


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ting macrocycles was developed using dynamic combinatorial chemistry.
2 he array is synthesized using light-directed combinatorial chemistry.
3 tical route to receptor-biased computational combinatorial chemistry.
4 lified by work with protein-directed dynamic combinatorial chemistry.
5  representing robust reactions, amenable for combinatorial chemistry.
6 ements of self-sorting phenomena and dynamic combinatorial chemistry.
7  due to the advent of parallel synthesis and combinatorial chemistry.
8 lays the foundation for improved encoderless combinatorial chemistry.
9 drug development, environmental testing, and combinatorial chemistry.
10 ty of substitution patterns for ready use in combinatorial chemistry.
11 ovalent reactions are widely used in dynamic combinatorial chemistry.
12 perimental methodologies from the arsenal of combinatorial chemistry.
13 n was initiated using molecular modeling and combinatorial chemistry.
14 will provide an advantage in applications to combinatorial chemistry.
15 ly specific inhibitors, even with the aid of combinatorial chemistry.
16 sing the all-in-solution approach of dynamic combinatorial chemistry.
17 hod for the solid-phase peptide synthesis in combinatorial chemistry.
18 S-active molecules that would be amenable to combinatorial chemistry.
19  the future of high-throughput screening and combinatorial chemistry.
20 des synthesized in situ using light-directed combinatorial chemistry.
21 ug design lay in strategies involving solely combinatorial chemistry.
22                   Here, using DNA-programmed combinatorial chemistry, a collection of 100 million dis
23  the past two years, the burgeoning field of combinatorial chemistry and biology has witnessed major
24 esign, site-directed mutagenesis, screening, combinatorial chemistry and classical medicinal chemistr
25                     New technologies in both combinatorial chemistry and combinatorial biology promis
26 ands by exponential enrichment) process uses combinatorial chemistry and in vitro selection to yield
27 for monitoring enzyme specificity using both combinatorial chemistry and mass spectrometry where, as
28                                              Combinatorial chemistry and multicomponent reactions, co
29  Many similarities exist between research on combinatorial chemistry and natural products and researc
30 4-benzodiazepine, Bz-423, identified through combinatorial chemistry and phenotype screening are desc
31 otease inhibitors have been identified using combinatorial chemistry and structure-based design.
32                                 We have used combinatorial chemistry and structure-based drug design
33                           With the advent of combinatorial chemistry and the extensive libraries of p
34 tems allow both for achieving complexity, by combinatorial chemistry, and addressing it, by switching
35 -release applications in parallel synthesis, combinatorial chemistry, and advanced drug design.
36 n of "omics" technologies, microRNA studies, combinatorial chemistry, and bioinformatics are providin
37 h-throughput screening for genetic analysis, combinatorial chemistry, and clinical diagnostics benefi
38  screening arising from protein engineering, combinatorial chemistry, and functional genomics.
39          Recent advances in fungal genomics, combinatorial chemistry, and high-throughput screening m
40  the basis of classical medicinal chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, and structural approaches, yet
41 h the advent of synthetic peptide chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, and the large number of commerc
42 ketide, and terpenoid and steroid classes in combinatorial chemistry approaches for the production of
43 e subsite preferences of these enzymes using combinatorial chemistry approaches.
44 logies such as high-throughput screening and combinatorial chemistry are revolutionizing drug discove
45              These results establish dynamic combinatorial chemistry as a practical method not only f
46 recombinant mature PfPM1 were explored using combinatorial chemistry based peptide libraries.
47             To realize the full potential of combinatorial chemistry-based drug discovery, generic an
48     Finally, as the miniaturization needs of combinatorial chemistry become more clear, inkjet dispen
49       In addition, we have demonstrated that combinatorial chemistry can be utilized to identify mole
50                  Both parallel synthesis and combinatorial chemistry can lead to the exploration of a
51                                              Combinatorial chemistry (combichem) has had a significan
52                    The results challenge the combinatorial chemistry concept of target-family-privile
53                                      Dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) has emerged as a powerful
54                                      Dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) is a subset of combinatori
55                The discovery through dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) of a new generation of don
56 lored; the possibilities for uses in dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) or click chemistry were ex
57     The approach, termed dendrimer-supported combinatorial chemistry (DCC), centers on the use of den
58         The SELEX method and oligonucleotide combinatorial chemistry discovery process yields high-af
59 ication, and structure-based drug design and combinatorial chemistry for lead optimization.
60 apidly changing developments in genomics and combinatorial chemistry, generating new drug targets and
61                                              Combinatorial chemistry has become a popular tool for th
62                                              Combinatorial chemistry has deeply impacted the drug dis
63                                              Combinatorial chemistry has given chemists access to vas
64                      The recent emergence of combinatorial chemistry has greatly advanced the develop
65                                      Dynamic combinatorial chemistry has proven to be a useful tool i
66                                    Recently, combinatorial chemistry has risen to this challenge, and
67    Phage display, SELEX and other methods of combinatorial chemistry have become very popular means o
68 y - genomics, high-throughput screening, and combinatorial chemistry - high-throughput screening has
69           In the last several years, through combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput and virtual scr
70                 In the last 5 years, through combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput screening, comp
71                               Solution phase combinatorial chemistry holds an enormous promise for mo
72 diversity descriptor particularly useful for combinatorial chemistry involving variations around a fi
73                                              Combinatorial chemistry is gaining wide appeal as a tech
74                                              Combinatorial chemistry is now commonplace in the pharma
75  rapidly scanning the extensive experimental combinatorial chemistry libraries now available for high
76 e identification of consensus sequences from combinatorial chemistry libraries or phage display.
77                        By screening unbiased combinatorial chemistry libraries, using a cAMP-responsi
78 jection molecular weight characterization of combinatorial chemistry libraries.
79 now allowing us to analyze complex mixtures, combinatorial-chemistry libraries, bound drugs, unstable
80                                      Dynamic combinatorial chemistry linked to mass spectrometric ana
81  here, the study of immune recognition using combinatorial chemistry may offer new insights into the
82 icularly important since the one-dimensional combinatorial chemistry method developed by us allows fo
83 o methods to select high-affinity ligands by combinatorial chemistry methodologies promises unique an
84  of libraries of porous polymers prepared by combinatorial chemistry methods.
85                                Using dynamic combinatorial chemistry, mixtures of dipeptide monomers
86 available compound libraries generated using combinatorial chemistry or derived from natural products
87 emistry, biomaterials and hydrogels, dynamic combinatorial chemistry, organic synthesis, and chemical
88                                     One such combinatorial chemistry process, systematic evolution of
89 lution of ligands by exponential enrichment) combinatorial chemistry process.
90  as a secondary lead for the second round of combinatorial chemistry, producing a number of low-micro
91               Using a combination of virtual combinatorial chemistry, QSAR modeling, and molecular do
92         We have employed resin-bound dynamic combinatorial chemistry (RBDCC) to identify the first ex
93                         Technologies such as combinatorial chemistry, recombinant DNA as well as comp
94                                  Encoderless combinatorial chemistry requires high-throughput product
95                   Using two cross-validating combinatorial chemistry screening approaches, one using
96 aptamers, developed by oligonucleotide-based combinatorial chemistry, SELEX (systematic evolution of
97 of powerful new drug discovery technologies: combinatorial chemistry; sequence and functional genomic
98         This work combines the advantages of combinatorial chemistry, site-specific solid-phase radio
99 e.g., natural products) and synthetic (e.g., combinatorial chemistry) sources of molecular diversity.
100 y of potential drug candidates (usually from combinatorial chemistry) supplied as dimethyl sulfoxide
101 c world are cells in diagnostics or beads in combinatorial chemistry (tags).
102 more physico-chemical studies and the use of combinatorial chemistry techniques combined with solid p
103 ed using the OntoBLOCK system, a solid-phase combinatorial chemistry technology, in combination with
104 -in combination with structural genomics and combinatorial chemistry-the flood of new data is current
105 s of genes, as well as any other solid-phase combinatorial chemistry to be performed in high-density
106                            The prognosis for combinatorial chemistry to discover fundamentally differ
107 ticular interest in combination with ceramic combinatorial chemistry to generate a library of e.g. cu
108        One tripeptide arm was prepared using combinatorial chemistry to generate the differential nat
109                   We previously used Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry to identify the first compounds
110 f combining structure-based drug design with combinatorial chemistry to produce effective species-spe
111                        One-bead one-compound combinatorial chemistry together with a high-throughput
112                 The biocatalytic approach to combinatorial chemistry uses enzymatic, chemoenzymatic,
113                                              Combinatorial chemistry was used to define the optimal s
114                                      Dynamic combinatorial chemistry was utilized to identify a novel
115                           Accordingly, using combinatorial chemistry we evolved a small molecule agon
116 ibraries generated with reactions of dynamic combinatorial chemistry when rendering libraries pseudos
117 combinatorial chemistry (DCC) is a subset of combinatorial chemistry where the library members interc

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