


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tations in non-model organisms has precluded comparative analyses.
2 a set of 'reference species' to anchor their comparative analyses.
3 r tests and were therefore excluded from the comparative analyses.
4 iction for the first time using phylogenetic comparative analyses.
5 e with this scale, to allow for combined and comparative analyses.
6  samples underwent histologic processing and comparative analyses.
7 ion factors in a gene or transcript list for comparative analyses.
8 gning chromatographic data for comprehensive comparative analyses.
9 s evolutionary origins cannot be traced with comparative analyses.
10  a comprehensive collection of organisms for comparative analyses.
11 imilar flocculation or deposition methods in comparative analyses.
12  that served as the historical framework for comparative analyses.
13 e option for sequence refinement en route to comparative analyses.
14 rom public mappings and integrated tools for comparative analyses.
15  to indicate statistical significance in the comparative analyses.
16 racy of detection and reliable for real-time comparative analyses.
17 canonical exon junction counts to facilitate comparative analyses.
18 published studies, in particular large-scale comparative analyses.
19 s for vegetation change using correlation or comparative analyses.
20                                      For our comparative analyses, 621 patients were matched with con
21 re of invertebrate brains, and exemplify how comparative analyses across ecologically divergent speci
22 ENCODE projects, we provide novel group-wise comparative analyses across sex, tissue type, state and
23 ts but are extraordinarily diverse, allowing comparative analyses aimed at identifying specific genot
24                                         Such comparative analyses also inform dietary reconstruction
25  Further cosegregation, complementation, and comparative analyses among different salt-sensitive muta
26  current tool includes quick yet informative comparative analyses and a first pass visualization of b
27                                To facilitate comparative analyses and identification of protein compl
28                                              Comparative analyses and phylogenetic reconstructions re
29 nconsistent gene assignments that complicate comparative analyses and prevent efficient construction
30 be system described here can be employed for comparative analyses and subsequent structural character
31 tegrated using ontology-based annotation and comparative analyses, and accessed through both visual a
32 e level, several precomputed cross- proteome comparative analyses are available based on SCOP domain
33                                              Comparative analyses are based on the ratio of the two i
34                                        These comparative analyses are highly reliable when the intens
35 enomes from single-cell eukaryotes to human, comparative analyses are still relatively few and comput
36 vides a valuable resource for deep mammalian comparative analyses, as well as for monotreme biology a
37                               Based on these comparative analyses, assembly of the heterotrimer appea
38                We conducted a sequence-level comparative analyses, at the scale of complete bacterial
39                                          All comparative analyses between CBSV and UCBSV presented he
40                                              Comparative analyses between insertion- and non-insertio
41 egion of the genome of B. rapa and conducted comparative analyses between the Brassica sequences and
42                                              Comparative analyses between tomato and potato at the ge
43 ples exposed to RT for less than 2 hours for comparative analyses between various medical conditions.
44                  Such inconsistencies hinder comparative analyses by non-uniformly extending or trunc
45                                              Comparative analyses can contribute to this effort by le
46  full-length cDNA, or plant homolog from our comparative analyses could be found.
47               Taken together, these parallel comparative analyses demonstrate for the first time the
48                                              Comparative analyses demonstrate that similar molecular
49 spersed throughout the literature, rendering comparative analyses difficult.
50                                              Comparative analyses extend this scheme to explain how d
51                             Results from our comparative analyses favor a model of divergence post ve
52        Kinannote produces a draft kinome and comparative analyses for a predicted proteome using a si
53  study, we sought to investigate-in parallel comparative analyses-Gag cellular distribution, VLP size
54 iraffe and okapi were sequenced, and through comparative analyses genes and pathways were identified
55 reatly expands the possibility of conducting comparative analyses giving tremendous insight into netw
56                                     However, comparative analyses have been unable to resolve the roo
57                      In this study, parallel comparative analyses have been used to study Gag express
58 ons of intraspecific diversification because comparative analyses have focused on species inhabiting
59                                              Comparative analyses have identified genomic regions pot
60                               While multiple comparative analyses have investigated variation in brai
61                                              Comparative analyses have revealed that the Fusarium gen
62 human economic structures can be informed by comparative analyses; however, we do not agree with seve
63                                 In addition, comparative analyses identified three noncoding evolutio
64                                          Our comparative analyses identify signatures of convergence
65 blish their calibration data, and this makes comparative analyses impossible.
66 osporogenesis was studied using phylogenetic comparative analyses in 83 species dispersed throughout
67                           Here, we performed comparative analyses in cultured mouse neurons of all ma
68 eration found in human hunter-gatherers [4], comparative analyses in the genus Pan have been limited
69                           The sample for the comparative analyses included 897,232 records and 114,26
70                              Biochemical and comparative analyses indicate that AAA+/DNA contacts obs
71                                 Phylogenetic comparative analyses indicate that for small-bodied mamm
72                                              Comparative analyses indicate that ORC encircles DNA, us
73                                              Comparative analyses indicated high wheat-specific inter
74 ng, well-accepted measures are ill-suited to comparative analyses involving different entities (i.e.
75 uitable for use as a reference phylogeny for comparative analyses, is to perform a maximum likelihood
76  for transgenic studies or for multi-species comparative analyses, it is paramount that the CNEs are
77 ylogenetic diversity metrics, performs trait comparative analyses, manipulates phenotypic and phyloge
78 timately allow the more rapid integration of comparative analyses, metabolite identification, and dat
79                                     Further, comparative analyses of 17 genes involved in CPT biosynt
80                                              Comparative analyses of 31 fungal genomes (12 generated
81       We conducted phylogenetically informed comparative analyses of 81 taxa of Dalechampia (Euphorbi
82                                              Comparative analyses of a gene family may reveal importa
83                                              Comparative analyses of all loci, including beta-tubulin
84 n yeast will provide a foundation for future comparative analyses of animal and plant elements in add
85                                              Comparative analyses of approximately 400 bacterial geno
86                                              Comparative analyses of available full-length FIV consis
87  of dedicated online databases to facilitate comparative analyses of Borrelia genomes.
88                                              Comparative analyses of caffeine NMTs demonstrate that t
89                                              Comparative analyses of cell wall polysaccharide fractio
90 te this hypothesis we conducted quantitative comparative analyses of choline acetyltransferase-immuno
91  euechinoids, the cidaroids, suggesting that comparative analyses of cidaroid GRN architecture may co
92 OD project, has been incorporated to support comparative analyses of community linkage and physical m
93                                              Comparative analyses of consensus dominant quasispecies
94                  We conducted retrospective, comparative analyses of contamination rates for cultures
95 t affords us a unique opportunity to conduct comparative analyses of core cellular systems between ea
96 ns, D. erecta, and D. virilis) and performed comparative analyses of Crz gene sequences and expressio
97                                              Comparative analyses of cultured phytoplankton cells gen
98                                Together with comparative analyses of data for the free-living nematod
99 r more Linked Experiments - which allows for comparative analyses of data from multiple experiments b
100                                              Comparative analyses of deforestation therefore lend the
101 ymes like the I-AniI nickase will facilitate comparative analyses of DNA repair and mutagenesis induc
102 a freely available web resource that enables comparative analyses of drug-disposition genes.
103  this holds for all sea urchins necessitates comparative analyses of echinoid taxa that diverged deep
104 previously published method exists to enable comparative analyses of enrichment levels derived from d
105 a comprehensive reliable scaffold for future comparative analyses of evolutionary innovations among i
106 parison with parasitic genomes necessary for comparative analyses of existing and future trypanosomat
107                     Here, we consider recent comparative analyses of extant species that are uncoveri
108                                Comprehensive comparative analyses of F and AP have not been carried o
109 le-species investigations or nonphylogenetic comparative analyses of few species, despite calls for a
110                     We used phylogenetic and comparative analyses of fruit and seed anatomy, biomecha
111                                              Comparative analyses of genome and transcriptome protein
112 osa isolates and pooled populations and used comparative analyses of genome sequences including phylo
113 of complex genetic disorders can derive from comparative analyses of genome-wide linkage data generat
114 utational systems biology, namely global and comparative analyses of genomes and metabolic networks,
115                               Sequencing and comparative analyses of genomes from multiple vertebrate
116 tetrapod genomes, making it a good model for comparative analyses of gnathostome genomes.
117 maps of growth open the way for standardized comparative analyses of growth patterns.
118                                          Our comparative analyses of H. somnus 129Pt, H. influenzae R
119                                              Comparative analyses of Hox gene expression and regulati
120                                              Comparative analyses of Hubbard's sportive lemur were co
121                                              Comparative analyses of human erythropoiesis identify de
122           miR2GO is a web-based platform for comparative analyses of human miRNA functions.
123 69), and the method was also verified by the comparative analyses of human urine samples collected fr
124 fication of Hymenoptera and allow for future comparative analyses of Hymenoptera, including their gen
125            Despite its vital role in health, comparative analyses of IIS/TOR have been limited to inv
126 ing noncardiac surgery, and should allow for comparative analyses of in-hospital mortality.
127 ysis of somite-stage embryos, we carried out comparative analyses of key genes and found that the ano
128                       However, few worldwide comparative analyses of long-term trends of body-mass in
129                             Finally, through comparative analyses of mAb binding and neutralizing cap
130 ave begun to address these questions through comparative analyses of Medicago truncatula and Medicago
131                              Here, we review comparative analyses of mineralized dental tissues, with
132                             Here, we present comparative analyses of mitochondrial proteomes, cellula
133 analysis and underlying data environment for comparative analyses of multiple gene lists.
134 lude: a wide variety of sequence alignments, comparative analyses of multiple genome assemblies, and
135                                    Parallel, comparative analyses of multiple thiol oxidoreductases r
136                                              Comparative analyses of nonhuman primate vocalizations c
137                                      Through comparative analyses of normal cells from the same patie
138                                              Comparative analyses of nuclear and organelle genetic ma
139                                              Comparative analyses of nuclear transcriptome data sugge
140 ve states in room-temperature X-ray data and comparative analyses of other dimeric herpesvirus protea
141                                              Comparative analyses of other previous screening approac
142                                              Comparative analyses of parental and infected A20 cells
143 d by these data will require reassessment of comparative analyses of passerine diversification and ad
144  provided the primary framework for numerous comparative analyses of passerine ecological and behavio
145 iants between the Fat and Lean mice and with comparative analyses of polymorphisms across 17 mouse st
146                                              Comparative analyses of population trends provide strong
147                                 Phylogenetic comparative analyses of portions of S and medium segment
148                               We report here comparative analyses of PR-bearing genomic fragments rec
149                                              Comparative analyses of pre-tRNA and tRNA binding to the
150 hat have been defined allow for quantitative comparative analyses of protein binding sites for use in
151                            CDD also supports comparative analyses of protein families via conserved d
152                             For many decades comparative analyses of protein sequences and structures
153  information flows using pairwise phenotypic comparative analyses of protein-protein interactions.
154 nd analysis and visualization tool to enable comparative analyses of ribosome-profiling datasets.
155 fferences in the response to Ca(2+) binding, comparative analyses of sequence and structures, combine
156                                              Comparative analyses of several natural signal sequences
157                                              Comparative analyses of simulated data indicate that the
158                    Our study highlights that comparative analyses of single-cell and bulk gene expres
159 rphology, and our results are beneficial for comparative analyses of spider respiration.
160                                     However, comparative analyses of the amounts of BV genomic DNA an
161                                              Comparative analyses of the cleavage site reveal specifi
162  sex-specific traits in D. melanogaster with comparative analyses of the condition dependence of male
163                                              Comparative analyses of the control of mammalian microbi
164  these surveys were similar enough to enable comparative analyses of the data across the 7 countries.
165                                          The comparative analyses of the data require appropriate sta
166                                              Comparative analyses of the deduced amino acid sequences
167                                              Comparative analyses of the distributions of various his
168 ms, and lays the phylogenetic groundwork for comparative analyses of the drivers and correlates of su
169       In the absence of comprehensive direct comparative analyses of the evolutionary processes at di
170                                              Comparative analyses of the flagellar toolkit showed a p
171                                              Comparative analyses of the genome of Apostasia odorata,
172                                           By comparative analyses of the genomes of cucumber, melon a
173                        However, interspecies comparative analyses of the genomic landscapes demonstra
174 view seeks to address how the functional and comparative analyses of the gut microbiome from 'large'
175 from South Korea and emphasizes the need for comparative analyses of the H5N1 isolates from different
176                                              Comparative analyses of the human and chimpanzee genomes
177                                              Comparative analyses of the human microbiome have identi
178                                              Comparative analyses of the human microbiome have reveal
179                              Taken together, comparative analyses of the influenza-host protein inter
180                                              Comparative analyses of the interaction and of the abili
181                                              Comparative analyses of the interactomes identified comm
182 ired for nucleosomal destabilization, and by comparative analyses of the intercalator and salt induce
183                                              Comparative analyses of the intergenic DNA sequence acro
184    Functional connectivity was inferred from comparative analyses of the internuclear and intranuclea
185                               In this study, comparative analyses of the LOS structures and correspon
186                                              Comparative analyses of the LPS from the wild-type and w
187                                              Comparative analyses of the MD structures of ETS-GGAA an
188                                              Comparative analyses of the molecular processes that und
189                                              Comparative analyses of the mouse, rat, human, dog, cow,
190 elopment and following injury, which enables comparative analyses of the regenerative (neonatal) vers
191                                              Comparative analyses of the sequences showed, as expecte
192 ts to any metabolic reaction or pathway; and comparative analyses of the transport capabilities of di
193                                              Comparative analyses of the wild-type 7169 strain and th
194                               In psychiatry, comparative analyses of therapeutic options and the aggr
195 en identified that can be used for effective comparative analyses of these proteins.
196                  The individual and combined comparative analyses of these three genome sequences, co
197                                   Phenotypic comparative analyses of this double mutant, together wit
198 m a basis for future intra- and interspecies comparative analyses of this ecologically important phen
199                             Here, we perform comparative analyses of three Pseudomonas aeruginosa str
200                                  Integrative comparative analyses of transcript and metabolite levels
201                                              Comparative analyses of transcription profiles in NSPCs
202           In particular, several genome-wide comparative analyses of transcriptional circuits across
203                                              Comparative analyses of transcriptional profiles from hu
204                                              Comparative analyses of transcripts expression based on
205                                              Comparative analyses of transfection efficiency and cell
206                                              Comparative analyses of V. cholerae mutants suggest that
207                                 Quantitative comparative analyses of various features of the brain, s
208 human influenza virus NP and illustrates how comparative analyses of viral lineages from different ho
209 actin incorporation into HIV-1, we performed comparative analyses of virus-like particles (VLPs) obta
210                                              Comparative analyses of wild-type (WT) and symbiotic mut
211 lation and its molecular basis, we performed comparative analyses of WSC components and the expressio
212                 Here we perform phylogenetic comparative analyses on 106 unique host-bacterial symbio
213 se two closely related species, we performed comparative analyses on 14 new S. gordonii and 5 S. sang
214                        Based on phylogenetic comparative analyses on 3,005 bird species, we demonstra
215                                              Comparative analyses on experimentally validated dataset
216                        Finally, we performed comparative analyses on the pathological changes in the
217                                              Comparative analyses point to accelerated pollen tube gr
218 uerin vaccine demonstrated the importance of comparative analyses, potential difficulties in generali
219                                              Comparative analyses proved that the nanoCT can depict t
220                                  Large-scale comparative analyses provide an alternative and suggest
221                                              Comparative analyses provide data on the conservation an
222                                              Comparative analyses reveal a high level of diversity be
223 tif has unusual direct-repeat structure, and comparative analyses reveal sequence and structural simi
224                                              Comparative analyses reveal that each decoding factor ex
225                                              Comparative analyses revealed (1) up to 3-fold higher ex
226                                        These comparative analyses revealed substantial variation in n
227                                              Comparative analyses revealed that dipterans follow simi
228                                 Whole genome comparative analyses revealed that the L.monocytogenes g
229       Subsequent phylogenetically controlled comparative analyses revealed that vibrato-like F0 modul
230                                              Comparative analyses revealed that WRKY33 possesses dual
231                               Structural and comparative analyses revealed the putative binding sites
232                                              Comparative analyses revealed unique large-scale genomic
233                                              Comparative analyses show a fascinating picture of conse
234                                              Comparative analyses show faster rates of gene gain and
235                                              Comparative analyses show that temperature-dependent con
236                                              Comparative analyses show that the turkey vulture has ol
237                                          The comparative analyses show that the two data files yield
238                                              Comparative analyses showed that Asian colobines have an
239                                              Comparative analyses showed that genes targeted by conse
240 ights the importance of including fossils in comparative analyses, showing that freshwaters have play
241                                  A series of comparative analyses shows that the overall genomic stru
242            An example of the power of E.coli comparative analyses such as those available through col
243 e levels in standard and low salt media, and comparative analyses suggest that DacA-1 is V. cholerae'
244                                              Comparative analyses suggest that intramitochondrial rec
245                                 Furthermore, comparative analyses suggest that many Gammaproteobacter
246 he DNA is disordered within the Lrp crystal, comparative analyses suggest that the observed differenc
247                                              Comparative analyses suggested that levels of leptin, in
248                                           In comparative analyses, T cells sensitized with AAPCs expr
249                                 Phylogenetic comparative analyses test for relationships between soci
250 to the feasibility of detailed cross-species comparative analyses that may allow strong testing of hy
251     Researchers are also making plans to use comparative analyses that will help to turn the data int
252 lant genome sequence data will enable larger comparative analyses that will identify functionally imp
253  both label-free proteomics and metabolomics comparative analyses, the software can be operated in se
254 ork that integrates taxonomic and functional comparative analyses to accurately quantify taxon-level
255 is repeatability and allowing 'through time' comparative analyses to be performed.
256 ate species, we performed novel multispecies comparative analyses to detect highly conserved sequence
257        We ran our algorithm on several large comparative analyses to evaluate its effectiveness; one
258 rganisms, trace their evolution, and perform comparative analyses to find structural features that ca
259 l performance for these compounds and expand comparative analyses to include physicochemical properti
260 s question, we used psychoacoustic tests and comparative analyses to investigate whether this distinc
261 ed and continually updated, thereby enabling comparative analyses to reveal the basis for differences
262 l genome sequences has enabled us to perform comparative analyses to shed light on the distribution o
263                                      We used comparative analyses to show that infanticide primarily
264                     Here we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to test whether ASR is related to t
265 cation of peptides and proteins extends from comparative analyses to the determination of actual amou
266 earch and teaching communities in support of comparative analyses toward understanding the chromatin
267                                           In comparative analyses, uptake kinetics of the K(+) channe
268                                              Comparative analyses using SNPs equivalently identified
269                                              Comparative analyses using the opossum genome have alrea
270                                     However, comparative analyses using these types of events as pred
271                  Here, based on whole-genome comparative analyses, we comprehensively investigated pr
272                                          For comparative analyses, we derived one-to-one paired cohor
273 demonstrate the utility of this gene set for comparative analyses, we further analysed the expression
274                              For this study, comparative analyses were conducted on lichen-associated
275                                              Comparative analyses were done with the deletions and th
276 d phylogenetic information was extracted and comparative analyses were performed for various subsets
277                                 In parallel, comparative analyses were performed on monolayer tumor c
278                                      Further comparative analyses were performed to determine site-sp
279                                              Comparative analyses were undertaken to determine the sy
280                                              Comparative analyses were used to test for significant d
281 ing the composition of the microbiome and on comparative analyses, whereas significantly less effort
282 d to provide analysis tools particularly for comparative analyses, which are required to provide impr
283                                              Comparative analyses with 40 other sheep breeds showed t
284 ing an integrated online system that enables comparative analyses with a comprehensive set of commonl
285                                              Comparative analyses with a data set of anther-specific
286 or and a domesticated variety of cassava and comparative analyses with a partial inbred line.
287                                              Comparative analyses with a phylogenetically divergent p
288 caste populations of South India and perform comparative analyses with caste populations from the nei
289                                      Through comparative analyses with four plant genome sequence dat
290                                              Comparative analyses with fresh camu-camu berries indica
291                                      Through comparative analyses with human and rhesus macaque, we c
292                                              Comparative analyses with nonboronated proteasome inhibi
293 ations in potential cancer drivers for cross-comparative analyses with ongoing sequencing efforts in
294 invadopodia in PC3 cells, we performed a few comparative analyses with osteoclasts, which utilize pod
295     These structural comparisons, as well as comparative analyses with other IMP and XMP binding prot
296 ive-pacer viper, Deinagkistrodon acutus, and comparative analyses with other representative snake and
297                                              Comparative analyses with previously available finished
298                                       Direct comparative analyses with regression coefficient were ca
299           These resources allow for detailed comparative analyses within and across populations as we
300 riables potentially reduces effect sizes for comparative analyses, yet test statistics require more o

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