


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 their amplitude-dependent frequencies become commensurate.
2 ers, in the KNNLa films on NSTO100 coexist a commensurate [001]-tetragonal phase and two incommensura
3  number of VZ cells exiting the cell cycle a commensurate 24%.
4 d in a supercell as well as in an equivalent commensurate (3 + 2)-dimensional description in superspa
5          Where the numbers are approximately commensurate, a facultative growth behavior prevails.
6 c phenotypic changes in cells, which require commensurate alterations in cellular metabolism.
7 ion threshold F(s) when the two lattices are commensurate and pinned.
8 We exploit the transition between the nearly commensurate and the incommensurate CDW phases, which ha
9 oximately 65 K, associated with the onset of commensurate antiferromagnetic order at q = (0.5 0 0.5).
10             Indeed, it is the suppression of commensurate antiferromagnetism (AF) that usually allows
11  decrease in Pcdh-gamma mutants is precisely commensurate both with the extent of its loss during nor
12 ve NK cells against GBM that are mediated by commensurate, but dominant, activating signals.
13 ephrine was linked to drug tissue levels and commensurate cAMP upregulation for IV systemic infusion,
14 le metallic phase coexisting within the Mott commensurate CDW (CCDW) phase and associated with a conc
15 xpression in the lumbar spinal cord, with no commensurate change in thermal pain threshold or GABA(B)
16  raises BP and lack of RBP4 reduces it, with commensurate changes in aortic eNOS(Ser1177) phosphoryla
17                                              Commensurate changes in film mass are also observed with
18                                     However, commensurate changes in function and quality of life are
19 ation of prochlorosins is not constrained by commensurate changes in the biosynthetic enzyme.
20 ra-abdominal pressure value, associated with commensurate changes of esophageal pressure.
21 distinct chiral properties, which order to a commensurate chirality density wave ground state.
22                                          The commensurate crystal structure of Cu11 Bi7 is a unique v
23 atic state in liver disease as a result of a commensurate decline in prohemostatic and antihemostatic
24 ecreases in urge-to-cough are accompanied by commensurate decreases in several brain regions activate
25 he Candid #1 strain of Junin virus display a commensurate deficiency in their infectivity, albeit wit
26 10-14 years), when substantial changes place commensurate demands on good diet and health; and the ad
27  differences in CT and SA were paralleled by commensurate differences in CV.
28  extent and the separation distance of these commensurate domains are found to be determined by the d
29  or enhance master regulator activity have a commensurate effect on swarming motility.
30 odium is bound to glycosaminoglycans without commensurate effects on extracellular volume.
31 s genotype, environment, and lifestyle, with commensurate effects on host nutrition and health.
32                                              Commensurate effects were observed in reaction times.
33  expansion of the number of students without commensurate faculty strengthening, worries about diluti
34 e to hyperoxia and iNOS dimers increase in a commensurate fashion.
35 lator was driven at subharmonic and rational commensurate frequencies.
36 errant transcriptional profile, we observe a commensurate functional defect in lipid metabolism where
37 rates of ICUs have not been accompanied by a commensurate growth in the number of critical care physi
38 tes exhibiting excellent film morphology and commensurate high performance in both regular and invert
39 hogen control to explore genes involved in a commensurate host response.
40                                      It is a commensurate host-guest structure with 768 atoms in the
41 netic groups, distortion groups could have a commensurate impact in the study of distortions, as the
42 proved long-term asthma control along with a commensurate improvement in small airway function.
43      Advances in single-cell genomics enable commensurate improvements in methods for uncovering line
44 ere we show that, when a surface has domains commensurate in size with solvent molecules, gamma(SL) i
45 ysical properties and new phenomena, such as commensurate-incommensurate transition and fractional qu
46 he absence of long-range order, 2D excitons, commensurate-incommensurate transition, etc.).
47 eory, originally developed in the context of commensurate-incommensurate transitions in krypton monol
48 nd also identify trivial-superconducting and commensurate/incommensurate charge-density-wave states i
49 ective reduction in 5-HT K(m) supported by a commensurate increase in 5-HT potency (K(i)) for displac
50 creased ACF protein expression and induced a commensurate increase in apoptosis.
51 ction of lipogenic and oxidative genes and a commensurate increase in capacity to synthesize and oxid
52 sed glycolytic flux that is not matched by a commensurate increase in glucose oxidation.
53 ks5long to Tks5short ratio correlated with a commensurate increase in invadopodia activity in metasta
54 ty academic surgeons, there will likely be a commensurate increase in investigative studies highlight
55 mpared with naive surrounding tissue, with a commensurate increase in RA signaling to regionally infi
56  of purchases at fast-food chains, without a commensurate increase in saturated fat.
57 e size of GWAS based on SNP array data and a commensurate increase in statistical power.
58  in moisture globally since the 1970s with a commensurate increase in the area in drought that is att
59                                          The commensurate increase in the rate of CYP1A2-specific pro
60 the faster HA deactivation at low pH, with a commensurate increase in the rate of fusion and number o
61 he by increasing their upper limit without a commensurate increase of lower limit.
62 hat of an aggressive melanoma-like cell with commensurate increased migratory and invasive ability wi
63                                              Commensurate increases in the polariton propagation leng
64 lementation of integrated interventions with commensurate investment; indicators to measure effect of
65  later time-scales of 10 ps, resulting in a commensurate large-scale filamentation of the magnetic f
66  long history and have therefore attracted a commensurate literature with time.
67 ing to injury with increased cell death, and commensurate liver dysfunction.
68 hibitor can be potentially identified by the commensurate loss in split-luciferase activity by displa
69 interneurons and Kenyon cell dendrites and a commensurate loss of other connections as minor workers
70  revealed tissue-specific dependencies and a commensurate low Jaccard similarity index in intertissue
71 bundance and release probability result in a commensurate lowering of the APSYN peak and narrowing of
72 ic structure that, apart from trivial 180(o) commensurate magnetic domains, can be described by ferro
73                      Below 19.5 K additional commensurate magnetic peaks develop, consistent with the
74 rs, ferroelectricity develops, an additional commensurate magnetic structure consistent with Gamma3 i
75 t of neutron powder diffraction data gives a commensurate magnetic structure defined by k = [0 0 0.5]
76 use of such SC are more typically drivers of commensurate magnetism.
77                                            A commensurate modulation that doubles the periodicity of
78 in GM-CSF protein production is reflected in commensurate mRNA abundance, comparable synergy in IL-1b
79  affinity formation of 1.1-6.6 is due to the commensurate nature of the geometrical constraints impos
80 ion of a C3a-receptor antagonist resulted in commensurate neurological improvement and stroke volume
81 re incommensurate phase to a low temperature commensurate one.
82 ice the frequency as dictated by the twofold commensurate order and the Luttinger sum rule is not obs
83                     It is shown that whereas commensurate order results in two independent oscillatio
84                                      Similar commensurate phase transitions are predicted for hexagon
85 tionship between structurally incommensurate/commensurate phases and associated electronic states rem
86 tion neutron powder and X-ray diffraction at commensurate pressures reveal a tilting of the Cu spins
87 state levels in the brain, coincident with a commensurate promotion of AD-type amyloid plaque burden.
88 e of regional cancers has not decreased at a commensurate rate.
89 f the generic transcription factor Sp1, with commensurate recruitment of histone acetyltransferases a
90 when compared to control litter mates with a commensurate reduction in rod a- and b-wave amplitudes.
91                 AcCoA depletion entailed the commensurate reduction in the overall acetylation of cyt
92                      In addition, there is a commensurate reduction in the quality and quantity of ea
93                Chronic rotenone exposure and commensurate reduction of metabolic activity limited the
94 o suggest that if prejudice were diminished, commensurate reductions in discrimination would not foll
95                Vegetation survey data showed commensurate reductions in forest basal area until the m
96 rolonged reductions in blood P(i) levels and commensurate reductions in NPT2a expression in the renal
97 ay conditions will not necessarily result in commensurate reductions in the uncertainty of forcing es
98              Chronic administration produced commensurate reductions in visual cycle retinoids and ar
99          The autoactivation of OXS2 may be a commensurate response to the stress intensity, stepping
100 scalating predation mode and efficiency, and commensurate responses of prey [1-3].
101  several quasi-experimental designs obtained commensurate results, further strengthening the internal
102        Using structural equation modeling of commensurate scores of anterograde memory from a large (
103                        A temperature-induced commensurate solid-solid phase transition in self-assemb
104 high-rate cycles at 40% DODZn at lithium-ion-commensurate specific energy, and (iii) the tens of thou
105                                          The commensurate stacking configurations (AA' and AB stackin
106 irectly tunes the lattice strain and induces commensurate stacking underneath the tip.
107 nably well understood at the atomic level, a commensurate structural characterization of the NPC has
108 y, possibly related to an instability with a commensurate structural vector.
109    Molecular mechanics simulations support a commensurate structure-direction effect for n = 4 in MFI
110 the undistorted structure and an approximate commensurate supercell reveal that the gap is due to the
111 (8)] rectangular prisms that are packed in a commensurate supercell.
112 atched healthy controls underwent testing at commensurate time points.
113 ials support fast bulk-redox charge storage, commensurate to surface double layer ion exchange at car
114 ate 2 transition ( approximately 20%) is not commensurate to the decrease in PSII antenna size ( appr
115 e magnitude of release does not appear to be commensurate to the magnitude and spectrum of their acut
116 gher basal activity of the mTOR/Akt pathway, commensurate to the number of educating receptors.
117  patients with a non-diagnostic FNAC result, commensurate to the risk of any nodule.
118 entions but are unable to provide a response commensurate to this need.
119  the electrical polarization which arises in commensurate treatments of the structure, due to antifer
120 um) devices in ex vivo flow loops (P<0.001), commensurate with 1.6-fold greater thrombus coverage 3 d
121  to express the gamma-globin gene at a level commensurate with 5-azacytidine treatment, 10- to 20-fol
122 2D-hDAT cells was independent of Na(+) e and commensurate with [(3)H]DA efflux attained in WT-hDAT ce
123 mer, and that it does so in a manner that is commensurate with a canonical and predictable RNA-bindin
124                   This critical timescale is commensurate with a characteristic membrane relaxation t
125 male hPASMCs while increasing these in males commensurate with a decreased proliferative effect in ma
126 fort focused on construction of domain sizes commensurate with a nominal exciton diffusion length of
127 icant decrease in ALDH(+) lung cancer cells, commensurate with a reduction in tumor cell proliferatio
128 ssociation constants in the range 25-75 muM, commensurate with a relatively weak association.
129 This upregulation in APP mRNA expression was commensurate with a rise in activity of the transcriptio
130 ria display extraordinary oxygen sensitivity commensurate with a role in oxygen sensing.
131             Survivors demonstrated a pattern commensurate with a self-resolving, predominantly lympho
132 ty to mount an inflammatory response that is commensurate with a specific threat level.
133         Lymphotropic viral dissemination was commensurate with abrogated CD8(+) T cell responses and
134 tivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy commensurate with accepted first-line imaging modalities
135 CR-ABL1 inhibition prevents LSC self-renewal commensurate with ADAR1 downregulation.
136 played the 3.16ppm marker signal to a degree commensurate with adulteration at levels of 3-30%w/w.
137 ents demonstrated resumption of growth rates commensurate with age but without significant catch-up g
138 lin-stimulated glucose uptake, approximately commensurate with an associated defect in cell prolifera
139 of outcome value are discounted by exertion, commensurate with an integration of cost and benefit so
140 etry and fragmentation patterns observed are commensurate with an intercalative binding mode.
141 lobal architectures on various length scales commensurate with and well below the characteristic leng
142 howed reduced activation in posterior VLPFC, commensurate with appropriately inhibiting items from WM
143 ther these seemingly conflicting results are commensurate with attractor network theory, we developed
144 e the size of the problem space to an amount commensurate with available samples and resources while
145 ta1/{100}Mg and {111}beta1/{110}Mg- that are commensurate with beta1/hcp-Mg orientation relationship
146 ide with a progressive time course which was commensurate with catalysis, resulting in a rate of exch
147 n activities in living cells at a resolution commensurate with cellular compartmentalization.
148  N-cadherin and a redistribution of vimentin commensurate with changes in cell morphology, suggestive
149  iridocytes reversibly imbibe or expel water commensurate with changes in reflection intensity and wa
150 ithin this sample were experiencing symptoms commensurate with clinical posttraumatic stress disorder
151 iii) that increases in yield do not increase commensurate with CO2 concentrations.
152 of place preference occurred within 21 days, commensurate with cocaine-extinction among saline-treate
153 reach azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia, commensurate with contraceptive efficacy.
154 ulation, with the set-point model being most commensurate with current data.
155  myocardial hypoperfusion is not necessarily commensurate with deoxygenation.
156 toantibodies were elevated in aging gld mice commensurate with detectable increases in Apo A-I immune
157                Palatal biofilm formation was commensurate with development of palatal erythema, which
158 ional limitations, as reaction scales become commensurate with diffusion lengths (approaching the nan
159  that an increased inflammatory response was commensurate with disease exacerbation and that the rema
160  Methane fluxes supplied to the filters were commensurate with emission rates from typical dairy effl
161 tivity from PFC to parieto-occipital regions commensurate with executive processing demands.
162               Clinician compensation must be commensurate with expectations and be written to motivat
163 *)) regions dramatically extend to distances commensurate with extended beta-strand structures within
164 ecruitment so that the heart beats at a rate commensurate with f(min).
165 d Tead2 showed induction during regeneration commensurate with Fgfr4 regulation.
166 olution reaction electrocatalytic activities commensurate with films of the same compositions prepare
167 his supermodulation has a periodicity nearly commensurate with four lattice constants in-plane, eight
168 ZEB1 knockdown in GCSCs caused LIF induction commensurate with GCSC self-renewal and inhibition of di
169 pression of a distal group of four OR genes, commensurate with genomic distance.
170                              This finding is commensurate with global overkill, suggesting that prehi
171  zoning behaviour and persistence length all commensurate with highly flexible coil behaviour and unl
172 se CMV (a DNA beta-herpesvirus) by NK cells, commensurate with increased activation and IFN-gamma pro
173 ck of sustained histone H3K36 methylation is commensurate with increased cryptic transcription in a s
174 tch signaling results in increased cell size commensurate with increased K(+) current amplitudes and
175 mains lead to elevated half-life and this is commensurate with increased thermal stability and inhibi
176 the cell adhesive signals at a scale that is commensurate with individual adhesion complexes.
177 antly adiabatic with a matter power spectrum commensurate with inflationary cosmological models.
178 for potency and increased duration of action commensurate with inhaled or topical delivery resulted i
179 transferase-less type I polyketide synthases commensurate with iso-migrastatin biosynthesis.
180 catalytic footprint of the grain boundary is commensurate with its dislocation-induced strain field,
181 nteresting and challenging field is far from commensurate with its medical and biotechnological impor
182 ediated intercellular adhesion, a phenomenon commensurate with loss of the transformation phenotype.
183 h exceeded 200 micromol g(-1) h(-1), was not commensurate with membrane depolarization or increases i
184                        These time scales are commensurate with monitoring signals at restless volcano
185 ot associated with cancer-specific survival, commensurate with MRE11 being a predictive marker.
186 ic behavior and downstream cellular activity commensurate with natural experience.
187 s demonstrated functional deficits in vision commensurate with neurologic/behavioral abnormalities.
188 n flux produces O2(-), proton transfer rates commensurate with O-O bond breaking rates ensure that on
189 nomic burden of osteoarthritis is increasing commensurate with obesity prevalence and longevity.
190 enes encoding organic-compound transporters, commensurate with obligate chemolithoautotrophy.
191 ion, while retaining the low flow resistance commensurate with open channels.
192 ions showed the CTH models to be dynamically commensurate with orbital penetration and globe deformat
193 parvum exhibits a high rate of recombination commensurate with other Apicomplexa.
194 27) that effects in vivo biochemical changes commensurate with PDE2A inhibition along with behavioral
195 ng sets on at a very low temperature that is commensurate with phase separation to form a Cr-rich pha
196 istone acetylation and nucleosomal depletion commensurate with Polycomb exclusion from the target pro
197  cyclin D1 expression in the mouse prostate, commensurate with prostate intraepithelial neoplasia.
198 be used to deliver a concentration of oxygen commensurate with recent American Society of Anesthesiol
199                                      Second, commensurate with reduced expansion, there was a loss of
200 SWE/PS1DeltaE9 mouse model of amyloidosis is commensurate with reductions in amyloid-beta (Abeta) pla
201 nadectomy is feasible in true hermaphrodites commensurate with sex of rearing.
202 -enhanced T1-weighted signal intensity occur commensurate with small but significant left ventricular
203 otor neuron degenerative disease of severity commensurate with SMN levels and, correspondingly, snRNP
204 olved an instinctive sodium appetite that is commensurate with sodium deficiency.
205 pon desolvation and exhibits charge mobility commensurate with some of the best organic semiconductor
206 ate of approximately 10(-5) Fe nm(-2) s(-1), commensurate with some of the reported reductive dissolu
207                            A threshold field commensurate with surface charge density of about one el
208 ism and accounts for inelastic energy losses commensurate with surface re-ionization.
209 ed in feed arteries of aged muscle at levels commensurate with that in young.
210 2, but it appears unlikely that donor aid is commensurate with the 3.0 million newborn deaths and 2.7
211                                 The focus is commensurate with the areas of recent advances, i.e. fle
212 and in HIV the evidence is suggestive though commensurate with the availability of suitable data for
213 her mammals, although proportionately larger commensurate with the caliber of the vibrissae.
214 ed in the neuropil, implicating synapse loss commensurate with the cortical atrophy known to occur in
215 es of contiguity information at a throughput commensurate with the current scale of massively paralle
216 by the reduction in platelet-targeted signal commensurate with the decrease in platelet count after i
217 ly 5-fold reduction in specific infectivity, commensurate with the defect in cell-cell fusion.
218 , the ability to maintain insulin secretion, commensurate with the degree of insulin resistance, was
219  are supplied by collaterals and their WT is commensurate with the degree of myocardial blood flow.
220      Operating margins decreased to a degree commensurate with the degree of revenue reduction in hig
221 ransgenic mice before plaque deposition were commensurate with the degree of subsequent plaque deposi
222  cells MDV production occurs at baseline, is commensurate with the dependence of cells on oxidative m
223 etrics and structure at the mesoscopic scale commensurate with the diffusion length.
224 here the thickness of the screening layer is commensurate with the dimensions of the assembling objec
225 pocampal synapses persist for time intervals commensurate with the duration of hippocampal-dependent
226 29 lowers plasma cholesterol levels by ~40%, commensurate with the effect of statins, and reduces fat
227         Innovation in kidney diseases is not commensurate with the effect of these diseases on human
228  the investment in tobacco-related research, commensurate with the enormous toll that tobacco use tak
229 omical way that the organ-scale model can be commensurate with the entire organ.
230 wo distinct methods: making the post spacing commensurate with the equilibrium periodicity of the pol
231 in a specificity constant (k(cat)/K(M)) that commensurate with the exerted cellular selective pressur
232 th 21 +/- 3% coverage of Si(111) atop sites, commensurate with the expected maximum of approximately
233  uterine luminal epithelial height increased commensurate with the extent of ERalpha signaling.
234 arrow frequency range, centered at 0.015 Hz, commensurate with the frequency of BOLD signal fluctuati
235 ependent proteasome redistribution, which is commensurate with the great abundance of CaMKIIalpha in
236                                              Commensurate with the growing appreciation and developme
237 antation, including deceased organ donation, commensurate with the highest ethical principles.
238  exposed to ethanol, during a period of time commensurate with the human third trimester, also show d
239 eralized increase in gene expression that is commensurate with the increase in myocyte size and mass,
240 y CollBF had intermediate WT, which was also commensurate with the level of flow.
241    Although reduced, WT in these regions was commensurate with the level of flow.
242 also observed in patient-derived xenografts, commensurate with the level of NRP-1 expression on tumor
243 assessing if the LG shows regressive changes commensurate with the level of reliance on vision by thi
244                        When tested in a dose commensurate with the level released from human skin and
245 ld (or classical RF) of V1 layer 6 cells and commensurate with the LGN region from which they receive
246 he degree of psyllium's glycemic benefit was commensurate with the loss of glycemic control.
247 ontent in a prepared water sample at a level commensurate with the maximum allowable annual average o
248 al bioavailability of 18% in rats, which was commensurate with the observed plasma clearance values u
249 ced in alcohol-exposed CD4+ T cells and were commensurate with the pathologic increase in the levels
250 ents, which, as supported by TEM imaging, is commensurate with the periodicity in the solid state.
251 t conformational changes in the hinge region commensurate with the presence of sites for protein inte
252  the B type to the A type with EtBr binding, commensurate with the proportion of ethidium-bound nucle
253 ood decoder produced global motion estimates commensurate with the psychophysical data.
254                                              Commensurate with the qualitative and quantitative alter
255           DNA strand exchange is also slowed commensurate with the rate of ATP hydrolysis.
256 ned with respect to their host stars will be commensurate with the rate of primordial stellar multipl
257                   The decrements in FFM were commensurate with the reduced body mass; although men in
258 C > (alkyl)NC in LAuCl, a trend that is also commensurate with the relative long-term photosensitivit
259 ssary (approximately 4.9 A) repeat distance, commensurate with the repeat distance in the polymer, a
260 cal neurons during conditioning and found it commensurate with the requirement of STDP.
261 response functions was increased in a manner commensurate with the scalar property of interval timing
262                                              Commensurate with the size and scope of the vaccination
263 emperature changes in fluid volumes that are commensurate with the size of single molecules.
264 o sorting), generation of membrane curvature commensurate with the size of the cargo (membrane buddin
265 ahedral rotations along the growth direction commensurate with the SL period is revealed by scanning
266  of walking or incline running (3 degrees ), commensurate with the smaller role of passive-elastic me
267  new DG neurons throughout life was reduced, commensurate with the smaller size of the DG.
268  the helper phage, but have a smaller capsid commensurate with the smaller size of the SaPI1 genome.
269 ld be explained in terms of cyclotron orbits commensurate with the superlattice.
270 n and elongation of bonds in order to become commensurate with the surface, whereas for the Ag(110) s
271 se, we demonstrate changes in their function commensurate with the synaptic effects of dopamine.
272  form P(V) centers (phosphite to phosphate), commensurate with the transformation of the cage into a
273  trans-spliced and non-trans-spliced RNAs is commensurate with the translational activity of reporter
274 A-TAVR and AVR groups, falling to low levels commensurate with the U.S. population within 3 months.
275 ly focus on the version of the order that is commensurate with the underlying crystalline lattice, bu
276 ant tuberculosis based on biomarker evidence commensurate with the urgency of the current global cris
277 rovide good value: medical benefits that are commensurate with their costs.
278 insulin but produced an increase in the EC50 commensurate with their effect on the affinity of the re
279 ons of watersheds and streams at time scales commensurate with their fundamental hydrological, energe
280                                              Commensurate with their importance is the diversity of m
281 es and expressed unique liver-specific genes commensurate with their location in the hepatic lobule.
282  visibly deform substrates with a compliance commensurate with their own.
283 t refined carbohydrates has on mood could be commensurate with their proportion in the overall diet;
284 s of proximal BCR signaling in these B cells commensurate with their reduced sBCR levels.
285 e quest to manipulate cells on length scales commensurate with their size has led to a host of techno
286  pure entropic chelate effect of a magnitude commensurate with theoretical predictions.
287                                              Commensurate with these effects, NOV-002 activated p38,
288                                              Commensurate with this progress has been a decline in mo
289 tolerated, with adverse-event rates that are commensurate with those in other biologic treatment prog
290  as well as inflammasomes and adjuvanticity, commensurate with those of alum, which may provide an al
291  visualization of lattice dynamics at scales commensurate with those of atomistic simulations has bee
292   Additionally, de novo egr-1 expression was commensurate with transcriptional activation of egr-1 mR
293                     Moderate angle recession commensurate with typical clinical traumatic glaucoma wa
294 mers with degrees of polymerization that are commensurate with values observed in mycobacteria, indic
295 h effect of VEGF in the context of Abeta was commensurate with VEGFR-dependent changes in multiple si
296 ) of adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) in a manner commensurate with virion integrity and binding to the so
297 s, during which levels of brain activity are commensurate with wakefulness, but conscious awareness i
298            Whole-slide image read rates were commensurate with WSI experience, achieving parity with
299  carbon-neutral energy production on a scale commensurate with, or larger than, the entire present-da
300 ivergence (~14,000 to 6400 years ago) occurs commensurate with, or several millennia after, the first

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