


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gh the in vitro activity of Semaphorin III/D/Collapsin 1 is clear, recent analyses of two different s
2 of two different strains of semaphorin III/D/collapsin 1 knockout mice have generated conflicting fin
3 Z1a, a zebrafish homolog of semaphorin III/D/collapsin 1.
4                  To explore the mechanism of collapsin-1 action, we expressed and purified a truncate
5  motility and indicate that rac1 may mediate collapsin-1 action.
6 ) domain and the basic tail, each potentiate collapsin-1 activity.
7 al spreading and are minimally responsive to collapsin-1 and myelin.
8 l chemorepellent activity is blocked by anti-collapsin-1 antibodies.
9 report a detailed study on the expression of collapsin-1 as well as on the distribution of collapsin-
10                                              Collapsin-1 belongs to the Semaphorin family of molecule
11 lapsin-2 and -3, are structurally similar to collapsin-1 but have different biological activities.
12                                              Collapsin-1 can function as a selective chemorepellent f
13                   These results suggest that collapsin-1 can inhibit EC motility as well as axon moti
14 e of mossy fiber afferents of granule cells, collapsin-1 caused most pontine growth cones to collapse
15 y are mediated by NRP1, and that VEGF165 and collapsin-1 compete for NRP1-binding sites.
16                     Like all family members, collapsin-1 contains within its sequence a semaphorin do
17                                              Collapsin-1 covalently dimerizes, and dimerization is ne
18                                              collapsin-1 expression is detected in regions bordering
19  peripheral portions of the rectal wall when collapsin-1 expression retreats from the outer muscle la
20 atterns for mouse semaphorin D/III and chick collapsin-1 fusion proteins are indistinguishable from o
21           In an in vitro angiogenesis assay, collapsin-1 inhibited the capillary sprouting of EC from
22                                              Collapsin-1 inhibited the motility of porcine aortic EC
23 apsin-1-induced collapse of growth cones and collapsin-1 inhibition of neurite outgrowth.
24 ventrally projecting muscle afferents become collapsin-1 insensitive as they project into the ventral
25                                              Collapsin-1 is a member of the semaphorin family of sign
26                                        Chick collapsin-1 is a repellent for specific growth cones.
27                                              Collapsin-1 is a secreted glycoprotein that inhibits the
28 this study that (1) the semaphorin domain of collapsin-1 is both necessary and sufficient for biologi
29                                              Collapsin-1 is expressed in high levels in the ventral h
30                     In the early chick brain collapsin-1 is expressed in specific regions of the reti
31 lel to, but do not enter, the intestine when collapsin-1 is expressed in the adjacent rectal wall.
32                            In the periphery, collapsin-1 is expressed in the dermamyotome and in ecto
33                             In the hindbrain collapsin-1 is first expressed in rhombomere 5 and later
34                     Our results suggest that collapsin-1 may help prevent Remak axons from projecting
35           Here we report the distribution of collapsin-1 message as demonstrated by in situ hybridiza
36               We now find that antibodies to collapsin-1 neutralize this repellent activity.
37 onneuronal cells, the effects of recombinant collapsin-1 on endothelial cells (EC) were examined.
38             In order to test the function of collapsin-1 on the migration of neural crest cells, an i
39                                              Collapsin-1 or semaphorin III(D) inhibits axonal outgrow
40 gest that the transient dorsal expression of collapsin-1 prevents all efferents from entering the cor
41 both the spinal cord and the olfactory bulb, collapsin-1 prevents premature entry of sensory axons in
42                                              Collapsin-1 protein, the chick ortholog of sema-D, did n
43                                              Collapsin-1 rapidly disrupted the formation of lamellipo
44 line phosphatase probe to visualize putative collapsin-1 receptors in vitro and in situ.
45 tern of collapsin-1 with the trajectories of collapsin-1 responsive axons suggests that in both the s
46 rowth cone structure, neurite elongation, or collapsin-1 sensitivity.
47 ns of the rho subfamily might participate in collapsin-1 signal transduction.
48                   These results suggest that collapsin-1 signalling can contribute to the patterning
49 collapse and promoted neurite outgrowth on a collapsin-1 substrate.
50  in this study another structural feature of collapsin-1 that is necessary for its function.
51                             When VEGF165 and collapsin-1 were added simultaneously to PAEC/KDR/NRP1,
52 l data suggest that all afferents respond to collapsin-1 when they are first confined to the dorsal c
53          Comparing the expression pattern of collapsin-1 with the trajectories of collapsin-1 respons
54 ly known as Semaphorin III, Semaphorin D, or collapsin-1) is a member of the semaphorin gene family,
55 y known as semaphorin III, semaphorin D, and collapsin-1), a secreted subtype of the semaphorin famil
56 ng of chick collapsin-3 and -5 and show that collapsin-1, -2, -3, and -5 bind to overlapping but dist
57 inct receptors with different affinities for collapsin-1, -2, -3, and -5.
58                                              Collapsin-1, a member of the semaphorin family, activate
59 e the inhibitory properties of CNS myelin or collapsin-1, a soluble semaphorin, in chick embryonic mo
60                          As demonstrated for collapsin-1, CNS myelin-evoked growth cone collapse was
61 unk and hindbrain regions and a receptor for collapsin-1, neuropilin-1, is expressed by migrating cre
62 h cone motility normally induced by SEMA-3A (collapsin-1, semaphorin III, semaphorin D) and SEMA-3C (
63                                        Chick collapsin-1, the first identified vertebrate member of t
64         Two additional structural domains of collapsin-1, the immunoglobulin (Ig) domain and the basi
65      As predicted by the activity profile of collapsin-1, the probe binds spinal sensory tracts, vent
66 ction, we expressed and purified a truncated collapsin-1-alkaline phosphatase fusion protein (CAP-4).
67 ollapsin-1 as well as on the distribution of collapsin-1-binding sites in regions where neural crest
68      These sites provide a substrate for the collapsin-1-dependent patterning of non-neuronal tissues
69        When added to crest cells in vitro, a collapsin-1-Fc chimeric protein induces morphological ch
70 t cells, an in vitro assay was used in which collapsin-1-Fc was immobilised in alternating stripes co
71 h cones, and dominant negative rac1 inhibits collapsin-1-induced collapse of growth cones and collaps
72 n of dominant negative rac1 or cdc42 negated collapsin-1-induced growth cone collapse and promoted ne
73 th cones collapse in the presence of soluble collapsin-1.
74  been identified as a candidate receptor for collapsin-1.
75  desensitizing growth cones to CNS myelin or collapsin-1.
76 m explants and also by 293T cells expressing collapsin-1.
77               We have constructed a chimeric collapsin-1/alkaline phosphatase probe to visualize puta
78                                        Chick collapsin-1/human semaphorin III/mouse semaphorin D is b
79                     Microscopic gradients of Collapsin-1/Semaphorin III/D (Sema III) and myelin-assoc
80 anisms that mediate the repulsive actions of Collapsin-1/Semaphorin III/D (Sema III), we searched for
81 1) was recently identified as a receptor for Collapsin-1/Semaphorin III/D (Sema III).
82  glycoprotein (MAG) but not by a gradient of collapsin-1/semaphorin III/D or neurotrophin-3 (NT-3).
83 n outgrowth, such as netrin-1, netrin-2, and collapsin-1/semaphorin-III.
84                         To determine whether collapsin-1/semaphorin-III/D, a molecule known to repel
85 r secreted members of the semaphorin family, collapsin-2 and -3, are structurally similar to collapsi
86       We have completed the cloning of chick collapsin-3 and -5 and show that collapsin-1, -2, -3, an
87 , semaphorin III, semaphorin D) and SEMA-3C (collapsin-3, semaphorin E) but not that induced by SEMA-
88                      In contrast, these four collapsins all bind recombinant neuropilin with similar
89                                          The collapsin and semaphorin family of extracellular protein
90 l cord and olfactory bulb for sensitivity to collapsin and show that the former are sensitive to coll
91              To determine whether semaphorin/collapsins could interact with NRP1 in nonneuronal cells
92 uidance that bound members of the semaphorin/collapsin family.
93             During development, semaphorins (collapsin, fasciclin) mediate repulsive and inhibitory g
94 both trunk and hindbrain regions avoided the collapsin-Fc-containing substratum.
95 bilised in alternating stripes consisting of collapsin-Fc/fibronectin versus fibronectin alone.
96                               The semaphorin/collapsin gene family encodes secreted and transmembrane
97 s, and receptors for netrins and semaphorins/collapsins have been identified.
98 ch as N-cadherin in optic tectum, semaphorin/collapsin in spinal cord, and ephrins in cerebral cortex
99  Inhibition of growth cone motility by chick collapsin is mediated by the intraneuronal protein CRMP-
100                              Semaphorins and collapsins make up a family of conserved genes that enco
101 165), an angiogenesis factor, and semaphorin/collapsins, mediators of neuronal guidance.
102                          The distribution of collapsin mRNA is consistent with it playing a role in t
103                 Cypin contains zinc binding, collapsin response mediator protein (CRMP) homology, and
104 rial enzymes and shares some similarity with collapsin response mediator protein (CRMP), a cytoplasmi
105                        Recently, we reported collapsin response mediator protein (CRMP)-2 as an endog
106                  Here we describe a role for collapsin response mediator protein (Crmp-2), a neuronal
107 nnels, but the observation that LCM binds to collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP-2) suggests
108 n be suppressed by inhibiting the binding of collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP-2) to CaV2.2
109                                              Collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) binds to m
110 ere, we tested if modification of the axonal collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) by a small
111      The axon guidance and outgrowth protein collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) has been l
112                                              Collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) is traditi
113       We have recently shown the key role of collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2), a phospho
114 -nociceptive peptide derived from the axonal collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2), a protein
115 such as adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2), support a
116 d class was the microtubule bundling protein Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 2 (CRMP2).
117 lly modified versions of the binding partner collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2).
118                 In particular, we identified collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2/DPYSL2), a
119 umulated exceptional levels of isoaspartate: collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2/ULIP2/DRP-2
120 ceptors identified a novel NMDAR interactor, collapsin response mediator protein 2, which preferentia
121 eled by (R)-9 compared with (S)-9, including collapsin response mediator protein 2.
122 affecting tubulin dynamics via its substrate collapsin response mediator protein 2.
123                     We previously identified collapsin response mediator protein 4 (CRMP4) as a prote
124 ncluding brain lipid binding protein (BLBP), collapsin response mediator protein 4 (CRMP4), Dlx1, Dlx
125                                     p34cdc2, collapsin response mediator protein 4 (CRMP4), doublecor
126                                              Collapsin response mediator protein 5 (CRMP5) belongs to
127 efined despite the documented involvement of collapsin response mediator protein and molecule interac
128 u RNA-binding proteins, neuronatin, Racgap1, collapsin response mediator protein-1, synaptotagmin-1,
129 n of downstream targets of mTORC1, including collapsin response mediator protein-2 (CRMP-2), in the n
130                  Here we have identified the collapsin response mediator protein-2 (Crmp2) as an inte
131 uding Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia: collapsin response mediator protein-2/dihydropyrimidinas
132        Two families of cytoplasmic proteins, collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) and molecul
133                                              Collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) are cytosol
134                                              Collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) specify axo
135                                              Collapsin response mediator proteins 5 (CRMP5) belongs t
136                                      The rat collapsin response-mediated protein 4 (rCRMP-4) is a mem
137 "-IgG [23kDa, recoverin]) and optic neuritis collapsin response-mediated protein 5 (CRMP-5-IgG [62kDa
138 y markers of small-cell carcinoma, including collapsin response-mediated protein 5 (CRMP5) IgG (26%)
139 wn 62-kd neuronal cytoplasmic protein of the collapsin response-mediator family.
140 r myelopathy of uncertain cause demonstrated collapsin response-mediator protein 5 IgG.
141 ll carcinoma, their frequency being ANNA-1 > collapsin response-mediator protein-5 > amphiphysin > Pu
142           Other serological markers, such as collapsin response-mediator protein-5 -IgG and amphiphys
143                                              Collapsin response-mediator protein-5 autoimmune myelopa
144 commonly small-cell lung carcinoma and after collapsin response-mediator protein-5 IgG detection).
145 alitis (n = 1) or neuromyotonia (n = 1), and collapsin response-mediator protein-5-IgG with optic neu
146 s have highlighted the dynamic expression of Collapsin-Response-Mediator Proteins (CRMPs) in neuronal
147                                     Based on collapsin's expression patterns we tested axons extendin
148 e semaphorin E and 49% identity with chicken collapsin/semaphorin D.
149                               Members of the collapsin/semaphorin family play an important role in cr
150 al to human neuropilin-1, a receptor for the collapsin/semaphorin family that mediates neuronal cell
151                                  Semaphorins/collapsins were characterized in part on the basis of th
152 in and show that the former are sensitive to collapsin whereas the latter are not.
153 ilin is mediated by the carboxy third of the collapsins, while the semaphorin domain confers their un

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