


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  precisely match the dimensions of an intact collagen fiber.
2 changing with the density and orientation of collagen fibers.
3 tive subcapsular sinus (SCS) macrophages and collagen fibers.
4 ges in the structure and organization of the collagen fibers.
5 ed stiffening and multidirectionality of the collagen fibers.
6 isible, with a clear SHG signal representing collagen fibers.
7 res, and mimics the banding found in natural collagen fibers.
8 imeric versus normal (heterotrimeric) type I collagen fibers.
9 ing collagen I and III to form the fibrillar collagen fibers.
10 hat is 4-6 times stiffer than the underlying collagen fibers.
11  on formation, properties, and remodeling of collagen fibers.
12  to quantify how cells manipulate individual collagen fibers.
13 glutaraldehyde for moderate cross-linking of collagen fibers.
14 es of diffusion along primary orientation of collagen fibers.
15 crystals were found stacked along bundles of collagen fibers.
16 eness at early times is limited by available collagen fibers.
17 C plays a role in modifying the structure of collagen fibers.
18 zation affecting both elastic structures and collagen fibers.
19 results in greater anisotropy of superficial collagen fibers.
20  within the matrix, in close apposition with collagen fibers.
21 oth muscle cells, the cellular source of the collagen fibers.
22 sprouts and the associated rearrangements of collagen fibers.
23 hich deposit extracellular matrix, including collagen fibers.
24 ial plateaus was assayed against 14C-labeled collagen fibers.
25 olyols affect the formation and stability of collagen fibers.
26 d thereby improves the tensile properties of collagen fibers.
27 ncorporation on the mechanical properties of collagen fibers.
28 all peptolide substrate or on 14C-acetylated collagen fibers.
29 5) and maintenance of the amount of gingival collagen fibers.
30  kPa), with and without RGD binding sites or collagen fibers.
31 ce-dependent unbinding of weak bonds between collagen fibers.
32 ssion and is associated with a thickening of collagen fibers.
33 OX), an enzyme responsible for cross-linking collagen fibers.
34 llagen density and a greater amount of thick collagen fibers.
35 ion between |G( *)| and the concentration of collagen fibers.
36 r percentage of the cell surface attached to collagen fibers (78 +/- 6 versus 58 +/- 8%; P < 0.01) an
37 e axis perpendicular to the main axis of the collagen fiber, a conformation producing a strong achira
38                  The asymmetric eardrum with collagen fibers achieves optimal transmission at high fr
39                                              Collagen fibers affect metastasis in two opposing ways,
40 nly the simulations in which cells deposited collagen fibers aligned with their own orientation repro
41 ibiting LKB1 or MARK1 in NSCLC increases the collagen fiber alignment and captures outward alignment
42 affecting myosin II activity and promoted 3D collagen fiber alignment and macroscopical gel contracti
43 or analysis method to quantitatively measure collagen fiber alignment as a vector field using Circula
44             Using these tools, we found that collagen fiber alignment was driven strongly by nondegra
45 eas PLOD2 is required for ECM stiffening and collagen fiber alignment.
46                    Furthermore, the range of collagen-fiber alignment for elliptical cells with polar
47           This approach is used to mimic the collagen-fiber alignment in the human meniscus to create
48         Our results show that tension-driven collagen-fiber alignment plays a crucial role in force t
49   We systematically investigate the range of collagen-fiber alignment using both finite-element simul
50 ty and resulted in the formation of oriented collagen fibers, all features characteristic of ligament
51 mice to long-term disease with deposition of collagen fibers, all leading to inflammatory cardiomyopa
52 ments of myosin II, and extracellular matrix collagen fibers-all of which possess filamentous coiled-
53 SG and PDCimG, gingival mucosa exhibited few collagen fibers among numerous inflammatory cells.
54 sults suggest that glycosaminoglycans in the collagen fiber and mineral interface may chelate with a
55 were analyzed histopathologically had coarse collagen fibers and 24 of 26 stained with Miller elastic
56 nerate sufficient actomyosin force to deform collagen fibers and are able to push through the ECM.
57 one and tooth surfaces by a gel formation of collagen fibers and blood may be stabilized without sutu
58 ts that are found in cartilage and bone, the collagen fibers and bundles are most influential in tran
59  in the cardiac interstitium associated with collagen fibers and co-localized with decorin.
60  enlarged Tem cells were highly motile along collagen fibers and continued to migrate rapidly for 18
61 nt remodeling leads to thickened elastin and collagen fibers and during stretching, the newly deposit
62 rolysis of proteoglycans and telopeptides in collagen fibers and fibrils.
63 stroma, being composed of a loose network of collagen fibers and fibroblasts.
64                         The junction between collagen fibers and foamlike adhesive plaques in mussel
65 nd hyaluronic acid were detected both in the collagen fibers and ground substances.
66 nockout mice presented severely disorganized collagen fibers and neovascularization in the tendon mid
67 aque flow niches to GPVI-Fc-free segments of collagen fibers and recruited other platelets onto aggre
68 s process, the architecture of the resulting collagen fibers and the global network, and the macrosco
69                                 Interstitial collagen fibers and the narrow spacing between cancer ce
70 TM) is a porous matrix made up of the radial collagen fibers and the striated sheet matrix.
71  between the measured mechanical behavior of collagen fibers and their appearance in the micrographs
72 etween the streptavidin-coated beads and the collagen fibers and then manipulated by an external magn
73              The histology of orientation of collagen fibers and vessels in the two zones was consist
74 arance of nests of nevus cells surrounded by collagen fibers, and the structure of the epidermal-derm
75                                          The collagen fibers appeared densely packed and disorganized
76 months after transepithelial CXL; similarly, collagen fibers appeared disorganized in keratoconus, wh
77 tes where collagen and Cthrc1 were adjacent, collagen fibers appeared smaller, suggesting involvement
78 e investigations demonstrate disturbances of collagen fiber architecture in tissues rich in fibrillar
79                                              Collagen fibers are an important component of capillary
80                                          The collagen fibers are crimped in the undeformed configurat
81                                              Collagen fibers are deposited by fibroblasts infiltratin
82 astin and glycosoaminoglycans are increased, collagen fibers are more compactly organized, and matrix
83 ments are found associated with interstitial collagen fibers, around cells, and in contact with endot
84  the dermis corresponding to the location of collagen fibers, as confirmed with polarized light micro
85                                              Collagen fiber assembly affects many physiological proce
86 emonstrated swollen and irregularly arranged collagen fibers associated with internal porosity.
87 d light microscopy revealed networks of long collagen fibers at lower concentrations along with short
88 Hpx) domain is essential for cleaving type I collagen fibers at the cell surface.
89      Barring an anchoring zone of interwoven collagen fibers at the Descemet-stroma interface, the fi
90 sican at the atrial side, and densely packed collagen fibers at the ventricular side.
91  It consisted of a uniform layer of parallel collagen fibers attaching proximally to the base of the
92 served to compact the collagen gel and align collagen fibers between neighboring cells within 24 h.
93     The 3-D reconstructions revealed complex collagen fiber branching patterns in the anterior cornea
94 y to obtain quantitative data of elastin and collagen fiber bundles under in situ loading of coronary
95 gnment of intracellular actin filaments with collagen fiber bundles.
96  not require the pericellular degradation of collagen fibers but is modulated by MMPs.
97 ere slightly higher than those obtained from collagen fibers, but display the same increases in slope
98 don was organized along with the reorienting collagen fibers by 1 wk after surgery, in comparison wit
99 molecular basis of elastic energy storage in collagen fibers by analysing the areas under conformatio
100 associated fibroblast (TAF) interaction with collagen fibers by stimulating beta1-integrin activity,
101 rved increase in mineral accumulation within collagen fibers can provide significant stiffening of th
102 ange into ordered arrays (e.g., lipids, DNA, collagen fibers) can be determined from x-ray diffractio
103                                              Collagen fiber color analysis revealed a progressive tem
104  bovine bone in combination with 10% porcine collagen fibers combined with a resorbable bilayer membr
105 + mouse has less dense and more disorganized collagen fibers compared to controls.
106  podosome lifetime dramatically increased on collagen fibers compared with fibrinogen.
107 owed increased numbers and thickness of each collagen fiber component of the matrix (perimysial coils
108 DL region was maintained with well-organized collagen fibers connecting the adjacent bone to a thin l
109 ted a strong positive correlation with thick collagen fiber content (r = 0.76, p < 0.001) and SMC den
110  pulmonary acute lung injury, a reduction in collagen fiber content was observed associated with a ba
111          Microscopy results demonstrate that collagen fibers deform in an affine manner over physiolo
112  treatment of osteoporosis, the mechanism of collagen fiber degradation by cathepsin K remained elusi
113 he structural and mechanical consequences of collagen fiber degradation by catK.
114 er with biochemical analyses, confirmed that collagen fiber degradation by myroicolsin begins with th
115                Edman degradation analysis of collagen fiber degradation products revealed those initi
116  microscopically by measuring the density of collagen fibers (degree of fibrosis) and concentration o
117 es, including epidermal thickening, elevated collagen fiber density, and increased microvessel diamet
118 er number density (P:<0.05), and 42% smaller collagen fiber diameter (P:<0.05).
119 d-type (WT) mice demonstrated an increase in collagen fiber diameter and density in response to physi
120                                              Collagen fiber disorganization was the earliest and most
121  upper vaginal wall indicated a signature of collagen fiber dissociation with smooth muscle and a cha
122 ere able to observe the delayed alignment of collagen fibers during mechanical loading, thus demonstr
123 osition, cross-linking, and linearization of collagen fibers during tumor development, especially at
124 cally continuous mineral network within each collagen fiber (e.g., the case of mineral connectivity e
125 bers of the reticular network, a meshwork of collagen fibers ensheathed by fibroblastic reticular cel
126 omycin, and suggest that MCP-1 may influence collagen fiber formation in vivo.
127 a fundamental role for decorin in regulating collagen fiber formation in vivo.
128 8%; P<0.0001) and was accompanied by greater collagen fiber formation, capillary density, smooth musc
129                                              Collagen fibers formed in the presence of DDR1 had a lar
130                                     Although collagen fibers formed on the surface of SPARC-null fibr
131              The results help to explain why collagen fibers found in nature consist of TC molecules
132 e-dimensional structure of the intact type I collagen fiber from rat tail tendon has been resolved by
133 ispersion in the orientation distribution of collagen fibers from tendon to bone is a second major de
134 rstitial matrix is comprised of cross-linked collagen fibers, generally arranged in nonisotropic orie
135  platelet collagen receptors onto the intact collagen fiber in three dimensions.
136                                              Collagen fibers in both layers exhibit significant reali
137  by promoting formation of blood vessels and collagen fibers in CT.
138  showed that the enthalpy of denaturation of collagen fibers in ethylene glycol was high, varied only
139            The results show that elastin and collagen fibers in inner adventitia form concentric dens
140                                 In addition, collagen fibers in metastatic lung tumors exhibit greate
141 smooth muscle and a change in the density of collagen fibers in multiparous rats.
142                              Dissociation of collagen fibers in native and engineered tissues in the
143 esis and degradation of multiple families of collagen fibers in response to cyclic strains imparted i
144 odel that they termed a "liquid crystal" for collagen fibers in tendons.
145            Electron microscopy revealed that collagen fibers in the capsules produced by SPARC-null m
146 of cartilage is sensitive to organization of collagen fibers in the cartilage, it may be a noninvasiv
147 s move, the tendons are strained causing the collagen fibers in the extracellular matrices to be stra
148                    Abnormal architectures of collagen fibers in the extracellular matrix (ECM) are ha
149 ied upon a Cdc42-dependent reorganization of collagen fibers in the extracellular matrix by fibroblas
150 tumors that the structure and orientation of collagen fibers in the extracellular space leads to diff
151 luoxetine group (P <0.05), and the amount of collagen fibers in the gingival tissue was maintained.
152 Subsequently, changes in the orientations of collagen fibers in the sheath suggest that Fak-mediated
153 BAPN treatment changed the ultrastructure of collagen fibers in the vessel basement membrane, and the
154 ranscript, resulting in reduced and aberrant collagen fibers in tibiae of seal homozygous mice.
155  tension (i.e., a ligament with high density collagen fibers), increasing the fundamental frequency r
156 ; the PRP-BMA group showed NC formation with collagen fibers inserted obliquely or perpendicularly to
157 ed significant NC formation at 30 days, with collagen fibers inserted obliquely or perpendicularly to
158  collagen type III predominance, and lack of collagen fiber insertion in the necrotic bone were assoc
159 astic modulus of the cornea, suggesting that collagen fiber intertwining and formation of bow spring-
160                                              Collagen fiber intertwining was quantified by determinin
161 y the progressive disassembly of macroscopic collagen fibers into primary structural elements by catK
162                               Deformation of collagen fibers involves molecular stretching and slippa
163 f fibers decrease linearly, but the width of collagen fiber is relatively constant at lambda(theta) =
164 tic endothelial cell (LEC) migration through collagen fibers is affected by physical matrix constrain
165 eneral, it has a hierarchical structure with collagen fibers joining more rigid units (scales or oste
166 and has organized radial and circumferential collagen fiber layers that provide the scaffolding.
167 malian basilar membrane (BM) consists of two collagen-fiber layers responsible for the frequency-to-p
168 air processes modify the distribution of its collagen fiber lengths.
169 linking plays a key role in stiffness at the collagen fiber level following infarction, and highlight
170 t that the layer of round lipid particles on collagen fibers mediates the mineral deposition onto the
171 ir bulk rheology; however, variations in the collagen fiber microstructure and cell adhesion forces c
172                            We simulated MVAL collagen fiber network as an ensemble of undulated fiber
173 issue-level scale of approximately 1 mm, the collagen fiber network in the MVAL deforms according to
174  pN forces to microparticles embedded in the collagen fiber network.
175  to tendon regeneration with densely aligned collagen fibers, normal level of cellularity, and functi
176  collagen area fraction (P:<0.05), 38% lower collagen fiber number density (P:<0.05), and 42% smaller
177              The fluorescent signal from the collagen fibers of the corneal stroma was evident in the
178 nonlinear multiphoton microscopy to quantify collagen fiber organization in mouse carotid arteries an
179 ed light microscopy indicated alterations in collagen fiber organization in the growth plate.
180 reveals disarray of extracellular matrix and collagen fiber organization within the valve leaflet.
181 ng in increased vascularization, more mature collagen fiber organization, and a two fold improvement
182 ements of the depth-dependent shear modulus, collagen fiber organization, and extracellular matrix co
183 thelial phenotypes, in addition to restoring collagen fiber organization, as detected by second-harmo
184 laser beam that can simultaneously determine collagen fiber orientation and a parameter related to th
185     No difference was found in the preferred collagen fiber orientation and fiber concentration facto
186                                              Collagen fiber orientation and matrix damage were assess
187 tween the shear modulus |G( *)| and both the collagen fiber orientation and polarization.
188 IOP elevation; and (4) FE-based estimates of collagen fiber orientation demonstrated no change in the
189 modulus, structural stiffness, and preferred collagen fiber orientation were mapped for each posterio
190 al heterogeneity of biochemical composition, collagen fiber orientation, and geometric deformation.
191 y Raman spectroscopy; and 2), a gradation in collagen fiber orientation, measured by polarized light
192 se properties arise from the depth-dependent collagen fiber orientation.
193 of explanted valves showed greater amount of collagen fibers (P=0.01), and Masson trichrome staining
194                                              Collagen fiber patterns in skin were disordered, and abn
195 se collagen matrix with alternating bands of collagen fibers precisely arranged at right angles to on
196 hese uniform peptide substrates, rather than collagen fibers, provides independent control of each ax
197                                              Collagen fiber reassembly is governed by the displacemen
198 ly low local retardation, which increased as collagen fibers remodeled, and a persistently high degre
199 hymal-like migration of LECs associated with collagen fiber remodeling.
200 terestingly, depletion of mmp9 impaired this collagen fiber reorganization.
201 utive law accounting for mechanically driven collagen fiber reorientation is proposed.
202 ll-populated collagen matrices: alignment of collagen fibers, responses to applied force, strain stif
203 xylases promotes cancer cell alignment along collagen fibers, resulting in enhanced invasion and meta
204                                 Histology of collagen fibers revealed marked reductions in collagen v
205 was evident in the TPAF channel; the scleral collagen fibers showed no organization and appeared rand
206          Transmission electron microscopy of collagen fibers, showed that the native periodic banded
207 esearchers have developed ACL scaffolds with collagen fibers, silk, biodegradable polymers, and compo
208 which correlates with decreased alignment of collagen fibers, similar to published findings of human
209 uantify the intensity change associated with collagen fibers straightening in the arterial wall durin
210              This study investigates how the collagen fiber structure influences the enzymatic degrad
211 eta-jelly roll domain did not bind insoluble collagen fiber, suggesting that myroicolsin may degrade
212 riodontal bone resorption and destruction of collagen fibers, suggesting that fluoxetine can constitu
213                                      Aligned collagen fibers support elevated tensions that promote t
214  modulus of elastin (EE); the recruitment of collagen fibers supporting wall stress; and the differen
215 thesis that scar formation is the product of collagen fiber synthesis and alignment in the presence o
216 ore strongly in model gels composed of short collagen fibers than in those composed of long fibers, w
217 rized by bundles of straightened and aligned collagen fibers that are oriented perpendicular to the t
218 d a process for self-assembly of macroscopic collagen fibers that have structures and mechanical prop
219 ing into a dense mat of irregularly arranged collagen fibers that overlaid normal orthogonally arrang
220 O-gold bound strongly to fibrin deposits and collagen fibers that were adjacent to degranulated mast
221                                          How collagen fibers, the dominant matrix protein in bones, a
222                              The assembly of collagen fibers, the major component of the extracellula
223 understanding of the associated formation of collagen fibers, the primary determinant of connective t
224 mes accompanied by the increased presence of collagen fibers, thickened epithelia, and elongated rete
225  its potential to evaluate collagen content, collagen fiber thickness, and SMC density, we anticipate
226 ent of the periodontal ligament and gingival collagen fibers to both the cementum of the root surface
227 tion of second harmonic generation images of collagen fibers to overcome difficulties in tracking str
228 tendon model independently predicts rates of collagen fiber turnover that are in general agreement wi
229  stretching, the newly deposited elastin and collagen fibers undergo substantially larger distortions
230 of volumetric densities of fibroblasts (Vf), collagen fibers (Vcf), and blood vessels (Vbv).
231              The Young's moduli of untreated collagen fibers versus catK-treated fibers in dehydrated
232 nt manner, with the ratio of HA deposited on collagen fibers versus that distributed homogeneously be
233  light micrographs, the density of TM radial collagen fibers was lower in Col11a2 -/- mice than wild-
234 ergy stored in unmineralized and mineralized collagen fibers was measured and compared to the amount
235                                 Unmasking of collagen fibers was most predictive of abnormal signal i
236 that the native periodic banded structure of collagen fibers was weakened and nearly absent in the pr
237 ages and fibroblasts and the accumulation of collagen fibers, was significantly reduced in CysLT(2) r
238 ease of the relative dispersion (SD/mean) of collagen fiber waviness suggests a heterogeneous mechani
239 gen alpha(1) synthesis and the deposition of collagen fibers were both markedly decreased in LmBSN cu
240                          On average, scleral collagen fibers were circumferentially oriented around t
241                        In adult mice, type I collagen fibers were cleaved rapidly in situ during a hi
242                            Mouse tail type I collagen fibers were incubated with either catK or non-c
243 taining with picrosirius-red showed that the collagen fibers were less mature in SPARC-null than in w
244                                Additionally, collagen fibers were more aligned in adult than fetal va
245                                              Collagen fibers were noted in the extracellular matrix.
246               In addition, abnormally shaped collagen fibers were observed in capsules from mutant mi
247                                              Collagen fibers were recruited increasingly as transmura
248                   SHG transmission images of collagen fibers were spatially resolved due to a coheren
249                               Self-assembled collagen fibers were stretched 0-50% before cross-linkin
250 ore, the ability of MT10 to degrade rat tail collagen fibers when it was cultured at 37 degrees C was
251 ties to the densely packed triple helices of collagen fibers whereas solution NMR structures reveal t
252               Type I collagen molecules form collagen fibers, which are viscoelastic and can therefor
253 K at the edge of the fibrillar gap region of collagen fibers, which suggest initial cleavage events a
254 0 mum thick) of randomly arranged, unaligned collagen fibers, which was positive for collagen types I
255 ase (MMP)-1 and interstitial accumulation of collagen fibers with impairment of cardiac function.
256 lagen deformation by concomitantly detecting collagen fibers with reflectance detection during these
257 clonal antibodies fail to spread and envelop collagen fibers with their cellular processes.
258 oid, has been shown to associate with dermal collagen fibers within infected skin lesions.
259 b cross-linking enhanced NK cell adhesion to collagen fibers within the node.
260 evealed thinner and less aligned periluminal collagen fibers within the plaques of Mmp-13(+/+)/apoE(-
261                  The fluorescent signal from collagen fibers within the sclera was evident in the TPA

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