


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s in Spain for a study of causes of multiple colonic polyps.
2 sponses and causes regression of established colonic polyps.
3 sociated with an increased risk of recurrent colonic polyps.
4 termediate, and large numbers of adenomatous colonic polyps.
5 frequently found in patients with large flat colonic polyps.
6 -increase 2.2 [IQR 1.8-3.3]) and in 19 of 20 colonic polyps (2.2 [1.6-3.1]) compared with normal colo
7 ation and pain, such as Alzheimer's disease, colonic polyp and colon cancer, just to name a few.
8         The primary outcome was detection of colonic polyps and cancers.
9 s, as currently undertaken, for detection of colonic polyps and cancers.
10    They are also implicated in the growth of colonic polyps and cancers.
11  intestinal hypertrophy as well as growth of colonic polyps and cancers.
12       NSAIDs also induced apoptosis in human colonic polyps and effectively removed cells with aberra
13  the development of hundreds to thousands of colonic polyps and extracolonic lesions including desmoi
14 n (targeted at regions of MLH1 loss) from 93 colonic polyps and tested for MSI, and promoter methylat
15 e clinicopathological features of large flat colonic polyps and their impact on occurrence and charac
16                                        Large colonic polyps are associated with advanced dysplasia, b
17 nchronous polyps in patients with large flat colonic polyps are poorly investigated.
18                                              Colonic polyps can be sessile or pedunculated; their app
19  premalignant disease entity, such as MDS or colonic polyps, can be transplanted and subsequently und
20 ton irradiation also increases the number of colonic polyps, carcinomas and invasive adenocarcinomas.
21 significantly different from that of CAD for colonic polyp classification.
22                                              Colonic polyps early in the tumor progression pathway sh
23                       Automated detection of colonic polyps, especially clinically important large po
24 , lung, and prostate cancers; and suppresses colonic polyp formation in adenomatous polyposis coli (A
25 t endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of flat colonic polyps >20 mm from 2003 to 2014 in an academic e
26 t and vegetables to reduce the occurrence of colonic polyps have so far been negative, a structured p
27                                A total of 41 colonic polyps in 18 of the 20 mice were identified at g
28 enase (COX)-2 inhibitors cause regression of colonic polyps in familial polyposis patients.
29                               In contrast to colonic polyps, loss of heterozygosity in desmoids invol
30 oplasms most frequent in the IPMN group were colonic polyps (n = 114) and Barrett's neoplasia (n = 18
31 ation has been described for beta-catenin in colonic polyps, no examples were found in these breast c
32 colonoscopy for the detection of adenomatous colonic polyps on CT virtual colonoscopy.
33 llected data from patients with more than 10 colonic polyps, recruited in 2008-2009 from 24 hospitals
34 hod for guiding virtual colon navigation and colonic polyp registration.
35                    Based on the frequency of colonic polyps, screening colonoscopy should be consider
36 ages of four colorectal cancers arising from colonic polyps, seven pancreatic carcinomas, as well as
37  along the length of the murine colon and in colonic polyps that develop in Pten(+/-) mice.
38 ite its documented value in the detection of colonic polyps, the double-contrast barium enema has lar
39  oncogene, also frequently mutated in benign colonic polyps, up-regulated VEGF in a phosphatidylinosi
40                                              Colonic polyps were found in one-half of the patients an
41 e heterozygous for Cdx2 inactivation develop colonic polyps with epithelial cells showing gastric or
42  scan was modified by inserting 10 simulated colonic polyps with use of methods that closely mimic th
43 uld allow optical diagnosis and resection of colonic polyps without histopathological testing.

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