion of the antioxidant vitamin C (24 mg min(-1)).
52                                              Coinfusion of the aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AAD
53 ticosterone, and prolactin were abolished by coinfusion of the ionotropic glutamate receptor antagoni
54 cell-free plasma hemoglobin and prevented by coinfusion of the specific hemoglobin scavenger protein,
55                           In Experiment 1, a coinfusion of TMX at 1, 10, or 100 pg/ml were all equall
56 his increase was completely inhibited during coinfusion of TNF-alpha (started 10 min before insulin)
57 asodilation to methacholine was augmented by coinfusion of vitamin C (P = .001); in contrast, endothe
58 oprusside and verapamil were not affected by coinfusion of vitamin C (P = .8 and P = .3, respectively
59 e effects were observed with chronic in vivo coinfusion of XENP345 with bacterial lipopolysaccharide
60                                              Coinfusion of young ECs augmented aged HSC engraftment a
61 ll proliferation in the MeA was prevented by coinfusions of a CB2 but not CB1 receptor antagonist.
62  intra-Acb shell muscimol was not altered by coinfusions of intra-BLA muscimol.
63 ion or angiotensin II (0.5 ng/kg per minute) coinfusion (P>0.05 for all).
64 ions of mannitol, with and without vitamin C coinfusion (P:=NS).
65   During sodium depletion and angiotensin II coinfusion, (Pyr(1))apelin-13-induced vasodilatation was
66                              GLP-1 and GLP-2 coinfusion resulted in net increased lipid absorption an
67 = 8), [1-(13)C]glucose and unlabeled acetate coinfusion under euglycemic conditions (n = 8), and [2-(
68 ense and antisense ODNs with or without BDNF coinfusion, using the elevated plus-maze test and two-bo
69 vestigated but the decline was attenuated by coinfusion with DOI.
70 effects of duodenal Sp-cAMPS were negated by coinfusion with either the PKA inhibitor H89 or Rp-CAMPS
71 oses of carbachol, followed in a subgroup by coinfusion with L-NMMA.
72  the decline was dose-dependently reduced by coinfusion with mCPBG.
73     The metabolic effect was also negated by coinfusion with tetracaine, molecular and pharmacologic
74                   During a 50 microM GM 6001 coinfusion with the substrates, a 30% and 25% reduction

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