


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 se residues are not specified and are varied combinatorially.
2 heart tissue, involves two components acting combinatorially.
3  chains were not constrained and were varied combinatorially.
4 molecular interactions that are readily used combinatorially.
5  suggesting that these miRNAs might function combinatorially.
6 ors that bind DNA and modulate transcription combinatorially.
7 y, individual members of which are expressed combinatorially.
8 nergic neurons, en masse or a subset defined combinatorially.
9 tion factors that regulate these changes act combinatorially.
10 evels, which allows the pathways to function combinatorially.
11  were found among the HSC clones even though combinatorially 54 groups were possible.
12 otic cells is complex and is orchestrated by combinatorially acting transcription factors.
13                          Here, we engineer a combinatorially activated T cell circuit in which a synt
14 ally control some differentiation events and combinatorially affect others.
15  A key insight is that activators often work combinatorially, allowing signal integration.
16               The effect of individually and combinatorially altering these nine cysteines was examin
17 ssue, Wnt family members are often expressed combinatorially, although the significance of this is no
18 factory bulb network that can reproduce both combinatorially and temporally sparse mitral cell codes.
19 can be used to pre-encode skeletal diversity combinatorially and thereby generate such small molecule
20 vidually but are also capable of functioning combinatorially as a pattern.
21 hese results suggest that these proteins can combinatorially assemble into distinct 9-1-1 clamps that
22                                    BAF53b is combinatorially assembled into polymorphic complexes wit
23 hat dendritic outgrowth requires a family of combinatorially assembled, neuron-specific chromatin rem
24 ese results suggest that KIF3 family members combinatorially associate to power anterograde axonal tr
25 tic process by which a diverse repertoire of combinatorially assorted cytokine gene expression patter
26 al-specific gene expression may be regulated combinatorially, but the transcriptional mechanisms gove
27 lation pattern of this reporter is regulated combinatorially by a set of nine maternally supplied RBP
28 ic and that its activities can be controlled combinatorially by different inhibitory ligands.
29 red together, odors appear to be represented combinatorially by dynamical neural assemblies, defined
30 ere that arterial specification is regulated combinatorially by Notch signaling and SoxF transcriptio
31                 Odor perceptions are encoded combinatorially by ORs and can be altered by slight chan
32 7), Cys(379), and Cys(408), were substituted combinatorially by Ser.
33 The pattern of Pn.p cell fusion is regulated combinatorially by two genes of the C. elegans Hox gene
34 synthesized on a programmable microarray and combinatorially cloned into a single scFv framework for
35                                            A combinatorially complete data set consists of studies of
36 lving mostly single and double mutants, or a combinatorially complete subgraph involving only two ami
37 gments (IRES modules) that independently and combinatorially contribute to overall IRES activity.
38 hanisms by which distinct signaling pathways combinatorially control proliferation during organogenes
39                              This pathway is combinatorially controlled by at least two genes that ha
40 ast, the pathways of sulfur assimilation are combinatorially controlled by five transcriptional regul
41 , epoxide-functionalized block polymers were combinatorially cross-linked with a diverse library of a
42 rotonergic silencing, only one mapped to the combinatorially defined subset.
43 g the yeast galactose network as a model, we combinatorially deleted one of the two copies of its fou
44 implemented for high-throughput screening of combinatorially developed organic protective coatings fo
45 copic system for high-throughput analysis of combinatorially developed protective organic coatings ar
46                               Recruitment of combinatorially distinct AP-1 complexes to these element
47 ut suggest that inhibitory circuits assemble combinatorially during odor presentations.
48 , we show that the four ETS factors function combinatorially during vascular and hematopoietic develo
49                     This was accomplished by combinatorially editing the genome via gene deletions an
50 ate in molecular detail how protein kinase A combinatorially effects a key developmental switch.
51  structural variants in a complex mixture of combinatorially engineered Escherichia coli lipid A.
52 ough the simultaneous mapping of millions of combinatorially engineered genomes at single-cell resolu
53                           Do the ligands act combinatorially, ensuring appropriate three-dimensional
54 eton Skel(left floor rhod right floor)(P) is combinatorially equivalent to Skel( left floor rhod righ
55            We selected 29 candidate genes to combinatorially express in Nicotiana benthamiana (tobacc
56  progress has been made in understanding how combinatorially expressed transcription factors control
57 n unbiased oligonucleotide library it should combinatorially identify energetically preferred hybridi
58 that these tuning modules can be implemented combinatorially in a predictable manner to further impro
59 te that TRiC contacts full-length substrates combinatorially in a subunit-specific manner.
60 sion patterns is evident; thus, XTHs may act combinatorially in determining wall properties of specif
61  this region are each necessary and function combinatorially in ERK-activated transcription.
62 t, while Prd can use its DNA-binding domains combinatorially in order to achieve different DNA-bindin
63 rotein structural information is pre-encoded combinatorially in polypeptide sequences, thus making it
64 s cells and are expressed stochastically and combinatorially in single neurons.
65 rtant facial social judgements are processed combinatorially in the amygdala.
66 n of the two factors allows them to function combinatorially in the regulation of cardiac gene expres
67                          The pyknons arrange combinatorially in the untranslated and coding regions o
68  factors and Semaphorin/Plexin repellents to combinatorially increase Mical-mediated F-actin disassem
69 thesis of aromatic amino acid derivatives by combinatorially inserting multiple T7 promoters simultan
70           SKY is based on cohybridization of combinatorially labeled chromosome-painting probes with
71 ants of nanoparticles can be manufactured in combinatorially large sets, varying by only one transpor
72 ylome suggested that RIP and DNA methylation combinatorially maintain G. sinense genome stability by
73 port analysis of complex mixtures of lipid A combinatorially modified during development of vaccine a
74 using peptide arrays containing a library of combinatorially modified histone peptides.
75 l changes targeted throughout the genome and combinatorially optimize complex (multigenic) traits usi
76                                    Thus, CRX combinatorially orchestrates the transcriptional network
77 haromyces cerevisiae laboratory backgrounds, combinatorially perturbed in histidine, leucine, methion
78 ns is a broad host range plant pathogen that combinatorially recognizes diverse host molecules includ
79  local sampling also produced GrCs that were combinatorially redundant, even when input diversity was
80 me2, AR and FoxA1 within the same CTCF block combinatorially regulate a subset of distally located an
81 r and a heptad of transcription factors that combinatorially regulate genes in HSCs.
82 ulsatile transcription factors Msn2 and Mig1 combinatorially regulate their target genes through modu
83  coherent sets of functionally related mRNAs combinatorially regulated by common RBPs.
84 lar analysis of ThrbCRM1 revealed that it is combinatorially regulated by the Otx2 and Onecut1 transc
85 ow that podocyte expression of some genes is combinatorially regulated by two transcription factors i
86              In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we combinatorially replace all regulatory network promoters
87 is of plasticity: the sets of genes that are combinatorially selected by exogenous and endogenous env
88                                              Combinatorially selected defense peptides, previously sh
89       Newly developed algorithms deconvolved combinatorially selected ions to identify and quantify P
90                        We demonstrate that a combinatorially-selected dodecapeptide and its variants
91 LA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) combinatorially specify the identity of Arabidopsis flor
92  many mechanistic step types that were later combinatorially spread in catalytic history.
93 le with respect to individual traits but are combinatorially strong.
94 ss this need, we view bio-ontologies more as combinatorially structured databases than facilities for
95          The transplastomic plants were then combinatorially supertransformed with cassettes for all
96  activity and pioneer factor function can be combinatorially suppressed.
97 , a large number of dipeptide aldehydes were combinatorially synthesized and manually evaluated for t
98 ing both commercially available polymers and combinatorially synthesized cross-linked polymers.
99                                            A combinatorially synthesized RNA ligand and a cocaine ana
100    Pools of related dipeptide aldehydes were combinatorially synthesized, and the most active pool wa
101 ng protein 2 (MECP2) restoration for RTT and combinatorially target factors in the interactome of Xis
102 tumor suppressor and provide a rationale for combinatorially targeting proto-oncogenic tyrosine kinas
103 ent findings suggest that these TFs are used combinatorially to code for cellular determination in th
104 of olfactory receptors (ORs), which are used combinatorially to detect different odorants and encode
105 hways to control gene expression and can act combinatorially to enforce or reverse epigenetic marks i
106 ronmental signals, which are often processed combinatorially to generate particular phenotypic respon
107 ronmental signals, which are often processed combinatorially to generate specific genetic responses.
108  infection, whereas TLR7 and TLR9 contribute combinatorially to immune responses as infection progres
109 a mechanism by which secreted morphogens act combinatorially to induce the stable expression of targe
110 der set of potent therapeutic tools that act combinatorially to inhibit metastatic prostate cancer.
111                        The leg gap genes act combinatorially to initiate the expression of the Notch
112  structure was tuned both systematically and combinatorially to select optimal vectors.
113 born neuronal identity; that Pdm and Cas act combinatorially to specify a temporal identity distinct
114 ises the possibility of gene targeting PSIP1 combinatorially with CCR5 for HIV-1 cure.
115             The cis-acting elements function combinatorially with documented examples of synergism, a
116 (ii) demonstrate that Mcm1-Fkh2 can function combinatorially with other activators to yield late M/G(
117  turnover or repressing translation, and act combinatorially with other regulatory proteins.
118  of hematopoiesis GATA-1 and GATA-2 function combinatorially with Scl/TAL1, another key regulator of
119 h the number of possible intermediates grows combinatorially with the number of subunits in the capsi
120 an upstream activator of Dpp and Wg, Ci acts combinatorially with them to activate D/V-h expression.
121              The second-order neuron L3 acts combinatorially with two previously known inputs, L1 and
122 ct monoaminergic neurotransmitters by acting combinatorially with, or independently of, Ascl1 in spec
123 ests that Mcm ATPase active sites are formed combinatorially, with Walker A and B motifs contributed

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