コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 t ions energy and flux were found to be more collimated.
2 am is intrinsically monochromatic and highly collimated.
3 underwent CT urography, during which thinly collimated (1-mm) pyelographic phase scanning was perfor
6 nsmission measurements were obtained using a collimated 99mTc flood source in conjunction with planar
7 ts and, consequently, a transition between a collimated and a strongly focused filament is expected.
9 nstrate that this system can produce bright, collimated and tunable beams of photons with 10-100 keV
10 pted that bipolar outflows are generated and collimated as material is driven along magnetic field li
13 ering, is observed to accelerate a naturally collimated beam of electrons to relativistic energies (u
14 capture agent with or without BBB-D using a collimated beam of thermal neutrons at the Brookhaven Me
15 the incident angle during deposition using a collimated beam of water led to the growth of nonporous
16 so-called betatron radiation is emitted in a collimated beam with excellent spatial coherence and rem
19 gime using momentum conservation of the self-collimated beams in the presence of the spatial nonlocal
23 res of active galaxies often produce 'jets'--collimated bipolar outflows of relativistic particles.
24 atic regions: a spherical outflow, a tightly collimated, blue-shifted expansion, and a directed, red-
27 he 1985 explosion, the ejection is jet-like, collimated by the central binary whose orientation on th
28 Powered by the energies of coalescence and collimated by the forces of the chemical gradient, small
30 sverse and coronal images to 93% with 0.5-mm-collimated CT with reformation in the plane of the SSC.
31 cence syndrome improved from 50% with 1.0-mm-collimated CT with transverse and coronal images to 93%
33 SPECT, the limited field of view of fanbeam-collimated detectors produces truncation in the projecti
35 Here we present a method of creating highly collimated electron beams in graphene based on collinear
36 a few La atoms bonded on the tip that emits collimated electrons from a single point with high monoc
40 modes and linewidth narrowing, along with a collimated far-field pattern, all indicative of amplific
42 l systems have been discovered that generate collimated flows of plasma with velocities close to the
43 SSC dehiscence syndrome improves with 0.5-mm-collimated helical CT and reformation in the SSC plane.
45 MALDI sample plate has been developed using collimated-hole structures (CHS) with monolithic chromat
46 f-flight (MALDI-TOF) sample plates employing collimated-hole structures have been developed that allo
48 anism as long GRBs, with the ejecta possibly collimated in jets, but that the total energy release is
51 ly sensitive to the volume flow rate, with a collimated jet and thin boundary layer formed at the fas
54 etric; this structure could be the result of collimated jets from the evolved stars before they enter
57 tiplying charge-coupled device camera when a collimated laser beam is projected on the mouse to stimu
61 gle-crystal surfaces were studied by using a collimated molecular beam under ultrahigh vacuum conditi
63 spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) without the need for collimated or polarised incident light, as is required f
64 ly formed black holes of stellar mass launch collimated outflows (jets) of ionized matter that approa
65 namic lens-based inlet system created a well-collimated particle beam that impacted into the heated i
68 uished by the production of an energetic and collimated relativistic outflow powered by a central eng
69 y bursts (GRBs) are most probably powered by collimated relativistic outflows (jets) from accreting b
74 he diaphragm to the pubic symphysis and 5-mm-collimated sections through the lower part of the abdome
78 radio emission can be explained by either a collimated ultrarelativistic jet, viewed off-axis, or a
79 surface-emitting THz beam profile is highly collimated with a divergence as narrow as ~4 degrees x 1
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