


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  n = 4, 2 with ulcerative colitis and 2 with colonic cancer).
2 forms of gastrointestinal disease (primarily colonic cancers).
3       All patients had no disease other than colonic cancer.
4 l residues, an antigen associated with human colonic cancer.
5 clooxygenase (COX)-2 is up-regulated in most colonic cancers and in inflammatory bowel disease in whi
6 a, and its expression is also upregulated in colonic cancers and most neoplasms, we investigated whet
7 te the importance of CME and CVL surgery for colonic cancer by comparison with a series of standard s
8 ing a panel of human pancreatic, breast, and colonic cancer cell lines, and in the GW-39 human coloni
9 ncreatic (PANC-1 HPAF, and MiaPaCa2) but not colonic cancer cells (Colo 320) significantly increased
10 which butyrate mediates growth inhibition of colonic cancer cells and thereby to elucidate the molecu
11 N-15 Fab' of mice implanted with GW-39 human colonic cancer cells increased their survival (P < 0.025
12 ffector of butyrate-induced growth arrest in colonic cancer cells, and may be an important molecular
13                                     In human colonic cancer cells, Sb prevented EGF-induced prolifera
14 kdown of 7343 human gene products in a human colonic cancer goblet cell line (HT29-18N2) revealed new
15                      The plane of surgery in colonic cancer has been linked to patient outcome althou
16                EC is the most frequent extra-colonic cancer in patients with hereditary non-polyposis
17  the amount of blood loss during surgery for colonic cancer influences long-term survival.
18                                        Human colonic cancer is associated with multiple genetic delet
19 ion in sporadic human and chemically induced colonic cancers may confer a relative growth advantage d
20  overexpressed in approximately 70% of human colonic cancers, previous studies have not detected freq
21  countries and confirm the wide variation in colonic cancer surgery and the need for further standard
22 here is no solid data as to whether AL after colonic cancer surgery increases the risk of disease rec
23  are commonly seen in inherited and sporadic colonic cancers that exhibit microsatellite instability.
24 In the Apc(Pirc/+) (Pirc) rat model of early colonic cancer, this sex susceptibility was recapitulate
25 ies within a traditional stage III cohort of colonic cancer were identified.
26 y, we have demonstrated that growth of human colonic cancer xenografts is inhibited by treatment with

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